A O U Check-listSupplement The Auk 117(3):847-858, 2000 FORTY-SECOND SUPPLEMENT TO THE AMERICAN ORNITHOLOGISTS' UNION CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS This first Supplementsince publication of the 7th Icterusprosthemelas, Lonchura cantans, and L. atricap- edition (1998)of the AOU Check-listof North American illa); (3) four speciesare changed(Caracara cheriway, Birdssummarizes changes made by the Committee Glaucidiumcostaricanum, Myrmotherula pacifica, Pica on Classification and Nomenclature between its re- hudsonia)and one added (Caracaralutosa) by splits constitutionin late 1998 and 31 January2000. Be- from now-extralimital forms; (4) four scientific causethe makeupof the Committeehas changed sig- namesof speciesare changedbecause of genericre- nificantly since publication of the 7th edition, it allocation (Ibycter americanus,Stercorarius skua, S. seemsappropriate to outline the way in which the maccormicki,Molothrus oryzivorus); (5) one specific currentCommittee operates. The philosophyof the name is changedfor nomenclaturalreasons (Baeolo- Committeeis to retain the presenttaxonomic or dis- phusridgwayi); (6) the spellingof five speciesnames tributional statusunless substantial and convincing is changedto make them gramaticallycorrect rela- evidenceis publishedthat a changeshould be made. tive to the genericname (Jacameropsaureus, Poecile The Committee maintains an extensiveagenda of atricapilla,P. hudsonica,P. cincta,Buarremon brunnein- potential actionitems, includingpossible taxonomic ucha);(7) oneEnglish name is changedto conformto changesand changesto the list of speciesincluded worldwide use (Long-tailedDuck), one is changed in the main text or the Appendix.Many of theseare by removing an unneeded modifier (White Tern), derived from statementsof varying taxonomictreat- and five are changedbecause of speciessplits (Great- mentsmentioned in notesin speciesaccounts in the er Sage-Grouse,Western Spindalis, Greater Antillean 7th edition. Eachmember has acceptedprimary re- Oriole, Indian Silverbill, Tricolored Munia); and (8) sponsibilityfor certain groupsof birds or for partic- sevenspecies are added to the Appendix (Oceano- ular distributionalor other matters.When a sugges- dromamonorhis, Circus aeruginosus, Larus genei, L. no- tion for a changein taxonomic,nomenclatural, or vaehollandiae,Phaethornis yaruqui, Tachycineta albiven- distributionalstatus is published,the memberwith ter, Oryzoborusangolensis). The 15 additionsto the responsibilityfor the affectedgroup studiesthe sit- main list bring the numberof speciesrecognized as uation and prepares a proposal for (or against) occurringin the Check-listarea (main list) to 2,023. change.The Committeealso considers proposals or This Supplementalso makes some technical nomen- suggestionsby nonmembersif accompaniedby ad- claturaland spellingchanges that werenot included equatejustification or evidence.Proposals, with rec- with errata in the Notice from the Committee in Auk ommendations,are circulatedamong the Committee 116:282-283,1999. Literature that providesthe basis and a period of discussionensues, mainly by e-mail. for the Committee's decisions is cited at the end of Advice may be solicitedfrom colleagueswho are not the Supplement,and citationsnot alreadyin the Lit- membersof the Committee.Eventually, a voteis tak- erature Cited of the 7th edition become additions to en. If approved,the proposalbecomes an item for the it. An updated list of speciesknown from the Check- next Supplement.If the proposalis not accepted,it list area may be accessedfrom <http://www. returns to the agendato await additionalevidence. nmnh.si.edu/BIRDNET/index.html> on the inter- The Committeeattempts to meet annually at the net. AOU meeting.Members of the Committeeare also The following changesto the 7th edition (page workingtoward a future editionof the Check-listthat numbers refer thereto) result from the Committee's willfinclude statements of geographic variation and actions: a treatmentat the subspecificlevel. Changesin this Supplementfall into eight cate- pp. xvii-liv. In the list of bird speciesknown from gories:(1) three speciesare addedto the main list the Check-listarea, change2,008 to 2,023. In the list, becauseof new distributional information (Ardeola insertthe followingspecies in the properposition as bacchus,Milvus migrans, Emberiza elegans); (2) 11 spe- indicatedby the text of this Supplement: ciesare added to the list becauseof splitting of spe- Sula granti Nazca Booby. cies previouslyon the list (Sulagranti, Centrocercus Ardeola bacchus Chinese Pond-Heron. minimus, Picoidesarizonae, Dendroica subita, D. delicata, Milvus migransBlack Kite. Spindalisnigricephala, S. dominicensis,S. portoricensis, t'Caracara lutosa Guadalupe Caracara. 847 848 Forty-secondSupplement [Auk,Vol. 117 Centrocercusminimus Gunnison Sage-Grouse. Sulagranti Rothschild,1902, Bull. Brit. Ornithol. Glaucidium costaricanumCosta Rican Pygmy-Owl. Club 13:7. (GalapagosArchipelago = CulpepperIs- Picoidesarizonae Arizona Woodpecker land, fide Hartert, Nov. Zool. 32: 274, 1925.) Myrmotherula pacificaPacific Antwren. Dendroica subita Barbuda Warbler Habitat.--Pelagic waters; nests on cliffs on is- lands. Dendroica delicata St. Lucia Warbler. Distribution.--Breeds in the eastern Pacific on the $pindalis nigricephalaJamaican Spindalis. GalapagosIslands, Isla La Plata, Ecuador,and Mal- $pindalis dominicensisHispaniolan Spindalis. pelo Island off Colombia,and in small numberson Spindalisportoricensis Puerto Rican Spindalis. ClippertonIsland and the Revillagigedos. Emberizaelegans Yellow-throated Bunting. Rangesat seaoff Middle Americain the southern Icterus prosthemelasBlack-cowled Oriole. Gulf of California and from Colima, Mexico, to Ec- Lonchura cantans African Silverbill (I). uador. Lonchuraatricapilla ChestnutMunia (I). Notes.--Formerly considered a subspeciesof S. Changethe followingEnglish names: dactylatra,but separatedby Pitmanand Jehl(1998). Clangula hyemalisLong-tailed Duck. See commentsunder S. dactylatra. Centrocercusurophasianus Greater Sage-Grouse. Gygisalba White Tern. p. 32. In the Notesunder the genusPhalacrocorax, Spindaliszena WesternSpindalis. the nameHypoleucus should be Hypoleucos. Icterus dominicensis Greater Antillean Oriole. Lonchuramalabarica Indian Silverbill (I). p. 44. Beforethe genusButorides, insert: Lonchuramalacca Tricolored Munia (I). Change the following scientificnames, with no Genus ARDEOLA Boie changein Englishnames: ArdeolaBoie, 1822, Isis von Oken, col.559. Type, by Daptrius americanusto Ibycter americanus monotypy,Ardea ralloides Scopoli. Caracara plancus to Caracara cheriway Catharacta skua to Stercorarius skua Ardeolabacchus (Bonaparte). Chinese Pond-Heron. Catharacta maccormicki to Stercorarius maccormi- cki Buphusbacchus Bonaparte, 1855, Consp. Gen. Av- ium, 2:127.(Malay Peninsula.) Jacameropsaurea to Jacameropsaureus Pica pica to Pica hudsonia Habitat.--Marshland, rice fields, riverbanks, man- Poecileatricapillus to Poecileatricapilla groves,tidepools, and margins of fishponds. Poecile hudsonicus to Poecile hudsonica Distribution.--Breeds from central Manchuria Poecile cinctus to Poecile cincta and Inner Mongolia south through easternChina Baeolophusgriseus to Baeolophusridgwayi and Taiwan to Assam, northern Indochina, and Hai- Buarremon brunneinuchus to Buarremon brunneinu- nan. cha Wintersin the southernpart of the breedingrange Scaphiduraoryzivora to Molothrus oryzivorus and to Thailand, the Malay Peninsula,Myanmar (Burma), Sumatra, Java,Borneo, and Sulawesi. Deletethe followingnames: Wandersto Siberia,Korea, Japan, and Sri Lanka. Glaucidiumjardinii Andean Pygmy-Owl. Accidental on St. Paul Island, Pribilofs, Alaska, 4- Myrmotherulasurinamensis Streaked Antwren. 9 August 1996 (Gibson and Kessel1997, Hoyer and Move Icterus bullockii to position following I. pus- Smith 1997). tulatus p. 81. The Committeewas petitioned by a groupof p. 28. Sulagranti is recognizedas a speciesdistinct biologistsfrom the U.S.Fish and Wildlife Servicein from S. dactylatra,as proposedby Pitman and Jehl Alaskato changethe Englishname of Clangulahye- (1998),on the basisof differencesin bill color,size malisfrom Oldsquawto Long-tailedDuck, the name and proportions,some color characters in both ju- usedfor the speciesoutside of North America.The venal and definitive plumages, preferred nesting basisfor thepetition was that the species is declining habitat,and pelagicnonbreeding ranges. Modify the in numbers in Alaska, and conservationmanage- breedingdistribution of Suladactylatra by removing mentplans require the help and cooperationof Na- the phrase"and in the Galapagos"and the word tive Americans.The biologistswere concerned that "Ecuador."Add to the Notes under S. dactylatra: the nameOldsquaw would offendthe NativeAmer- Someold sightreports may pertainto S.granti (e.g. icans.Requests to changethe namehad beenmade Roberson1998). Insert the followingafter the ac- to theCommittee in pastyears by somewho consider count for S. dactylatra: the word "squaw" to be offensive.The Committee declines to consider political correctnessalone in $ula granti Rothschild.Nazca Booby. changinglong-standing English names of birdsbut July2000] Forty-secondSupplement 849 is willing in this instanceto adopt an alternative thesegenera differ in syringealmorphology and mi- name that is in use in much of the world. tochondrialDNA (Griffiths1994b, 1999) and in ecol- ogy (Brownand Amadon1968). The geneticstudies ChangeEnglish name of Clangulahyemalis from showthat Daptrius is paraphyleticif americanusis in- Oldsquawto
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