Mailing Registration No. 40032702 BOLTON PERSONAL JEWELLERY SANITIZING CASH FOR GOLD 905.533.7700 905.951.8881 8 Queen Street N., Combined Thursday Circulation: 36,816 256 Queen Street S., Bolton BOLTON Caledon Citizen905-857-6626 | 1-888-557-6626 | www.caledoncitizen.com www.tellojewellers.com Your Community Newspaper FREE Thursday, August 27, 2020 Volume 40, Issue 33 THE 2 weeks left until Kostynyk the start of school... WE AREDenture OPEN! Centre 905.857.2803 Thank you forDENTURIST your | DENTURE patience CENTRE | SINCE 1995 Is your child ready? www.oxfordlearning.com Loose Dentures? during these tryingWe can times. help Please call to scheduleEmergency your free consultation. Repairs THE while you wait. KostTo ynykSchedule Your DentureFree Centre Consultation DENTURIST | DENTURE CENTREPlease | SINCE 1995 Call Loose Dentures? David Kostynyk,We can help DD, BSc. Emergency Repairs 905-857-4464while you wait. 30 MarthaTo Schedule St., Suite Your 105 Free Consultation Please Call David Kostynyk, DD, BSc. 905-857-4464 30 Martha St., Suite 105 Residential • Commercial • Rural PHOTO COURTESY OF MAYOR ALLAN THOMPSON ADDED SPICE: Dufferin-Caledon MPP Sylvia Jones (far right) was on hand on Friday (Aug. 21) as Caledon’s newest restaurant, Indian Text: exitwithsteve to 85377 Spice Culture, celebrated its grand opening. The new eatery, located at 16025 Airport Road, features a menu full of authentic Indian (416) 559-2995 dishes that cater for vegetarians and meat eaters alike. For the full story, see Page A6. [email protected] exitwithsuccess.ca TIRE JUNCTION Caledon Council considers impact COVID-19 ALL-SEASON pandemic has had on Town’s 2020 budget TIRE Written By ALYSSA PARKHILL ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. of services and more control in waving ac- Town Treasurer Heather Hare presented counting interests for those financially im- Caledon Council collectively discussed a staff report regarding the year-end projec- pacted by COVID-19,” said Hare. SALE! revised year-end budget projections on tion and operating variance analysis, saying The COVID-19 has impacted the 2020 op- NEW & USED TIRES Tuesday (Aug. 25), with municipal staff in- municipal revenues for the year are expect- erating budget considerably and continues SPECIAL PRICE FOR PICK-UPS & SUVS dicating the Town has been hit hard by the ed to be down several million dollars. to do so. 4 WHEEL 3D WHEEL ALIGNMENT “Overall, the Town is reporting a net fa- Last December, Council approved a bal- ALL MECHANICAL WORK DONE HERE! ORTHO Expires October 1. vourable variance of $2.4 million at the end anced budget of $104 million in expenses RS Dr. Bart voted of June, with major variances including a and $104 million in revenues. 905-794-5642 or 905-893-9908 #1 in Caledon COVID SPECIAL loss of revenue from facility closures at the HOS end of June, incremental expenditures re- CC lating to the Town’s response to COVID-19 Continued on LOOK FOR NEW $4999 including enhanced cleaning, digitalization Page A11 CALEDON 911 PG A4 TOWN OF CALEDON PG A7 ISSUE WHILE NOT EDITORIAL ULTRA-VISIBLE, NINE STRIPES PG A8-9 HOMELESSNESS COME BACK TO EARN SPORTS FIRST POINT IN THE PG A10 IS AN ISSUE IN CALL TODAY TO BOOK YOUR APPOINTMENT. THIS CALEDON ISLAND GAMES. CLASSIFIEDS IN NEXT WEEK’S PAPER 905-951-9511 PG A12-13 IN PG A2 PG A10 24 Shore St., Bolton in this issue! behind the Pizza Nova www.boltonfamilydentist.com VISIT US ONLINE AT WWW.CALEDONCITIZEN.COM Follow us on A2 CALEDON CITIZEN | AUGUST 27, 2020 While not ultra-visible, homelessness is an issue in Caledon “The term hidden refers to people who are Written By couch surfing, squatting, sleeping rough out ALYSSA PARKHILL & PAULA BROWN of sight, staying with friends etc. The peo- ple who do not access service,” said Anna Tent cities lined under highway bridges, McGregor, Director of Community Services panhandlers sitting on curbs, and bodies at the County of Dufferin. “We are seeing curled in sleeping bags along city streets and people coming onto the BNL who have been, storefronts – these are all symbols of urban or continue to be homeless and who haven’t homelessness. accessed services before,” Within the borders of Dufferin County and The By Name List, or BNL was implemented Caledon, surrounded by rural landscape, the into Dufferin County in May of 2019, a tool visible signs of homelessness are often hid- used to identify vulnerable community mem- den. bers experiencing homelessness and connect Despite being ‘hidden’ from the general eye them to a number of services. The list also of the public, experts all agree that this is a offers demographics found in the homeless growing problem in the region. community of Dufferin County. “Homelessness in Caledon can tend to be “Since the start of the BNL there have been hidden,” said Region of Peel’s Housing Client 127 homeless people who have connected Services Manager, Leslie Moreau. “People with the programs, of which 56 percent were moving from place to place; unstable housing. male, 43 percent female and 2 percent trans- There are certain people that live in the rough gender,” said McGregor. “Some of these indi- PHOTO COURTESY OF EPHA in the Caledon area.” viduals have been housed, while others have HOMELESSNESS ISSUE: Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, between 850 and 900 people in Peel Region were visiting the municipality’s emergency shelter. Now, the Region is relocated to other areas or remain homeless.” reporting 578 people using their services, although that doesn’t mean the issue of home- Updated numbers from July 31 of this year lessness is getting any better. show there areTIME 16 members SENSITIVE on the BNL, MATERIAL with 69 percent male,PLEASE and 31 percentRETURN female. PROOFED BNL the ages of 16 and 24, providing an alterna- There is not enough supply for affordable also notes an age split for homelessness, with tive to living on the street and, according to rental to fill the gap.” 31 percent consideredWITHIN to be ANyouth HOUR (24 years OFthe organization’s website, helps its residents Tent cities have become a large symbol of McGUIRE of age and under), 63 percent adult (25 to 59) “transition to a more productive and brighter the housing affordability crisis that currently FENCING and 6 percent senior (60+).RECEIPT, future”. exists. Commonly found in larger urban LIMITED “The percentage of seniors experiencing “While our numbers here at the shelter are areas, Orangeville Police Services (OPS) Sgt. homelessness has consistentlyTHANK been YOU much low currently, because we’ve had to do that Mary Lou Archer said that OPS has seen tents • All Styles• ofSpecializing Fencing • Installed in Farms & Repaired lower than Proofedyouth and and adults,” said McGregor. (due to the ongoing pandemic), we know that occasionally in the area. •• All We StylesAlso Paint of Fencing Fences Now intoapproved its 20th year, by Choices . Youth. Shel. .- . there. is youth homelessness within Dufferin OPS also says that they occasionally receive •705-435-2770 Installed & Repaired ter provides a variety of services to homeless County,” said Althea Casamento, director of calls involving homeless people, but it is not www.mcguirefencing.com youth in theDate: Orangeville Aug 30/04 and surrounding Choices Youth Shelter. She says there is an tracked through their Records Management 705-435-2770 areas. With a facility located on Townline, undetermined number of homeless youth in System. RR 1, EGBERT, ONT. L0L 1N0 Date of insertion RR 1, EGBERT, ONT. L0L 1N0 the organization assists individuals between Dufferin County currently. “Often calls in relation to a homeless person Sept 1, 8, 15, 22, 29/04 Region of Peel has found through surveys will come in as a suspicious person, or possi- 194 McEwan Dr. East, Bolton that 34 percent of individuals struggling with bly an ambulance assist,” said Sgt. Archer. 905-857-2646Sales Rep.: Annette homelessness are female, and 23 percent con- Caledon Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) ShowtimesShowtimes for Friday for Friday August November 28, 2020 to4BRTT to Thursday Thursday� September NovemberKTS ❑ 3,10 2020IS ❑ sidered youth. Around 13 percent are living recognize homelessness within the Cale- rough together as a family. Breaking down the don community, and have been specifically THEMISS NEW PEREGRINE’S MUTANTS HOME (Not FOR Rated) PECULIAR CLOSED CHILDREN CAPTIONED, (PG) (TOBACCO DVS®,CC USE,SOME RECLINERS,� OC SCARY ❑ RESERVED SCENES) SFP CLOSEDSEAT❑ - GVS ❑ CAPTIONED, DVS¬Æ FRI,TUE 3:55, 6:55; SAT-SUN 12:45, 3:55, 6:55; MON,WED 6:55 statistics further, 9 percent of the homeless trained to help those in unsafe situations and ING FRI-SUN 10:45, 1:30, 4:30, 7:15, 10:30; MON-THURS 1:30, 4:30, 7:15, 10:00 KEVIN HART: WHAT NOW? (14A) (COARSE LANGUAGE,SEXUAL CONTENT,CRUDESet by: JRC CONTENT) CLOSED CAP- community are Indigenous, 8 percent iden- to make referrals to agencies such as Caledon TENETTIONED, (Not DVS¬Æ Rated) FRI-WED CLOSED 9:50 CAPTIONED, DVS®, RECLINERS, RESERVED SEATING FRI 11:00, tified LGBTQ+, 3 percent are refugee claim- Community Services, or Region of Peel, to 11:30,THE GIRL 12:30, ON THE 2:00, TRAIN 2:45, (18A) 3:15, (COARSE 4:00, LANGUAGE,SEXUAL5:00, 5:30, 6:15, 6:45, CONTENT,DISTURBING 7:45,McGuire 8:30, 9:00; Fencing CONTENT,GRAPHIC SAT 11:00, 11:30, VI - ants, 2 percent were involved in the military offer help. 12:30,OLENCE) 2:00, CLOSED 2:45, CAPTIONED, 3:15, 4:00, DVS¬Æ 5:00, 5:30,FRI,TUE 6:15, 4:15, 6:45, 6:50, 9:40;7:45, SAT-SUN 8:30, 9:00, 1:05, 4:15, 9:45, 6:50, 10:00, 9:40; MON,WED10:15; SUN 6:50, 1x30 and 1 percent are transgender.
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