bloemfontein tg72 gey-kollege 1 q COLLEGE i- CREY t; A PARALLEL MEDIUM SCHOOL FOR BOYS - EST. 1855 Ma gazine Skoolblad GESTIG I855 l" r 1- GREY-KOLLEGE 'N PARALLELMEDIUM-SKOOL VIR SEUNS EDITO RIAL SIAFF-RED AKSIE EDITOR MNR./MR. H. J. VAN DER LrNDE REDAKTEU R SU 8-ED ITORS MNR./MR. J. C. VENTER SU E.REDAKTEU RS MNR./MR. J. CRUYWAGEN BUSINESS MANAGER MNR./MR. B. v. d. MERWE BESIGH EI DSBESTU URDER CIRCU TATION MNR./MR. C. ROSS VERSPREI DI NG COMMITTEE MNRE./MESSRS. J. VOLSTEEDT KOMITEE N. OOSTHUIZEN J. R. CILLIERS a I J. CLAASSEN t_ l- MEJ./MrSS P. DE VILLtERS T P. VERSTER fi B. v. d. HEEVER : B.' IAN TRAILL FOTO'S Volume 53 Desember 1972 Nr. 100 grey college 2 IOO YEARS AGO ln Junie 1872 word vir die eerste keer in die Kommissie se verslag na die skool as 1872 Grey-kollege verwys, die naam wat nou t972 nog gebruik word. 100 fAAR GELEDE grey-kollege 3 editorial redaksioneel 5 school captain skoolkaptein I I grey honours grey bring hulde 13 old greys oud-greys 17 grey bids farewell grey s6 totsiens 2a extra mural activities buiiemuurse bedrywighede 25 litera ry contributions letterkundige bydraes 55 primary school: sport resulis prim6re skool sporiverslae 79 literary contributions primary school letterkundige bydraes laerskool 9l matric class 1972 matriekklas l.972 109 photos: awards, achievemenis and teams fotos: ioekennings, prestasies 1-' enspanne ll3 {_ t Contents lnhoud CA PERSONEEL (! (D tq (? 5. J. J. A. st*il,mp, C. H. J. M.rdk, M€v. A. Loub,.r, M.ii. F. Ja.t€|, P, d. Villi.R. S. J..obr 2d. Ry: M.ii. M, Chse, E, vcn S.h.llvyk, MGw. Y. vatr Zyl, A. Joct., M. van Wyl, R., P. M.l!n, C. M. E. l(ruesr, c. D. van Tonder, R. GildorhlF, M.i. P.!, MGw. A. H..,bF€l, V. S.hoohbi., S, D.m$.y, E. PEtorils, E. Hinri.h!.n. A, J.ub.rt N. du Pl.$ir, J. B.dei[oEt 6da Ry: Mnr:. J. Er.rmc. D. Vilio.n, K. S. v.n d€' Watr. J. C. T. Jord..r, t. vrn d"r Morwe. grey-kollege 5 ir 1- reda ks ion eel ( ed itoria I oa REDAKSIE (D a o (D ('e o o\ Voor v.l.n.r.: M,nre. J. CJaassen (Laerskool), J. Venter, J. van der Linde (Redaheur), Mei. P. M. de Villiers, Mnr. R. Cilliers. Agter: Mnr. J. Volsteedf, P. Versier, Mnre. J. Cruywagen, N. Oosthuizen, B. van den Heever, M,nr. B: van der Merwe. grey-kollege 7 Not only did Mr. Bornman's name become syno- our retrflnS principal nymous with Grey Primary but also with Murray House, where he was lfousemaster to hundreds Mr. C. C. F. Bornman, joined the staff at Grey and hundreds of Grey College hostel boys during College in 1937, and when the Secondary and that period. Primary sections separated in the beginning of 1950, he became the first Principal of the Primary His Principalship: School. Grey College was vastly different in appearance in those days. Today we have the beautiful terraces in front of the Swimming Bath and K.G. Swimming Pool, the Rugby pavilions, the lawns and the neces- sary watgr supply for the grounds, and the Centenary Hall. All these improvements came about during his Principalship and for the achievement of these Mr. Bornman played a very important part. Where the Primary School itself is concerned, it grew in leaps and bounds and at present has a roll of 378 pupils and 30 members of sta of the expansion of the schoo Kindergarten buildings rvere library, a projection room an block. All this tvas to a very great extent due to the love, interest and endeavours of the Principal. Besides the numerous pupils and staff members that have passed through his hands, many school Principals and Vice-Principals are thankful for his guidance while they rvere members of his staff. Other Interests: Mr. Bornman had many other interests as well in rvhich he was very active. He was the Chairman of the local Teachers' Association and a deacon and an elder of his Church for many years. He has always been interested in musketry and was second Earlt day: in command of the "Bloemfonteinse Skiet Kom- and quite successful on shooting range He r,ry'as born on a farcn in the Senekal district and mando" the rvas educated in tlie torrn itself. After he had matri- but even more successful in the veld after buck. He is culated, he enrolled as a student at the Grey Univer- also a great rugby enthusiast and keenly watches the sity College and then the Normal College as they achievements ofall theschool teams, local, provincial were then known, and in December, 1929,- became and Springbok matches. But his favourite sportforyears a fully qualified teacher with a Primary Teacher's has been golf, where he has played to a handicap of I l. Certificate, which was a great achievement in those There was, however, a great tragedy in Mr. days. Bornman's life lvhen his wife "Babs" passed away suddenly in 1963. There were two children from Academical Qtalifications : this marriage, namely Neels, who is a very successful Full of high hopes and ideals he started his teaching dentist in the city and Christie, who is teaching at career at a falm school in the Ventersbulg district. the Commercial High School in Pretoria. I{e was not only Principal of this school but formed Towards the end of 1964 he found another partner the entire staff as n'ell. Such a post can be terribly in life when he married Mrs. Bunny Macaskill, who frustrating for an ambitious young teacher so he immediately became part of Grey College and is successfully applied for a post at Gley College, where held in very high esteem by all lvho have come to he became one of the seven teachers responsible for krrow her. They are now vely peacefully and com- the primary section. This step also gave him the fortably settled near Spitskop. opportunity to improve his academical qualifica- Mr. Bornman retired at the end of the second tions. Through extramural classes at the Grey Uni- term and he can look back with pride on his career versity College he obtained his B.A. degree and here at Grey and we can understand why he lvas re- consequently the S.T.D.-diploma. sponsible in 1955 for the slogan for our Centenary In time he became responsible for the organisa- Celebrations, namely: "We enrich our heritage." tion and administrative duties of the primary section Mr. Bornman and his family have the bestlvishes under the guidance of the Principal, Mr. Jock Mr"rr- of all connected rvith Grey. We will surely ray Meiring. When th.e separation of the two schools miss him, but I think he will miss Grey more. eventually took place, he became the Primary On behalf of Grey College we wish Mr. Bornman school's first Principal. and family God speed. grey college 8 ons nuwe laerskoolhoof rugbybase besef spoedig wat hulle in hierdie ener- gieke jong man het en stuur hom in 1971 om 'n rugbykursus in Frankryk by te woon. Aanstaande jaar gaan hy na Nederland om die S.A. Rugbyraad te verteenwoordig en die Nederlandse toerspan na Suid-Afrika met afrigting en die vertolking van die rugbyreels te help. In 1961 tree hy in die huwelik met Ema Joubert. Die egpaar het 'n seun en twee dogters. In sy egge- note het hy iemand wat 'n stukrag in sy lewe is. Hier het ons dus 'n man wat pragtig toegerus is om die veeleisende taak wat 'n groot primCre skool stel, suksesvol te onderneem. Hy het in die kort tydjie sedert Julie reeds bewys dat hy weet wat hy wil en daarom het ons volle vertroue dat Grey- kollege Prim6r in die besonder en Grey in die algemeen ryker geword het met sy aanstelling. Grey heet u welkom, mnr. Strydom, en wens u toc baie jare van suksesvolle diens aan u alma- mater. mnr. steve strydom Nadat Steve Strydom sy laerskoolloopbaan aan Pres. Brandskool deurloop het, begewe hy hom in 1952 na Grey-kollege waar hy in die Eeufees- jaar, 1955, die Matrikulasie-eksamen met sukses aflO. Hy is een van die min seuns aan Grey wat reeds in st. 9 as prefek gekies is. In 1957 kwalifiseer hy as onderwyser aan die Bloemfonteinse Onderwyserskollege en beklee daar- na vanaf 1958 tot 1967 aan die Prirn6re Skool h perrnanente pos. Hy wys baic gou wat daar in hom steek en daalom word hy in 1968 vise-hoof aau die Willem Postma PrirnOre skool. In Januarie 1970 is hy terug by Grey as vise-hoof. Dit word baie gou duidelik dat daar groter dinge vir hom wag en daarom verras dit niernand nie as hy in Junie 1972 aangewys word as die nuwe hoof van dic Prim6re Skool. grey-kollege 9 nuwe vise-hoof van die laerslcool AA 7tr Scdcrt hy by- Crcy bcgin het, was hy verant- woordclik vir 'n vcrskcidenheid van standerds. Hicrd.ic ondcrvinding dicn as idcale agtergrond vrr drc pos vau visc-hoof wat nou deur mnr. Claassen beklcc word. mnr. japie claassen m6re Krieketkomitee, asook O.V.S. prim6re skole krieketkeurder. The Soccer- I never forget the tall slim fi who spends so much time Onmiddellik na sy benoeming as vise-hoof van die Prim0re skool het hy sy nuwe -allespligte en ver- antwoordelikhede aanvaar en sover met die grootste nougesetheid en deeglikheid afgehandel.
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