tFa-. rË I T RandyNewnrran i I LITTLE GRIMIÍ{AI.S RandyNewman has emergedas one of the most importantcom- RANDYNEWMAN posersand songwriters in popularmusic. His rise Írom "cult idol" slatusto hiscurrent international recognition as a giftedperformer andcomposer has been chÍonicled by all forms oÍ media, as well as byfellow artists. Commercially,Newman is best knownas the writeroÍ hrtsongs suchas "lvlamaTold Me Not To Come,"recorded by ThreeDog "l Night,and Thinklt's GoingTo RainToday," recorded by Judy Collinsand Dave Van Ronk, among others. Over the lasl five years, RandyNewman songs have appeared on albumsby inteÍpretersas diverseas Art Garfunkel,Ringo Starr,Barbra Streisand, Etta James,Joe Cocker, Linda Ronstadt, Bonnie Raitt and Sonny Terry & BrownieMcGhee. Newman also received a greatdeal o{ attention for his work on the soundtrackof f\,4ickJagger's Pertormance, in whichhe conducted,sang and accompanied himself on pianoon "GoneDead Train." "RandyNewman's music Bornin New Orleans, Newman moved to CaliÍorniawith his family at is deeplyentrenched in anearly age At6 hebegan playing piano. At 12he díove headlong Americana." intomuslc theory, a studywhich he latercontinued at U.C.L.A. Threeof Newman'suncles, AlÍred. Lionel and Emil,are muchre- spectedconductors and film score composers (in 1972, Newman premieredSail Away at New York'sPhilharmonic Hall with Emil conducting,he debutedGood Old Soys at the AtlanticPhil- harmonrc).From his deceptively simple piano accómpanimênts to hismasterÍul use of full orchestra, Randy Newman's music is deeply entrenchedin Americana.Slrains of SteohenFoster. blues and countryriffs, a sophisticateduse of rhythmand rhymethat echoes theshow tunes and classic pop balladry oÍ PoíteÍ and Gershwin and Hart(Newman, inÍact, began his career writing glossy Brill Building typepop tunes)underlie his work.Many oÍ his songsdeal with ordinarypeople in ordinarysituatjons (he once said that what he reallydoes is putshort stories to music),but no writerin contem- porarymusic has managed to carve out a persona!niche in quite the wayRandy Newman has. And none has been able to getlo thecore oÍa sitLration,establish a locale,character and mood (with a turnof phraseor loLrch of the truly bizarre), within the framework oÍ a three ninutesong in quitethe way RandyNewman can. Fromhis debut album, Randy Newman, down through í2 Songs, RandyNewman Live,Sail Away andGood Oíd Boys, Newman'swork hasearned both critical acclaim and an evergrowing, ever loyal audience.Little C minalsis no exception.From the titletrack ("lt's abouta junkiewho wantslo go with theseguys on a robberyand theydon't want him to go . ")to "SigmundFreud's lmpersonation Of AlbertEinstein In America"(written for the movieversion of Ragtime),to "ShortPeople" (". they don'tdeserve to live"), Newrnanhas neverbeen in bettertorm - lyricallyas weli as musically.ïhis foliocontains more rock n'rollthan in hisprevrous efÍorts,which should be a pleasantsurprise for long-timeNewman ians. Althoughhe's appearedon MidnightSpeciai and SaturdayNight Llve,Randy Newman's been making himself scarce these past few years.With a nationaltour set, that shouldchange. Like Lltlle &iminalsit s worththe wait. Gontents r,.. e Short People .u.'"t. r,n""."re Littlê Criminals r-u,i"., r,.'"so In Germany BeÍore Th€ WêÍ rv,i":s r*'" soJolly Coppers On Parade ."."on MusicasTexasGirl AtTheFuneral Of HerFatheÍ ,-u,,"o, n"..ta BaltimOÍê ru,;"zo r,.-.'. Old Man On The Farm Lv,ic20 'r*"oosigmund Freud's lmpersonation of Albert EinsteinIn America r--,"+s MLrsics4You Can't Fool ïhe Fat Man Lvr.css '*'"ooKathleen (Catholicism Made Easier) .u,,"u" ,,:.__' r*'" zzRidêr In The Rain '.u,-.,, ,*" ool'll Be Home .u,-o, l" ShortPeople l= \\'ordsarrd \lusic b1. NlediurnJazzlleat - with a J' I feelirrg RANDYNti\\'\IdN B?" B?. (strs) .A ffi ffi ffiff ffi ffim {H -- -2, .) a.- 1 ++ "t I t F t t\\'l rH'ffffi TTtrtlf C-t 1' 1' 87" ffi ffi ffi ftff13 FilT ffi F]lfl copyrightotgz; gtcHtnEE MUSIC InternationalCopyright Secured Madein U.S.A. All RightsReserved a?" 87" ffi ffi ffi tftttilffi t+++s f+trf; 10 (E bas") ffi ffiif Íïln rrFt-Flffi lÍt:t ffi ffi H1+fl Hlt+ ffi FTÈ1N ilrrr",'( l'. bas' ) D,gu;r rri-rr. r'1ttlit+rH1 ffi r1JtN Fqrq r_3,___-__r ils l. .\ll rrrt'ttalc lrrollr- ('rsun - til tltt' rlur r-3---r l).5. al Oodu ffi F++l F nTm ffi t-l-tt+{ ffi H+ffi dffi t-ffil (() bass) rlffi fiïfl ffi ffi FH-fr tll1ll Frrrh t' rrrrn t-+fi{-1 ffi ffi l-ffi Í-H-11 I lm ÍÏrÍT1 ffi H.i4{t ffi htflÍ Hffi H1+# 87. Il.ar? (Ít bass) rrrrn Erm rf1tó ffi H1+-tl ffi ffi ffi ffi rfiïlf ffi 'JJi. Unr? (1,.bass) mrrn l]j-u{ ffi ffi /tt,,g./trsl llttt('t,tt l.\' t{fs tïlFl EHtrf ) 13 ShortPeople Shortpeople got no reason Short peoplegot nobody Shortpeople got no reason Short peoplegot nobody Shortpeople got no reason Short peoplegot nobody To live To love Theygot little hands They got little baby legs Little eyes And they standso low 'em Theywalk around You got to pick up Tellin'great big lies Justto sayhellcl Theygot little noses They got little cars And tiny little teeth That go beep,beep, beep Theywear platform shoes They got little voices On their nastylittle feet Goin' peep,peep, peep They got grubbylittle fingers Well,I don't want no short people And dirty littleminds Don't want no short people They'regonna get you everytime Don't want no short people 'Round here Well,I don't want no shortpeople Don't want no short people Shortpeople are just the same Don't want no shortpeople 'Rouncl As you and I here (A fool suchas l) All menare brothers Until the day they die (lt'sa wonderfulworld) Woíds and Mustc bV R.tndy Ncw.rilan Copyriqht O 197 / t-trqlrtreeMtrsrc Intcfilatrí)nal Cí)pyr tqltt Sccurcd All Rrqirts Rcsefved 14 Baltimore Nor<lsand Nlrrsicbr' llediurn [Jcat- u'ith leeling It\\t)\ Nnu'rtAr-- G c rÍfl+r fffiH ffi ffi l-f++{ |tfin Í-rin rrtrt1 t11itrlffi .+1, -5* r* Ffi{r ffi ffi TTM ffi rrn-n fftrn rrrfn F+++l fi-r-hffiffi rrrÍl fÈ+rFt-j rrffi-rl rrrrn i ri ( C rr+'r+t FFrm hfff.n ffi ffi i-#1 ffi ffi H++t ffi rit-fr rHfn rlt-l1-t dlfH C C ffi *f+r *;-- JJ ffim l.!ll H+l *#f H#ffi ffiH EETff] Ernï ttllfl ri+t-H ffi1 rFh.Hffi CopyrightCl tgtz t-ltcutnEE MUSTC Inti:rnational Coyryright Sr:cured Macle in U.S.A. All Ricthts Reserved G l, ltl G nr+ rrÈ+h ffiTF fffm trm ffi FFT+Ï ffi ffi ffi l-Hj hT-Hff rh-1-tr dlln ttifH ri-ffi rfl-rH G rrl+ï1 rFntr ffi ffi ffifr ffi !g TTFH ffi Ft+{f.t TTTT-] Íïffi d]ï| C t il G ffi TI-Fffi -rrrn rÍ"fti f+++t.l fffrn ffi i.#I ffi il.l-rH ttti ij rfl1-n t-i-ÊH to ( c l.n) G Êr+ rr+È rrnTl F*+1r ffi ffi ffi ffiffi Ftr]]] ffi ffi ffi ffi l-ffi FfiïÍ i rffirn rFFfl LTETI] ffi illr(l tll('v hidt: tlrtir t\'(ir. * ht'r't:tlit' lrl()ttll-lilirl'slliglr. t c l.r, G c nr rrÈih rrïm rïlíft rrrril ffi fiTm TI-fl-I ï+fl+ l-++.{-.1-l H+TR rrrrn ffFFN FFFTF ffi ffi H+t+ trrrrll rrtllll mitll ffi rffftl tÍl \\ Il\ . II ('t'(' rlir'. ,P Brr? HTM.rrrm ffi ffirrlïrt n-fi-n rrrrh 17 'l'o I Double Coda To Coda # l- rl P Lmaj/ I 'T?i+r ffftÏ H#+H t-ffi| ffi ffi l-|-fH ff+H ffi :> hard_ Jusl lir,e. G G A7 rrl++1 lffi ffi ffi F+1+11 ffi rHí-1'l t-ffi1 ffi ffi rrrffl rntil TIIÍI' trtffffi Orxltt D.Sj(X al I)oubkt Cotla llnl G C nrrr{ Tfm F{++r rltt-tí ffi ffi + rï'ffi FlÍ-rrl Frrtt-1ffi t-fl-ffi lielteut und Fade . [. rri C r"1+í Ti++r ffi rrl{+ FfFIïI l-i-aft1 .nTm ffi FtrTN FFTN ffi FrÈfr tffrn rrmï]ffi ffiFrrrË rrffïl 1B OldMan OnTheFarm Wordsand Nlusicby Very Slowly- with much feeling RANDY NEWMAN um D (f; bd.s) F r Li bass) g(0 bass) F íA bass) Cm Hts{+H ffi FF+I{ ffiffiffiffi FFFt-t-Í Frrl.Ft - (- íG bass) Cm p (G bass) eu (G bass) rrlfr |!|'il FFTM ffi ffi ffi H{1# cn, (rru ilrd) I (U ba.s) rfÍfÍl(cba"s) m ffi rlÍfj thc farm. F íI Gm A! Eo (C bass) rr+.m Fm|lTml:C bass) ffi ffi H++H H1# copYrighto 1977HTGHTREE MUSTC InternationalCopyright Secured Madein U.S.A. All RiqhtsReserved (no 3rd) bass) F (C bass) Eo ((i bass) cn'iC F / G qm Bo D? Gm -$i- *n rrrm ffi ffi ffi ffit'o'A)mm ffi Hllil ffi ffi FFRf, ffi rJ-r-r-H rffifi Fr-l-t'H t-fFt-H t-Ft-t-t-t t-l.l-í.Ft l-t-FtH t-t-fr+l t-F'-Ft-l thc barn. Good - night --1- Br ffiR #" dï" # Hïïï1 Fil-t-H ffiffi ffi stal cd So- Í---.)_-r r (G bass) Er Fr+- ffi HH ffi ffiffi Ffl+ ffitl Iovt: thc way I Dm? # ffi rfl-rFt ffi I l 20 Baltimore OldMan OnTheFarm Beat-uplittle seagull He'swaitin' for somerain to fall On a marblestair He'swaitin' for the mailto come Tryin' to f ind tlre ocean He'swaitin' for the dawn again Lookin'everywhere Old manon the farm Hardtimes in the city Milk the cow,slop the pigs In a hardtown by the sea Sweepingout the chickenhouse Ain't nowhereto run to Drinkin'whiskey in the barn Thereain't nothin' herefor free Goodnightladies Hookeron the corner Sorry if I stayedtoo long Waitin'fora train So longit's been good to know you Drunklyin'on the sidewalk I lovethe way I singthat song Sleepin'in the rain So long it's beengood to know you And they hide their faces I lovethe way I singthat song And they hide their eyes 'Causethe city's dyin' And they don't know why Oh, Baltimore Man,it's hardjust to live Oh, Baltimore Man,it's hard just to live Get my sisterSandy And my little brother Ray Buy a bigold wagon ó To haulus all away Liveout in the country Wherethe mountain'shigh Nevercomin' back here 'Til the day I die Oh, Baltimore Man,it's hard just to live Oh.
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