JOURNAL OF BOTANY vol. 15, Suppl. 1/2005 *S(.ov^K.\^* • • ISSN 1210-0420 THAISZIA - JOURNAL OF BOTANY • VOL. 15 • SUPPL. I • 2005 THAISZIA vol. 15, Suppl. 1,2005 JOURNAL OF BOTANY Botanical Garden, P. J. Safarik University, Kosice, Slovakia Editorial Board: Sergej MOCHNACKY (Editor-in-Chief) IVIartin BACKOR (Executive Editor) IVIartin SUVAK (Boo!< Editor) Andrea PASTIROVA (Assistant and Technical Editor) Advisory Editorial Board: Christian BROCHNIANN, Oslo, Norway; Christopher R. FRASER-JENKINS, London, United Kingdom; Erich HiJBL, Wien, Austria; Ivan JAROLIMEK, Bratislava, Slovakia, Jan KiRSCHNER, Pruhonice, Czech Republic; Vladimir V. KRICSFALUSY, Toronto, Canada; Jinshuang IVIA, New York, USA; Karol MARHOLD, Bratislava, Slovakia; Pavol MARTONFI, Kosice, Slovakia, Leonard E. NEWTON, Nairobi, Kenya; Alan PATON, Kew, United Kingdom; Miroslav REPCAK, Kosice, Slovakia; Adriano SOLDANO, Vercelli, Italia; Hideki TAKAHASHI, Sapporo-shi, Japan; Andras TERP6, Budapest, Hungary; Peter WYSE JACKSON, Kew, United Kingdom; Bogdan ZEMANEK, Krakow, Poland. Thaiszia publishes (a) scientific papers in all fields of Botany, preferably in biosystematics, taxonomy, floristics, phytogeography, phytocoenology, ecology, paleobotany and karyology. (b) critical reviewsofvariouscontemporary botanical topics of international interest (c) papers dealing with history of botany (d) botanical publication reviews (e) other contributions relevant to botanical research and life Thaiszia exclusively publishes papers presented in English. Authors are responsible for the linguistic corectness of the papers. Contributions are accepted after being refereed, and provided that they are approved by Editorial Board having the right to disapprove the paper. THAISZIA-JOURNAL OF BOTANY. Botanical Garden, P. J. Safarik University, Kosice, Slovakia. Address: Manesova 23, 04352 Kosice, Slovakia. * Phone: +421 55 6337352 * Fax: +421 55 6337353 * Web: http://www.upjs.sk/bz/thaiszia/index.html * E-mail: thaiszia ©kosice.upjs.sk * Press: Editorial Centre of UPJ§, 04001 Kosice, Slovakia. All inquiries & manuscripts should be addressed to the Executive Editor. Subscription & publication exchange request: Thaiszia Subscription Department, Manesova 23,04352 Kosice, Slovakia. Thaiszia - J. Bot., Kosice, 15, Suppl. 1, 2005 THAISZIA http://www.upjs.sk/b2/lhaiszia/index.html ^ ^T,^^, . » ^ ^ JOURNAL OF BOTANY Lectures and Posters VI. International symposium Anthropization and Environment of Rural Settlements Flora and Vegetation September 28. - 30. Oktober 01. 2004 Danisovce, Slovakia Organised by SERGEJ MOCHNACKY Botanical Garden, Pavol Jozef Saferik University in Kosice, Slovakia Editor: Sergej Mochnacky Reviewers of reports: Ivan Jarolimek, Pavol Elias, Sergej Mochnacky, Jan Supuka Edition was partially supported by the grant VEGA (1/0112/03) Thaiszia - J. Bot., Kosice, 15, Suppl. 1, 2005 THAISZIA http://wvw;/.upjs.sl</bz/thaiszia/index.html JOURNAL OF BOTANY In Supplement, there are the full-text accounts of participants of VI International Symposium ,Anthropization and Environment of Rural Settlements. Flora and Vegetation". The Symposium took place from 28* September to f October 2004 in Educational and Training Institution of Pavol Jozef Safarik University Kosice in Danisovce. There were 45 conferrees from 5 countries. One part of Symposium was the excursion to Slovensky raj National Park and to The National Natural Reserve Drevenik. The next conferention will take place in June 2006 and it will be organized by colleagues from Hungary. 1 THAISZIA -JOURNAL OF BOTANY Vol. 15, Suppl. % 2005 Contents New patterns in selected communities of synatliropic vegetation in the Mala Fatra mountains VtERA HORAKOVA 3 Alien invasive species communities of the Zvolenska kotlina - basin JAROSLAV KONTRI§, OLGA KONTRISOVA, BLAZENA BEN^AfOVA 9 Ecologo-coenotic factors in restoration of steppe vegetation in "M. M. Gryshko" national botanical garden VALENTINA Y. MARYUSHKINA, VICTORIYAV. GRYTSENKO, NATAUYAP. DIDYK 19 Preliminary survey of the synanthropic plant communities of the Muranska Planina National Park MARICAZAUBEROVA & IVAN JAROLIMEK 27 Occurrence of some rare weeds on the territory of Slovakia PAVOL ELIA§ JUN. & TIBOR BARANEC 35 Cereal stubble communities in the East Slovakia SERGEJ MOCHNACKY 45 Archaeophytes in Ukraine: the present patterns of distribution and degree of naturalization VIERA PROTOPOPOVA & MYROSLAV SHEVERA 53 The present state of the natural flora of Ostrog LYUBOV M. GUBAR 71 Plant species distributing spontaneously in Capital Budapest ANDRAsTERPd 79 Management of synantropic weeds distribution by native steppe vegetation in the Forest- Steppe and Steppe zone of Ukraine NATAUYAP. DIDYK, OKSANAS. PAVLOVA, VALENTINAY. MARYUSHKINA, SvrrLANAP. MASHKOVSKA 83 [Content list continues on inside back cover] Indexed/abstracted in BIOSIS, CAB Intemational, CABS (Current Awareness in Biotogical Sciences),^cerpta Botanica, The Kew Record of Taxonomlc Literature. ISSN 1210-0420 Oenothera coronifera RENNER (Onagraceae) - a new species in the vascular plant flora of Poland KRZYSZTOF ROSTAKISKI, KAROL LATOWSKI 91 Distribution and degree of naturalization of Impatiens pan/iflora DC in the southern part of the Silesian-Krakow Upland (Poland) DAMIAN CHMURA & ANDRZEJ URBISZ 101 Amaranthus blitum L. subsp. emarginatus (MOQ. ex ULINE et W. L. BRAY) CARRETERO, MuNOz GARM. et PEDROL. the new invasive subspecies native to the tropics occurs now also in Slovakia and Hungary VLADIMIR JEHLIK& MARICAZAUBEROVA 115 lnf}patiens pan/iflora DC. at Natural Reservation Bralce and its influence on Waldsteinia teppneri MAJOVSKY ANDREA MARUSKOVA 121 The occurrence and distribution of rare and endangered plant species in segetal communities in the Borska nizina Lowland JANAMAJEKOVA & MARICAZAUBEROVA 129 Ecological-biological reasons and sourcesof the invasive propensity of Anthoxanthum aristatum Boiss. KAROL LATOWSKI 143 Ruderalisation of the community Arrhenatheretum elatioris in area of gudrons waste sites at locality Predajna (Central Slovakia) HANAOLLEROVA 153 An expansion of Heracleum mantegazzianum SOMMER & LEVIER {Heracleum sosnovskyi MANDEN.) in Central Poland? JANT. SICINSKI 163 Present situation of plant health in urban habitats of Budapest GEZA RIPKA 173 Possible biological control of some invasive plant species in Slovakia MARTIN SUVAK 183 The Black Locust Communities in the Northern Part of "Pohronska pahorkatina" Hills BLAZENA BENfiAtovAa TIBOR BENCAT 191 The biotic pests of invasive and expansive woody plants in the Botanical Garden of P. J. Safarik University in Kosice PETER KELBEL 197 Introduction and invasion of dendrotaxa in Arboretum MIynany SAS JuRAJ KUBA & IVAN TOMASKO 211 [Continuation from back side] Invasive woody plants in rural environment in south Slovakia PETER HotKA 215 Woody plants at the outskir of town settlement Ziar upon Hron JAN SUPUKA, LUBICA FERIANCOVA & ROBERTA STEPANKOVA 221 Fungus research work on the Batorliget Ancient Bog: The mycorrhize fungus relations ISTVAN LENTI & FERENCN£ BORONKAY 231 The participation of Reynoutria japonica HOUTT. in phytocoenoes growing in the Upper Silesian Industrial Region AGNIESZKAKOMPAtA-B/\BA, ACNIESZKABtONSKA & WOJCIECHBABA 233 European Green alder {Ainus viridis (CHAIX) DC) - alien plant in the Krkonose Mts. National Park? VACLAV HORAK, VIERA HORAKOVA, ANDREA MORAVCOVA 249 The multiplication-biological observations of some plant species in the pasture of Batorliget FERENCNE BORONKAY, ISTVAN LENTI 253 Changes of the ruderal flora of five selected villages in Kampinos National Park (Poland) IZABELLA KIRPLUK 255 Historical parks and invasive woody plants IVANTOMASKO 263 Participation of Solidago canadensis L. and S. gigantea AITON in abandoned fields communities in the Silesian Upland (Poland) BEATA W^GRZYNEK, ALINA URBISZ & TERESA NOWAK 267 Anthropophytes permanently established in the flora of the Rybnik Plateau (South Poland) ANDRZEJ URBISZ & ALINA URBISZ 277 Effects of forest management on alien plant invasions of woodlands DAMIAN CHMURA & EDYTA SIERKA 289 The cun-ent arrangement of the rural front yards MARGARITA ZAJOVA 301 Participants of VI. International symposium Anthropization and Environment of Rural Settlements. Flora and Vegetation (Author of photograph: Istvan Dancza). .
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