αం REVIEW HK 2015 世界自然基金會 香港分會201 5年度報告 WWF-HONG KONG ANNUAL REVIEW 2015 保育 CONSERVATION 生態足印 FOOTPRINT 教育 EDUCATION 目錄 CONTENT 02 重點數字 WWF by the Numbers 04 年度大事回顧 Highlights of the Year 06 主席的話 Chairman’s Message 07 署理行政總裁的話 關於本會 Acting CEO’s Message 世界自然基金會——締造生生不息的地球 世界自然基金會(WWF)是全球最備受尊重的環保組織之一, 08 全球保育足跡 成立於1961年,總部設於瑞士。分會及項目遍布全球超過100 個 國家。本會的使命是透過以下途徑,建立人類與大自然和諧共 Global Conservation Successes 存的未來: • 保護全球生物多樣性 10 保育 • 確保以可持續方式使用可再生天然能源 Conservation • 推廣減少污染和浪費的行為 世界自然基金會香港分會於1981年成立,透過保育、生態足印 06 生態足印 及環境教育項目,締造生生不息的地球。為響應我們在全球的 Footprint 使命,世界自然基金會香港分會的願景是透過保育自然環境, 減少碳排放造成的污染,市民「惜」用資源,推動香港成為亞 洲最可持續發展的城市。 22 教育 Education ABOUT WWF WWF – Solutions for a living planet WWF is one of the world’s most respected conservation 27 您的參與 organizations, with a network active in more than 100 countries. Get Involved Founded in 1961 with headquarters based in Switzerland, WWF’s mission is to build a future in which humans live in harmony with nature by : 29 財務摘要 • Conserving the world's biological diversity 封面及封底Cover and backcover image: Financials © iam / winklife • Ensuring that the use of renewable natural resources is sustainable 刊物在2016年由世界自然基金會香港分會出版。 • Promoting the reduction of pollution and wasteful consumption 31 機構管治 任何全部或部分複印,必須引述出版機構為版權持有人。 WWF-Hong Kong has been working since 1981 to deliver solutions for a living planet through Conservation, Footprint and Corporate Governance ©文本和圖片:2016年世界自然基金會香港分會保留所有版權 Education programmes. In support of our global mission, WWF- Published in 2016 by WWF -Hong Kong. Hong Kong’s vision is to transform Hong Kong into Asia’s most 衷心感謝 Any reproduction in full or in part must mention the title and credit the above publisher as the copyright owner. sustainable city where nature is conserved, carbon pollution is 32 ©Text and graphics: 2016 WWF-Hong Kong All rights reserved reduced, and consumption is environmentally responsible. Our Thanks 61 條仍然存活於香港的中華白海 豚,可見牠們正受嚴重生存威 締造生生 脅,極需保護 。 61 Chinese white dolphins remain in Hong Kong and are 479 in urgent need of protection. 不息的地球 間公司和團體支持本會工作。 corporations and organizations supported our work. 個人的生活習慣作出微小改變, PROVIDING 加起來就能令地球生生不息。 person making small lifestyle , changes is all it takes to make 69 000+ 1 our planet sustainable. 名師生、濕地經理和市民透過參觀本會 SOLUTIONS 中心及參加外展教育項目學習保育資訊。 students, teachers, wetland managers and members of the public learned about conservation during visits FOR A LIVING to WWF's centres and through our outreach programmes. PLANET 198份規劃申請、土地用途分區規 劃、發展計劃及環境評估報告經 本會審視並提交意見。 世界自然基金會香港分會繼續不遺 $965,761 planning applications, land use zoning plans, development 餘力地推動保育工作,成績有目共睹。 本會首屆慈善跑「跑出未來」所籌得善款。逾2,600 , 名健兒在見證「地球一小時」熄燈一刻後起步進行 projects and Environmental 以下數字是今年部分重點: 245 529 名市民於本年度支持本會的保育工作。 六公里賽。 Impact Assessment reports WWF-Hong Kong successfully people supported WWF's conservation raised by Run for Change, WWF’s first-ever were commented on by WWF. achieved a number of conservation initiatives this year. charity run. More than 2,600 participants set and education targets during this busy off on the 6km course after witnessing the year. The following figures highlight a famous Earth Hour “lights out” moment. few of the year’s achievements. 2,000 名教師已加入世界自然基金會網絡。本 , 會透過提供教師培訓,鼓勵教師將保育 21 251 信息宣揚至下一代,推動社會改革。 本會義工和實習人士協助保育和教育 % -92 teachers are now part of the WWF 工作的時數。 本 會「香 港 2050能源願景」中的減排 service hours were donated by network. We empower them to 目標:比1990年減排百分之92,並節 volunteers, interns and mentees. disseminate conservation messages 省逾100億港元的電力開支。 to the younger generation and act as WWF-Hong Kong’s Vision 2050 change agents for society. aims to reduce Hong Kong’s carbon 2 世界自然基金會香港分會2015年度報告 WWF Annual Review 2015 emissions by 92 per cent below 1990 3 levels and save over HK$10 billion. 1 / 2015 4 / 2015 香港政府統計處吸納本會建議,改善以往採用的魚翅及魚肚的港貨協制 觀鳥人士在4月19日於米埔自然保護區的潮漲棲息地發現一隻黃胸鷸,是 年度大事回顧 編號,將有助對這些進出口產品貿易進行分析。 在香港的首個紀錄。今年米埔春季遷徙的狀況良好,幾個雀鳥品種如斑尾 塍鷸及鷗嘴噪鷗的數目都錄得新高。 The government’s Census and Statistics Department incorporated a range of WWF’s recommendations as they work to improve On 19 April, for the first time ever in Hong Kong, a Buff-breasted the existing trade record system for shark fin and fish maw. Sandpiper was found at a high-tide waterbird roost at Mai Po Nature HIGHLIGHTS OF THE YEAR The adoption of our recommendations will enable improved Reserve. This is the first time the species has ever been sighted in Hong monitoring of the cross-border trade of these products. Kong. The spring migration at Mai Po was exceptionally productive this year, with new Hong Kong high counts being set for several species such as the Bar-tailed Godwit and the Gull-billed Tern. © WWF-Hong Kong 7 / 2014 10 / 2014 「香港觀鳥大賽」順利舉行,16隊 本會對機場第三條跑道環境影響評估報告極度失望,並已向環保署提 本會公布《香港生態足印報告》最新數據,揭示港人過度耗用天然資源的情況 本地及海外隊伍共85名觀鳥愛好 交意見,列出多項工程對中華白海豚及海洋生態所帶來的潛在影響。 甚為嚴重:本港龐大的「生態赤字」—即人均生態足印與生物承載力的差距高踞 者爭奪多個獎項,首次參賽的隊伍 機管局擬建之新海岸公園的設立地點和時間及施工期採用的補償方 亞洲第一。若全球人類均以港人的模式生活,我們將需要3.1個地球才足以提供 Deadset Drongos在12小時內共記 5 / 2015 案,均不能有效緩解工程為中華白海豚和海洋生態帶來之負面影響。 日常所需。 錄到157種雀鳥品種,成功奪得比 本會一直致力與船運公司合作,制定限載魚翅運載政策,以進一 賽冠軍。是次活動籌得逾75萬港元 WWF publicly expressed our deep disappointment with the The latest figures for Hong Kong’s Ecological Footprint were released by 步減少本港的魚翅貿易。5月18日,商船三井(MOL Liner Ltd.) 善款,款項已用作緊急修建米埔自 Environmental Impact Assessment report for the airport’s Third WWF, showing that the problem of natural resource over-consumption is 於網站上公布禁運魚翅。 Runway project. We submitted a report to the Environmental very serious in Hong Kong: our huge “ecological deficit” – the difference 然保護區內的觀鳥屋。 WWF-Hong Kong has been working with shipping companies to Protection Department listing numerous concerns about the between our per capita Ecological Footprint and our available biocapacity The Big Bird Race was held in mid-January. The Race attracted put in place restrictive shark fin carriage policy, in order to further potential impacts of the projects on our Chinese white dolphin – ranks first in Asia. If everybody on the planet consumed natural 85 participants from 16 local and overseas teams who competed reduce shark fin trade. On 18 May, MOL Liner announced on their population and the wider marine ecology, including the fact that resources at the same rate as we do in Hong Kong, we would require 3.1 for several prizes. The Deadset Drongos, a new team, won the website that they would place a ban on shark fin shipment. a proposed new marine park will be put in “the wrong location at Earths to fulfil our needs. championship by recording 157 bird species over the course of the the wrong time” and that proposed on-site mitigation measures 12-hour race. The Race raised over HK$750,000 which was used will be highly ineffective. to conduct urgent repairs on bird hides at Mai Po Nature Reserve. 5月22日為聯合國訂立的國際生物多樣性日,本會於同日正式展開為期兩 © WWF-Hong Kong 年的「香港濕地生物多樣性普查」。承蒙香港上海豐銀行有限公司的慷慨 / 捐助,令計劃得以順利進行。 11 2014 © WWF-Hong Kong 第23屆「步走大自然」以「保育米埔︰香港 On 22 May, the United Nations’ International Day for / Biological Diversity, WWF officially launched a two-year 8 2014 珍貴的生態資產」為主題,活動吸引逾2,200 2 / 2015 project called “Discovering Biodiversity in Hong Kong 本會發起聯署,鼓勵公眾為香港郊野公園「不包括土地」發聲。我們一 名參加者,為本會保育及教育項目合共籌得 為推動公眾參與「地球一小時」,進一步了解 Wetlands”. The project was made possible through the generous 共向城規會遞交了逾9,000封意見書,向不必要的發展說不。2014年8 1,720,296港元善款。 我們的生活方式與環境之間的關係,本會自 support of The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation 月,城規會決定大幅收窄三幅「不包括土地」的鄉村式發展,並減少其 二月起籌備「傢在自然」展覽,旨在提醒公眾 The 23rd Walk for Nature, with the theme “Preserving Mai Po: Hong Limited (HSBC). 他「不包括土地」鄉村式發展的面積。 Kong’s Ecological Asset” raised HK$1,720,296 for WWF’s conservation and 自然保育與生活息息相關及木材等天然資源 © WWF-Hong Kong A WWF petition encouraging people to speak up against education work, attracting over 2,200 participants. 的重要性。 rampant development in Hong Kong’s Country Park enclaves To create deeper engagement with the saw more than 9,000 letters sent to the Town Planning Board. 本會首次針對香港飲食業的魚翅供應進行調查,成功獲154間食肆回應,結果顯 public ahead of Earth Hour in terms of / In August 2014, the Board decided to reduce the area zoned for how our lifestyles affect the environment, WWF began planning 6 2015 示2013年的魚翅消耗量比2012年下跌百分之47,逾半受訪者預計香港的魚翅消 village development in three enclaves and decreased the size of the “Refurnishing Nature” Exhibition in February, showing us 耗量將持續下降。 由本會與六個合作團體共同開展的 development zones in other enclaves. that natural resources such as timber are extremely important 「育養海岸」計劃踏入第二年,啟動 This year, we conducted the first-ever Shark Fin Consumption Survey of to our planet. caterers in Hong Kong. We received responses from 154 catering outlets. 禮上公布了首年度初步調查統計。在 The results showed that shark fin consumption volume dropped by 47 per 計劃涵蓋的育養地點中,塑膠的比例佔岸上生境海洋垃圾中平均約六成, cent in 2013 when compared to 2012. Additionally, over 55 per cent of 而在海上垃圾中,塑膠的比例更超過八成。 9 / 2014 respondents predicted that local shark fin consumption would continue Coastal Watch, the hugely successful programme run by WWF and six 漁農自然護理署公布擬於2017年初在大嶼山西南及索罟群島興建兩個海 its declining trend. / 3 2015 strategic partner organizations entered its second year. At the kick- 岸公園,本會就此深表歡迎,然而,要有效保護中華白海豚,當局應落 香港再次參與「地球一小時」,數以千計市民、超過3,900間公司及大廈、 off ceremony, the preliminary survey results of the first year were re- 實更多保護措施。兩個海岸公園的範圍應該全面涵蓋中華白海豚在西大 全港所有大學及超過300間中、小學,及多個地標建築物同時響應晚上8 leased, showing that plastic constituted an average of 60 per cent of the 嶼山一帶的重要棲息地,並與現存的沙洲及龍鼓洲海岸公園連接。 時半的熄燈行動。本會更於西九龍海濱長廊同步舉行首屆慈善跑「跑出未 litter collected on the project’s land-based sites, and made up over 80 WWF-Hong Kong welcomed the Agriculture, Fisheries and 12 / 2014 來」。是項夜跑賽事共吸引逾2,600名健兒參與,為本會保育及教育項目 per cent of the floating litter. Conservation
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