Index 103rd Meridian East, 292, 296 Alexander III, Tsar, 161 Al-Jazeera, 16 A Alliance Francaise, 315–16 Abdul Halim Mahmud, 188 Alliance of Europe, 348 Abdullah Ahmad, 187 Alltech Telecom, 183 Abdullah Majid, 187 All-Union Oil and Gas Research Abdul Rahman, Tunku, 185 Institute (VNIINEFT), 257 Abdul Razak, Tun, 38, 187–88 AMDA (Anglo Malayan Defence Abdul Samad Ismail, 187–88 Agreement), 186 Abdul Samad Said, 282 America, see United States Abhisit Vejjajiva, 167–68 American Petroleum Institute, see API Abrau-Durso, champagne, 294 AMM (ASEAN Ministerial Meeting), ACD (Asia Cooperation Dialogue), 33, 12 119, 165 Anglo-French agreement, 170 ACU (Asian Currency Unit), 217 anti-Islamic policy, 186 Adam Malik, 38 anti-ship ballistic missiles (ASBMs), 127 Admiral Nikolai Kuznetsov, aircraft APEC (Asia-Pacific Economic carrier, 20 Cooperation), 11, 15, 20, 27, ADMM-Plus (ASEAN Defence 33, 46, 51, 53–55, 72, 81, 85, Ministers Meeting Plus), 26, 36, 117–18, 125, 165–66, 168, 174, 117, 122, 125 211, 242, 247, 251, 262, 327, Afghanistan, invasion of, 45, 48, 338, 349–50 114–15, 185, 189 economic cooperation with Russia, AFP (Agence-France Presse), 315–16, 240–41 318 events held in Russia, 222 Agence Havas, 315 exports, 219, 227–28 Ahmad Abdullah Badawi, 185 FDI, in Russia, 225–26 Ahmad Shabery Cheek, 191 GDP, 220 Ahmad Zahid Hamidi, 128 investment relationship with Russia, Alexander I, Tsar, 45 237–40 356 19 Asean-Russia.indd 356 3/12/12 2:57:55 PM Index 357 Russian membership, 220–22 founding of, 62, 68 trade with Russia, 222–25, 227–37 Initiative for ASEAN Integration, APEC Leaders Week, 221 14, 28 APEC Summit, 9, 15, 292 identity, 23 API (American Petroleum Institute), Master Plan for ASEAN 257–58 Connectivity, 263–64 APPF (Asia Pacific Parliamentary MOU signed, 130 Forum), 202 ranked, 139 APRU (Association of Pacific Rim regionalism, 23, 325 Universities), 309 Russian military industrial complex, Arctic Sea Route, 6, 130 and, 127–29 Arab countries, revolts in, 149 South China Sea, interests in, ARF (ASEAN Regional Forum), 20, 101–2 22, 24, 26, 33, 36, 46, 51, 85, trade partners, 53 98–100, 115, 117, 121, 125, Trans-ASEAN gas pipeline, 218 131, 168, 202, 220, 327 see also ASEAN-4, and Russia; ASEAN+3, 22, 33, 72, 74, 94–95, 117 ASEAN-Russia ASEAN-4, and Russia ASEAN Business and Investment arms trade and disaster relief, 208–9 Summit, 29 education cooperation, 210–11 ASEAN Centre, 13, 27, 119, 169, 209, financial cooperation, 216 331 fuel and energy, 212–14 ASEAN Charter, 12, 23, 116 infrastructure and transport, 215 ASEAN-China trade, 25 nuclear energy, 214 ASEAN Committee on Disaster technology transfer, 209–10 Management (ACDM)-Russia tourism and recreation, 211–12 Consultation, 14 trade, 215–16 ASEAN Community, 39 see also ASEAN; Russia ASEAN Coordinating Centre for ASEAN+6, 70, 72–73, 75 Humanitarian Assistance on ASEAN+8, 75 Disaster Management (AHA ASEAN (Association of Southeast Centre), 26 Asian Nations), 3–5, 11, 20–21, ASEAN Declaration, 38 33, 38, 40, 46, 51, 53, 71, ASEAN Defence Ministers Meeting 73–78, 85, 94, 97–98, 100–3, Plus, see ADMM-Plus 105–6, 112, 114–20, 125–27, ASEAN diplomacy, 122 129, 146–47, 156, 164–65, 168, ASEAN Economic Community, 24, 181, 187–88, 192, 197, 200, 263 207, 217, 220, 245, 248, 250, ASEAN-European Community Mixed 255, 261–62, 298, 326, 350, 353 Working Group, 82 culture and literature, 280, 283 ASEAN Foreign Ministers Meeting, 75 Dialogue Partners, and, 22–25, 110, ASEAN Human Rights Mechanism, 55 115, 118, 121, 156, 173, 184, ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary 200, 289, 327–28 Organization, 202 19 Asean-Russia.indd 357 3/12/12 2:57:56 PM 358 Index ASEAN Ministerial Meeting, see AMM ASEAN-Russia Energy Cooperation ASEAN Plus Three, see ASEAN+3 Work Programme, 14, 25, 266, ASEAN Post-Ministerial Conference, 332 13, 116 ASEAN-Russia Joint Cooperation ASEAN Regional Forum, see ARF Committee, 25 ASEAN+RIC, 94 ASEAN-Russia Summit, 262–63 ASEAN-Russia ASEAN-Russian Federation arms sales, 65, 117–18 Senior Officials Meeting on economic role, 330–32 Transnational Crime (SOMTC- energy cooperation, 266 Russia), 26 foreign direct investment, 13, 250, ASEAN-Russia Summit Meeting. 265 24–26, 29, 120 free trade agreement, 14, 251, 262 ASEAN-Russia Trade, Economic historical overview, 326–27 and Investment Cooperation military links, 62–66 Roadmap, 26 oil and gas cooperation, 254 ASEAN-Russia Working Group on opportunities in diversity, 333–37 Counter-Terrorism, 26 relations, 12–14, 24–25, 27–28, ASEAN-Russia Working Group on 52–56, 71, 132, 279, 319, Science and Technology, 13 327–30 ASEAN Senior Officials on Energy roadmap, 263–65 (SOME)-Russia Consultation, trade, 25, 52, 118, 246, 251, 265, 14, 25 330 ASEAN Summit, 70 transport, 266–67 ASEAN Treaty of Amity and see also ASEAN; ASEAN-4, and Cooperation, see TAC Russia; Russia ASEAN University Network, see AUN ASEAN-Russia Business Council, 29, ASEAN-U.S.-China bloc, 49 122 “ASEAN Way”, 22–23, 95, 116 ASEAN-Russia Comprehensive Plan of ASEF (Asia-Europe Foundation), 83 Action, see CPA ASEM (Asia-Europe Meeting), 10–11, ASEAN-Russia Comprehensive 15, 20, 32–33, 46, 51, 53, 80, Program of Energy Cooperation, 119, 338 212 history, 82–84 ASEAN-Russia Cultural Cooperation members, 83 Agreement, 13 regional cooperation, 81–82 ASEAN-Russia Dialogue Partnership, Russia in, 84–86 12–13, 27, 46, 85, 116, 261, ASEM Ministerial Meeting on 265 Transportation, 85 ASEAN-Russia Dialogue Partnership Asia Financial Fund, 24–25, 265, share of world GDP, 3 331 U.S. relations with, 73–74 ASEAN-Russia Disaster Management Asia Cooperation Dialogue, see ACD Cooperation Work Plan, 26 Asia-Europe Foundation, see ASEF 19 Asean-Russia.indd 358 3/12/12 2:57:56 PM Index 359 Asia-Europe Meeting, see ASEM Berlin Wall, 200 Asia-Pacific Bessmertnykh, Alexander, 189 energy partnership, 5–7 Bhumibol Adulyadej, King, 166 regionalism, 327 Bibliography of Southeast Asia, The, 296 security, nuclear dimension of, Big Powers, 114, 119 126–27 “black” period, 114 significance of, 262 Bolshevik Revolution, 47, 162 Asia-Pacific Community, 74 Bolshoi Ballet Theatre, 19 Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation, see Bout, Victor, 167–68 APEC BP (British Petroleum), 192, 255 Asia Pacific Fleet, 117 BP MIGAS, 255 Asia Pacific Parliamentary Forum, see BrahMos cruise missile, 67 APPF Brezhnev, Leonid, 164, 288, 326 “Asian Collective Security System”, 187 BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India, China) “Asian community building”, 32 group, 11, 21, 81, 91, 193, Asian Currency Unit, see ACU 311–12 Asian Development Bank, 122 BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, Asian financial crisis, 72, 83, 165, 201, South Africa) group, 51, 81, 91, 330 118–19 see also financial crisis, global Britain, and soft power, 313–14 “Asian moments”, 46, 51, 55 British Council, 119, 314–17, 319 Association of Pacific Rim Universities, Brookings Institution, 316–17 see APRU Brunei, relations with Russia, 115, 121, Association of Southeast Asian Nations, 337 see ASEAN Buddhism, 163 “Atlantists”, 165 Bulganin, Nikolai, 151 “A Turn to the East”, article, 346 Bush, George W., 73, 93 AUN (ASEAN University Network), Buszynski, Leszek, 185, 187, 189 309 Aung San Suu Kyi, 157 C Australian High Impact Universities Cambodia Research Performance Index invasion of, 49, 114–15, 163, 185, (RPI), 303 326 avian flu, 35 U.S. bombings, 197 Aziz Deraman, 282 Cambodian Armed Forces, 199 Cambodian Institute of Technology, B 198 Bali Treaty, 71, 74 Cambodian National Authority for “Baltika”, tanker, 6 Combating Drugs, 201 Bank of Russia, 225 Cambodia-Russia relations, 196 Bazuki Soenandar, 258 diplomatic relations, breakdown of, BBC, 16, 314, 316–18 198 Beeline, telephone network, 183 last decade of, 201–2 19 Asean-Russia.indd 359 3/12/12 2:57:56 PM 360 Index military assistance, 199–200 China-ASEAN Joint Working Group, trade, 198–99, 202–3, 214 101 under Norodom Sihanouk, 196–98, China-Russia 201 partnership, 349–50 Cambodia-Soviet Hospital, 198 relations, 14–16, 94 Campus for Research Excellence and trade, 11, 118 Technological Enterprise, see “China’s dilemma”, 40 CREATE Chinese Civil War, 48 Cam Ranh Bay, 121, 128, 176, 326, 334 Chinese Communist Party, see CCP capitalism, state-directed, 138 Chulalongkorn, King, 113, 160–62 CBR (Centre for Basic Research), 250 Chulalongkorn University, 169 CCP (Chinese Communist Party), 48, Churchill, Winston, 291 101 CIS (Commonwealth of Independent CCTV, 16 States), 60, 192, 203, 251, CECAs (Comprehensive Economic 252–53, 291, 308 Cooperation Agreements), 35, Citibank, 238 146 cities, ranking, 272–74 Central Provident Fund, see CPF Clinton, Hillary, 70, 74, 98–99 Centre for People’s Activity (Pusat CNN, 16 Tenaga Rakyat), 279 CNPC (China National Petroleum Centre for Training Foreign Specialist, Corporation), 192 211 Coalition Government of Democratic CGDK (Coalition Government of Kampuchea, see CGDK Democratic Kampuchea), 198 Cold War, 8, 25, 32, 37, 45–46, 49, Chakrabongse, Prince, 162 59, 62, 72, 81, 90, 92, 94, 111, Chan, Jackie, 272 112–14, 120, 124, 128, 149, Charoen Sirivadhanabhakdi, 272 154, 161–63, 168, 185–86, 192, Chatham House, 313, 316, 319 196–97, 223, 240, 242, 320, 327 Chea Sim, 197 Comintern (Communist International), chemical flooding, 257–58 47–48, 186 Cheonan, ship, 98, 100 Commonwealth of Independent States, Chevron, 255, 258 see CIS Chiang Kai Shek, 48 communism, 163, 187 China Communist Party of Thailand, 163 arms sale to, 61–62, 67 Communist Party of the Russian “external enemy”, as, 186 Federation, 176 missile capability, 126–27 Communist Party of the Soviet Union, perspectives on, 348–49 see CPSU purchasing
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