Alfred Stewart Property Foundation Ltd Hilton, Rosyth (Residential) FIFEplan Local Development Plan Proposed Plan December 2014 PPCA Ltd FIFEPlan Contents Local Development Plan Proposed Plan 1 Introduction ...................................................................... 2 2 Planning Policy Context ................................................... 4 3 Hilton as a Development Location ................................... 9 4 Proposed Uses .............................................................. 10 Hilton, Rosyth LDP-ROS002 5 Site Effectiveness .......................................................... 11 6 Access ............................................................................ 14 PPCA Ltd On behalf of 7 Council Site Assessment ............................................... 15 Alfred Stewart Property Foundation Limited 8 Conclusion ...................................................................... 20 Appendix 1 – Location Plan .................................................. 21 Appendix 2 – Indicative Development Framework .............. 23 Appendix 3 – Transport Planning Accessibility Statement . 25 Appendix 4 – Fifeplan LDP Candidate Site Assessment ...... 43 ASPFL Hilton, Rosyth 1 Introduction 1.2 Hilton represents an excellent opportunity to deliver a high quality residential development that will, in part, contribute to meeting 1.1 PPCA Ltd has been instructed by the Alfred Stewart Property the SESPlan additional housing requirement and address the Foundation Limited (ASPFL) to make a representation to the ongoing and significant housing land supply failure in Fife as a FIFEPlan Local Development Plan Proposed Plan opposing whole and this Housing Market Area. It will provide much needed the non-allocation of land for residential uses at Hilton Rosyth affordable housing, both of which will have national and local (Appendix 1). The site is included in the Main Issues Report benefits. Site Atlas and Proposed Plan Site Assessments with reference LDP-ROS002(a). 1.3 This representation must be read in parallel with the wider housing land supply representation lodged to the Local Development Plan by ASPFL. 1.4 Settlements in and around the northern bridge landfall of the existing and proposed Forth Road Crossing make a significant contribution to meeting the housing needs of both Fife and Edinburgh based employees. This is clearly demonstrated through park & ride patronage and public transport services heading into Edinburgh and the level of private vehicle commuting crossing the bridge to and from the City every day. Rosyth is one such settlement and Hilton is a sustainable and deliverable development location. 1.5 The sites proposed are wholly in the control of ASPFL. 2 ASPFL Hilton, Rosyth Background 1.3 The land in question would be promoted through the Development Plan – Strategic Development Plan and Local 1.1 ASPFL is wholly owned by The Alfred Stewart Trust (the Trust) Development Plan. Income generated will be channelled into the formed by the late Alfred Stewart MBE. The Trust has a dual fulfilment of Mr. Stewart's philanthropic vision. Ongoing liaison purpose – with Fife Council will decide which projects will deliver the greatest public benefit. to benefit medical science and, in particular, photodynamic therapy. 1.4 The Trust is designed to continue for up to 50 years from the to benefit the people of West Fife within a 15 mile radius of 29th April 2008. It is clear that the Trust and ASPFL as a delivery the centre of Dunfermline. mechanism offers a unique opportunity to advance development proposals in the knowledge that the free proceeds will be used 1.2 ASPFL as the operative arm has been substantially resourced for charitable works and to benefit the wider Fife population and both in terms of funds and land, and, through it and its Board of beyond. This means that it is often able to offer enhanced Directors, ASPFL intends to deliver Mr. Stewart’s vision by planning gain to meet specific community needs. creating value through careful management of the existing property portfolio within Dunfermline and the surrounding area. It intends to promote development of land already owned by it, or optioned to it, via a series of ventures and/or by joint venture development. 3 ASPFL Hilton, Rosyth 2 Planning Policy Context 2.4 Hilton is a sustainable and marketable location for new housing development with the environmental and infrastructure capacity 2.1 NPF3, as approved by the Scottish Government, guides to expand. Scotland’s spatial development for the next 20 years and is a 2.5 NPF3 notes that throughout Scotland, there will be a need to material consideration in Development Plan preparation and ensure a generous supply of housing land in sustainable places planning applications. where people want to live, providing enough homes and 2.2 A detailed assessment of the content of NPF 3 as it applies to supporting economic growth. The southwest segment of Fife, the FIFEPlan Local Development Plan Proposed Plan situation is including Hilton, is such a location as demonstrated by contained within the general ASPFL Proposed Plan assessment set out below. representation. 2.6 NPF3 notes that housing requirements will continue to be at their 2.3 Within the context of this submission, NPF3 notes, at paragraph most acute around Edinburgh, Perth and Aberdeen, requiring 2.5, that the Scottish Government wants to see a significant targeted action to better match demand for land with increase in house building in coming years to ensure housing infrastructure capacity. As noted above and below, Hilton has the requirements are met across the country. It notes the need for environmental and infrastructure capacity to expand. Land in the flexibility in housing delivery and that the planning system should control of ASPFL at Hilton promoted through this representation focus its efforts particularly on areas where the greatest levels of will, in part, meet the demand for such development arising in change are expected and where there is pressure for southwest Fife. development. Fife Council, as part of the wider Edinburgh City Region, is one such area. 4 ASPFL Hilton, Rosyth 2.7 NPF3 notes that more ambitious and imaginative planning will be needed to meet requirements for a generous and effective supply of land for housing in a sustainable way. The Scottish Government specifically wishes to see a greater and more concerted effort to deliver a generous supply of housing land in the SESplan Strategic Development Plan area. A Key Action for NPF3 is to support housing development and the Scottish Government will work with housing providers and the development sector to achieve this. That approach is endorsed and promoted through this representation. ASPFL is committed to releasing the land in question at Hilton (site LDP-ROS002(a)) for residential development and associated uses. 2.8 NPF3 seeks to ensure that all parts of Scotland make best use of their assets to build a sustainable future. Planning will help to create high quality, diverse and sustainable places that promote well-being and attract investment. 5 ASPFL Hilton, Rosyth Scottish Planning Policy 2.11 Scottish Planning Policy commits to facilitating new housing development and increasing the supply of housing with a 2.9 Scottish Planning Policy, published in 2014, set out national generous land supply. planning policies which reflect Scottish Ministers’ priorities for 2.12 Scottish Planning Policy prioritises high quality design and layout operation of the planning system and for the development and in its aim for sustainable economic growth. By taking a positive use of land in Scotland. In line with NPF3 it promotes sustainable approach to new development, planning authorities can help to economic growth and a presumption in favour of development create the right conditions for rural businesses and communities that contributes to sustainable development. to flourish. The aim should be to enable development in all areas 2.10 Scottish Planning Policy notes that by locating the right that supports prosperous and sustainable communities whilst development in the right place, planning can provide protecting and enhancing environmental quality. opportunities for people to make sustainable choices and improve their quality of life. Well-planned places promote well- 2.13 Development Plans should promote economic activity and being, a sense of identity and pride, and greater opportunities for diversification in all small towns and rural areas. Development social interaction. Planning therefore has an important role in that provides employment or community benefit should be promoting strong, resilient and inclusive communities. Delivering encouraged. high-quality buildings, infrastructure and spaces in the right 2.14 The proposed allocation for housing use at Hilton meet the locations helps provide choice over where to live and style of requirements of Scottish Planning Policy and will increase the home, choice as to how to access amenities and services and choice of housing sites in the area coming through the emerging choice to live more active, engaged, independent and healthy Local Development Plan. lifestyles. ASPFL is committed to delivering such development at Hilton to achieve the aims set out above. 6 ASPFL Hilton, Rosyth 2.15 As a residential location, Hilton is ideally situated to meet Enable growth in the economy by developing key Scottish Government sustainable transport aims and objectives. economic sectors, acting as the national hub
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