Volume 20 ∙ No 1 ∙ Summer 2020 Cilt 20 ∙ Sayı 1 ∙ Yaz 2020 e-ISSN:2514-6009 ׀ ISSN: 1367-1936 Journal of ISLAMICJERUSALEM STUDIES e-ISSN:2514-6009 ׀ ISSN: 1367-1936 Volume 20, No 1, Summer 2020 Cilt 20, Sayı 1, Yaz 2020 Kurucu Editörü ׀ Founding Editor Prof. Dr. Abd Al-Fattah EL-AWAISI *Editör Kurulu ׀ Editorial Board Dr. Haithem F. AL-RATROUT, Prof. Dr. İbrahim ÖZCOŞAR, Dr. Khalid EL-AWAISI, Dr. Ziya POLAT Sayı Editörü ׀ Issue Editor Dr. Haithem F. AL-RATROUT *Sekreterya ׀ Secretariat Reyhan ÖNAL *Danışma Kurulu ׀ Advisory Board Prof. Abd Allah AL-NIFISSI (Kuwait University, Kuwait), Prof. Abdul-Nabi ISSTAIF (Damascus University, Syria), Dr. Abdulkadir MACİT (Kocaeli University, Turkey), Prof. Abdullah EKİNCİ (Harran University, Turkey), Dr. Abdulmuttalip ARPA (Sabahattin Zaim University, Turkey), Dr. Ahmed M. A. AL-SAMARRAE (University of Samarra, Iraq), Dr. Ahmet KÜTÜK (Mardin Artuklu University, Turkey), Prof. Ali MAHAFZAH (University of Jordan, Jordan), Dr. Aminrassuyid YATIBAN (University Utara Malaysia, Malaysia), Dr. Ayhan AK (Samsun 19 Mayıs University, Turkey), Dr. Beverley MILTON-EDWARDS (Queen’s University of Belfast, UK), Prof. Beyhan KANTER (Mardin Artuklu University, Turkey), Dr. Bustami Mohamed KHIR (University of Birmingham, UK), Prof. Fathia EL-NABARAWY (Al-Azhar University, Egypt), Dr. Fatih TOK (Eskişehir Osmangazi University, Turkey), Dr. Feridun BİLGİN (Mardin Artuklu University, Turkey), Dr. Haithem F. AL-RATROUT (An-Najah University, Palestine), Prof. Hugh GODDARD (University of Edinburgh, UK), Dr. Hussein ABDUL-RAOF (University of Leeds, UK), Dr. Ian A.K. HOWARD (University of Edinburgh, UK), Dr. Jabal BUABEN (University Brunei Darussalam, Brunei), Karen ARMSTRONG (London, UK), Khudhr E. J. ALMOHAMMED (Educational College, Iraq), Prof. Mahmoud AL-SARTAWI (University of Jordan, Jordan), Prof. Mahmoud AYOUB (Temple University, USA), Dr. Mahmut KAYA (Harran University, Turkey), Prof. Michael DUMPER (University of Exeter, UK), Prof. Mohammad A. AL-BAKHIT (Al-Bayt University, Jordan), Prof. Dr. Mohd Roslan Bin Mohd NOR (University of Malaya, Malaysia), Prof. Muhammad AL-MAJALI (University of Jordan, Jordan), Dr. Muhammed Fatih KILIÇ (Social Sciences University of Ankara, Turkey), Dr. Muhammad I. SURTY (Birmingham University, UK), Prof. Mustafa GÜLER (Afyon Kocatepe University, Turkey), Dr. Othman Saeed HURAN (Yalova University, Turkey), Raif NIJEM (Amman, Jordan), Dr. Sabah H. K. ALKUBISY (Iraqi University, Iraq), Prof. Saleh HAMARNEH (University of Jordan, Jordan), Dr. Suha Taji-FAROUKI (University of Exeter, UK), Prof. Walid KHALIDI (Harvard University, USA), Dr. Yasin TAŞ (Harran University, Turkey), Dr. Yunus KAPLAN (Van Yüzüncü Yıl University, Turkey). Ada göre alfabetik sıra ׀ In alphabetical order * Tashih ׀ Proof Reading Türkçe - Reyhan ÖNAL ׀ İngilizce - Adiba FIRMANSYAH ∙ Turkish ׀ Arapça - Mustapha ELADEL ∙ English ׀ Arabic Tasarım A. EL-AWAISI ׀ Design İletişim ׀ Correspondence Academy for Islamicjerusalem Studies (ISRA), PO Box 10120, Dundee, DD3 6WX, Scotland, UK Web: www.isra.org.uk, Email: [email protected] Beytülmakdis Çalışmaları Vakfı Web: www.isravakfi.org, Email: [email protected] Kudüs Çalışmaları Uygulama ve Araştırma Merkezi - Ankara Sosyal Bilimler Üniversitesi Web: www.kam.asbu.edu.tr Journal of Islamicjerusalem Studies is an international biannual peer-reviewed journal which is published twice yearly (Summer and Winter) by the Academy for Islamicjerusalem Studies ISRA (UK) in Cooperation with Beytülmakdis Çalışmaları Vakfı (Turkey) and Social Sciences University of Ankara (Turkey). The contents of the journal cannot be published partially or entirely without permission. Journal of Islamicjerusalem Studies is Indexed by Index Islamicus, ASOS Index amongst others. Beytülmakdis Araştırmaları Dergisi, Academy for Islamicjerusalem Studies (Britanya), Beytülmakdis Çalışmaları Vakfı (Türkiye) ve Ankara Sosyal Bilimler Üniversitesi (Türkiye) iş birliğinde altı ayda bir yaz ve kış dönemlerinde yayınlanan uluslararası hakemli bir dergidir. Dergideki yazılar kısmen ya da tamamen başka bir yerde izinsiz yayınlanamaz. Beytülmakdis Araştırmaları Dergisi; Index Islamicus ve ASOS Index gibi veritabanlarında taranmaktadır. © 2020 Academy for Islamicjerusalem Studies Contents | İçindekiler Articles - Makaleler Khalid EL-AWAISI & Emine YİĞİT Early Foreign Penetration in The Holy Land 1 Osmanlı Son Dönem Beytülmakdis’inde Erken During the Late Ottoman Period: - 18 Yabancı Nüfuzu: Britanya’nın Rolü The Role of Britain Birkan ERTOY The Situation in the “Middle East” After the 19 Osmanlı İmparatorluğu’nun Çöküşü Decline of the Ottoman Empire: Providing a - Sonrasında Orta Doğu’nun Durumu: 32 Theoretical Solution for the Instability İstikrarsızlığa Teorik Bir Çözüm Azka MADIHAH Geopolitics and Occupation of 33 - Akdeniz’in Jeopolitiği ve İşgali the Mediterranean Sea 46 Arabic Articles - Arapça Makaleler Othman S. HOURAN Jewish religious texts and the 47 Yahudiliğin Kutsal Metinleri ve - historical reality of the Temple 84 Tarihi Mabet Gerçeği Issa BARAIJIA The Role of History in Understanding Israeli 85 İsrail Siyasetini Anlamada Tarihin Rolü: Politics: an Analogy between the Crusades - Haçlı Seferleri ile Siyonizm Hareketi 102 and the Zionist Movement as a case study Arasında Benzerlik Örneği Marwan M. H. AQRA Ottoman Schools and their 103 Beytülmakdis’teki Osmanlı Medreseleri ve role in the educational process in - 118 Eğitim Sürecindeki Rolü (1874-2019) Bayt al-Maqdis (1874-2019) Zinelabidine ZARIOUH The monuments of Bayt al-Maqdis in light 119 Siyonist Kazıların Gölgesinde Beytülmakdis of Zionist excavations: Between the goal of - 138 Mirası: Yok Etme ve Himaye Arasında destruction and the means of protection Musa AKKARI The popular embrace of the Palestinian 139 Beytülmakdis Şehrindeki Filistin - Resistance in Islamicjerusalem city 1987-2019 154 Direnişine Halk Desteği 1987-2019 Aziz M ALASSA The Heads of the Islamic Supreme İşgale Karşı Direnişe Öncülük Eden Committee in Bayt al-Maqdis leading the 155 - Beytülmakdis İslam Heyeti Başkanları: Şeyh Resistance against the Occupation: 188 İkrime Sabri Örneği Sheikh Dr. Akrama Sabri as a model Journal of Islamicjerusalem Studies, 2020, 20(1): 1-18 DOI: 10.31456/beytulmakdis.385423 EARLY FOREIGN PENETRATION IN THE HOLY LAND DURING THE LATE OTTOMAN PERIOD: THE ROLE OF BRITAIN Khalid EL-AWAISI*, Emine YİĞİT** ABSTRACT: Western foreign interest in controlling the Holy Land throughout history has been successful in several occasions, such as the crusades and the British occupation in the twentieth century. However modern interest in occupying this land started practically with Napoleon’s occupation of Egypt and with his failed attempt to occupy the Holy Land, during which he called for the ‘restoration’ of Jews to Palestine. His campaign had two long-term consequences, it instigated British interest mingled with the idea of “Jewish Restoration” to Palestine in preparation for the Second Coming of Christ. Evangelical Christian groups were the first to promote the idea of an official political representation, which led to the opening of a British consulate in Jerusalem, during the occupation of Muhammad Ali Pasha. Other Western powers followed suit, with the aim of consolidating their influence and penetrating the region. The British were able to consolidate their influence and penetration of the region through initially establishing a consulate in Jerusalem and followed by many steps until occupying the Holy Land in the fall of 1917 and assessing in establishing a Zionist client-state that would serve western interest in the region. KEYWORDS: Britain, European, Imperialism, Zionism, Christian-Zionism, Foreign Consulates, Palestine. INTRODUCTION The French attempt at occupying the Holy Land in the late 18th century was a turning point in the history of the region as a whole. This occupation not only affected the Ottomans, but also worried the British, as its commercial routes in its eastern colonies were under threat, putting it at risk of losing its political superiority. For this reason, England did not leave the Ottomans alone in their fight against France, but helped pervade the existence of the Ottomans in this region for another century. This instigated in the British mind, for the first time since the crusades, the idea of bringing the Holy Land under its control once again. British penetration started with evangelical Protestant groups, who had little to no representation in the region. Thus, both politically and religiously, the Jews were a tool for Britain to gain a foothold in the region. Missionary groups, for * Associate Professor of Islamic History, Social Sciences University of Ankara (ASBU), Turkey, [email protected]. ** PhD Candidate in History, Mardin Artuklu University, Turkey, [email protected]. Khalid EL-AWAISI & Emine YİĞİT religious reasons, wanted to both convert the Jews and take them back to this land in preparation for the second coming of Christ. Meanwhile, the political establishment saw that advocating the protection of the Jews would be their way in, just as France and Russia protected other minorities. Britain was only one of many Western players competing for control over the Holy Land in order to increase their influence and penetration (Owen 1981: 83; Buzpınar 2003: 108). Britain capitalised on its influence over the Ottomans for political gains, especially after supporting them against the French and Muhammad Ali Pasha. It was able to establish a British consulate in Jerusalem (1838) and this was
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