Non-ProfitOrg. U.S Postage PAID Bronx, New York Permit No. 7608 Two Fordhams page 12 RHA Overlooked In "People have Martyrs' Decisions jumped to the by Peter Tosches that we want to tear down A-House right Charging that there was "virtually no away and that's not true," said Wegmann. conclusion that we student input" made into the decisions, the "We might find that the cost (of the project) Residence Halls Association has criticized the is prohibitive." want to tear down Office of Residential Life for the installation The response to the proposal has been of a new alarm system in Martyr's Court and "overwhelmingly negative" according to A -House right away for a proposal which, if passed, would call Donovan. for a restructuring of A-House. "A lot of people were thinking that this and that's not true. RHA President Robin Donaldson, FC is being thrown down our throats," he said. We might find that '85, expressed concern that neither students Wegmann though, doesn't think studen- or RHA was given prior notice of either plan. ts are seeing the entire issue. "It is important the cost is prohibitive." "By us not being informed," said that people look at the project as a larger ef- Donaldson, "we were not able to inform the fort on the part of the University to improve - Winifred Wegmann students that we represent." the residence halls." She added that she was Vice President Jerry Padian, FC '85, surprised by the negative response, to the and Secretary-Treasurer Neil Alexander, FC idea. '87, echoed Donaldson's sentiments. The idea behind the proposal, as "We're not being allowed to do our outlined by Conn's letter, is to "contribute to "They (A-House jobs," Padian said, a greater experience of community" by Dean of Residential Life Winifred providing a lounge area in which various residents) should Wegmann said she is not ignoring RHA. social events could be held. A further "Since I've been here (at Fordham), I've suggestion proposes that the new program have had the letter tried to work with RHA," she said, might "include an academic component before they went into Wegmann also said that she has encouraged whereby students living together engage in RHA to get more involved in student concer- some common educational activity..." themeeting. We ns and that in the past, RHA has functioned The potential for interaction between primarily "as a social board." students and faculty is an attraction of the (kHA) had no idea ;••'• The issuccausing the-most controversy proposalijhaf Wegmann.says can be "rewar- deals with a proposal that? ahttbu^fr Tfew tn ding ariB educational" for both, "there isn't what they were doing its earliest stages, would result in the restruc- any interaction of that nature at Fordham," turing of A-House. she said. I think (housing) The proposal would increase bed space Wegmann cited a recent visit to North- in Martyr's through the conversion of the western University in Chicago where the went about it the suite lounges into double rooms. To compen- faculty holds "fireside chats" that are so wrong way." sate for lost living space, at least one full suite traditional and popular that the dean of in each house would be renovated to provide housing has had to limit their number. - Robin Donaldson common space such as that found in Bishop's "There's not enough happening in Lounge. A-House would serve as the ex- residence halls of a positive productive nature perimental house. (at Fordham)" she said. A meeting was arranged by A-House RHA excutives felt that such a living faculty-in-residence Rev. James J. Conn., arrangement might promote exclusivity. S.J., to discuss the idea with the residents of "The idea in theory is very good," said A-House. Conn, the executive assistant to Donaldson, "but housing is forgetting that Housing Court Proposed the president, originally proposed this idea Continued on nage 17 last year to Rev. James Finlay, S.J., former University President. • 1 b> Sieve 1 alii lesponsibitity in deciding discipline UISL *., tin "1 didn't have a clue about what the The Residence Halls Association rind a court will case ihe amount of discipline ease- meeting would be about," said A-House I Inside: committee headed by Associate Dean M:ir> hnndled by the rosidence halls of dec, president John Donovan, FC '86. RHA only -Mo*rey Raddock are considering a proposal "The idea behind it is IO lighten the learned about the meeting through A-House to'ilecide resident disciplinary cases r>\ maim ftork) luad of Dean Wegmann," said Robin residents, after it occured. From the of a "housing court" composecTot RHA Donuldson, RHA president "I feel as much in the dark as anyone members. Presently, all residence hall cases aic else," said Donaldson. "I would like to think Heart "\ think that there's 3 desue on the part heard by the assistant dean for residence life it's an oversight." Wegmann though, said it of the student body and the administration or her designate. Students* trom the Student was correct to inform the A-House residents for more itudtnt involvement in ad- Conduct Committee then review the case first. "The people most personally affected judication,'1 said Ratldock, who noted that onlj on appeal. If the SCC'S decision diffeis would be the people in A-House," she said. the resident population has risen 38 percent trom that of the residence dean's, the case is Two days after the meeting with Conn, over the past six years,, from 1,250 resident further appealed to the dean of students, who A-House residents received a letter from him students to approximately 2,000. is the orily one able to overturn the resident outlining the proposal, a letter which "We now have moie of a communitv clean's decision. Donaldson believes should have been than we had five .vears ago," Raddock said. "\ lot oJ people seemed to feel Dean distributed to A-House residents prior to the AicKtant IVan of Residential Liie Wegmann having tinal say isn't fair," meeting. Winifred Wegmann, and RHA said they fee] d "They (A-Housc residents) should have a resident court would cicate "pcci RH\ Vice President Jerry Padian had the letter before they went into the Hammers piv-jiun." aiiiung students agreed "We (resident students) want to have meeting," said Donaldson. "We (RHA) had "You'd set rnoic pe-vr prcssuie in tcrrria the first say on disapljisary problems," no idea what they were doing. I think (housing) went about it the wrong way." of discouraging wanton vandalism," A student accused under this system Wegmann stressed that the proposal is Wegmann said., would be able to appeal the student housing still in its very early stages. No cost estimates According to one proposal introduced at court's decision, most likely to the associate or other specifies have even been discussed. an RHA General Board meeting last week, dean of students, Padiart said. However, However, during the Christinas the housing court would cortsist of six RHA because students will be Judging fellow holidays, Physical Plant Director lid ward member^ plus a resident director and students, he feels that 90 percent of the decision* would not be overturned. MacGrath, went through A-House and Get MA AC resident assistant. Three judges would meet looked at what structurally would be each week, with some court members Wegmann, former director of residence hails at Georgetown Univeisity, tcimed the necessary lo make the proposed changes. On rotating on a weekly bails. Sanctions would January 23, a report and basic blueprint were Attacked include fines, work projects, and probation resident court there and at othci schools "ef- fective in influencing student attitudes and sent lo Wegmaim's office. 17 or expulsion from the residence halls. student behavior." Tlie A-House Proposal In addition to giving the students more "People have jumped to the conclusion 2/THE RAM/THURSDAY FEf3RUARY14 1985 '- •>;.?. J/ Ink Or- V THE CAB CALENDAR *•*• . •&„• Friday, February 15,1985 Alpha Kappa Psi Valentine's Mixer 9 p.m. Ramskellar. Happy Valentine's Saturday, Day February 16,1985 Basketball vs. Manhattan Home 3 p.m. Mixer 9 p.m. Ramskellar Wednesday, i Monday, February 20 Executive Board Ash Wednesday Applications February 18,1985 Cinevents: Murder on the Orient Express 8 p.m.Ktg,1st. CAB is seeking creative enthusiastic and Washington's Birthday Basketball vs. Notre Dame Madison motivated people to apply for 1985-86 - No Classes- Square Garden 9 p.m. Executive Board positions. Applications Squash vs. Vassar home 7 p.m. are available in the SAC office in the McGinley Center and must be handed in by Friday, February 22 at 5 p.m. Interviews will be held February 25 and 28 in the CAB office. Tuesday, Thursday, Cultural Affairs Board Committees American Age Cultural Affairs February 21,1985 Calendar Special Events February 19,1985 Cultural Affairs -Tickets on sale for Coffeehouse Cinevents Cultural Affairs bus leaves for Cats 6:15 "Playboys of the Western Wor/c///11:30 Concerts Fine Arts a.m. McGinley Center. Cinevents: Star Trek ill 10:30,8,10:30 Ktg. 1st. use this form to list events in the MB Calsndar , ***•• Sponsoring Group Address Description of Event Date Place. Time Admission Requirements 01 interest To: : ] College [I CBA DEADLINE: FRIDAY IT 4TM IT! General Public upon completion oi this lorm. please return to: i j Crad Students Other Calendar Committee Members of Fordham University Only Campus Center Director's Office THE RAM/THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 14,1985/3 Counselors and Addicts Address Cocaine by Vicki Donoghue York State Division of Substance Abuse "It's been a growing problem over (he symposium that she attended last May where past six years at Fordham.
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