MOB mm THE LIMA PEWS OCTOBER! THC BUM ram Aft PRIINPiy A* THC *NT* BACK HOMI, HIT TMtVU HAM W DO! Alan Young's Memory Gets Current Films Are Held Going Over In Training Test Over At Sigma Theatre Alan (SluKBiMi Cerebellum) Younj?, deciding to have Ihe wheels in Whether it bus boon done before in beyond thin reviewer's comprc- his head completely overhauled, takes a course in memory trainluf heniilou but two filniH-"Born for Trouble" and "It All Came True"- during the "Alan Young Show," Tuesday at 8:30 p. m. over WJZ. Attempting to dwarf Hubwl Updike's (Jim Backup mentjil might, bolh returned films in the first place-are bviny ht-ld over at the Alan sludie.-, hard, but soon discovei-H thai in order to Krow a mighty Siirma theatre. Liubvlh Scott, the new find in Hollywood, pluya the Jole of » oak, there must first be an acorn. So in deviation, -.he young comic resorts to methods not according hostess and Kuide to three air corps men who are corainiH»ioii«d to Hoyllijy iue iin Oldeu* v* v*r tI'Wo impreb***• |^« • M*s* his &4.4 it\sonK 11 *^ v»ove» •> »r WEA-•-- F —at _9:3 . _0 . p, -. m-. t^o by the government to sell bonds friend Belly (Joan CillcspJoJ tickle your funny-bone with their ti'nd btamps. The film is B beau- Thetlr* Guide Warl W stful Vista vii t0r>> an<1 hUm r tiful picturization of a love thai Mike (t(thhe Falcon)) Wari,*"K ' Tnj' s ,>, tho show", you will remcm° '- OBIO— "Vou Came Along" wlUi attractivc leportcr from I ^ , ^y ii ;d- could not die, and to men with 1 CLACK, "m WSSfM 1EU. ME IF _ riul___, . meets an whcre evon {h( s pp< courujfc beyond that of physical Roueit Gumming ). Poll DcJ'Vre, (SONS ItffpHS ^aJT-^HlS^SWI^Tj \IWR%* a photoRiaphlaohvy marine and is | .^ ^omm(<rcia|s draw a chuckle. combat. The film in "You Came and Cliurlew Drake ni"l inlro- aroused to a sudden interest in At 10 p. tn. ivor WEAF Bob Along" and is now playing at the dui'lnK Li'/ubelh Scott. cameras only to realize that a. Hope, of the ski-jump nose, in- QUIXiMA — "Junloi Mlns" with P<-£- Ohio theatre. 1 dark room is a place where mur- t v,((](,s th(1 atmosphorc for anolhcr It's simply amazing how a girl gy Ann G.'inn ! and Allyn Joolyn; der can be developed too, m Mur- ^^ hollr wil[l tj,c craci(S and aim) "Cailbbean Myhterj." can tangle a family into so many der is a Snap," the "Advpntures of mm(jnts tnat, delighted our serv . __ * •• i ^ _ i _ L,. ,. uncivil i *•**" ••••" •*• * .._- knots (and the audience in laugh- WOMA— "Born Kor Trouble" wit'i the Falcon" drama to be heard icPinen and women overseas. The ter knots) bv merely overhearing Van Jolnihon and f'uye Jim^r- over WOR Tuesday, 8-JiO to 9 p.m British-born comedian, still p lay- one woid. That's exactly the sit- son: also "Jl All Camp Tju<5" Fibber McGee and Molly will !/e ing to soldier audiences, seems m uation, tho in "Junior Miss" the willi Huinh»"y BogHrt und Ann specialist in G. I. jokes, since his film which is now showing at the •ShPiidun. STATE— "Christinas In Connecti- i cloie association with the um- Quilna theatre. Peggy Ann Gar- Radio Guide d foice.0. ner has the lead and Allyn Joslyn cut" with BarbJia Stanwyck, Demita Morgan anJ Sydney Green- TUESDAY, OCT. 9 plavs the heckled father. P. M. If you happened to be passing street. also "Bev/itcheJ." 5.45—Front Pa«e Farr"ll Sfrnl—nb' Japanese Gold the State theatre any day this liYSIC— "Tonight and Eveiy Night." Sparrow and H*»v.k—cbs week and feel a light cold wind Tuth Rita Hay worth and Lee Tom Mix—mbs Hoard Guarded come rushing at you and heard Bowman, also "Belle 01 The Vu- Nick Carter—mln kon ' with Gysy Ro.«e L''". t:15—Echoes of Tropiri—nlii '. TOKYO. Oct. 0—(UP)—Armed jingling bells, what would your i *wi^. j ^J^\AfVv/\-' » \r^c^ -v-wsrfi— — first thoughts turn to? Of course, *LI>CV— "The Trail Of The Lone- KJwin C. Hill—cl« ' Kunr.it, of the Fir-t Cavalry Divis- iome Pine" and "Gamblej^ ^WL \ COO?\S. VCft\O VVOtO VS-^. Superman—mbs ion tonight suirounded the Japa- "Christmas" 01 better yet "Christ- j:30—Ted HUIIIJE—tb- 1 mas in Connecticut." That is the Choice" with Clyster Morris. 'vitWL ^>o S:<5—Lowell Thomay—nbc npse na\y rmm&try after U. S. of- Nancy Kelly and RnsBCll Hayden. Wor!d NOWB—cln ficiaK '•aid hoards of loot from name of the film now playing Tom Mir— rob5 ,there but it fits in fine in that OBirE-ZH — "Hollywood CantPen" 7:00—Como's Supptr Club- nbc fapan\ lost pmpire might be with John Garfield and Joan Fulton L*wisr—mbs «-tored in official government last sentence. 1 7:13—War J*PWE—nbc "Belle of the Yukon" tells the Lesli* 7:30—Bick Hajm-B i. Shov-nbc ' building*- eolorful story in a colorful way COMING UP American Melodi-"*— r!"5 A terse announcement said (technicolor) of the Alaskan gold OHIO— "Naughty Nineties" op^n Arthur Hale—ml« mcielv L'. S. officials had leained lush. Those were the days when Fi iday. Mu^ic-—mb^ that "prpnou'. metal," presumably QU1LHA— "Slate Fan ' coming Kil- 8 00—C O. Skimer «ho«—"be i :-tolpp in Japan's yeais, of mili- streets were merely mud puddles "R'K Tov,n —cbs and the men did not lay down uay News—mbfi tary conquest, was in the navy their coat? in Sir Walter Raleigh SIGMA — "StrdnEP Confetisioi." and 8:30—A Dat<> With .ludj—nbc ministry building-. manner. The film is now showing "Sky Bandits' start Satuiday. Theatre of Rom-inc-, Or —cos STATE — "Bedside Manner" and Bond Auction—mbs It \vab icliably reported that at the Lyric theatre. 8 I"*—News—'•bs "Leopard Man Of Africa" due more tioops may be placed shortly Tarzan is at home in the jungle 9 :oo— Xa%-y Prrwr'aTp—nbr at other Japanese buildings to Thursday Ini^r Sancturr—cb^ 0 but if ever he is called upon to Gab-iel Hrattcr—mb« guard similar hoard . leave this place, he is willing to go IiYRlC — "Comin' Around The 9 30—Victor BorKC—nbi- to save a fellow man. In Tarzan's Mountain" and "Escape In TJie This Is Uy Best. Drama—cbs Thp Tiopic of Capucorn is Fog" begin Wednesday. Acnenrap Fonim—mbs Desert Mystery" opening Wednes- INDIVIDUAL 10 00—Man Called X—nbc •-outh of the equator. day at the Allen theatre, this cir- ALLEN— "Tarzan's Desert MjstPry" PRANK'S 61 VIM' A &<—\ ice to the Front—rbs commence 3CIN4-O JO-30— Hildeaarde—nbc cumstance arises. ^____ foDjrre«q Sp**ak?—fbs Wjnsrs For Tomorrov ^mbs DBIVE-IM— 'Horn Blou? At Mid- Theatre 10.45—Dancing AJu«ic—cbs OK THE Navy Will Reduce night" open Wednesday. 11 00—Xer.s—nbc-baiic SQUAJUE The Supper Club in repea*— ALLEN Discharge Points nbc-west Di-r.c"—mM LA.ST TIMES TODAY WASHINGTON, Oct. 9—(UP) SCHOOL BUILDING PLANNED 11 13—Variety and N»«s to 1 a m — —Undersecretary Artemus L. COLUMBUS, Oct. 9—(AP)—A nbc "THE TRAIL OF THE Cates said today that the Navy war-delayed building program for LONESOME PINE" Boon will reduce the number of Ohio's schools soon may be under joints requ'-ed for discharge of way. Approximately $45,000,000 "GAMBLER'S CHOICE" men and officers. worth of school improvements, in WED. AND THURS. At f uress confeience with Adm the form of bond issues, will be Chester W. Nimitz, Gates said submitted to voters in November, 45c TILL NSmitz' leport on pi ogress _in j a survey of the secretary of state's NOW! 6 P. 31. closing bases and returning ships • office showed. iFrom the Pacific would make this W*' possible sooner than expected. ! HE \lf~ BONA FLEMING TO- ui At present 49 points aie re- IMTE. FIRST CHURCH OF THE O quired for discharge of male of- 'NAZARENE, ELM AND WEST j ficers and 44 for enlisted men. i STREETS. ( OUT OUR WAY BJ J. B. WILLIAMS! PLUS— / AT GUY'S PRIDE SHUT UP/ YOU \ MAKES ME SORE TALK. SO MUCH I - SOMETIMES-- HE'S COULDM'T THINK..' TOO PROUD TO PEOPLE'LI- BEC3 THUM& A T*lDE, YOU TO RIDE WHEN BUT I'VE NOTICED VOU'RE OUT FER HE ACCEPTS IT EXERCISE — AFTER- WE'VE BE A BUMMED WHEN) THEY'LL BE<3 YOU? HIARTIN'S Roadside Restaurant DOES YSR SISTEP 6REETIM6S,JC HELLO. WIMPY!!) MIDXITE PREMIERE I YOU 1H MUe* W. en riBdl»7 «*. KNOW YER HERE THTTRS. EVE. AT U P. Si- WISHED ¥f-3 ^£ / Seats Wow On Sale At Box Olfice WHEM » PROMISE THE PEOPLE RAIN FOR ME DHIVE OUT THE SUN SHINES, ANP WHEM I PROMISE- POPEVE NOT> FOR DELICIOUS SUMSH1MHIWE-E ; , />^r(CE YET, ?IT RAINS DINNERS !££v4P/«««ev.'r'iv7/-. ^/»J Steaks - Chops Sandwiches LIQUOR - WINE - BEER "t/y^^iv JffWIU.i'V^ THE STEP FROST BUNAS- TO C5EMTL£N1£M WLOK DIAL OUR BOARDING BOUSE with MAJOR BOO PL* '•{%S LIMA LOG / VtOUUD X ' r LIMA TIME COULD NAB TKE Younsr birds which emerge while young hatched from rela- HELP OVER 13ET6CT- J Russians have spent a higher per- | J'.
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