USOO6579227B2 (12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 6,579,227 B2 Haughey (45) Date of Patent: Jun. 17, 2003 (54) FORESKIN RESTORATION DEVICE 2,533,373 A * 12/1950 Hinckley et al. ........... 606/118 2,620,800 A 12/1952 Powers ....................... 606/118 (76) Inventor: James A. Haughey, 2421 Clark Ave., 2,646,046 A * 7/1953 Maryan ...................... 606/118 Venice, CA (US) 90291 3.802,439 A * 4/1974 Baumgarten ................ 606/118 s 3,874.389 A * 4/1975 Baumgarten ................. 25/514 ( c: ) Notice: Subject tO any disclaimer, the term of this D375,358 S 11/1996 Clark ........................ D24/133 patent is extended or adjusted under 35 * cited by examiner U.S.C. 154(b) by 0 days. Primary Examiner Samuel G. Gilbert (21) Appl. No.: 09/844,956 (57) ABSTRACT (22) Filed: Apr. 26, 2001 This device grips the skin of the penile shaft firmly, yet (65) Prior Publication Data atraumatically, So that, as tension is applied to the device, new skin cells are Stimulated to grow, gradually creating a US 2001/0049468 A1 Dec. 6, 2001 new foreskin. The gripping device itself consists of two O O Separate, unconnected, generally tapered gripping members. Related U.S. Application Data The larger end of the Smaller, inner, member 11 is placed (60) Provisional application No. 60/200,119, filed on Apr. 27, upon the glans penis 13, FIG. 4A. A double layer of skin 14, 2000. 15 is pulled up from the penile shaft and laid against this (51) Int. Cl." ................................................... A61F 5/00 inner member, FIG. 4B. The outer gripping member 12 is (52) U.S. Cl. ......................................................... 600/38 then placed Snugly but gently over this skin, FIG. 4C. (58) Field of Search ....................... 600/3841; 606/118. Through a novel mechanism, which utilizes the unique gliding and everting function of the foreskin, as increasing (56) References Cited tension is applied to the Strut 16 attached to the inner member FIG. 4D, the two gripping members are drawn more U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS tightly together, thus increasing the gripping preSSure, FIGS. 2,238,660 A 4/1941 Santora ...................... 606/118 3A, 3B. 2,345,639 A * 4/1944 Tibone et al...... ... 606/118 2,355.209 A * 8/1944 Dwoyer ...................... 606/118 19 Claims, 8 Drawing Sheets U.S. Patent Jun. 17, 2003 Sheet 1 of 8 US 6,579,227 B2 U.S. Patent Jun. 17, 2003 Sheet 2 of 8 US 6,579,227 B2 U.S. Patent Jun. 17, 2003 Sheet 3 of 8 US 6,579,227 B2 U.S. Patent Jun. 17, 2003 Sheet 4 of 8 US 6,579,227 B2 U.S. Patent Jun. 17, 2003 Sheet 5 of 8 US 6,579,227 B2 FIG 7A FIG.7B U.S. Patent Jun. 17, 2003 Sheet 6 of 8 US 6,579,227 B2 FIG. 9A U.S. Patent Jun. 17, 2003 Sheet 7 of 8 US 6,579,227 B2 U.S. Patent Jun. 17, 2003 Sheet 8 of 8 US 6,579,227 B2 21 O FGOA FG.OB FIG.IOC FG. US 6,579.227 B2 1 2 FORESKIN RESTORATION DEVICE The United States is the only industrialized nation which routinely circumcises male infants for non-religious reasons. CROSS REFERENCES TO RELATED The widespread American practice of routine infant male APPLICATIONS circumcision began between 1880 and 1920. In the wide Spread anti-SeX atmosphere of that period, circumcision This application is entitled to the benefit of Provisional advocates pushed infant circumcision, claiming that it would Patent Application Serial # 60/200,119, filed Apr. 27, 2000. prevent boys from masturbating, and further claiming to believe that by preventing masturbation, then one would BACKGROUND also prevent many cases of brain tumors, epilepsy, diarrhea, 1. Field of Invention etc. Although circumcision didn't Stop masturbation, it did leave many males with a lifetime of impaired Sexual enjoy This invention relates generally to gripping or clamping ment for both them and their partners. These are some of the devices, and more particularly to devices which grip or reasons that Some men have decided to restore their fore clamp the skin. It also relates generally to Stretching devices, skins. and more particularly to devices which Stretch the Skin. It The methods of foreskin restoration presently available also relates to devices which promote expansion of skin 15 are quite limited. One method has been the creation of a new through new skin growth. foreskin through Surgical techniques. Donor skin is usually 2. Description of Prior Art taken from the Scrotum and attached to the penis So as to Although the idea of restoring foreskin may seem bizarre form a Somewhat natural-appearing foreskin. This method to Some, there are many good reasons for doing SO. Human has many disadvantages, which have caused it to fall into beings show remarkable hubris in blithely cutting off some disfavor. Its use is discouraged by groups of men interested thing which it took mother nature millions of years to in restoration because of the following disadvantages. It is design. Some of the reasons for the existence of foreskin can quite expensive, costing Several thousand dollars. It has all be seen by comparing intact men with circumcised men. The the risks associated with Surgery, including Scarring, foreskin of intact males produces pheromones-Sexual infection, hemorrhage, and risk of reactions to anesthesia. 25 The transplanted skin does not have the characteristics of Stimulants-which have been proven to increase the man's normal foreskin: It is wrinkled rather than Smooth, has hair attractiveness to others. Removing the foreskin also removes growing where it doesn’t belong, and, being deprived of its natural gliding, “lubricating function. Of Women who nerves, it lackS Sensation. After Surgery, there is a period of expressed a preference, 90% favored sex with intact, rather recovery during which the man cannot engage in SeX. But than circumcised, men. Women are 40% more likely to have the greatest disadvantage is that the Surgically restored multiple orgasms with intact men. Not only his partners, but foreskin does not have the normal gliding action of the the male victim of circumcision himself also has greatly natural foreskin. reduced Sexual pleasure as the result of losing his foreskin. Organizations of men interested in foreskin restoration are Besides losing millions of Sensory nerve endings in the cut unanimous in their recommendation that restoration be off skin, his unprotected glans is converted from a moist, achieved through the application of tension to the skin of the glassy Smooth, highly Sensitive mucoid Surface into a rough, 35 penile shaft. Tension on Skin does not merely Stretch the dry, cornified Structure with greatly reduced Sensitivity. skin, but, more importantly, it actually induces growth of Although routine infant male circumcision is still new skin tissue. commonplace, its frequency is declining. This trend has Foreskin restoration through tension avoids the disadvan been hastened, in part, by positions taken recently by two tages of Surgery and produces a foreskin which is nearly prestigious medical bodies in the United States. Although it 40 normal in both appearance and function. But, as generally had been claimed in the past that circumcision prevents employed, restoration through tension is very time many deaths from penile cancer, this research has been consuming, generally taking Several years to complete. It found flawed, and the American Cancer Society website also has many other disadvantages, to be described below. currently has the following Statement: “The consensus 45 The most commonly employed method of restoration among Studies that have taken these other factors into through tension involves applying tape to the skin of the account is that circumcision is not of value in preventing shaft and pulling on it-Via either an elastic band or by Small cancer of the penis. It is important that the issue of circum weights hung from the tape. Since this method involves tape cision not distract the public's attention from avoiding left on the penis for days at a time, it causes problems with known penile cancer risk factors.” Also, "AS representatives 50 Spontaneous SeX or showers in public places. Also, Since of the American Cancer Society, we would like to discour StreSS is concentrated along the edge of the tape, Skin tears age the American Academy of Pediatrics from promoting are common. Furthermore, repeatedly applying and remov routine circumcision as preventative measure for penile or ing the tape is very irritating to the skin. The most commonly cervical cancer.” used tape configuration, called T-tape, requires that one get In 1998, the American Academy of Pediatrics issued a 55 an erection before applying the tape. Needless to Say, this new policy Statement which States, ". data are not greatly increases the inconvenience and time required for Sufficient to recommend routine neonatal circumcision. In applying the tape. circumstances in which there are potential benefits and risks, In a Search for foreskin restoration patents, the only patent yet the procedure is not essential to the child's current found was U.S. Pat. No. 5,344,396, “Device for stretching well-being, parents should determine what is in the best 60 the foreskin of the penis.” This device has many disadvan interest of the child. tages compared to this current application because: At present, there is no medical organization anywhere in 1. It uses adhesive tape to Secure the foreskin to the the World which recommends routine male circumcision. device, with all the above-mentioned problems with Although female circumcision has long been viewed with tape. alarm as being a form of genital mutilation, the correspond 65 2. The device is essentially a large, cumberSome metal ing male genital mutilation of circumcision is often consid weight which would Swing around while one walked, ered inconsequential, or even desirable.
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