BOAT BUILDING MATERIALS/ MAINTENANCE SAILING YACHTS MANUFACTURERS BUSTER 28 ANTILA JACHT 18 BWP SKÓRKIEWICZ 30 AQUATIC YACHTS 20 CMS FARBYJACHTOWE.PL 36 BALT-YACHT 25 GEMINI 66 CARAVELA BOATBUILDERS 32 JANUKOWICZ JACHT 74 COBRA YACHTS 38 KOTNIZ 78 DELPHIA YACHTS KOT 44 LAMINOPOL 82 DOBRE JACHTY 48 NEKS 102 FORSATIO YACHTS 60 NOVOL 108 GEMINI 66 SEA-LINE 148 JANMOR YACHT YARD 72 JANUKOWICZ JACHT 74 CHARTERS KOGA 76 AQUATIC YACHTS 20 MAWAMED 90 DELPHIA YACHTS KOT 44 NAWIATR YACHT BUILDING AND DESIGN 100 NORTHMAN 106 NORTHMAN 106 OTAGO YACHT AGENCY 116 OSTRÓDA YACHT 114 POD OMEGĄ 128 POD OMEGĄ 128 SAILOR YACHT CHARTER 144 PRAGMATICAL SOLUTION 134 S.M.EUROPE LTD CHACEWICZ YACHTEN 138 DESIGN SCANDINAVIA YACHTS 146 AQUATIC YACHTS 20 SOBUSIAK YACHT YARD 154 CARAVELA BOATBUILDERS 32 SPIDER 156 CE DESIGN 34 SUNREEF YACHTS 158 EVERSEA 58 TES YACHT 164 JANMOR YACHT YARD 72 Y.B.M. LTD 180 MODEL-ART 94 NAWIATR YACHT BUILDING AND DESIGN 100 SAILS NOMADREAM BY REINGARD DESIGN 104 OCEAN SAILS 110 S.M.EUROPE LTD CHACEWICZ YACHTEN 138 OPTICUP 112 activities by Presentations SPIDER 156 S.M.EUROPE LTD CHACEWICZ YACHTEN 138 SAIL SERVICE 140 MARINAS – BERTHS&FACILITIES YACHT HORNET 184 SAILOR YACHT CHARTER 144 Presentation TRADE PUBLICATIONS, FAIRS & ORGANISATIONS POWER BOATS INTERSERVIS - BOATSHOW POLAND 70 AM YACHT 16 MURATOR EXPO 96 BALT-YACHT 26 POLISH YACHTING ASSOCIATION 130 CARAVELA BOATBUILDERS 32 POLISH MOTORBOAT AND WATER SKI ASSOCIATION 132 COBRA YACHTS 38 WIATR MAGAZINE 176 CORSIVA YACHTING 40 YACHT EXPO - WIND AND WATER BOAT SHOW 182 Presentation D-BOAT 42 ŻAGLE MAGAZINE 188 DELPHIA YACHTS KOT 44 DOBRE JACHTY 48 YACHTING EQUIPMENT AND ACCESSORIES EMZI BOATS 56 AGACHEM 10 Presentations by activities by Presentations GALEON 62 AIRMECH 12 GEMINI 66 ALTAQUESTA 14 IMT VEHICLE 68 ARGENTUM YACHT TUNING 22 JANMOR YACHT YARD 72 AURA 24 JANUKOWICZ JACHT 74 BWP SKÓRKIEWICZ 30 KOGA 76 DEMEX 46 LA MARE HOUSEBOATS 80 DOMETIC POLAND 50 MAZURIA 92 EKO PLAST 52 MODEL-ART 94 ELJACHT 54 NAVIGO BOATS, YACHTS & YACHTING 98 EVERSEA 58 NOMADREAM BY REINGARD DESIGN 104 GARMIN POLSKA 64 NORTHMAN 106 KOTNIZ 78 OSTRÓDA YACHT 114 LYOFOOD 84 PARKER POLAND 122 MAJER MARINE 86 POD OMEGĄ 128 MARINE WORKS 88 REPRESSER 136 MAZURIA 92 SCANDINAVIA YACHTS 146 PACYFIC YACHT UPHOLSTERY 118 SUNREEF YACHTS 158 PARKER POLAND 122 TAURUS SEA POWER 160 PEM 124 TECHNO MARINE 162 PHOENIX EQUIPMENT POLSKA 126 TES YACHT 164 SAIL SERVICE 140 WATERBUS 174 SAILING MACHINE 142 SEAQAR 150 INSURANCE, FINANCE AND BUSINESS SUPPORT SERVICES SEATEC/BAFESTO 152 CE DESIGN 34 TAURUS SEA POWER 160 NAVIGO BOATS, YACHTS & YACHTING 98 TOPIKO 166 OTAGO YACHT AGENCY 116 VA-VARUSTE POLAND 168 PANTAENIUS POLAND 120 VETUS POLAND 170 ZBROJA ADWOKACI 186 VTC JACHTING 172 XDISC 178 2 POLISH BOATING INDUSTRY CATALOGUE 2019 POLISH BOATING INDUSTRY CATALOGUE 2019 3 well, constantly increasing its poten- last two decades, our factories are Sports – POLBOAT. The Chamber is tial and extending the scope of activ- among the most modern ones in Eu- a member of ICOMIA and EBI, in- ity. Currently, the marine industry rope. In total, the sector comprises ternational organisations of the is considered one of the most im- around 1000 companies throughout marine industry, in which our rep- portant, most innovative and most Poland. resentatives are members of super- dynamically developing branches visory boards. This clearly demon- of the Polish economy. The poten- Another important fact is that the strates the position of the Polish tial of our shipyards amounts to Polish marine industry is more marine industry in the international 22,000 recreational vessels per year. than just yacht yards and includes arena. In the segment of motorboats up to a highly developed network of pro- 9 metres in length, we are the Euro- ducers of components and parts, This catalogue is a collection of in- pean leader and the second produc- as well as suppliers of production formation on the leading companies SEBASTIAN NIETUPSKI er in the world, just after the United and maintenance materials for boats active in the marine industry in Po- President of POLBOAT States. Our largest yacht yards, such and yachts. The superb quality of the land. president from Letter as: Galeon, Delphia Yachts, Sunreef services allowed many of our suppli- Presentation Dear Madams and Sirs, Yachts, Ostróda Yacht, Balt Yacht, ers like Kotniz, Sail Service, Pacyfic I would like to recommend this pub- Model Art/Parker Poland or Ślepsk and many others to establish lasting lication to all the current and future I am proud to present THIRD account for approx. 70 % of the en- cooperation with leading producers partners of our industry, as well as Presentation EDITION of our Catalogue of the tire annual production. These are of yachts all over the world. to everyone interested in its devel- Letter from president from Letter Marine Industry in Poland. After boats produced both under Polish opment. I am confident that this 4 years, we have managed to com- brand names and for large foreign Moreover, an important element catalogue will contribute to dissemi- plete the third edition of our project shipyards. We are proud that our in- further increasing the importance nating the knowledge about the ma- which promoting and presenting dustry produces such foreign brands of the marine industry in Poland is rine industry in Poland and abroad, our sector in the international arena as: Jeanneau, Beneteau, Qucksilver, the constantly developing port in- as well as to establishing many ben- in a concise and clear manner. Sea Ray, Windy, Bayliner, Uttern, frastructure, as well as charter and eficial trade relations. X-Yacht, Faeton, Fiskars Boats, and training activities. The Polish marine industry has been Askeladden Boats, among others. At the end, I would also like to developing for years and although it This proves the high position of the The organisation which comprises thank all people involved in helping is often closely tied with the heavy Polish marine industry in the world the leading entities active in the us to compile this catalogue. shipbuilding industry, it is a separate and shows that it is truly competitive. broadly defined marine indus- branch. In contrast to the shipbuild- Due to a smart policy of reinvesting try in Poland is The Polish Cham- ing industry, our sector is faring very most of the income generated in the ber of Marine Industry and Water 4 POLISH BOATING INDUSTRY CATALOGUE 2019 POLISH BOATING INDUSTRY CATALOGUE 2019 5 THE POLISH MARINE INDUSTRY: ‘Made in Poland’. However, only Each year, the high quality of the after the transformation of the po- yachts produced in Poland brings litical system, market economy was them numerous prestigious awards YESTERDAY, TODAY… TOMORROW free to develop in Poland so was, and even more nominations for with extraordinary dynamism, the Polish companies in competitions The Polish marine industry has a long tradition. Many ship- marine industry. Foreign capital organised throughout the world. yards were established after World War I, when Poland re- started flowing into Poland. The In 2016 during the BOOT Dus- gained independence in 1918, but there are also some largest producers in the world seldorf boat show Galeon Yachts which were known already in the 19th century and some – Brunswick Marine, Jeanneau, from Straszyn, a well-known and Beneteau – place orders for their internationally famous Polish which are brand-new and ultramodern! yachts and boats with Polish ship- shipyard, won the most prestigious yards, not only because workforce title - European Powerboat of the The largest and most important Our high position is the result of is cheaper in Poland, but principal- Year for the Galeon 500 FLY model yacht yards are located in four work of people who spent years de- ly because this workforce is profes- and a year later the 360 FLY mod- Polish regions: Western Pomera- signing and constructing sail and sional, experienced, and handles el triumphed on the boat show in Presentation nia (Szczecin, Kołobrzeg, Kosza- motor yachts. For more than 40 difficult production with excel- Helsinki. In 2018 the shipyard was A rticle lin), Pomerelia (Gdańsk, Gdynia), years, we used to belong to a block lent skill. Seeing an opportunity to awarded the World Yachts Tro- rticle A Warmia and Masuria (Ostróda, of countries where each state had make a profit, new national busi- phies at Cannes Yachting Festival Presentation Olecko, Giżycko, Olsztyn) and designated sectors of economy to ness entities are established, and so for Galeon 640 FLY as a Most In- Podlasie (Augustów, Suwałki). It is specialise in. Poland was selected are yacht yards and factories pro- novative Yacht. there that more than 80 % of Pol- to become the main producer of ducing rigging and equipment for Delphia Yachts Kot has won the ish sailing yachts and motorboats tanks and yachts, among others. yachts. Yacht of the Year awards in Poland are produced. These four regions Production of armoured fighting (for Escape 1150 Voyage and Maxi are the cradle of Polish sailing and vehicles was not much of a suc- In the last two decades, production 1200), Sweden (Maxi 1200) and the marine industry. It is also there cess, but the production of yachts of yachts in Poland has been grow- Japan (Escape 1100 Soley). In ad- that the industry’s scientific and has managed pretty well and is ing rapidly. We can assume that the dition, the shipyard from Olecko research base has been develop- flourishing in present-day market real potential of Polish yacht yards have been nominated at the Eu- ing, which in turn has given the economy as well. Even now, many exceeded 22,500 per year. In the ropean Yacht of the Year in Dus- industry a strong position in the of the yachts cruising the waters last ten years the structure of yacht seldorf in 2016, European Power- international markets.
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