US 20130204746A1 (19) United States (12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2013/0204746A1 Lee et al. (43) Pub. Date: Aug. 8, 2013 (54) AUTOMATICWEB PRESENCE FEATURE Publication Classification DEPLOYMENT (51) Int. Cl. (71) Applicant: Endurance International Group, Inc., G06Q 30/06 (2012.01) Burlington, MA (US) (52) U.S. Cl. (72) Inventors: James Christopher Lee, Highland, UT USPCCPC .................................. G06OO 30/0625 iA26(2013.O1 8. (US); Benjamin John Merrill, Park " City, UT (US) (73) Assignee: ENDURANCE INTERNATIONAL (57) ABSTRACT GROUP, INC., Burlington, MA (US) (21) Appl. No.: 13/739,968 An app store provides a searchable catalog of selectable ele (22) Filed: Jan. 11, 2013 ments representing programs that provide capabilities for Related U.S. Application Data enabling the online presence of a customer, and automatically installs such programs and enables such web presence-en (60) Provisional application No. 61/585,604, filed on Jan. abling capabilities upon selection by the customer of the 11, 2012. selectable element. NERACON ENTERNE CHANNE FOR USER NPU RECOMMENDENGWEB ... -----** * * * * * * *.*.*.**'. .a. PRESENCE OFFERNG WEB WEB PRESENCE PRESENCE PROGRAM HOST 114 MANFENANCE FACEETY 1.08 WEB PRESENCE f APP OFFERENGS 102 WEB PRESENCE USER FEATURE / APP SELECTION104 (OF RECOMMENDED USER WEB WEB PRESENCE PRESENCE FEATURE / APP) ENSTAL/ ADD WEB PRESENCE FLES/ WEBSITE FEATURE / APP 112 WEB PRESENCEAPP BRARY 110 Patent Application Publication Aug. 8, 2013 Sheet 1 of 14 US 2013/0204746A1 Patent Application Publication Aug. 8, 2013 Sheet 2 of 14 US 2013/0204746A1 Patent Application Publication Aug. 8, 2013 Sheet 3 of 14 US 2013/0204746A1 ::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ************** ***** Patent Application Publication Aug. 8, 2013 Sheet 4 of 14 US 2013/0204746A1 8B/VAS,HEST Patent Application Publication Aug. 8, 2013 Sheet 5 of 14 US 2013/0204746A1 809 8B/WS,HEST) ZOGBONESEHd EHJET8W/NEO| Patent Application Publication Aug. 8, 2013 Sheet 6 of 14 US 2013/0204746A1 Y 809 Z09HHQIVE+ Patent Application Publication Aug. 8, 2013 Sheet 7 of 14 US 2013/0204746A1 ·,·*?..…* **••*** ·~~);ae^ ;:?*\,„^<!---*•x”**.·•7*)„’«…„ ||×`A,······································································---···),* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Patent Application Publication Aug. 8, 2013 Sheet 8 of 14 US 2013/0204746A1 788 &H SSOOc WSNGOW3 NOW WISN. 5775EnEnO WSASOW Patent Application Publication Aug. 8, 2013 Sheet 9 of 14 US 2013/0204746A1 006 Patent Application Publication Aug. 8, 2013 Sheet 10 of 14 US 2013/0204746A1 000?. ?700},::|ALITIOVANOISEBNIHHIHIINAGHVQNVIS9NIÐVÀOvd Patent Application Publication Aug. 8, 2013 Sheet 11 of 14 US 2013/0204746A1 Patent Application Publication Aug. 8, 2013 Sheet 12 of 14 US 2013/0204746A1 00Z? Patent Application Publication Aug. 8, 2013 Sheet 13 of 14 US 2013/0204746A1 Patent Application Publication Aug. 8, 2013 Sheet 14 of 14 US 2013/0204746A1 ~ US 2013/0204746 A1 Aug. 8, 2013 AUTOMATIC WEB PRESENCE FEATURE enabling an online presence of a customer. The app store may DEPLOYMENT automatically install Such programs and enable such web presence-enabling capabilities upon selection by a customer CROSS-REFERENCE TO RELATED of the selectable element. The app store may be an electronic APPLICATIONS on-line accessible app Store. The app store may include the 0001. This application claims the benefit of U.S. provi electronically searchable catalog of the selectable elements sional patent application Ser. No. 61/585,604 filed Jan. 11, representing web presence programs that may provide capa 2012, which is hereby incorporated by reference in its bilities for enabling online presence of the customer. The app entirety. store may also include a web presence program maintenance facility that may automatically install a selected portion of the BACKGROUND programs and may enable at least one web presence-enabling capability for each installed program in response to user 0002 1. Field of the Invention confirmation of a selection of a selectable element. The online 0003. The present invention relates to providing web pres presence may include a capability to communicate over a ence services via automated remote web presence mainte network. The selection may include at least one of a single nance services. clicking, double clicking, selection in a drop down menu, 0004 2. Description of the Related Art selection of an icon, and touching an icon. The app store may 0005 Delivery of web site and web hosting services is be configured to automatically collect customer website host fragmented and generally requires a user to separately iden ing information to facilitate installation. The automatic col tify and take several distinct steps, mostly by trial and error, to lection of customer website hosting information may be establish a new web presence or to update an existing pres based on information provided by a source that provides a ence, generally resulting in at least some portion of the web reference of the app store to the customer. The reference to the presence being incomplete. Access to web presence programs customer website hosting information may be provided by are equally fragmented and often require unique registration the source through an on-line referral. The source may be a for each program. website hosting provider. The searchable catalog may be provided based on customer-specific information. The SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION searchable catalog may be provided based on advertiser fees 0006. The methods and systems of automated program received for placement of at least one of the selectable ele deployment described herein may facilitate developing ments. The searchable catalog may be provided based on a access channels and/or access points for existing and poten Source that provides a reference of the app Store to the cus tial customers of a web presence hosting business. Each of tomer. At least one of the selectable elements may represent a Such customers of the web presence hosting business may web presence theme. The theme may require at least one web itself have an online presence, hosted by the hosting business, presence program represented in the catalog to be installed Such as a website, a blog, a portal, a presence on a social prior to installing the theme. networking site, such as LinkedIn R, Facebook.(R) or Twitter(R), 0008. In the methods and systems of automated web pres or the like (such presence of any type being generally referred ence program maintenance described here, the methods and to herein except where context indicates otherwise, as a “web systems may include a method that may include receiving presence”). By providing one-click style program deploy information from the user for configuring at least a portion of ment of essential, interesting, and/or valuable web presence the selectable elements for installation in a web presence features at little or no cost to businesses or other users that hosting environment. Each of the selectable elements may would benefit from improved web presence, such users of represent a different web presence type, and each selectable such a service may be presented with a variety of different element may be adapted to automatically generate a fully offerings by the web presence hosting business. In an operational web presence of the type associated with the example, a web hosting service provider may offer Such a selectable element upon selection by a customer whose web service to attract new customers to the web hosting service by presence information may be electronically accessible during initiating contact with the potential new customer based on an automatic web presence generation. The method may fur the new customers interest in establishing or enhancing a ther include receiving a user selection of one of the selectable web presence. In the example, a user of Such a service may elements. The method may also include automatically gener select to start blogging. As a result of the selection to start ating, without further user action, a fully operational web blogging, the user may be offered to have a website for the presence of a web presence type associated with the select user's blogs automatically established along with a web host able element selected by the user. The catalog may be search ing service for the website and blog. The outcome of such an able. The automatic generation of the fully operational web interaction may be that the user is provided the desired blog presence may involve at least one of purchasing a domain ging features along with a web hosting contract through name, transferring a domain name, purchasing web hosting, which the blog will be made available on the Internet. If the and generating a webpage. user already has a preferred venue for the blog (e.g. the user 0009. In the methods and systems of automated web pres has an existing website), the blog web presence feature may ence program maintenance described here, the methods and be automatically added to the users website upon receipt of systems may include a method of automated web presence the website details from the user. feature installation. The method may include receiving a web 0007. In the methods and systems of automated web pres presence feature recommendation for a user. The method may ence program maintenance described here, the methods and also include selecting a web presence program from a search systems may include an app store that may provide a search able catalog of selectable elements representing programs able catalog of selectable elements. The selectable elements that may provide capabilities for enabling an online presence may represent programs that may provide capabilities for of a customer. The method may further include processing a US 2013/0204746 A1 Aug. 8, 2013 Script for configuration and installation of a selected web grams that may provide capabilities for enabling an online presence program. The method may also include enabling an presence of a customer So that the app store may be accessible installed web presence program. The selection of the web through a predetermined website.
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