2790 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-·SENATE. JUNE 21 · ' 14-±0. By Mr. FULLER: Petition of the American Association 1464. By Mr. SINCLAIR: Petition of Ramsey County (N. of State Highway Officials, favoring Senate bill 1072; to the Dak.) Sunday. School Association, indorsing the Smith-Towner Committee on Roads. · bill; to the Committee on Education. 1441. Also, petition of the American Farm Bureau opposing ;1.465. Also, petition of ·women's Study Club and citizens of a tariff on lumber; to the Committee on Ways and Means. Wildrose, N. Dak., protesting against the pas age of legisla­ 1442. Also, petition of the Presbyterian Church of Grand tion granting the use of the waters of our national parks Ridge, Ill., favoring a conference of the nations to bring about for commercial purposes; to the Committee on the Public di armament; to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. Lands. 1443. By Mr. GOODYKOONTZ: Resolution of the Martins· 1466. Also, petition of Women's Nonpartisan , League Club; burg (\V. Va.) Chamber of Commerce, urging the passage of No. 18, of Donnybrook, N. Dak., urging disarmament; to the the Dowell road bill ; to the Committee on Roads. Committee on Foreign Affairs. 1.444. By l\1r. GREEN of Iowa: Petition of certain citizens of 1467. Also, petition of Women's Nonpartisan League Club, Iowa favoring recognition of the Irish republic; to the Com­ No. 72, of Parshall, N. Dak., urging disarmament; to the Com­ mittee on Foreign Affairs. mittee on Foreign Affairs. H45. By l\Jr. HERSEY: Petition of congregation of Church 1468. By 1\lr. SNYDER: Petition of :Middleville (N. Y.,) of the Advent, Limestone, Me., and the congregation of St. Women's Christian Temperance Union, favoring the Volstead Luke's Episcopal Church, Caribou, Me., urging limitation of bill for the enforcement of urohibition ; to the Committee on armament; to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. the Judiciary. 14:16. By l\lr. KAHN: Resolution adopted by San Francisco 1469. By Mr. SWING: Resolutions of Methodist White Post. No. 1, .Ameriran Legion, relative. to the sick and disabled Temple Church, of Anaheim, Calif., reqtlesting the President World War veterans at the Palo Alto Hospital; to the Com· and the Congress ot the United States to call an international mittee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce. conference to devise and carry out a general plan for disarma­ 1447. By Mr. KIESS: Resolution adopted by the Trinity ment; to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. Evangelical Lutheran Church of Hughesville, Pa., favoring con· 1470. By Mr. THOMPSON: Resolution of congregation of St. ference of leading nations looking to · reduction of armaments; Mark's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Van Wert, Ohio, in favor to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. of definite action of the United States toward disarmament; to 1448. By Mr. KISSEL: Petition of 99 New York City resi­ the Committee on Naval Affairs. · dents, urging the passage of House joint resolution 18; to the 1471. Also, petition of Myrtle A. Conant and other constitu­ Committee on the Judiciary. ents of the county of Van Wert, Ohio, to secure permanent '1449. Also, petition of Mrs. Bridget Cogen, .T. Murphy, Mrs. relief for the imperiled peoples of the Near East; to the Com­ P. W. Griffin, Mrs. Mary Maher, and F. J. Coogan, all of Brook­ mittee on Foreign Affairs. lyn, N. Y., urging the recognition of the Irish republic; to the 1472. By Mr. WILLIAMSON: Petition of the Methodist Epis­ Committee on Foreign Affairs. copal Church of 'Vinner, S. Dak., urging a world conference of 1450. By l\1r. LYON: Resolutions adopted by the Chamber of the nations of the world for the purpose of arranging for an Colllmerce of Wilmington, N. C., favoring the enactment of immediate disarmament of nations; to the Committee on For-· House bill 3726, introduced by Hon. WILLIAM B. BANKHEAD, of eign Affairs. Alabama, May 10, 1921, providing for the development of agri­ 1473. Also, resolution of the South Dakota State Council, cultural re ources and establishment of rural homes through Knights of Columbus, indorsing the objects and work for the Federal and State cooperation; to the Committee on Irrigation recognization of• the republic of Ireland in its efforts to have of Arid Lands. the Government of the United States recognize tl1e republic of 1451. By Mr. MALONEY: Petition of citizens of Law­ Ireland, etc. ; to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. rence, 1\:lass., urging Congress to order the suspension from 1474. By 1\Ir. WOODYARD: Petition of the ladies of the duty, and after substantiation of charges to direct the Grand Army of the Republic, Department of West Virginia,· di honorable discharge from service in the United States relative to Senate bill 742, regarding pension legislation; to the Navy of Admiral William S. Sims; to the Committee on Naval Committee on Peusions. Affairs. 1452. By 1\lr. PARRISH: Petition of people of Seymour, Tex., urging an international conference pn disarmament; to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. SENATE. 1453. By l\1r. RAKER: Petition of R. H. Arnold Co., of Cali­ fornia, urging support of House bill 6678; to the Committee on TUE~DAY, June ~1, 19~1. Naval Affairs. 1454. Also, petition of C. A. Akin and others, of Los Angeles, The Chaplain, Rev. J. J. Muir, D. D., offered the following Calif., urging permanent relief for the Armenians ; to the Com­ prayer: mittee on Foreign Affairs. Our Father and our God, we bless Thee that Thou art so 1455. Also, petition of Pacific Aluminum Co., Fresno, Calif., accessible, no far-away deity but near to us, so that the breath­ urging a protective tariff on aluminum cooking utensils; to the ings of our souls are understood and interpreted by Thee. Mer­ Committee on Ways and Means. cifully direct our ways this day, and so help us to live that the 1456. Also, petition of California State Church Federation, record shall be acceptable in Thy sight. Through Jesus Christ urging the United States to lead the way in international dis- our Lord. Amen. armament; to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. 1457. Also, petition of San Francisco Zone, Western Con­ The reading clerk proceeded to read the Journal of yester­ fectioners' Association, urging Federal support for relief for day's proceedings, when, on request of Mr. CURTis and by Pueblo, Colo. ; to the Committee on Appropriations. unanimous consent, the further reading was dispensed with ant! 1458. Also, petition of H. L. Moody, of Redding, Calif., protest­ the Journal was approved. ing against the abolition of the zone postal law or changing MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE. thereof ; to the Committee on the Post Office and Post Roads. A message from the House of Representa lives, by l\lr. Over­ 1459. Also, letter of I. H. Morse, of San Francisco, Calif., hue, its enrolling clerk, announced that the House ha<l passed urging the passage of the Sterling bill (S. 1253); to the Com­ without amendment the joint resolution (S. J. Res. 34) creating­ mittee on Immigration and Naturalization. a commission to represent the United States in the celebration 1460. Also, letters from 70 citizens of northern California, of the first centennial of the proclamation of the independeuee indorsing the Towner-Sterling bills (H. R.. 7 and S. 1252) ; to of the Republic of Peru. · the Committee on Education. The message also announced that· the House had pus~ed hills 1461. By Mr. SANDERS of New York: Petition of the con­ and joint resolutions of the following titles, in which it re­ gregation of the Methodist Episcopal Church of Pavilion, N. Y., quested the concurrence of the Senate: urging the calling of a conference of the leading nations of the H. R. 497G . An act granting the consent of Congress to the world for the consideration of disarmament; to the Committee Trumbull Steel Co., its succe sors and as igns, to con truct, on Foreign Affairs. maintain, and operate a dam across the l\fahoning River in the 1462. By Mr. SHREVE: Petition of Presque Isle Corumand­ State of Ohio; · ery, No. 499, Knights of Malta, Erie, Pa., indorsing the action H. R. 5756. An act to amend an act entitled "An act to <le­ of Admiral Sims; to the Committee on Naval Affairs. · clare the purpose of the people of the United States as to tlle 1463. Also, petition of Commodore Perry Council, American future political status of the people of the Philippine Islands Association for Relief of Ireland, requesting the removal -of and to provide a mo1·e autonomous government for these Admiml Sims;· to the Committee on Naval Affairs. islands," approved August 29, 1916; • 1921. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. 2791 H. R. 6573. An act to further reclassify postmasters and em­ He also presented resolutions of the pastor and congregation plo·yees of the Postal Service and readjust their salaries and of the Church of the Brethren, of Sabetha; the congregation compensation on an equitable basis, and for other purposes; of the First Church of Brethren, of Conway ; and a resolution H. R. 6877. An act to permit a compact or agreement between adopted by a mass meeting ot- citizens at Rose Hill on June 13, the States of Arizona, California, Colorado, Nevada, New 1921; all in the State of Kansas, faYoring the calling of an Mexico, Utah, and ·wyoming respecting the disposition and international disarmament conference, which were referred to apportionment of the waters of the Colorado River, and for the Committee on Foreign Relations. other purposes ; He also presented petitions of sundry citizens of Independ­ H. J. Res. 112 .•Toint resolution authorizing the erection on ence and Ada, Kans., praying that relief be afforded the im­ public grounds in the city of Washington, D.
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