YOUR BEST SOURCE FOR LOCAL NEWS, EVENTS AND MORE DEPUTY OF Another Diane Wenzel THE YEAR: SONGS Siren Honored by Robert Edwards Malfunction US Sailing DP LIVING/PAGE 18 EYE ON DP/PAGE 3 EYE ON DP/PAGE 4 February 12–18, 2010 LOCAL NEWS YOU CAN USE Volume 3, Issue 7 YOu voteD, NOw here Are The resulTs... 2009 BEST OF DANA POINT SPECIAL 12-pagE INSERT EYE ON DP/PAGE 6 www.danapointtimes.com EyE on DP City and Business Calendar Monday, February 15 Toastmasters Thursday, February 18 LOCAL NEWS & IN-DEPTH REPORTING 7 p.m. Dana Point Harbor Toasmas- City Hall Offices Closed ters meets every Tuesday at the Dana Dana Point Coastal Arts Contest Series City Hall offices will be closed in Point Library. 33841 Niguel Road, 7:30 p.m. Artistic Director Berenika observance of President’s Day. 949.496.2275, www.danaharbor.freeto- Schmitz presents the first concert of the 33282 Golden Lantern, 949.248.3501, asthost.ws series featuring cellist Laszlo Mezo and www.danapoint.org pianist Steven Vanhauwaert. Tickets $12 Wednesday, February 17 adults, $8 students, seniors and military. Tuesday, February 16 St. Edwards Church, 33926 Calle la Sunrise Rotary Club Primavera, 949.542.8361 Storytime at the Library 7 a.m. the Monarch Beach Sunrise DP 10:30-11 a.m. Join Mrs. Carolyn for a Rotary Club meets every Wednesday at Coastmasters Dana Point fun-filled half hour of songs and stories the Ritz-Carlton. 1 Ritz-Carlton Drive, 7 a.m. the Coastmasters of Dana Point for toddlers and preschoolers at the 949.493.2759, www.monarchbeachro- (a Toastmasters affiliate) meets every Dana Point Public Library. 33841 Niguel tary.com Thursday at the Jolly Roger Restaurant, Road, 949.496.5517, www.ocpl.org 34661 Golden Lantern, 949.496.9610, www.coastmasters.org Dana Point’s Top1 5 Hottest Topics What’s Up With... located at Golden Lantern and Del Avion in three weeks; SCE officials have stated that cut in the upcoming budget has ballooned to 1 LasT Week: N/a • Weeks oN The charT: 9 Dana Point. only three such inadvertent soundings had $33.9 million, CUSD’s Deputy Superintendent, A note was passed to the teller and the occurred in the prior 25-plus years. Business & Support Services Ron Lebs told …. Harbor Revitalization suspect indicated that he had a weapon, This siren—SC 11—is located in south- trustees on Tuesday night. Moves Forward? though none was seen during the incident. east San Clemente at the intersection of Lebs, giving trustees a budget update, said The robber fled with an undisclosed sum of Avenida Junipero and El Camino Real. Ac- the governor proposes to reduce the amount money. He has been seen driving away in cording to sources who heard the siren, the of money given to schools for each student THE LATEST: Dana Point City Council voted some sort of dark colored sedan. sound only lasted for around 20 seconds or in class each day—currently $43—so that unanimously in favor of approving the Califor- He followed that robbery up on Tues- less but did have the more familiar “growl” will push CUSD’s projected deficit from a nia Coastal Commission’s (CCC) suggested day, Feb. 9 when he hit a Home Savings of sound associated with a real emergency. projected $21 million to nearly $34 million. modifications to Dana Point Local Coastal America branch at 24380 Moulton Parkway Residents from as far as Dana Point re- School districts, like cities, cannot run Program Amendment 06-03 (LCPA06-03) for in Laguna Woods at about 4 p.m. ported hearing it. deficits, and must keep a 2 percent reserve, the land-use component of the Dana Point This 15th hold up makes him one of “All indications are that a siren did which is about what CUSD has. The district Harbor Revitalization Plan at the Feb. 8 City the most prolific bank robbers in Orange sound,” said Tucker, who just last week is one of 10 in the county that has admitted Council meeting. County history prompting a stepped-up ef- notified City Council during its regularly it may not be able to pay all of its bills in the Last October the CCC voted in favor of giv- fort to enlist the public’s help with appre- scheduled meeting that SCE had inspected coming three years, meaning an Orange ing Orange County the go-ahead to proceed hending him. all of the siren boxes to make sure another County Department of Education financial ex- with the $140 million harbor revitalization false alarm wouldn’t happen. The first alarm pert has been assigned to monitor Capistrano plan with the caveat that it make a number of WHAT’S NEXT: “We could really use the malfunction was attributed to moisture from Unified. If the $34 million in cuts holds, that modifications to the plan. Suggested modifica- public’s help on this. We’re reaching out the heavy rains. There was no rain Sunday would mean CUSD has sliced $66.2 million tions included changes in the number of boat to as many media outlets as possible to or Monday morning. “SCE is treating it as from its budget since 2006. slips, parking, shipyard size and that buildings put his picture in front of the public,” said a siren activation. It was a technological be consistent with the character of the city. Dana Point Police Services Chief Lt. Mark malfunction.” WHAT’S NEXT: The district must approve its According to OC Dana Point Harbor Direc- Levy. “Someone knows him. He’s obviously SCE spokesman Gil Alexander also budget by June. One the key components will tor Brad Gross, it is expected that the CCC frequenting the area and we’re hoping that confirmed the malfunction. “Southern be arriving at a contract with teachers. An in- will review the county’s implementation plan someone will come forward with a positive California Edison has concluded that one dependent fact-finder’s report on the contract for the project some time in April. The county ID. The sooner we get him apprehended and of the 52 sirens [19 of which are located in impasse is due out by the end of the month. will then seek coastal development permits into custody the safer we will all be—includ- San Clemente] that make up the community from the city Planning Commission in late ing him.” alert system around the SONGS may have FIND OUT MORE: See the Beyond the Black- 2010. Award money in the amount of $20,000 inadvertently activated for several seconds board blog at www.danapointtimes.com is being offered for information leading to shortly after midnight today,” Alexander —Jonathan Volzke WHAT’S NEXT: The next steps toward harbor the arrest and conviction of the Blue Note said. “An initial review of system data LasT Week: N/a • Weeks oN The charT: 1 revitalization will be the circulation of a Bandit. prompted by an inquiry found no indication 5 draft Environmental Impact report for the Any person with information about the the alarm had sounded. However, additional water-side improvements to the county Plan- suspect should call the Orange County Sher- discussions with residents living near the ...Headlands Rules for Dogs? ning Commission this spring with final EIR iffs/FBI Bank Robbery Apprehension Team site suggest the siren may have created a consideration expected midsummer. Once at 714.542.8825. variation of its normal sound for roughly 20 THE LATEST: The city of Dana Point is step- certified—probably in late 2011—the county seconds.” ping up efforts to inform the public about will pursue coastal-development permits from FIND OUT MORE: www.ocsd.org rules regarding dogs. Additional signage is the CCC for the marina rebuild. —AS WHAT’S NEXT: Plant technicians continue being added to clarify where dog walking will be allowed on the city’s public park trails in LasT Week: N/a • Weeks oN The charT: 3 to assess the incident and Alexander said FIND OUT MORE: www.danapoint.org 3 SCE will provide additional information as response to complaints that current signage is —Andrea Swayne …SONGS Sirens Erroneously it is available. On Tuesday, Feb. 16, Tucker not clear enough. will present City Council with the city’s All With all of the Headlands trails now open, LasT Week: N/a • Weeks oN The charT: 2 Sound Again? Hazards plan. many first-time users of the trail are as yet 2 uninformed about the rules. The city is asking …Blue Note Bandit Strikes THE LATEST: City of San Clemente Emergen- FIND OUT MORE: www.sce.com/songs/ that the public pay close attention to posted cy Planning Officer Jen Tucker confirmed —Norb Garrett and Andrea Swayne signage. Yet Again? that one of the 19 emergency sirens in San Clemente operated by Southern California LasT Week: N/a • Weeks oN The charT: 4 WHAT’S NEXT: Free trail maps are available THE LATEST: The so-called Blue Note Ban- Edison to warn of an emergency at the San 4 at City Hall which include a list of the current dit—nicknamed for the note on blue paper Onofre Nuclear Generating Plant accidently rules. In addition, city staff members are he used in his first hold up—robbed his 14th sounded just after midnight Monday morn- …CUSD Budget Challenges? walking the trails in an effort to communicate Orange County bank at around 2 p.m. on ing, Feb. 8. directly with the public. Sunday, Feb. 7. The suspect held up the U.S. It is the second accidental sounding of THE LATEST: The anticipated amount Cap- Bank branch in the Ralph’s grocery store one of the emergency alarms in the past istrano Unified School District will need to FIND OUT MORE: www.danapoint.org —AS www.danapointtimes.com February 12–18, 2010 • Dana Point Times • Page 3 EYE ON DP News Next Door What’s going on in our neighboring towns, San Clemente and San Juan Capistrano SAN CLEMENTE entries with some great footage.” Baron Zachary, had no comment on the istrano and leave in late October to travel 6000 San Clemente Man’s Super With newfound celebrity and a new stash issue.
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