Semi-Formal Page 4 T h e T ria n g le Ten Year Plan Page 6 I Volume 61 NOVEMBER 8,1985 Number 2 Triangle Reorganizes ment which will be featured in our up­ perience gained from working on a By Michael Coyne coming training sessions. Plans are newspaper of this quality can only fur­ Of The Triangle also underway to rewrite the govern­ ther any aspirations a student may ing rules of The Triangle which could have. The next staff meeting will be After a two month absence and an possibly redefine its status as a SAC held on Wednesday, November 13th. ongoing reorganization, The Triangle (Student Allocation Committee) ftind- All students are welcome to attend and has resumed publication. ed organization. The Triangle’s uni­ participate in the preparation of our At the present lime, a temporary que position as a money making enti­ next issue. leadership structure has been put in ty creates circumstances not experienc­ Special thanks must go to the peo­ place with the intentions of assembl­ ed by other student organizations. ple who with little experience helped ing a new staff and providing adequate To help avoid problems that occur­ produce this quality first issue. Sincere training to produce a quality red in the past with The Triangle and interest is noted and appreciated from newspaper. The current editorial board that might surface in other Universi­ the following people: Mr. Tom has planned to produce a second issue ty publications, the Dean of Students Cassada, temporary advisor; Dr. this term on November 22nd, and office has assembled a publication Michael Adams and Lloyd Rieber, resume weekly publication on January board to deal with future situations. Nesbitt College; Mr. John 10th. The future of The Triangle depends Gianguillio,President of the Student The Triangle uses state-of-the-art upon consistent student involvement. Body; and Dr. James Hallam, Dean typesetting and photography equip­ The wealth of knowledge and ex­ of Students. Commencement Slated for Gymnasium Board Elects New Officers degrees will be awarded at one once she began considering Dr. bv Tom Kreitzberg ceremony; the Colleges of Engineer­ Gaither’s plan, her views changed. O f The Triangle ing and Business will each award their “ Now I support him one hundred per­ tional Association of Manufacturers, in 1958. Rittenhouse was elected to his undergraduate degrees in separate cent. We can do so much with this.” Special to The Triangle Penjerdel Council, Pennsylvania present position of Executive Vice Commencement for the Class of ceremonies; and the remaining degrees she added, hoping that the Class of Economy League State Council, and President of RCA in April 1985. 1986 will involve four separate will be awarded in a single ceremony. 1986 will mark the beginning of a Robert McClements Jr., President the Urban Affairs Partnership. He is With headquarters in Cherry Hill, ceremonies to be held in the Physical This division is believed by the ad­ change in behavior at commencement. and Chief Executive Officer of the Sun a trustee of Grove City College and N.J., he is chief executive for five Education Center, according to a plan ministration to represent the most even When D '. Gaither announced his Company, has been elected Chairman Thomas Jefferson University and a RCA units; Astro-Electronics. being developed by university of­ distribution of numbers of students in­ platt in a meeting with the senior class of the Board of Trustees of Drexel member of the Eastern College Presi­ Automated Systems, Communication ficials. This represents a change from volved with each ceremony. Because in the beginning of October, Martin University. He previously was Vice dent's Council. He is married to the and Information Systems, Government the past, when Drexel held one com­ the gym can only hold approximately was surprised at the amount of Chairman of the board. former Barbra Rose, also a Drexel Volume Production, and Missile and mencement each year at the 3,000 people, as opposed to 12,000 at negative response. Since then, McClements, a native Philadelphian graduate. Surface Radar. He is also responsible Philadelphia Civic Center. Convention Center, there is concern however, many people have changed and a Drexel alumnus, earned a Samuel T. Hudson, a prominent for the Advanced Technology In recent years, the ceremonies at about insuring the availiability of their minds in favor of the idea. Mar­ Bachelor of Science degree in civil Philadelphia marine engineer and Laboratories and the Solid State Convention Center have become in­ tickets for each student. With an tin believes that most of the opposi­ engineering in 1952. He succeeds Drexel graduate, was reelected Vice Technology Center. creasingly unruly, noise from the estimated five hundred students per tion arose because seniors wanted to James L. Everett III, Chairman and Chairman of the board for a second Rittenhouse is chairman of the graduates prompting commencement ceremony, five tickets would probably graduate with friends in other colleges. Chief Executive Officer of the term. visiting committee for Drexel’s Col­ speakers to end their speeches early be made availiable to each student. But, she observed, “ If they really want Philadelphia Electric Company, who Hudson is president of the J.E. lege of Engineering and is a member and audience members to write angry An entirely new feature of com­ to, they will be able to get into other was elected Vice Chairman of the Brenneman Company, a marine of the Tau Beta Pi, Eta Kappa Nu and letters to the university. Drexel Presi­ mencement included in the plan is a ceremonies as guests.” Drexel Board. engineering firm, and board chairman Phi Kappa Phi honory engineering dent William S. Gaither, looking into catered reception to be held im­ But not all seniors are accepting the In July 1985, McClements became of both S.T. Hudson International, societies. alternative possibilities for commence­ mediately after each ceremony, plan as is. A petition by seniors in the President and Chief Executive Officer consultants in surety and insurance, Everett, a Drexel trustee since 1971. ment, conceived of the idea of using possibly in the quad between Korman College of Science was circulated, of the Sun Company, the nation's tenth and S.T. Hudson Engineers, an has been with Philadelphia Electric for the gym, and assigned Dr. Arthur and Disque Halls. The reception is en­ asking that they be allowed to graduate largest petroleum company. He engineering consulting firm. He earn­ 33 years. He became board chairman Joblin, Vice President for Student Af­ visioned as an opportunity for with the engineers, rather than with previously was named President and ed his bachelors and masters degrees and chief executive officer in 1982 fairs, the task of coordinating the graduates, families, faculty, and ad­ other colleges with which they feel lit­ Chief Operating Officer in 1981, hav­ in civil engineering from Drexel in after serving as President, Executive project. ministrators to meet informally for one tle connection. Martin is behind this ing risen through Sun’s corporate 1954 and 1958, respectively. Vice President and Vice President of “ The concern of the negative energy final time before the graduates leave. drive, but the final decision will come ranks since joining the company in Newly elected trustee is John D. Rit- Engineering and Research. A promi­ (in Convention Center) initiated the What is most appealing about the down to numbers. 1965. tenhouse. Executive Vice Presient, nent business and civic leader for thinking process,” Dr. Joblin said. But new plan to administration officials is “ Our major priority must be to get McClements serves on the boards of RCA Aerospace and Defense, who many years, he serves on numerous once university officials began to con­ that it will provide a more personal ex­ groups as close to the same size as the American Petroleum Institute, received a Bachelor of Science degree boards and is active in many civic and sider the new proposal, he added, they perience for everyone involved. In the possible,” states Joblin. This will First Pennsylvania Corporation, Na­ in electrical engineering from Drexel professional orgnaizations. came “ to the realization of how good smaller setting. Dr. Joblin maintains, make the distribution of tickets as it is.” the students, families, and faculty will equitable as the situation will allow. Still in the developmental phase, the feel a closer connection to the The final decision on which colleges plan calls for four self-contained ceremony and to each other. "C om ­ will commence together is expected to ceremonies, each complete with a mencement will now have a very be made within two weeks. commencement speaker, represen­ special meaning to parents,” said Meanwhile, commenceinent speaker tatives of the Board of Trustees, facul­ Joblin, whose own daughter graduated selection is being considered by a com­ Library Increases Security ty from the colleges involved, and from Drexel last spring in Convention mittee of seniors representing each of people going through her purse.” university administrators. Each student Center. the colleges. Congressman William Although it is hoped that the tougher is to be handed his diploma individual­ When Gloria Martin, president of Gray, III, of Philadelphia, has been security will also curb vandalism in the ly. There are expected to be two the senior class, first heard of the pro­ chosen to speak to the graduate library, the Director thinks it is ceremonies on both Saturday, June 7, posal in July, she felt very disap­ students, but the speakers for the re­ unlikely. and Sunday, June 8; the order of pointed. “ At that point,” she said, maining three ceremonies are not yet “ Most of the vandalism in the graduation has not yet been “ I’d thought there was a good chance determined.
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