Attachment A ‐ Forest Service Wildfire, NEPA, and Salvage Summary Fiscal Year 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2007‐2016 Number of Fires 1 63 64 53 33 66 79 56 56 127 110 707 Total fire acres on NFS 2 1,751,118 1,326,893 549,108 211,327 1,489,029 2,411,413 1,141,353 741,465 1,587,843 1,038,686 12,248,235 High severity acres on NFS 3 842,658 368,595 268,944 76,192 619,020 809,720 513,957 265,045 489,668 397,654 4,651,453 Number of NEPA decisions identified 4 129 Acres of salvage planned in NEPA 5 218 17,255 2,134 14,010 22,761 28,937 13,809 13,264 112,388 Number of NEPA decisions litigated 6 125110332422 Litigation cases won by USFS 7 013110131112 Litigation cases lost by USFS 8 1120001011 7 Litigation cases pending 9 0000001002 3 Acres of salvage reported accomplished 10 328 2,665 8,125 3,464 8,774 6,916 11,672 19,792 16,926 21,234 99,896 1 Fires burning more than 1,000 acres on NFS land 10 Salvage harvest activity records identified as awarded in Forest Service Activity 2 Total acres inside fire perimeter on NFS land Tracking System (FACTS) by GIS analysis of fire perimeters. 3 Classified as greater than 75% mortality using Rapid Assessment of Vegetation Condition after Wildfire (RAVG) 4 Identified by fire salvage keyword search in PALS (Planning Appeals and Disclaimer: Only the litigation data is believed to be 100% complete and Litigation System) or reported with sale activity records in Forest Service systems accurate. Some discrepancies exist between fire data in different systems of FACTS or TIM. Some from PALS not included in report if inadequate detail record. Some salvage sale data in TIM and FACTS are difficult to identify as available. These decisions include authorizing fire salvage timber sales and timber such depending on level of detail recorded and presence or accuracy of sales to remove hazard trees along roads and facilities after a fire. This includes accompanying GIS data. NEPA data may also be difficult to identify as fire NEPA decisions made from fiscal years 2007‐2016. salvage and older projects may not be recorded in PALS. 5 Approximate acres available for only 49 decisions identified. Some of these decisions are based on a NEPA categorical exclusion for salvage that is limited to 250 acres. Many salvage activities are authorized using a NEPA categorical exclusion that does not require documentation of the decision. These decisions and associated acres are not accounted for here. 6 All fire salvage sale project lawsuits filed in fiscal years 2007 through 2016. 7 Litigation cases where the court ruled favorably for the Agency. Projects litigated in Court often result in substantial delays for project implementation and may affect the ability of the Agency to sell salvage sales 8 Includes cases lost by court decision, decisions withdrawn by the agency, or where parties agreed to settlement. 9 Litigation cases where the court has yet to rule. Attachment B ‐ List of Total and High Severity Fire Acres 2007‐2016 Total Fire Acres High Severity Year Region Fire Name NFS Fire Acres NFS 2007 1 Ahorn 51344 31994 2007 2 Alabaugh 1671 1408 2007 3 Birdie 5414 387 2007 1 Bitterroot WFU Complex 24783 6555 2007 1 Black Cat 3204 1575 2007 4 Black Pine 2 35759 29030 2007 1 Boundary Junction 4431 1285 2007 1 Bridge 39153 14496 2007 1 Brush Creek 28112 10810 2007 8 Bugaboo 55225 36186 2007 1 Calbick 1057 254 2007 4 Cascade Complex 232517 94867 2007 4 Cathedral 4386 3324 2007 1 Chimney Complex 1737 446 2007 1 Chippy Creek 46702 29718 2007 2 Citadel 1866 696 2007 1 Conger Creek 24819 14145 2007 1 Corporal 15545 3948 2007 4 Deep Creek 1177 238 2007 6 Domke Lake 10548 2205 2007 4 East Zone Complex 232285 101099 2007 6 Egley Complex 97161 42886 2007 1 Fool Creek 61170 41359 2007 4 French Creek WFU 3784 1024 2007 4 Grays Creek 12225 5686 2007 6 GW 5904 2296 2007 9 Ham Lake 29317 17166 2007 4 Hardscrabble 2155 1393 2007 4 Hawken 2213 1296 2007 4 Horse Creek 9685 4513 2007 1 Jocko Lakes 12225 5471 2007 4 Jungle 5581 2592 2007 4 Lightning 7001 1594 2007 2 Little Goose 1842 1262 2007 4 Lucky 1585 204 2007 1 Madison Arm 3557 3129 2007 1 Meriwether 25930 14063 2007 4 Middle 2529 864 2007 1 Middle Fork 1195 877 2007 6 Monument Complex 20560 3242 2007 1 Moose Creek WFU Complex 40006 10768 2007 4 Murphy Complex 81644 58934 2007 4 Neola North 19617 12711 2007 3 Ojo Peak 6331 2613 2007 6 Otter Creek 3042 1428 2007 1 Pattengail Creek 15850 6225 2007 1 Poe Cabin 44308 23549 2007 4 Profile 4867 1310 2007 3 Promontory 4534 488 2007 1 Railley Mountain 17320 7304 2007 1 Rat Creek 24287 13654 2007 1 Rattlesnake 99797 42263 2007 1 Rombo Mountain 29487 11800 2007 4 Salt Creek 10215 7533 2007 4 Salt Lick 2485 1607 2007 1 Sawmill Complex 67675 27725 2 Attachment B ‐ List of Total and High Severity Fire Acres 2007‐2016 Total Fire Acres High Severity Year Region Fire Name NFS Fire Acres NFS 2007 4 Shower Bath 53858 24989 2007 1 Skyland 35231 21247 2007 3 Slide 6396 3941 2007 4 Trapper Ridge 19574 6490 2007 4 Van Horn 1571 359 2007 1 WH Complex 28204 20019 2007 3 Wilkins 7465 118 2008 3 Alamo 4564 2264 2008 5 American River Complex 18447 4745 2008 5 Antelope 2119 808 2008 8 Ball Goal 2048 4 2008 5 Basin Complex 140959 74054 2008 5 Bear Wallow Complex 71185 7069 2008 3 Big Spring 4404 2384 2008 8 Blackhorse 1344 289 2008 6 Bridge Creek 3719 1910 2008 5 BTU Lightning Complex 25083 5330 2008 3 Buck 2120 187 2008 5 Canyon Complex 34676 4738 2008 1 Cascade 11001 6490 2008 5 Chalk 14948 6136 2008 5 Clover 14799 9295 2008 6 Cold Springs 4911 2227 2008 4 Corn Creek 2254 1571 2008 5 Corral 4503 1843 2008 5 Cub Complex 17962 3068 2008 3 Distillery 7503 989 2008 3 Eagle 12861 286 2008 4 East Slide Rock Ridge 56011 30918 2008 4 Elkhorn 2 5549 3785 2008 3 Frye Mesa 2794 2115 2008 6 Gnarl Ridge 3237 751 2008 5 Gulch 2902 1625 2008 8 Gum Bay 2894 923 2008 2 Gunbarrel 70467 27508 2008 5 Hell's Half Complex 14267 458 2008 3 Hot Air 10963 1428 2008 5 Indians 50463 31897 2008 5 Iron / Alps Complex 102655 7982 2008 3 Jack Wood WFU 8408 1287 2008 3 Lane 2 9588 6418 2008 5 Lime Complex 64486 4526 2008 8 Little Cuba 3143 390 2008 6 Lonesome Complex 20614 5592 2008 5 Mad Complex 2662 183 2008 5 Mill 4833 960 2008 5 Motion Complex 5394 1300 2008 4 New Fork 14094 4372 2008 5 North Mountain 2176 452 2008 5 Panther 97231 13164 2008 5 Peterson Complex 2813 438 2008 5 Piute 33222 18711 2008 1 Porcupine 1901 981 2008 6 Rattle 21821 5084 2008 1 Rattlesnake 2309 576 2008 5 Rich 6171 1923 3 Attachment B ‐ List of Total and High Severity Fire Acres 2007‐2016 Total Fire Acres High Severity Year Region Fire Name NFS Fire Acres NFS 2008 3 Rocky 21597 8699 2008 5 Siskiyou / Blue 2 Complex 104551 10053 2008 5 Soda Complex 5870 321 2008 4 South Barker WFU 38520 10423 2008 5 Stein 1160 17 2008 5 Telegraph 4231 2792 2008 3 Trigo 10367 6799 2008 3 Twenty Two WFU 1257 153 2008 5 Venture 1166 726 2008 5 Whiskey 5048 2815 2008 4 Willow WFU 4415 1157 2008 6 Wizard 2372 123 2008 3 X Fire 2065 1465 2008 5 Yolla Bolly Complex 97397 11477 2008 5 Yuba River Complex 2399 141 2009 3 4th of July Independence 5284 104 2009 3 Anderson 1505 99 2009 3 Ash Creek 5701 1188 2009 5 Backbone 6728 2316 2009 4 Big Pole 12044 9483 2009 6 Boze 13441 1313 2009 3 Brady 4160 47 2009 4 Bridge 3112 385 2009 3 Canelo 2970 1788 2009 8 Carolina Bay 3423 516 2009 3 Chevlon Complex 12010 3043 2009 3 Cross 7685 44 2009 3 Diamond 23392 225 2009 2 Dominguez 2942 1406 2009 3 Guthrie 4971 1372 2009 5 Hat Creek Complex 9280 5362 2009 3 Hog 9827 1377 2009 4 Horse Valley 2264 802 2009 5 Knight 5068 169 2009 5 La Brea 85967 75275 2009 4 Lake Fork 2045 1221 2009 1 Lawrence Mtn. 2835 148 2009 5 Lion Complex 4932 122 2009 3 Meason 7939 169 2009 3 Melendrez Pass 5084 0 2009 5 Mill Creek 4 1972 136 2009 4 Mill Flat 12682 7708 2009 3 Miller 3163 89 2009 3 Montana 2744 615 2009 3 Moore 4135 4 2009 3 Moraga 4939 67 2009 2 Narraguinnep 7081 4354 2009 6 North Fork Complex 16367 2229 2009 3 Pioneer 1799 251 2009 3 Pipeline 1654 4 2009 3 Point 1538 68 2009 3 Rae 2217 108 2009 5 Red Rock 1398 109 2009 3 Reno 5464 359 2009 3 Rim 2799 1080 2009 3 Ruby Complex 1609 15 4 Attachment B ‐ List of Total and High Severity Fire Acres 2007‐2016 Total Fire Acres High Severity Year Region Fire Name NFS Fire Acres NFS 2009 4 Sawmill Canyon 4404 3620 2009 5 Sheep 6388 5223 2009 4 Solomon Basin 1483 753 2009 5 Station 160918 127970 2009 3 Taylor 3542 794 2009 5 Tennant 2520 1718 2009 3 Tucker 2936 22 2009 6 Tumblebug Complex 14814 945 2009 3 Wagon Draw 1254 40 2009 3 Wild Horse Complex 13996 1847 2009 6 Williams Creek 8268 471 2009 3 Willow 12415 371 2010 3 Aspen 2349 94 2010 4 Banner 2361 954 2010 2 Beaver 2296 798 2010 3 Brushy 5923 98 2010 5 Bull 16415 12390 2010 5 Canyon 6335 2834 2010 3 Circle Bar 4185 23 2010 4 Coffee Pot 2250 849 2010 8 Crippled Chinook 5338 1783 2010 1 Davis 1468 906 2010 3 Eagle Rock 3247 1606 2010 3 Grave 1672 13 2010 3 Hobble 2735 243 2010 3 Horseshoe 3847 958 2010 4 Hurd 1377 195 2010 4 Little Beaver Complex 8514 1833 2010 2 Meadow Creek 1578 522 2010 9 Meridian Boundary 5200 3450 2010 8 Mother's Day 3739 545 2010 6 Oak Flat 7740 873 2010 3 Paradise 6471 1754 2010 3 Ranger Complex 5894 17 2010 3 Rio 1369 373 2010 4 River Breaks 2743 203 2010 3 Schultz 15636 7858 2010 5 Sheep 5782 306 2010 3 South Fork 17101 2621 2010 6 Swakane 10156 5704 2010 4 Twitchell Canyon 44650 24358 2010 6 View Lake Complex 5510 1973 2010 3 Wash Complex 1126 1 2010 3 Weir 2001 3 2010 8 Wrangler 4319 54 2011 3 Arlene 10184 8876 2011 3 Armstrong 2736 168 2011 3 Beale 5096 53 2011 3 Beaverhead 3065 600 2011 6 Big Hump 1222 131 2011 1 Big Salmon
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