MILITARY TERMS AND ACRONYMNS This resource is an extensive list of military terms and acronyms listed in order of the phonetic alphabet. A-Alpha B-Bravo AA: Armed Forces (the) Americas BAH: Basic Allowance for Housing AA: Authorized Absence or Airman Apprentice BAS: Basic Allowance for Subsistence AAFES: Army & Air Force Exchange Service BARRACKS/BILLETS/DORMS: Place where Service ABU: Airman Battle Uniform Members live AC: Active Component BATTALION: 4-6 Companies (Army/Marine) ACS: Army Community Service BATTERY: 3-5 Platoons of Artillery (Army/Marine AD: Active Duty Corps) ADJ: Adjutant BC: Battery/Brigade/Battalion Commander ADSC: Active Duty Service Commitment BCT: Basic Combat Training/Brigade Combat Team ADSW: Active Duty for Special Work BDE: Brigade (Army) ADT: Active Duty for Training BN: Battalion (Army/Marine) AE: Armed Forces Europe BNCOC: Basic Noncommissioned Officer Course AER: Army Emergency Relief BOAT: Submarine or small craft capable of being AFAS: Air Force Aid Society carried by a ship. AFN: American Forces Network BOQ: Bachelor Officer Quarters AFRC: Airman and Family Readiness Center BENEFITS: Medical, dental, commissary, etc. AFRICOM: US Africa Command BRIGADE: Two to five battalions (Army/Marines) AG: Adjutant General AGR: Active Guard and Reserves AIT: Advanced Individual Training C-Charlie ANG: Air National Guard CAC: Combined Access Card AO: Area of Operations CDC: Child Development Center AP: Armed Forces Pacific CDR: Commander APC: Armored Personnel Carrier CDS: Child Development Services APF: Appropriated Funds CEI: Civilian Employment Information APFT: Army Physical Fitness Test CENTCOM: US Central Command APO: Army Post Office CG-111: Coast Guard Work-Life Programs ARC: American Red Cross/Army Reserve Command CGMA: Coast Guard Mutual Assistance ARNG: Army National Guard CGPFT: Coast Guard Physical Fitness Test ARNGUS: Army National Guard of the United States CG SUPT: Coast Guard Support ASAP: As Soon As Possible CIAC: Command Individual Augmentee Coordinator ASVAB: Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery CID: Criminal Investigation Division AT: Annual Training / Annual Tour CINC: Commander-in-Chief ATP: Additional Training Period CJTF: Combined Joint Task Force ADVANCED PAY: Payment before [duty performed] CLEP: College Level Examination Program actually earned CMDCM: Command Master Chief ALERT: Emergency call to be ready CNAFR: Command, Naval Air Force Reserve ALLOTMENT: Designated payment to bank or CNR: Chief of Naval Reserve individual CNRC: Commander, Navy Recruiting Command ALLOWANCE: Pay & special compensation CNRFC: Commander, Navy Reserve Forces Command CNRIC: Commander, Navy Reserve Intelligence Command Yellow Ribbon Reintegration Program Page 1 of 5 CO/Co: Commanding Officer/Company DRT: Deployment Readiness Training COB: Close of Business DSN: Defense Switch Network (worldwide telephone COLA: Cost of Living Allowance system) COMPANY: 3-5 Platoons (Army/Marine Corps) DTS: Defense Travel System CONUS: Continental United States DUTY ASSIGNMENT: Job or place of duty CORPS: Two to five divisions (Army) DZ: Drop Zone COS: Chief of Staff CP: Command Post CQ: Charge of Quarters E-Echo CSA: Chief of Staff, Army EAOS: Enlisted Obligated Service CY: Calendar year ECRC: Expeditionary Combat Readiness Center CYSS: Child, Youth and School Services EDRE: Emergency Deployment Readiness Exercise CADRE: Leadership at training level EEO: Equal Employment Opportunity CHAIN OF COMMAND: Leadership structure EER/OER: Enlisted/Officer Evaluation Report CHAIN OF CONCERN: An informal self-help channel EFMP: Exceptional Family Member Program for family members and Service Members ELEMENT: Smallest organizational unit (Air Force) CHAPLAIN: Military minister, priest, rabbi, or pastor EM: Enlisted Member CODE OF CONDUCT: Rules military must follow EN: Enlisted COLORS: National and unit/organization flags ESC: Enlisted Spouses Club COMMISSARY: Grocery store for military ESGR: Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve COURT-MARTIAL: Military trial system ESPRIT DE CORPS: Morale within unit or organization D-Delta ETS: Expiration of Term of Service EUCOM: US European Command DA: Department of Army EXCHANGE, BASE or POST: Military department DAF: Department of the Air Force store DAYROOM: Recreation area in lodging DECA: Defense Commissary Agency DEERS: Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting F-Foxtrot System FA: Air Force Fitness Assessment DEMOB: Demobilization FAC: Family Assistance Center DENTAC: Dental Activity FAP: Family Advocacy Program DEPARTMENT: Smallest organizational unit (Navy) FCP: Family Care Plan DEPLOYMENT: A mission without family members FFSP: Fleet and Family Support Program DETAIL: A job or assignment FLEET: 20-30 Ships/Submarines (Navy) DEROS: Date of Estimated Return from Overseas FLIGHT: Two or more sections (Air Force) DFAS: Defense Finance & Accounting Service FLO: Family Liaison Office DHS: Department of Homeland Security FOB: Forward Operations Base DINING IN: Formal social gathering for military only FORCM: Force Master Chief Petty Officer DINING OUT: Formal social gathering with FPCON: Force Protection Condition spouses/significant other FPO: Fleet Post Office DIRECT DEPOSIT: Guaranteed check to bank FRA: Fleet Reserve Association DISCHARGE: Release from military service FRG: Family Readiness Group DIVISION: Usually three brigades (Army/Marine) FRO: Family Readiness Officer DLA: Dislocation Allowance FRP: Family Readiness Program DMDC: Defense Manpower Data Center FRSA: Family Readiness Support Assistant DO: Duty Officer FSA: Family Separation Allowance DOB: Date of Birth FTS: Full Time Support DOD: Department of Defense FY: Fiscal Year DODI: Department of Defense Instruction FAMILY ADVOCACY: Program that assists with child DOGTAGS: Identification tags and spouse abuse problems DoN: Department of the Navy PFT: Coast Guard Physical Fitness Test DOR: Date of Rank FORMATION: Gathering of Service Members in a DOS: Date of Separation prescribed way DPO: Diplomatic Post Office FROCK: Assume next higher grade without pay DPP: Deferred Payment Plan FRUIT SALAD: Ribbons and medals worn on uniform DPW: Director of Public Works DRESS BLUES: Informal attire with four-in-hand tie/formal attire with bow tie G-Golf DRESS MESS: Formal attire; short jacket equivalent to civilian "white tie and tails" GO: General Officer Yellow Ribbon Reintegration Program Page 2 of 5 GOV: Government Owned Vehicle GS: General Schedule (Government civilian K-Kilo employee pay grades) K-9: Dogs trained for military police service GSA: General Services Administration KEY SPOUSE: Air Force Family Readiness Point of GEAR: Equipment used by Service Member Contact GI BILL: Education entitlement KIA: Killed in Action GI PARTY: General Inspection Clean up duty KP: Kitchen Patrol Corresponds to pay level (E-3, O-2, etc.) KLICK: Slang for kilometer GRADE: Corresponds to pay level of service member GROUP: Two or more Squadrons (Air Force/Marine) Two to five battalions (Army); organization of naval L-Lima assets (sea, land and air) commanded by O-6 or O-7 LES: Leave and Earnings Statement (Navy). LOD: Line of Duty GUIDON: Unit identification flag LZ: Landing Zone LATRINE: Toilet H-Hotel LEAVE: Approved time away from duty LOGISTICS: Equipment and support needed for HOR: Home of Record performance HQ: Headquarters HS: Home Station HARDSHIP TOUR: Unaccompanied tour of duty M-Mike HASH MARKS: Stripes for enlisted members' time in MA: Master-at-Arms (Navy police force aboard ship) service MARFORRES: Marine Force Reserves HAZARDOUS DUTY PAY: Extra pay for duty in MC&FP: Military Community and Family Policy hostile area MCCS: Marine Corps Community Services HIPPA: Health Insurance Portability and MEDIVAC: Medical evacuation Accountability Act MEF: Marine Expeditionary Force METL: Mission Essential Task List I-India MEU: MARINE EXPEDITIONARY UNIT MFLC: Military and Family Life Counselor IA: Individual Augmentee MGIB: Montgomery GI Bill IADT: Initial Active Duty Training MGIB-SR: Montgomery GI Bill – Selected Reserve IAMM: Individual Augmentee Manpower Management MI: Military Intelligence IAP: In Assignment Processing MIA: Missing in Action IDT: Inactive Duty Training MILPO: Military Personnel Office IDTT: Inactive Duty Training Travel MOAA: Military Officers’ Association of America IED: Improvised Explosive Device MOB/DEP: Mobilization and Deployment IET: Initial Entry Training MOBEX: Mobilization Exercise IG: Inspector General MOI: Memorandum of Instruction IMA: Individual Mobilization Augmentee MOS: Military One Source/Military Occupational IRR: Individual Ready Reserve Specialty ITO: Invitational Travel Order MP: Military Police (Army and Marine) ID Card: Identification card MCFT: Marine Combat Fitness Test ITT: Information, Tours and Travel MPFT: Marine Physical Fitness Test INSIGNIA: Indicates branch of service MRE: Meals Ready to Eat MREIDL: Military Reservist Economic Injury Disaster Loan J-Juliet MTF: Military Treatment Facility JAG: Judge Advocate General MWR: Morale, Welfare and Recreation JFCOM: US Joint Forces Command MyPay: allows users to manage pay information, JFSAP: Joint Family Support Assistance Program leave and earning statements, and W-2s. JRB: Joint Reserve Base JODY CALL: Troop cadence for marching or running JR EN: Junior Grade Enlisted Personnel N-November JR NCO: Junior Grade Noncommissioned Officer NAF: Non-Appropriated Funds (generally located) JSS: Joint Services Support NAT: New Accession Training JTF: Joint Task Force NATO: North Atlantic Treaty Organization JUMPS: Joint Uniform Military Pay System
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