1942 CONGRESSIONAL 'RECORD-HOUSE 3421 NOMINATION between the present boundary of the Naval The message also announced that the Executive nomination received by the Air Station, Lakehurst, N. J., and the new Senate insists upon its amendments to boundary of Fort Dix, in the county of Ocean the foregoing bill, requests a conference Senate April 9 (legislative day of March and State of New Jersey; 30). 1942: H. R. 4464. An act for the relief of Henry J. ·with the House on the disagreeing votes COLLECTOR OF CUSTOMS McCloskey; of the two Houses thereon, and appoints Raymond Miller, of Galatea, Colo., to be H. R. 4557. An act for the relief of the Mr. MCKELLAR, Mr. GLASS, Mr. HAYDEN, collector of customs for customs collection estate of Mrs. Edn!t B. Crook; Mr. TYDINGS, Mr. RUSSEL.L, Mr. OVERTON, district No. 47, with headquarters at Denver, H. R. 4955. An act for the relief of Geoffrey Mr.· THOMAS of Oklahoma, Mr. McCAR­ Colo. (reappointment). · Orme; RAN, Mr. O'MAHONEY, Mr. BANKHEAD, Mr. H. R. 5069. An act for the relief of George NYE, Mr. LODGE, Mr. HOLMAN, and Mr. Garcavy; · BRooKs to be the conferees on the part of CONFIRMATIONS H . R. 5363. An act for the relief of John­ the Senate. Executive nominations confirmed by ston-Hall Hospital, Calhoun, Ga., and Dr. Z. V. Johnston, Calhoun, Ga.; ENROLLED BILL SIGNED the Senate April 9 (legislative day of H. R: 5452. An act for the relief ·of Emmett March 30). 1942: Armstrong; Mr. KL'R.WAN, from the Committee on · UNITED STATES MARITIME COMMISSION H. R. 6005. An act to authorize cases under E!lrolled Bills, reported that that com­ th0 Expediting Act of February 11, 1903, to mittee had on April 7, 1942, examined ·Rear Admiral Howard L. Vickery to be a be heard and determined by courts consti­ member of the United States Maritime Com­ and found truly enrolled .a bill of the tuted in the same manner as courts consti­ House of the following title: mission. tuted to hear and determine cases involving COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY the constitutionality of acts of Congress, and H. R. 6483. An act to amend the act en­ TO BE DIRECTOR further to define the powers of a district titled "An act to expedite the provision of housing in connection with national defens9, Leo Otis Colbert to be Director of the Coast judge in certain suits; and for other purposes," approved October 14, and Geodetic Survey. H. R. 6360. An act to amend the act known as the Perishable Agricultural Commodities 1Q40, as amended. TO BE JUNIOR HYDROGRAPHIC AND GEODETIC Act, 1930 ( 46 Stat. 531), approved June 10, ENGINEER 1930, as amended; and The SPEAKER pro tempore. The William Rude Jackson. H. R. 67·14. An act for the relief of Daniel Chair desires to announce that pursuant Elliott and Helen Elliott. to the authority granted to the Chair on On April 8, 1942: April 6, 1942, the Chair did on Tues:.. H. R. 639. An act for the relief of Edd day, April 7, 1942, sign the enrolled bill Nevins; of the House, H. R. 6483, entitled "An act H. R. 710. An act for the relief of Martin HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES N. Mayrath; to amend the act entitled 'An Act to Expedite the Provision of Housing in THURSDAY, APRIL 9, 1942 H. R. 3091. An act for the relief of Martin J. Price; Connection With National Defense and The House met at 12 o'clock noon, and H. · R. 3732. An act for the relief of Ida for Other Purposes,' approved October 14, Baird; 1940, as amended." was called to order by the Speaker pro H. R. 4099. An act for the relief of Onie tempore, Mr. Cox. Martin and Betty Martin; .ADJOURNMENT OVER The Rev~rend Hugh W. Glenn, Wesley H. R. 5559. An act for the relief of William Mr. COOPER. Mr. Speaker, I ask Chapel Methodist Church, New Albany, Horsman; Ind., offered the following prayer: H. R. 5652. An act to relieve certain em­ unanimous consent that when the House ployees of the Veterans' Administration from adjourns today it adjourn to meet on Our Heavenly Father, we thank Thee financial liability for certain overpayments Monday next. for the constant access that we have to and allow such credit therefor as is necessary The SPEAKER pro tempore. Without the throne of grace, through our Lord in the accounts of certain disbursing officers, objection, it is so ordered. Jesus Christ. Bestow Thou upon our be­ and for oth~r purposes; There was no objection. loved President, our Senate, and this as­ H. R. 5866. An act for the relief of the city of Atlanta, Ga.; EXTENSION OF REMARKS sembled House, all those graces and vir­ H. R. 5977. An act for the relief of Mr. and tues that will make them acceptable to Mrs. F. Wilder Temple; Mr. COOPER. Mr. Speaker, I ask Thee. May Thy guiding Spirit incline H. R. 6273. An: act to amend the provisions unanimous consent that the gentleman these Thy servants .to register their pa­ of the Internal Revenue Code by setting new from Missouri [Mr. CocHRAN] may have triotic devotion on the side of truth, ·maximum limits on allowances for losses of permission to extend his remarks in the righteousness, purity, and justice by the distilled spirits by leakage or eva:r:oration RECORD and include a newspaper article. dedication of themselves to Thee and to while in internal revenue bonded warehouses,. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Without and for other purposes; objection, it is so ordered. the sacred rights of human freedom. H. R. 6387. An act to extend the crediting Add strength to their faith, ardor to their of military service under the railroad retire­ There was no objection. love, and help them to seek the heights ment acts, and for other purposes; and Mr. TREADWAY. Mr. Speaker, ide­ of open fellowship with Thee. Renew . H. R . 6440. An act to authorize the renewal sire to submit two consent requests: First their physical strength, give them the of the lease of the old naval hospital in the to extend my own remarks in the RECORb courage of their convictions, and unite District of Columbia for an additional period and include an editorial from the Satur­ them in singleness of heart and purpose. of 15 years. day Democrat. of Holyoke, Mass.; and Out or· our confusion and despair, help MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE second to extend· my remarks and include us to see that in Thy· will is our peace. excerpts from a recent speech by Gov. Amen. A message from the Senate, by Mr. Frank M. Dixon, of Alabama, pointing Frazier, its legislative clerk, announced The Journal of the proceedings of out some of the things we must dispense that the Senate had passed without with in order to win the war. Monday, April 6, 1942, was read and amendment a joint resolution of the approved. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Without House of the following title: objection, it is ordered. MESSAGES FROM THE PRESIDENT H. J . Res. 263 . Joint resolution to provide There were no objection. Sundry messages in writing from the decorations for outstanding conduct or serv­ ice by persons serving in the American mer­ PERMISSION TO ADDRESS THE HOUSE President of the United States were com­ chant marine. municated to the House by Mr. Miller, Mr. BURDICK. Mr. Speaker, I ask one of his secretaries, who also informed The message also announced that the unanimous consent that on Monday next the House that on the following dates Senate had passed, with amendments, in after the · disposition of the legislative the President approved and signed bills which the concurrence of the House is re­ business for the day I may address the of the House of the following titles: quested, a bill of the House of the follow­ House for 25 minutes on the subject On April 6, 1942: ing title: Labor in the War Effort. H. R. 3722. An act for the relief of Lt. Col. H . R 6868. An act making additional ap­ The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there S. W. Mcilwain; propriations for the national defense for the objection to the request of the gentleman H. R. 4151. An act to authorize the acqui­ fiscal year ending June 30, 1942, and for other from North Dakota? sition by the United States of lands lying purposes. There was no objection. LXXXVIII--216 3422 CONGRESSIONAL .RECORD-HOUSE APRIL 9 EXTENSION OF REMARKS gate entrance. The driver attempted to which it was stated that a soldier was in­ Mr. ENGLEBRIGHT. Mr. Speaker, I crank the engine and encountered some volved in the disorder. In. the investiga­ ask unanimous consent that my colleague difficulties. A tail light of a kerosene tian following, Corporal Davis -became the gentleman from Illinois [Mr. PAD­ type was burning at the rear of the involved in an altercation with Mr. Ab­ DOCK] may have permission to extend his truck. · ney, whicb resulted in the shooting of own remarks in the RECORD. At about the same time Mr. Kahn was Mr. Abney by Corporal Davis. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Without driving a passenger automobile in the Corporal Davis was tried on May 2, objection, it is so ordered. same direction, and crashed into the 1941, by general court-martial for assault There was no objection. truck from the rear. As a result of the upon Homer J. Abney, with intent to do Mr. MARTIN J. KENNEDY. Mr. · collision he sustained personal injuries him bodily harm, by shooting him in the Speaker, I ask unanimous consent to ex­ and a passenger riding with him was thigh with a pistol.
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