Official Statement Airport Commission of the City and County of San Francisco San Francisco International Airport Second Series Variable Rate Revenue Bonds Series 2018B & Series 2018C Long-Term Parking Rental Car Facility Highway 101 Terminal 3 BART Station Terminal 2 AirTrain System Terminal 1 International Terminal N NEW ISSUE—BOOK-ENTRY ONLY RATINGS: Moody’s: Aa2/VMIG 1 S&P: AA+/A-1 Fitch: AA/F1 (See “5ൺඍංඇඌ”) ,QWKHRSLQLRQRI2UULFN+HUULQJWRQ 6XWFOLৼH//3DQG&XUOV%DUWOLQJ3&&R%RQG&RXQVHOWRWKH&RPPLVVLRQ ³&R%RQG&RXQVHO´ EDVHGXSRQDQDQDO\VLVRIH[LVWLQJODZVUHJXODWLRQV UXOLQJVDQGFRXUWGHFLVLRQVDQGDVVXPLQJDPRQJRWKHUPDWWHUVWKHDFFXUDF\RIFHUWDLQUHSUHVHQWDWLRQVDQGFRPSOLDQFHZLWKFHUWDLQFRYHQDQWVLQWHUHVWRQWKH6HULHV%&%RQGVLVH[FOXGHGIURPJURVV LQFRPHIRUIHGHUDOLQFRPHWD[SXUSRVHVXQGHU6HFWLRQRIWKH,QWHUQDO5HYHQXH&RGHRIDQGLVH[HPSWIURP6WDWHRI&DOLIRUQLDSHUVRQDOLQFRPHWD[HV,QWKHIXUWKHURSLQLRQRI&R%RQG&RXQVHO LQWHUHVWRQWKH6HULHV%&%RQGVLVQRWDVSHFL¿FSUHIHUHQFHLWHPIRUSXUSRVHVRIWKHIHGHUDODOWHUQDWLYHPLQLPXPWD[&R%RQG&RXQVHOH[SUHVVQRRSLQLRQUHJDUGLQJDQ\RWKHUWD[FRQVHTXHQFHVUHODWHG WRWKHRZQHUVKLSRUGLVSRVLWLRQRIRUWKHDPRXQWDFFUXDORUUHFHLSWRILQWHUHVWRQWKH6HULHV%&%RQGV6HH³7$;0$77(56´ $276,340,000 AIRPORT COMMISSION OF THE CITY AND COUNTY OF SAN FRANCISCO SAN FRANCISCO INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT $138,170,000 $138,170,000 Second Series Variable Rate Revenue Bonds Second Series Variable Rate Revenue Bonds Series 2018B Series 2018C (Non-AMT/Governmental Purpose) (Non-AMT/Governmental Purpose) Dated: Date of Delivery Price: 100% Due: May 1, 2058 7KLV2৽FLDO6WDWHPHQWSURYLGHVLQIRUPDWLRQFRQFHUQLQJWKH6HULHV%&%RQGVLQD:HHNO\0RGHRQO\2ZQHUVDQGSRWHQWLDO2ZQHUVRI6HULHV%&%RQGVVKRXOGQRWUHO\RQWKLV2৽FLDO 6WDWHPHQWIRULQIRUPDWLRQFRQFHUQLQJVXFK6HULHV%&%RQGVIROORZLQJDQ\FRQYHUVLRQRIVXFK6HULHV%&%RQGVWRDGLৼHUHQW0RGHEXWVKRXOGORRNVROHO\WRWKHRৼHULQJGRFXPHQWWREHXVHGLQ FRQQHFWLRQZLWKDQ\VXFKFRQYHUVLRQ The Airport Commission (the “Commission”) of the City and County of San Francisco (the “City”) will issue $138,170,000 principal amount of its San Francisco International Airport Second Series Variable Rate Revenue Bonds, Series 2018B (the “Series 2018B Bonds”) and $138,170,000 principal amount of its San Francisco International Airport Second Series Variable Rate Revenue Bonds, Series 2018C (the “Series 2018C Bonds,” and, together with the Series 2018B Bonds, the “Series 2018B/C Bonds”) pursuant to the terms of the 1991 Master Resolution. The Series 2018B Bonds and the Series 2018C Bonds are each referred to herein as a “Series” of Series 2018B/C Bonds. The San Francisco International Airport (the “Airport”) is an enterprise department of the City. The Bank of New York Mellon Trust Company, N.A. has been appointed by the Commission to act as Trustee for its Bonds, including the Series 2018B/C Bonds. 7KH&RPPLVVLRQZLOOXVHWKHSURFHHGVRIWKH6HULHV%&%RQGVWRSXUFKDVHVSHFLDOIDFLOLW\UHYHQXHERQGVLVVXHGWR¿QDQFHDQGUH¿QDQFH WKURXJKWKHUHSD\PHQWRI&RPPHUFLDO3DSHU 1RWHV DQRQ$LUSRUWKRWHODQGUHODWHGFRVWVWR¿QDQFHDQ$LU7UDLQVWDWLRQDGMDFHQWWRWKHRQ$LUSRUWKRWHODQGWRSD\FRVWVRILVVXDQFHRIWKH6HULHV%&%RQGV Each Series of Series 2018B/C Bonds bears interest at a Weekly Rate determined by the applicable Remarketing Agent. The Series 2018B Bonds and the Series 2018C Bonds may bear LQWHUHVWDWGL൵HUHQWUDWHV7KH&RPPLVVLRQPD\FRQYHUWWKH6HULHV%&%RQGVWRDGL൵HUHQW0RGH:KLOHWKH6HULHV%&%RQGVDUHLQWKH:HHNO\0RGHWKH&RPPLVVLRQZLOOSD\LQWHUHVWRQWKH 6HULHV%&%RQGVRQWKH¿UVW%XVLQHVV'D\RIHDFKFDOHQGDUPRQWKFRPPHQFLQJ-XO\ The Series 2018B/C Bonds are subject to optional and mandatory redemption prior to their maturity date and are subject to optional and mandatory tender for purchase as further described herein. 7KH6HULHV%&%RQGVZLOOEHLVVXHGDVIXOO\UHJLVWHUHGERQGVUHJLVWHUHGLQWKHQDPHRI&HGH &RDVUHJLVWHUHGRZQHUDQGQRPLQHHRI7KH'HSRVLWRU\7UXVW&RPSDQ\ ³'7&´ 6RORQJ DV&HGH &RLVWKHUHJLVWHUHGRZQHURIDQ\6HULHV%&%RQGVSD\PHQWRISXUFKDVHSULFHSULQFLSDODQGLQWHUHVWRQWKH6HULHV%&%RQGVZLOOEHPDGHWR&HGH &RDVQRPLQHHRI'7&ZKLFK LVUHTXLUHGLQWXUQWRUHPLWVXFKSXUFKDVHSULFHSULQFLSDODQGLQWHUHVWWRWKH'7&3DUWLFLSDQWVIRUVXEVHTXHQWGLVEXUVHPHQWWRWKH%HQH¿FLDO2ZQHUV 3D\PHQWRIWKHSULQFLSDODQGSXUFKDVHSULFHRIDQGLQWHUHVWRQWKH6HULHV%%RQGVZLOOEHVXSSRUWHGE\IXQGVGUDZQXQGHUDQLUUHYRFDEOHGLUHFWSD\OHWWHURIFUHGLW WKH³%DUFOD\V/HWWHU RI&UHGLW´ LVVXHGE\%DUFOD\V%DQN3/& ³%DUFOD\V´ LVVXHGSXUVXDQWWRD/HWWHURI&UHGLWDQG5HLPEXUVHPHQW$JUHHPHQW WKH³%DUFOD\V5HLPEXUVHPHQW$JUHHPHQW´ E\DQGEHWZHHQ%DUFOD\VDQGWKH &RPPLVVLRQ7KH%DUFOD\V/HWWHURI&UHGLWZLOOH[SLUHRQ-XQHXQOHVVH[WHQGHGRUWHUPLQDWHGHDUOLHUXSRQWKHRFFXUUHQFHRIFHUWDLQHYHQWVDVGHVFULEHGLQWKH%DUFOD\V5HLPEXUVHPHQW$JUHHPHQW DQGWKH%DUFOD\V/HWWHURI&UHGLW 3D\PHQWRIWKHSULQFLSDODQGSXUFKDVHSULFHRIDQGLQWHUHVWRQWKH6HULHV&%RQGVZLOOEHVXSSRUWHGE\IXQGVGUDZQXQGHUDQLUUHYRFDEOHGLUHFWSD\OHWWHURIFUHGLW WKH³60%&/HWWHURI &UHGLW´ LVVXHGE\6XPLWRPR0LWVXL%DQNLQJ&RUSRUDWLRQDFWLQJWKURXJKLWV1HZ<RUN%UDQFK ³60%&´DQGWRJHWKHUZLWK%DUFOD\VWKH³%DQNV´ LVVXHGSXUVXDQWWRD/HWWHURI&UHGLWDQG5HLPEXUVHPHQW $JUHHPHQW WKH³60%&5HLPEXUVHPHQW$JUHHPHQW´ E\DQGEHWZHHQ60%&DQGWKH&RPPLVVLRQ7KH60%&/HWWHURI&UHGLWZLOOH[SLUHRQ-XQHXQOHVVH[WHQGHGRUWHUPLQDWHGHDUOLHUXSRQWKH RFFXUUHQFHRIFHUWDLQHYHQWVDVGHVFULEHGLQWKH60%&5HLPEXUVHPHQW$JUHHPHQWDQGWKH60%&/HWWHURI&UHGLW The Series 2018B/C Bonds are special, limited obligations of the Commission, payable as to principal and interest (but not as to purchase price) solely out of, and secured by a pledge of and lien on, the Net Revenues of the Airport and the funds and accounts provided for in the 1991 Master Resolution. Neither the credit nor taxing power of the City is pledged to the payment of the principal or purchase price of or interest on the Series 2018B/C Bonds. No holder of a Series 2018B/C Bond shall have the right to compel the exercise of the taxing power of the City to pay the principal or purchase price of the Series 2018B/C Bonds or the interest thereon. The Commission has no taxing power whatsoever. Purchasers of the Series 2018B/C Bonds will be deemed to have consented to certain amendments to the 1991 Master Resolution. See “3උඈඉඈඌൾൽ$ආൾඇൽආൾඇඍඌඍඈඍඁൾ0ൺඌඍൾඋ 5ൾඌඈඅඎඍංඈඇ” and $ඉඉൾඇൽංඑ-±³6ඎආආൺඋඒඈൿ3උඈඉඈඌൾൽ$ආൾඇൽආൾඇඍඌඍඈඍඁൾ0ൺඌඍൾඋ5ൾඌඈඅඎඍංඈඇ´ 7KH6HULHV%&%RQGVDUHRৼHUHGZKHQDVDQGLILVVXHGE\WKH&RPPLVVLRQDQGUHFHLYHGE\WKH8QGHUZULWHUVVXEMHFWWRDSSURYDORIYDOLGLW\E\2UULFN+HUULQJWRQ 6XWFOLৼH//3 6DQ)UDQFLVFR&DOLIRUQLDDQG&XUOV%DUWOLQJ3&2DNODQG&DOLIRUQLD&R%RQG&RXQVHOWRWKH&RPPLVVLRQDQGFHUWDLQRWKHUFRQGLWLRQV&HUWDLQOHJDOPDWWHUVZLOOEHSDVVHGXSRQIRUWKH&RPPLVVLRQ E\1L[RQ3HDERG\//3'LVFORVXUH&RXQVHODQGE\WKH&LW\$WWRUQH\IRUWKH8QGHUZULWHUVE\WKHLUFRXQVHO+DZNLQV'HOD¿HOG :RRG//36DQ)UDQFLVFR&DOLIRUQLDDQGIRUWKH%DQNVE\WKHLUVSHFLDO 8QLWHG6WDWHVFRXQVHO&KDSPDQDQG&XWOHU//3&KLFDJR,OOLQRLV DQGHDFK%DQN¶VUHVSHFWLYHIRUHLJQFRXQVHO7KH&RPPLVVLRQH[SHFWVWRGHOLYHUWKH 6HULHV%&%RQGVWKURXJKWKHIDFLOLWLHVRI'7& RQRUDERXW-XQHDJDLQVWSD\PHQWWKHUHIRU Barclays Capital Inc. Citigroup (Underwriter and Remarketing Agent for (Underwriter and Remarketing Agent for Series 2018B Bonds) Series 2018C Bonds) 'DWHG0D\ GENERAL INFORMATION The initial interest rate established by the Commission for the Series 2018B/C Bonds will apply to the period commencing on their date of issuance to and including the applicable initial Rate Determination Date specified below. Thereafter, the Series 2018B/C Bonds will bear interest at a Weekly Rate determined by the applicable Remarketing Agent, as described in this Official Statement, subject to certain conditions and exceptions. Interest on the Series 2018B/C Bonds will be payable on each Interest Payment Date. See “DESCRIPTION OF THE SERIES 2018B/C BONDS–Weekly Mode Provisions.” Maturity Rate Principal Date Interest Interest Determination Letter of Credit Series Amount (May 1) Mode Payment Date Date Provider Remarketing Agent CUSIP No.* 2018B $138,170,000 2058 Weekly First Business Day of each Tuesday Barclays Bank PLC Barclays Capital Inc. 79766DLB3 calendar month, commencing July 2, 2018 2018C $138,170,000 2058 Weekly First Business Day of each Tuesday Sumitomo Mitsui Citigroup Global 79766DLC1 calendar month, commencing Banking Corporation, Markets Inc. July 2, 2018 acting through its New York Branch * CUSIP® is a registered trademark of the American Bankers Association. CUSIP data herein is provided by CUSIP Global Services (CGS), which is managed on behalf of the American Bankers Association by S&P Global Market Intelligence. This information is not intended to create a database and does not serve in any way as a substitute for the CGS database. CUSIP numbers have been assigned by an independent company not affiliated with the Commission or the Underwriters and are included solely for the convenience of the registered owners of the applicable Series 2018B/C Bonds. Neither the Commission nor the Underwriters are responsible for the selection or uses of these CUSIP numbers, and no representation is made as to their correctness on the applicable Series 2018B/C Bonds or as included herein. The CUSIP number for a specific maturity is subject to being changed after the execution and delivery of the Series 2018B/C Bonds as a result of various subsequent actions including, but not limited to, a refunding in whole or in part or as a result of the procurement of secondary market portfolio insurance or other similar enhancement by investors that is applicable to all or a portion of certain maturities of the Series 2018B/C Bonds. CITY AND COUNTY OF SAN FRANCISCO Mark E. Farrell Mayor Dennis J. Herrera, City Attorney Benjamin Rosenfield, Controller José Cisneros, Treasurer AIRPORT COMMISSION Larry Mazzola, President Linda S. Crayton, Vice President Richard J. Guggenhime Eleanor Johns Peter A. Stern Ivar C. Satero, Airport Director BOARD OF SUPERVISORS
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