INDEX N.B: italicized page numbers indicate figures 9/11, 3 anarchy, 257–260 coordination problem Abigail through objection to, 259–260 time, 157 anatta, 176 Adams, Douglas, 84 Anselm of Canterbury, 69 afterlife, 89–91 Aquinas, Thomas, 73, 78 agent causation, 133–135, Aristotle see also free will, cosmological argument, 75 dilemma argument ethical views, 52–54, 56–57 magic objection to, 135 function argument, 56–57 mystery objection to, 134 on agent causation, 133 vs. event causation, 135 on future contingents, agnosticism 116–117 definition of, 92 pinnacle of philosophical Aldrin, Buzz, 188 reason for Luther, 63 alien hand, 174 sea battle argument, Alighieri, Dante, 152 116–117 Allah, 6, 91, 95 zoon politikon, 261 altruism, 11 Armstrong, Neil, 188 examplesCOPYRIGHTED of, 12–13 Aspect, MATERIAL Alain, 127 Amish, 57–58 atheism analytical engine, 206 definition of, 92 This Is Philosophy: An Introduction, Second Edition. Steven D. Hales. © 2021 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Published 2021 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. bindex.indd 286 2/12/2021 5:37:33 PM Index 287 atheists Book of Mormon, 66 distrust of, 93 Boyle’s law, 94 percentage, 93 brain Atman, 151 corpus callosum, 173–175 Autrey, Wesley, 104 fission, 174–175 fusion, 175 Babbage, Charles, 206 hemispheres, 173–174 balancing positive evidence, 229 seat of psychology, 163 balancing zero evidence, 229 structure, 196 barber paradox, 94–95 switching, 161–163 Barry, Sue, 199–200, see also the transplants, 161–163 knowledge argument brave officer paradox, 166–168, beer see also clos- comparative ratings est psychological of, 34–35 continuer relation pleasure in, 34–36 Brown, Donald E., 21 beetle in a box, 191–192 Brown, James, 149 begging the question, 67, Buddha, 64, 176 122, 249–250, see also Buddhism, 173 circular reasoning Bundle Theory behaviorism, 192–195 as solution to personal error theory about mentalistic identity, 173–178 language, 193 Buddhist chariot analogy, mental states without 176 behavior objection, pragmatic 193–195 identification in, 178 toothache example, bushmen of the Kalahari, 81 193, 195 Butler, Joseph Bell, John, 127 on personal identity, Bentham, Jeremy, 31–32 168–169 Berkeley, George, 134 Bernoulli numbers, 206 Cantor, Georg, 74 Bhagavad Gita, 66 Catechism of the Catholic Bible, 66–67, 88, 91 Church, 151 Big Bang, 76–77, 125, 187 categorical imperative, 45–51 Bin Laden, Osama, 3–4, 101 version 1, 44–46 blameworthiness, 30, 37 act selfishly case, 46 blank slate, see tabula rasa definition of, 44 bindex.indd 287 2/12/2021 5:37:33 PM 288 Index false promising memory interpretation case, 44–45 of, 164–169 inconsistency objection to, brave officer 44–45 paradox inconsistent willing objection to, 166–168 objection to, circularity objection 45–46 to, 168–169 version 2, 46–48 sleep objection to, definition of, 46 165–166 causation, 74–75 rope analogy, 169–170 Chanania, Joshua ben, 147 severe psychological child rearing disruption analogy, as example of altruism, 13 169–173 does not make parents cogito ergo sum, 186, 243 happy, 13–14 commisurotomy, see split children, 13–14 brain surgery Chinese room, see functionalism comparative pleasure Chisholm, Roderick curves, 35 on agent causation, 134 compatibilism, 135–139, Chou, Chuang (a.k.a. Master see also free will, Chuang, Chuang dilemma argument Tzu, Zhuangzi) and coerced action, 137–139 butterfly dream of, 238 definition of, 136 Cicero, Marcus Tullius, 53 intuitive appeal of, 136 circular reasoning, 67, see also too little freedom objection begging the question to, 137 Clifford, W. K., 222–226, too much freedom 228, 230 objection to, 137–139 shipowner example, conceivability, 187–188 222–223 congenital insensitivity to closest physical continuer pain with anhidrosis relation, 157–163 (CIPA), 198 causation in, 158 consciousness definition of, 158 puzzle of, 183–184 physical similarity in, 158 rarity of, 184 closest physical continuers, 159 consequentialism closest psychological continuer definition of, 28 relation, 164–173 contractarianism, 260–265 bindex.indd 288 2/12/2021 5:37:33 PM Index 289 explanatory justification generality objection for, 260–261 to, 49–50 moral justification horrible consequences for, 261–262 objection to, 51–52 practical justification Descartes, René for, 262–264 on substance dualism, lack of consent objection 184–192 to, 264–265 on radical skepticism, Cope, David, 207 237–244 cosmic microwave background, 77 design argument, see God, cosmological argument, see arguments for God, arguments for determinism cosmology, 76–77 definition of, 124 counterfeit detector, 245–250 difference engine, 206 cricket difference principle, 279 paralyzed by digger different pathways to the same wasp, 122–123 facts, 198–199 critical thinking, 222 digger wasp, 122–123 Cullen, Sean, 104 Dilemma argument, 123–129, cultural relativism, see see also free will relativism, moral discredited scientific views, 21, 96 Data, Lt Commander, 205 discrimination, 17–18 Dawkins, Richard, 94 Divine Comedy, 152 death divine command theory, 6–10 vagueness of, 172–173, 178 objections to, 8–9 decision making, 117–121 divine foreknowledge, regress, 120 114–117, see Deep Blue, 208 also free will Defenestrator (supervillain), DNA 129–130, 132 as solution to personal demon argument, 239–243, see identity, 148 also radical skepticism in identical twins, 149 deontology, 42–52 testing of grapes, 197 agent-neutral intuitions Doppler shift, 198 objection to, 50–51 Doris, John, 58 crappy results objection Dow Jones Industrial to, 48–49 Average, 81 bindex.indd 289 2/12/2021 5:37:33 PM 290 Index Dr. Zorg (supervillain), epistemic luck, 234–235 130–132 epistemic principle, 242, 245 dream argument, 237–238, epistemology, 215 see also radical ethical egoism, see egoism skepticism ethnocentrism, 23 Dugard, Jaycee Lee, 16 Euthyphro, 7 Evidence echolocation, see perception Value of, 219–222 Eco, Umberto, 232 Amount needed, 222–230 egoism, 10–18 Sources of, 230–233 ethical, 27, 29, 40 evolution through natural argument for, 14–15 selection, 82 compatible with reci- existence procity, 15 as a logical quantifier, definition of, 11 72–73 equal treatment as a perfection, 70–71 objection to, as an imperfection, 71–72 17–18 not a property, 72–73 horrible consequences experimental psychology, objection 57–58 to, 16 experiments in musical subjectivity objection intelligence to, 17 (EMI), 207–208 psychological, 11–14 argument for, 11 definition of, 11 faith evidence against, as belief without 12–14 reason, 63–64 Einstein, Albert, 193–194 as confidence, 63 élan vital, 150, see also soul, as false memories, 168–169 vitalist force Faraday, Michael, 141 Elizabeth, Princess of felicific calculus, 31–32, see Bohemia, 188–189 also hedonism empiricism, 231–233 female genital mutilation, Empiricus, Sextus, 226, 237 22–23 ends in themselves, see Fichte, Johann, 218 categorical imperative, finches, 82 version 2 fine-tuning, 79–80 epilepsy, 128, 173 fingerprints, 148 bindex.indd 290 2/12/2021 5:37:33 PM Index 291 first cause, 47–76, see also value of, 103 God, arguments for, friendly fire, 30 cosmological functionalism, 202–211 argument Chinese room objection Frankfurt, Harry, 130, 132 to, 209–211 fraud and quackery, 219–222 creativity objection free choice, see free will, to, 206–209 libertarian feelings, emotions, and free will sensations objection and character, 138 to, 205–206 and moral responsibility, fundamental objective of the 129–133 legal system, 227 and randomness, 126–128 compatibilist definition Gage, Phineas, 171–173 of, 136 gain truth and avoid error, 216, defense against the 225–226, 228, 236, 246, problem of evil, see also rational 102–105, see also principle God, arguments Galileo, 62, 74 against Garrido, Nancy, 16 degrees of, 137 Garrido, Phillip, 16–17 dilemma argument, 129 Gaunilo of Marmoutier, 70 agent causation as solution general relativity, 76, 96–97 to, 133–135 genuine memory, 168–169 compatibilism as solution germ theory vs. miasma, 96 to, 135–139 ghost in the machine, 192 divine foreknowledge ghosts, see soul, as ghost argument, 114–117, 124 Gilbert, Daniel, 13 Aristotle’s answer God, 6–10, 63–110, 174, 228 to, 116–117 arguments against, atheism and agnosticism 93–105 objection to, religious pluralism, 115 95–97 feeling of, 139–142 scientific analogy libertarian definition objection to, 96 of, 113, 136 problem of evil, 97–99 neuroscience of, 139–142 free will defense, 102 regress of reasons give up an attribute argument, 117–122 objection to, 99 bindex.indd 291 2/12/2021 5:37:33 PM 292 Index God’s greater plan teleological argument objection to, 99–101 or argument from arguments for, 66–92 design, 78–85 argument from scripture, alternative scientific 66–69 explanations cosmological argument, objection to, 81–83 73–77 complexity of God alternative scientific objection to, 84–85 explanations problem of the attributes objection to, 76–77 objection to, 83–84 cause of God objection uniqueness objection to, 84 to, 75 weaknesses in the watch problem of the analogy objection to, attributes objection 79–81 to, 75–76 attributes of, 64–65, 99 ontological argument, complexity and simplicity 69–73 of, 84–85 existence is not a knowledge of the property objection future, 114–117, 124 to, 72–73 mind of, 84–85 fool’s response objection God’s greater plan, see God, to, 70–71 arguments against, reverse parody objection problem of evil to, 71–72 Gods Must Be Crazy, 80–81 Pascal’s wager, 85–92 golden mean, 53 alternate ending golden rule objection to, 90–91 and categorical imperative, involuntarism of belief 46–47 and self-deception objection to, 5 objection to,
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