8 BIBLE. OLD TESTAMENT. COMPLETE Hebrew --- [Hebrew Bible, edited by Jacob ben Chayim of Tunis. ] 4 vols. and index (in 5). 20 [Venice, 1524-25.1 Dd. 1.1-5. '{0'°" The 2nd Rabbinic Bible. Clement Litil Bequest, 1580. --- Quinque libri legis [followed by the remaining books of the Old Testament and the commentary of David Kimchi on the Twelve Minor Prophets, emended by F. Vatablus]. 24 pts. (in 4). 4o Parisiis, 1539-44. A.7.20-23. --- [The Bible in Hebrew.] 4o [Venice, 1566. ] A. 10.5. *101 Title-page wanting. --- Bibliorum Hebraicorum pars prima, id est ... quinque libri Moseh, etc. 20 Hamburgi, 1596. A. 4.19/1. This is really the 1587 Hebrew Bible edited by Elias Hutter, issued in 1596 with a re-adjusted title-page as portion of the Hamburg Polyglott Bible in 6 volumes, edited by D. Wolder. A second title-page reads: 'S. Bibliorum quadrilinguium tomus primus.' --- Biblia Ebraea: eleganti et maiuscula characterum forma, qua ... literae, radicales & serviles, deficientes & quiescentes ... situ & colore discernuntur ... cura & studio Eliae Huteri. 20 Coloniae, 1603. Z.4.40. --- [The Bible in Hebrew. Edited by Rabbi Judah Aryeh. ] 4 vols. (in 2). 20 Venetia, 1617-18. A. 3.11-12. *'* The 5th Rabbinic Bible. --- Biblia Hebraica. Ed. nova ex recensione Menasseh Ben Israel. 2 pts. (in 1). 4o Amsteldami, 1635-36. A. 7.45. --- [The Bible in Hebrew. Edited by J. Buxtorf. (And J. Buxtorfii Tiberias, sive commentarius Masarethicus triplex, etc.)] 4 vols. (in 2) . 20 Basileae, 1665. A. 3.13-14. 114* The 6th Rabbinic Bible. --- Another copy. A. 3.15-16. ''°* Without the Tiberias. --- Biblia Hebraica accuratissima notis Hebraicis et lemmatibus Latinis illustrata a J. Leusden. 8o Amstelodami, 1667. A.10.4. --- ... Biblia Hebraica, cum optimis impressis & manuscriptis codicibus in & extra Germani ... accuratissimO emendata & fideliter recensita ... Studib A opera H. Opitii. 4o Kilonj, 1709. '°'°' With additional (engr.) title-page. 9 2 2 i 4- ADDITIONS BIBLE. OLD MSTAKOT. d. COI4YLETL Hebrew ;4= --- ... Biblia Hebraica ex aliquot i,anuscri,)tis et can; ,luribus iiapressis codicibus, item Masora ... recensita. PrSBter nova ieL, mta te;,tus in i'er,tateucho accedwit loca Scripturfm paraliela ... breveec,ue adnotationes .., cura as studio ... J.H. Ilichaelis. Ha1SM Zagdeburgicn , 1720. D.S.f.3.10. *** No more publ. after Isaiah. 8 BIBLE. OLD TESTAMENT. COMPLETE Hebrew [Continued] --- The Old Testament, English and Hebrew; with remarks, critical and grammatical ... By Anselm Bayly. 3 vols. 8o Lond., 1774. A.7.29-31. --- Vetus Testamentum Hebraicum cum variis lectionibus. Edidit B. Kennicott. (And Dissertatio generalis in Vetus Testamentum Hebraicum, etc.) 2 tom. 20 Oxonii, 1776-80. A.3.9-10. --- Biblia Hebraica olim a C. Reineccio evulgata, post ad fidem recensionis Masoreticae cum variis lectionibus ex ingenti codicum MSS. copia a B. Kennicotto et J. B. de-Rossi collatorum edita, curantibus J. C. Doederleinio et J. H. Meisnero ... Accessit G. C. Knappii praefatio de editionibus Bibliorum Halensibus. 8o Halae et Berolini, 1818. Y. 15.17. --- Biblia Hebraica ... a J. Leusden, denuo recognita ... ab Everardo van der Hooght. Ed. nova, recognita ... a Judah d'Allemand. 2 tom. 8o Lond., 1822. -RFC. O.S. X1144 --- Another ed. 8o Lond., 1825., o.s.•1.144 --- Biblia Hebraica ad optimas editiones, imprimis Everardi van der Hooght, ex recensione A. Hahnii. Praefatus est E. F. C. Rosenmtiller. Ed. ster. 8o Lipsiae, 1838. C. R. 13.6.31. '1O" Cameron Collection. --- Biblia Hebraica ad optimas editiones, imprimis Everardi van der Hooght, accurate recensa [sic] et expressa. Curavit ... C. G. G. Theile. Ed. ster. 8o Lipsiae, 1849. *C.15/3.40. *4* Geikie Bequest. --- Another copy. C. R. 12.3.17. ''" Cameron Collection. --- [The Old Testament in Bebrew. The latest Biblia Rabbinica. ] 12 vols. (in 5). 20BapmaBa,I860-66. T. C, 221x4- ''°* J.E.H. Thomson Collection. o•.^ • F - Ai lw4 --- ... Textum Masoreticum accuratissime expressit, e fontibus Masorae varie illustravit, notis criticis confirmavit S. Baer. Praefatus est edendi operis adjutor F. Delitzsch. 14 pts. (in 2) . 8o Lipsiae, 1869-95. Yc.6.401-2. --- The sacred books of the Old Testament. A critical edition of the Hebrew text printed in colors, with notes ... by ... biblical scholars of Europe and America under the editorial direction of Paul Haupt. Pts. 1, 3, 42 6-12, 14, 15, 17-20 (in 4). 8o Leipzig, 1893-1904. B*8. 1. The Book of Genesis ... with notes by C. J. Ball. 1896. ADDITIONS BIBTY,. 8. OI,D T2:STAN7M Complete Hebrew --- ... Textum rasoreticum accuratissime expressit, a fontibus masorae varie illustravit f notis criticis confirmavit S. Baer. Praefatus est edendi operis adjutor Fr. Delitzsch. 14 pts. (in 3). T,ipsiae, 1869-9c^ . New Coll. Tab. Pts. for Exodus and Deuteronony not publ . 8 BIBLE. OLD TESTAMENT. COMPLETE Hebrew [Continued] 3. The Book of Leviticus ... with notes by S. R. Driver, assisted by H. A. White. 1894. 4. The Book of Numbers ... with notes by J. A. Paterson. 1900. 6. The Book of Joshua ... with notes by W. H. Bennett. 1895. 7. The Book of Judges ... with notes by G. F. Moore. 1900. 8. The Books of Samuel ... with notes by K. Budde. Eng. tr. of notes by B. W. Bacon. 1894. 9. The Books of Kings ... with notes by Bernhard Stade assisted by Friedrich Schwally. Eng. tr. of notes by R. E. BrUnnow and Paul Haupt. 1904. 10. The Book of the Prophet Isaiah ... with notes by T. K. Cheyne. 1899. 11. The Book of the Prophet Jeremiah ... with notes by C. H. Cornill. Eng, tr. of notes by C. Johnston. 1895. 12. The Book of the Prophet Ezekiel ... with notes by C. H. Toy. 1899. 14. The Book of Psalms ... with notes by J. Wellhausen. Eng. tr. of notes by J. D. Prince. 1895. 15. The Book of Proverbs ... with notes by ... August Moller and Emil Kautzsch. Eng. tr. of notes by D. B. Macdonald. 1901. 17. The Book of Job ... with notes by C. Siegfried. Eng, tr. of notes by R. E. BrUnnow. 1893. 18. The Book of Daniel ... with notes by A. Kamphausen. Eng, tr. of notes by B. W. Bacon and D. B. Macdonald. 1896. 19. The Books of Ezra and Nehemiah ... with notes by Hermann Guth@. Eng. tr. of notes by B. W. Bacon and D. B. Macdonald. With additions by L. W. Batten. 1901. 20. The Books of the Chronicles ... with notes by R. Kittel. Eng. tr. of notes by B. W. Bacon. 1895. --- Another copy. Pts. 1, 3-4, 6-8, 11-12, 15, 17. Semitic Lib. --- [The Bible in Hebrew, with thirty-two Rabbinic commentaries.] 11 pts. 4o[Warsaw] 1902. O.S.F. .22144 ^ ^ ^ ^ . f f ( ^ •' • . ^ • ^ ^ • ^ 8 BIBLE. OLD TESTAMENT. COMPLETE Hebrew [Continued]. --- Biblia Hebraica, adjuvantibus ... G. Beer, F. Buhl, G. Dalman, S. R. Driver, M. L?3hr, W. Nowack, I. W. Rothstein, V. Ryssel, edidit R. Kittel. 2 pts. 8o Lipsiae, 1905-06. Yc.7.31-32. --- Another copy. Semitic Lib. --- Another issue. 8o Lipsiae, 1906. O.S. 112114 --- Another copy. [Fasc.] 11-12 (in 1). Yf.4.73. *'* Stevenson Bequest. 11. ... Liber Psalmorum. Praeparavit F. Buhl. 1906. 12. ... Proverbia et Iob. Praeparavit G. Beer. Ed. altera emendatior ster. copyright 1909. --- Another copy. [Fasc. ] 5-7, 9-10. Semitic Lib. 5. Liber Samuelis. Praeparavit R. Kittel. 1905. 6. ... Liber Regum. Praeparavit R. Kittel. 1905. 7. ... Liber Jesiae. Praeparavit R. Kittel. 1906. 9. ... Liber Ezechiel. Praeparavit I. W. Rothstein. 1906. 10. ... Duodecim Prophetae. Opera R. Kittel praeparavit W. Nowack. 1906. --- Ed. altera emendatior ster. [Fasc. ] 2 -4, 8, 11. 8o Stuttgart. Semitic Lib. 2. ... Exodux et Leviticus. Praeparaverunt Exodum V. Ryssel et R. Kittel, Leviticum V. Ryssel, copyright 1909. 3. ... Numeri et Deutoronomium. Praeparaverunt Numeros V. Ryssel et R. Kittel, Deutoronomium S. R. Driver. copyright 1923. 4. ... Libri Josuae et Judicum. Praeparaverunt Librum Josuae S. R. Driver, Librum Judicum R. Kittel. copyright 1909. 8. ... Liber Jeremiae. Praeparavit I. W. Rothstein. n. d. 11. ... Liber psalmorum. Praeparavit F. Buhl. copyright 1909. --- Editio altera emendatior stereotypica iterum recognita. 2 Bde. 8o Stuttgart, copyright 1925. Theol. Lib. 8 BIBLE. OLD TESTAMENT. COMPLETE Hebrew [Continued] --- Ed. tertiam denuo elaboratam ad finem perduxerunt A. Alt et O. Eissfeldt. (And Verzeichnis der masoretischen Termini, etc. - Sigla fUr die hebrdischen Bibelhandschriften aus Babylonien. ) 8o Stuttgartiae, 1937. Semitic Lib. --- Another copy. Semitic Lib. --- Another copy. Hfte. 2, 8, 10, 14, 16-17. Semitic Lib. 2. Exodus et Leviticus. Praeparavit G. Quell. 1931. 8. ... Jeremia. Preparavit W. Rudolph. 1931. 10. ... Liber XII prophetarum. Praeparavit O. Procksch. 1933. 14. ... Daniel/Esra/Nehemia. Daniel ... praeparavit W. Baumgartner. Esra ... Nehemia ... praeparaverunt H. H. Schaeder et J. Begrich. 1937. 16. Prolegomena (praefationes, sigla, etc.) 1937. 17. Variae lectiones rotulorum manu scriptorum anno 1947 prope Mare Mortuum repertorum ad Jes. 1-66 et Hab. 1-2 pertinentes. Praeparavit O. Eissfeldt. 1951. --- Another copy. Hfte. 14, 16. Semitic Lib. --- Ed. tertiam denuo elaboratam ad finem perduxerunt A. Alt et O. Eissfeldt. 2 vols. 80 Stuttgartiae, 1945. Semitic Lib. --- Two other copies. Semitic Lib. --- Ed. tertiam denuo elaboratam ad finem perduxerunt A. Alt et O. Eissfeldt. Ed. 4a. 8o Stuttgartiae [1949. ] .22144 --- ... Ed. quinta typis editionis tertiae expressa. Hft. 11. 8o Stuttgart. Semitic Lib. 11. ... Liber psalmorum. Praeparavit F. Buhl. 1949. --- Two other copies. Hft. 11. Semitic Lib. --- Ed. sexta typis editionis tertiae expressa. Hft. 14. 8o Stuttgart. Semitic Lib. 14. ... Daniel/Esra/Nehemia. Daniel ... praeparavit W. Baumgartner. Esra ... Nehemia ... praeparavit H. H. Schaeder et J. Begrich. 1950. --- Two other copies. Hft. 14. Semitic Lib. ADDITIONS BIBTE. 8. OLD TESTAY- T Complete Hebrew --- ... Biblirn hebraica, adjuvantibuo W. Baumgartner, G. Beer ... edidit R. Kittel. Textum masoreticum ciravit P. Kahle. FR. tertiam demo elaboratum ad finem perduxerunt A. Alt et 0. Eissfeldt. Stuttgartiae, 1937. New Coll. Lib. 8 BIBLE. OLD TESTAMENT.

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