UN Secretariat Item Scan - Barcode - Record Title Page 16 Date 28/06/2006 Time 10:07:35 AM S-0880-0002-04-00001 Expanded Number S-0880-0002-04-00001 Title |tems-in-Disarmament - general -1965 Date Created 11/02/1965 Record Type Archival Item Container s-0880-0002: Disarmament Matters Files of the Secretary-General: U Thant Print Name of Person Submit Image Signature of Person Submit UNITED NATIONS INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM TO: A: The Secretary-General THOUGH, FROM. Vladimir P. Suslov, DE: Under-Secretary for Political and Security Council Affairs SUBJECT: Disarmament Affairs I have always felt that it is very desirable to bring a greater degree of clarity into the sphere of responsibility within the Secretariat with regard to the all important field of disarmament, and perhaps there is now an opportunity to do away with the rather artificial division of responsibilities in disarmament affairs that has existed for some time. The Department of PSCA has always borne exclusive responsibility for all the work on disarmament and related fields. The Disarmament Affairs Group in this Department has attended to both the substantive and servicing functions connected with the problem. In particular, officers from the Department have been responsible for servicing the ENDC meetings in Geneva. In the circumstances stated above and in thelight of the experience during the past three years, it would seem that there is really no need to have a very senior officer of the rank of Under-Secretary present constantly in Geneva or, indeed, to have such an officer dealing with the problem in New York. At the same time, the appropriate senior officers, in particular the Under-Secretaries for Special Political Affairs would, of course, be kept informed of all developments in disarmament and related fields." In addition you may find it desirable to nominate someone on an ad hoc basis to represent you at the disarmament discussions on any given occasion if and when the need arises. Aside from this, I suggest that this Department should deal with all questions in the disarmament and related fields, including the servicing of ENDC meetings under the supervision of my deputy, Mr. Vellodi, who has the overall responsibility for the work in this area,and Mr. Epstein who is the Chief of the Disarmament Affairs Group. UNITED NATIONS Distr. DISARMAMEN GENERAL DC/210 31 March 1965 ENGLISH ORIGINAL: RUSSIAN LETTER DATED ?1 MARCH 19&5 3KCM THE PERMANENT REPRESENTATIVE OF THE UNION OF SOVIET SOCIALIST REPUBLICS TO THE UNITED NATIONS, ADDRESSED TO THE SECRETARY-GENERAL REQUESTING A MEETING OF THE DISARMAMENT • COMMISSION On the instructions of the Government of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics I hereby request you to convene the United Nations Disarmament Commission. As is stated in the report transmitted by the Eighteen-Nation Committee on Disarmament to the United Nations Disarmament Commission and to the nineteenth session of the United Nations General Assembly (A/5731? DC/209)} protracted discussion on disarmament questions in the Committee did not lead to the attainment of any specific agreement either on questions of general and complete disarmament or on measures aimed at the lessening of international tension. On adjourning its 'proceedings in September 19&H, the Eighteen-Nation Committee decided to resume its meetings "as soon as possible after the termination of the consideration of disarmament at the nineteenth session of the General Assembly, on a date to be decided by the two Co-Chairmen after consultation with the members of the Committee". For known reasons, however, it proved impossible for the Eighteen-Nation Committee's report and the state of the disarmament negotiations as a whole to be discussed at the nineteenth session of the General Assembly. Nevertheless, the course of international events requires the adoption of effective measures in the matter of disarmament and limitation of the arms race. The problem of disarmament affects the vital interests of all States. The peoples are entitled to expect the United Nations to make a thorough examination of the disquieting state of disarmament negotiations in the Eighteen-Nation Committee and to help in charting specific courses along which progress can be made in those negotiations. Since no such discussion took place in the United Nations General Assembly, the Soviet Government considers it necessary that the 65-06105 /... DC/210 English Page 2 United Nations Disarmament Commission, on which all States Members of the United Nations are represented, should be convened. The Soviet Government considers it desirable that the United fiat ions Disarmament Commission should begin work as soon as possible, in the first half of April 1965, Ple'ase circulate .this letter as an official document of the United Hat ions Disarmament Commissione (Signed) If. Pel-ra. tent Repjri.-stMts'.iive of the .USSI? to the united nations UNITED NATIONS Distr. DISARMAMENT GENERAL PC/211 COMMISSIO 5 April 1965 ORIGINAL: ENGLISH LETTER DATED 1 APRIL 1965 FROM THE SECRETARY-GENERAL TO THE MEMBERS OF THE COMMISSION The Secretary-General of the United Nations ... has the honour to refer to resolution 1U03 (XIV)? adopted "by the General Assembly at its fourteenth session, by which the Assembly noted with approval the report of the Disarmament Commission that contained the resolution adopted on in September 1959 (DC/146) which, inter .a3-iaj recommended to the General Assembly "that the Disarmament Commission as set up by General Assembly resolution 1252 D (XIII) of 4 November 1958 should continue in being and be convened whenever deemed necessary". The Secretary-General has just received a letter dated 31 March 1965 (DC/210) from the Permanent Representative of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics to the United Nations in which it has been stated that the Soviet Government considers it necessary that the United Nations Disarmament Commission, on which all States Members of the United Nations are represented, should be convened. The Secretary- General would be grateful to receive the views of the Government of ... regarding this matter. The Government of the USSR has further indicated that it considers it desirable that the Disarmament Commission should begin work as soon as possible, in the first half of April 19^5. The Secretary-General wishes to inform the members that he could make arrangements to convene a meeting of the Commission on 13 April 1965. However, in his final decision regarding the date of the meeting, the Secretary-General will be guided by the reactions of the members of the Commission and would appreciate receiving the views of the Government of ... in the matter. 65-06563 \/ UN/TED NATIONS DISARMAMENT COMMISSION H2TGLISH LETTER DATED 12 APRIL 1963 JKOM HIE" TO THE MEivIPERS OP TEE COMMISSIOH The Secretary-General of the United Nations presents his compliments to the Permanent Representative of _ ._ __^ _ and has the honour to refer to his note PO 131/4 Sated 1 April 1965™^ in connexion with the convening of the Disarmament Commission* The Secretary-General -wishes to state that on the "basis of the consultations undertaken by him on the subject, he has decided to convene a meeting of the Disarmament Commission on Wednesday, 21 April 1965, at 3 p.m. The Secretary-General wishes to add that the first meeting on 21 April 1965 id.ll he devoted to the opening of tha meeting and the organizational question of elections and that the substantive work of the Commission will commence on 26 April 1965. l/_ Issued as document DC/211. 65-07137 UN/TED NATIONS Distr. GENERAL GENERAL V A/5912 15 April 1965 ASSEMBLY ENGLISH ORIGINAL: ENGLISH/SPANISH Nineteenth session LETTER DATED lU APRIL 1965 FROM THE PERMANENT REPRESENTATIVE OF BRAZIL TO THE UNITED NATIONS ADDRESSED TO THE SECRETARY-GENERAL In my capacity as First Vice-Chairman of the Preparatory Commission for the Denuclearization of Latin America, I have the honour to forward, herewith, a copy of the Final Act of the first session of that Commission held in Mexico City between 15 and 22 March 1965. In accordance with resolution U of the same Commission, I request that the above-mentioned text be circulated as an official document of the General Assembly, following paragraph 2 of resolution 1911 (XVIIl). (Signed) Jose SETTE CAMARA First Vice-chairman of the Preparatory Commission for the Denuclearization of Latin America 65-05891 A/5912 English Page 3 PREPARATORY COMMISSION FOR THE DENUCLEARIZATION OF LATIN AMERICA Mexico City, D.F., 22 March 1965 P - 003 Sir,, At its sixth meeting, on 19 March 19^5; the Preparatory'Commission for the Denuclearization of Latin America adopted a resolution (resolution h), entitled "Transmittal of the Final Act to the United Nations", in which it decided: "To ask the Chairman of the Commission to transmit to the Secretary- General of the United Nations the text of this Final Act, with the request that he should have it distributed as a General Assembly document for the information of Members of the United Nations in connexion with resolution 1911 (XVIIl), paragraph 2." In accordance with the resolution quoted above, I have the honour to transmit to you five copies of the aforesaid Final Act, which was unanimously adopted by the Commission at the closing meeting of its first session today. Accept, Sir, etc. (Signed) Alfonso GARCIA ROBLES Chairman of the Preparatory Commission for the Denuclearization of Latin America His Excellency U Thant Secretary-General of the United Nations New York, N-Y. PREPARATORY COMMISSION FOR THE DENUCLEARIZATION
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