High-contrast imaging of exoplanets and disks with adaptive optics Arthur Vigan Laboratoire d'Astrophysique de Marseille (LAM) Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) Direct imaging of circumstellar environments Dust properties System architecture Planet composition Arthur Vigan - AO4ASTRO - 2019-03-28 2 Direct imaging of exoplanets Physical units Arthur Vigan - AO4ASTRO - 2019-03-28 3 Direct imaging of exoplanets Observables Diffraction limit (8 Diffraction m) limit Arthur Vigan - AO4ASTRO - 2019-03-28 4 Direct imaging of exoplanets High-angular resolution High-contrast Diffraction limit (8 Diffraction m) limit Arthur Vigan - AO4ASTRO - 2019-03-28 5 Large ground-based telescopes MMT MMT AO-2ndary + ARIES, CLIO <0.1" angular resolution ➙ 8-10 m telescopes Magellan: MagAO + VisAO-CLIO Palomar LBT PALAO/P3K + PHARO-P1640 FLAO + PISCES , LMIRCAM Gemini: ALTAIR-NIRI, NICI, GPI VLT: NaCo, SINFONI, SPHERE Subaru AO188, SCExAO + CIAO, HiCIAO, CHARIS Keck: NIRC2, NIRSPEC, OSIRIS Arthur Vigan - AO4ASTRO - 2019-03-28 6 (Extreme) Adaptive optics systems <0.1" angular resolution ➙ 8-10 m telescopes + AO 1990s 2000s 2010s ESO3.6m/Come-On+ VLT/NaCo LBT/SPHERE/GPI SH WFS; 62 actuators SH WFS; 180 actuators SH/Pyr WFS; 1200 actuators Sr < 10% (NIR) Sr = 40-50% (NIR) Sr > 80% (NIR) Sr = ~40% (VIS) Janson et al. 2007 Neuhaüser et al. 2005 SPHERE consortium Arthur Vigan - AO4ASTRO - 2019-03-28 7 Coronagraphy Contrast > 104 at separation < 2" ➙ coronagraphs 1980s 1990s 2000s 2010s Las Campañas Obs. 3-5 m telescopes 8-10 m telescopes 8-10 m telescopes 7" mask 1" mask <1" mask <0.1" mask VIS NIR detectors NIR detectors NIR or VIS First AO systems Low order AO High-order AO Arthur Vigan - AO4ASTRO - 2019-03-28 8 Real coronagraphy requires AO! Instrument Lyot stop Focal-plane Focal plane mask Amplitude Phase Arthur Vigan - AO4ASTRO - 2019-03-28 9 Real coronagraphy requires AO! Instrument Lyot stop Focal-plane Focal plane mask Amplitude Phase Arthur Vigan - AO4ASTRO - 2019-03-28 10 Post-processing Contrast > 106 at separation < 2" ➙ post-processing Spectral SDI ➙ different wavelengths Stellar Angular RDI ➙ different stars ADI ➙ sky or telescope rotation DIVERSITY Coherence Polarisation CDI ➙ coherence of stellar light PDI Orbital ➙ different polarisation ODI Arthur Vigan - AO4ASTRO - 2019-03-28 ➙ planetary orbital motion 11 Post-processing: ADI, SDI Racine et al. (1999) - SDI Sparks & Ford (2002) - Spectral Deconvolution Marois et al. (2006) - Classical ADI Lafrenière et al. (2007) - LOCI Mugnier et al. (2009) - ANDROMEDA Soummer et al. (2012) - KLIP ... etc ... H2 H3 H2-H3 • Assumes: • chromaticity of speckles is ≪ 1 H2 - cADI H3 - cADI ASDI • speckles lifetime is ≫ 1 • Strong assumptions! Arthur Vigan - AO4ASTRO - 2019-03-28 12 Target selection Sun Sensitivity to planetary-mass ➙ young nearby stars 109 105 Jupiter • Identification of nearby young stars: ischrones, Li, H�, X-ray, kinematics, ... • 1980s: TW Hydra (Rucinski & Krautter 1983) • 2000s: 10 new young associations • 1990s: Additional members of TW Hya assoc. • 2010s: extension to low-mass stars, intermediate-old (<1 Gyr), more distant associations Arthur Vigan - AO4ASTRO - 2019-03-28 13 Mixing ingredients: the direct imaging recipe Seeing-limited PSF Diffraction-limited PSF Diffraction-limited PSF Coronagraphic image ✘ Adaptive optics ✔ Adaptive optics ✔ Adaptive optics ✔ Adaptive optics ✘ Coronagraph ✘ Coronagraph ✘ Coronagraph ✔ Coronagraph Diffraction limited 10-4-10-5 contrast within 20 λ/D in dark zone ~10-5-10-6 contrast down to 0.2" post-processing Enough to detect young giant exoplanets of a few Jupiter masses around young nearby stars Arthur Vigan - AO4ASTRO - 2019-03-28 14 Census of direct imaging surveys GPIES Macintosh et al. Gemini-S GPI ALC-ASDI JHK 3.5 600 A-M 1 - 1000 started in 2014 SHINE Chauvin et al. VLT SPHERE ALC-ASDI JHK 10 600 A-M 1 - 1000 started in 2015 Arthur Vigan - AO4ASTRO - 2019-03-28 15 A short timeline of discoveries... 1990 1994 2000 2010 2020 Coronography Gl229 B discovery (Nakajima et al. 1995) First imaged substellar companion • Palomar AOC camera: image stabilizer + coronograph • First T-dwarf discovery with strong CH4 absorptions Arthur Vigan - AO4ASTRO - 2019-03-28 Credit to G. Chauvin for the timeline 16 A short timeline of discoveries... 1990 2000 2004 2010 2020 Coronography +IR detectors +8-m telescopes with AO Gl229 B discovery (Nakajima et al. 1995) 2M1207 b (Chauvin et al. 2004) First imaged planetary-mass companion • VLT/NaCo • 3-5 MJup object • L5 spectral type, dusty/cloudy atmosphere Followed by many on wide orbits (>100 au) • dH Tau b (Itoh et al. 05) • AB Pic b (Chauvin et al. 05) • CHXR73 b (Luhman et al. 05) • GQ Lup b (Neuhauser et al. 05) • RXJ1609 b (Lafrenière et al. 08) • … • HD106906 b (Su et al. 2013) • HD203030 b (Miles-Paez et al. 2017) • … Arthur Vigan - AO4ASTRO - 2019-03-28 Credit to G. Chauvin for the timeline 17 A short timeline of discoveries... 1990 2000 2008 2010 2020 Coronography +IR detectors +8-m telescopes +differential with AO imaging Gl229 B discovery (Nakajima et al. 1995) 2M1207 b (Chauvin et al. 2004) First low-mass ratio companions HR8799 bcd, Fomalhaut b, � Pic b • Stars with debris-disk (Marois+ 2008; Kalas+ 2008; Lagrange+ 2008) • Mp/M* < 1% • Semi-major axis < 100 au Fomalhaut � Pic HR8799 Arthur Vigan - AO4ASTRO - 2019-03-28 Credit to G. Chauvin for the timeline 18 A short timeline of discoveries... 1990 2000 2010 2013 2020 Coronography +IR detectors +8-m telescopes +differential with AO imaging Gl229 B discovery (Nakajima et al. 1995) 2M1207 b (Chauvin et al. 2004) First low-mass ratio companions HR8799 bcd, Fomalhaut b, � Pic b • Stars with debris-disk HR8799 e, HD95086 b, GJ504 b • Mp/M* < 1% (Marois+ 2010; Rameau+ 2013; Kuzuhara+ 2013) • Semi-major axis < 100 au GJ504 HR8799 HD95086 Arthur Vigan - AO4ASTRO - 2019-03-28 Credit to G. Chauvin for the timeline 19 A short timeline of discoveries... 1990 2000 2010 2015 2020 Coronography +IR detectors +8-m telescopes +differential +ExAO with AO imaging +dedicated instruments Gl229 B discovery (Nakajima et al. 1995) 2M1207 b (Chauvin et al. 2004) First exoplanet imagers detections HR8799 bcd, Fomalhaut b, � Pic b • 51 Eri b: GPI, T3 dwarf with CH4 HR8799 e, HD95086 b, GJ504 b • HIP 65426 b: SPHERE, L7 dusty dwarf (Marois+ 2010; Rameau+ 2013; Kuzuhara+ 2013) • PDS 70 b: SPHERE, L dusty dwarf, transition disk 51 Eri b, HIP65426 b, PDS 70 b (Macintosh+ 201; Chauvin+ 2017 Keppler+ 2018) PDS 70 Arthur Vigan - AO4ASTRO - 2019-03-28 Credit to G. Chauvin for the timeline 20 Science with direct imaging 1/ Physics of giant exoplanets Photometry & Spectroscopy Atmosphere & physical properties 2/ Architecture & stability of 3/ Occurrence & formation planetary systems Statistical properties (occurrence, stellar Astrometry & disk/planet position host dependency, disk properties) Orbits, dynamical interactions, Formation theories resonances & long-term evolution Arthur Vigan - AO4ASTRO - 2019-03-28 21 Planetary formation in real-time Detection of fine structures in circumstellaire disks: spirals, gaps, rings, ... SAO 206462 SAO 206462 TW Hya HR4796 Herbig Ae/Be star, ~9 Myr T Tauri K6Vs star, TWA, 8 Myr A0V star, TWA, 8 Myr SPHERE/IRDIS RDI SPHERE/IRDIS DPI GPI H-band ADI Maire et al. (2017) Van Boekel et al. (2016) Perrin et al. (2014) Candidate embedded proto-planets: importance of gas accretion First confirmed proto-planet! HD142527; MagAO-VisAO Arthur Vigan - AO4ASTRO - 2019-03-28HD100546; NaCo HD169142; NaCo PDS70; SPHERE 22 Close et al. (2014) Quanz et al. (2013) Reggiani et al. (2014) Keppler et al. (2018) Study of planetary systems Planets and multi-belt architectures HD95086 HR8799 A8, ScoCen, 17 Myr, 83.8pc A5, Colunba, 30 Myr, 39.4pc Warm, inner belt: 7-10 au, 175K (SEd) Warm, inner belt: 6-16 au, 150K (SEd) Cold, outer belt: 106-320 au, 55K Cold, outer belt: 145-425 au, 45K Su et al. (2017) Booth et al. (2016) Arthur Vigan - AO4ASTRO - 2019-03-28 23 Study of planetary systems Planets and multi-belt architectures HD95086 HR8799 A8, ScoCen, 17 Myr, 83.8pc A5, Colunba, 30 Myr, 39.4pc Warm, inner belt: 7-10 au, 175K (SEd) Warm, inner belt: 6-16 au, 150K (SEd) Cold, outer belt: 106-320 au, 55K Cold, outer belt: 145-425 au, 45K Rameau et al. (2013) Marois et al. (2008, 2018) Arthur Vigan - AO4ASTRO - 2019-03-28 24 Study of planetary systems Planets and multi-belt architectures HD95086 HR8799 A8, ScoCen, 17 Myr, 83.8pc A5, Colunba, 30 Myr, 39.4pc Warm, inner belt: 7-10 au, 175K (SEd) Warm, inner belt: 6-16 au, 150K (SEd) Cold, outer belt: 106-320 au, 55K Cold, outer belt: 145-425 au, 45K Architecture of planetary systems, dynamical stability, migration/ejection... Arthur Vigan - AO4ASTRO - 2019-03-28 25 Physics of giant exoplanets Measuring the photons from the planets: physics of their atmospheres • temperature • clouds • gravity • non-equilibrium chemistry Arthur Vigan - AO4ASTRO - 2019-03-28 26 Physics of giant exoplanets Measuring the photons from the planets: physics of their atmospheres • temperature • clouds • gravity • non-equilibrium chemistry Rameau et al., GPIES collaboration Arthur Vigan - AO4ASTRO - 2019-03-28 27 Occurence and formation of giant planets How frequent are giant gaseous exoplanets? BA FGK M All N=110 N=155 N=118 N=384 100 0.1 0.7 0.9 0.1 0.5 0.9 0.3 0.5 0.7 0.5 0.7 0.3 0.3 Bowler et al. (2016) et Bowler ) Jup 10 0.5 0.3 0.3 0.1 0.1 0.1 Planet Mass (M 1 0.1 1 10 100 1 10 100 1 10 100 1 10 100 1000 Semimajor Axis (AU) 0.4 Direct Imaging M a =5−13 MJup, =30−300 AU 0.3 • Low occurence rate: <10% Radial Velcity K > 20 m/s, a < 2.5 AU BA +3.7 • Lower than RV for semi-major 2.8 − 2.3 % 0.2 axes < 2.5 UA FGK M All < 4.1% Planet Fraction +0.7 • Indication of a different < 3.9% 0.6 − 0.5 % formation process? 0.1 0.0 Arthur Vigan - AO4ASTRO - 2019-03-28 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 28 Stellar Mass (MSun) Occurence and formation of giant planets Can we infer what is the most common formation scenario from observations? ➙ core-accretion (CA) vs.
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