
E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 115 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 164 WASHINGTON, TUESDAY, JULY 31, 2018 No. 129 Senate The Senate met at 10 a.m. and was appoint the Honorable CINDY HYDE-SMITH, a front all of this in order to keep all of called to order by the Honorable CINDY Senator from the State of Mississippi, to per- us safe. This is hardly a controversial HYDE-SMITH, a Senator from the State form the duties of the Chair. mission; it is essential. We are lucky of Mississippi. ORRIN G. HATCH, these agents are willing to serve. The President pro tempore. f Nation is better off for it. So I wanted Mrs. HYDE-SMITH thereupon as- to pay these agents a visit in Louisville PRAYER sumed the Chair as Acting President and thank them firsthand for their pro tempore. The Chaplain, Dr. Barry C. Black, of- work. fered the following prayer: f Recently, they have fallen into the Let us pray. RESERVATION OF LEADER TIME crosshairs of some extremely vocal, Sovereign Lord of the Universe, we far-left special interest groups, groups The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- pray today for our lawmakers. Use that explicitly say—now get this; this pore. Under the previous order, the them for Your glory, providing them is what they say—that our Nation leadership time is reserved. with wisdom to live with integrity would be better off with no borders and through their labors. Enable them to f no immigration laws of any kind. That is what these people advocate. They live, trusting in the unfolding of Your RECOGNITION OF THE MAJORITY are slandering ICE agents. They are providence. Lord, inspire our Senators LEADER to glorify You, doing justly, loving calling the agency ‘‘an unaccountable mercy, and walking humbly on the The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- strike force executing a campaign of path You have chosen. Keep them in pore. The majority leader is recog- ethnic cleansing’’ and even ‘‘a genuine the circle of Your unfolding provi- nized. threat to democracy.’’ That is what dence. May they find delight in doing f they are calling ICE agents. According Your will as You remove from their to these leftwing groups, the threat to IMMIGRATION AND CUSTOMS democracy is not the violent criminals lives the barriers of fear, hatred, and ENFORCEMENT strife. Help them to seek more fully to who are illegally present in our coun- resemble the Prince of Peace. Mr. MCCONNELL. Madam President, try but, rather, the brave law enforce- We pray in Your Holy Name. Amen. I want to take a few moments to dis- ment officers who volunteer to take cuss the brave men and women who them on. f serve in U.S. Immigration and Customs Well, fringe political movements are PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Enforcement. nothing new. You can find a few Ameri- I had the privilege of visiting the ICE The Presiding Officer led the Pledge cans who will argue almost any side of office in my hometown of Louisville of Allegiance, as follows: any issue. What is new—what does get this past Friday and of meeting with my attention—is when prominent, I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the these agents in person. United States of America, and to the Repub- leading Democratic politicians, includ- lic for which it stands, one nation under God, This is a Federal agency that was ing a number of our colleagues right indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. created following the attacks of Sep- here in the Senate, adopt some of these tember 11, 2001. It is responsible for extremist views wholesale and let the f several key aspects of our homeland se- far-left talking points form the basis of APPOINTMENT OF ACTING curity: enforcing our immigration their own policy positions. PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE laws, combating terrorism, and pre- The junior Senator from New York venting people and goods from moving The PRESIDING OFFICER. The said recently that if Democrats regain illegally throughout our country. Its clerk will please read a communication the House and Senate, the first thing record on these vital missions is stag- to the Senate from the President pro they should do is ‘‘get rid of ICE.’’ gering. In fiscal year 2017, ICE recorded The senior Senator from Massachu- tempore (Mr. HATCH). more than 105,000 arrests of aliens with The senior assistant legislative clerk setts pointed to ‘‘replacing ICE’’ as the known criminal convictions on their read the following letter: first priority of a top-to-bottom rebuild records—nearly 4,600 convictions for of America’s immigration system. U.S. SENATE, robbery, more than 3,700 for sexual as- The mayor of New York City calls PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE, Washington, DC, July 31, 2018. sault, and more than 1,500 for homi- the agency ‘‘no longer acceptable.’’ To the Senate: cide. A Member of the U.S. House of Rep- Under the provisions of rule I, paragraph 3, We are talking about the men and resentatives likened it to—get this— of the Standing Rules of the Senate, I hereby women in law enforcement who con- ‘‘the Gestapo of the United States.’’ ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. S5463 . VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:53 Aug 01, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A31JY6.000 S31JYPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with SENATE S5464 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE July 31, 2018 The gestapo of the United States? I am ning to add new positions and invest in record? What are they so afraid of that really not sure where to begin in re- new equipment to meet growing de- they tie themselves in knots—into a sponding to this foaming hysteria. mand. In the words of the company’s pretzel—to contradict everything they It is one thing for a few protesters president, ‘‘We had a number of stood for when they were in the minor- and Socialist hecklers who want open projects that were seen as something ity? borders and the elimination of all im- we could consider doing down the road, Today, every Democrat on the Judi- migration laws to adopt a slogan as but because of tax reform, it’s possible ciary Committee has joined Ranking silly and ill-considered as ‘‘abolish to reinvest in the plant and in new Member FEINSTEIN in making a formal ICE,’’ but it is something else entirely equipment now.’’ request of the National Archives to when U.S. Senators are so eager to In Ashland, Braidy Industries expects provide the exact same universe of doc- please these leftwing extremists that to support 1,000 construction jobs as it uments provided during the confirma- they join that chorus—join in deni- constructs a new state-of-the-art man- tion of Justice Kagan. When I say the grating the men and women of U.S. law ufacturing facility and then 600 perma- same request, I mean the exact same enforcement. This is the moment we nent jobs. It broke ground in June. request. are in—that of leading Democrats’ tak- Not a single one of our colleagues The Judiciary Committee has up- ing cues from the open-borders Social- across the aisle voted in support of this dated the letter to refer to Judge ist crowd and proposing to eliminate historic tax reform that is helping to Kavanaugh, but in every other way it the very agency that enforces Federal make these developments possible. For is identical to the request that Demo- immigration laws within the interior them, these data are telling an incon- crats and Republicans made for Justice of our country. Talk about a political venient truth, and the inconvenient Kagan that Republicans insisted on stunt. truth is this: The rest of America is not when she was nominated by President The American people want nothing hiding from these numbers. Americans Obama. to do with these dangerous antics. My are benefiting from these numbers. We By the way, it was Senate Repub- neighbors and constituents in Ken- are celebrating them and all of the life- licans who insisted on this standard tucky certainly don’t. So my fellow changing job opportunities, wage during previous confirmations. Demo- Republicans and I will continue to growth, and small business expansions crats, even though our nominee might proudly stand with ICE, stand with the they represent. be exposed, agreed because we believed rule of law, and stand with all of the I suggest the absence of a quorum. in openness, and we are not hypo- American families who would rather The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- critical in saying that it is only good have fewer drugs and less crime in the pore. The clerk will call the roll. when we are in charge, not when you communities in which they are raising The senior assistant legislative clerk are in charge. We believe it works both their children. proceeded to call the roll. ways. f Mr. SCHUMER. Madam President, I Ranking Member FEINSTEIN has made ask unanimous consent that the order it clear that we don’t need or want ECONOMIC GROWTH for the quorum call be rescinded. every single scrap of paper from Judge Mr. MCCONNELL. Madam President, The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- Kavanaugh’s time as Staff Secretary, now on another matter, we learned last pore. Without objection, it is so or- but to review none—none—of the nomi- week that second-quarter real GDP dered.
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