PAGE TWO-mrnrnfay, Pet tt, Hit, CfrrtetwM. (W. ?. Jonmal (Plymouth); 1966 Auto Rac- American 500 winner Curtis on race day. "We have 15,000 Charlotte Speedway ing Club of America champ- Turner (Chevelle); former East Grandstand tickets which Races ion Iggv Katona; Southern USAC national champion Don won't go on sale until race Scott 500 winner Darel Dieringer White (Charger) winner of morning,'* commented pl«mes | CHARLOTTE, N. C. -An Sunday's National 500 race at (Comet); NASCAR grand na- the Wilkes 400 last weekend the Charlotte prexy, "and the entry list that reads a the mile and a half super tional leader David Pear- Dick Hutcherson (Ford); and infield tickets don't go on Married who's who of auto racing and speedway. son (Dodge); this year's Day- many more top drivers who sale until the weekend eith- an advance ticket sale far in Heading the field for the tona ARCA 250 winner and would headline any other race er." I Clofeemee - The Coolee excess of any previous year $75,755-added race are Fred three time ARCA national they entered. "With the line-up of drivers mm Methodist Church was are but two of the ingredi- Lorenzen (Ford) defending champion Jack Bowscher Goines also stated that the ar-" equipment we have been setting for the wedding ents involved in what may winner of the fall speed clas- (Ford); Atlanta 500 winner reserved grandstand \u25a0fit advanced to attract for this, our f|i*, Sunday afternoon at three well be the biggest sports sic at the Charlotte track; Jim Hurtubise (Plymouth); seat ticket sales are setting jafc.e mwm held the and first 500-miler, we would hate j lfek*sk of Miss San Fraa- \u25a0py 3^l event ever in Caro- doube Indy 500 winner Daytona 400 winner Sam Mc- new records every day. Goines Walker and Mi linas. twice winner of the 400 miler fbarger): to point out that to any racing fan miss Pms JaiMc vHlj .jf Quagg NASCAR hastened have ygwei Scott The Rev. Claude Charlotte Motor Speedway at Daytona. Fla. A. J. Foyt national champion Ned Jar- race fans who are unable to seeing the event because they ipitell performed the cere- J f president A. C. Goines has (Ford) Plymouth star Rich- rett (Fairlane); Peach Blos- make advanced plans to at- thought they would not be announced an entry list total- ard Petty: this year's World som 500 winner Paul Gold- tend the National 500 will able to get a seat." Conclud- ing 66 cars and drivers for 600 winner Marvin Panch smith (Plymouth); defending be able to get ed Groines. A program of wedding mu- still tickets fjie was given by Miss Mario- Sa Crawford organist, and JF %t M ;^B fPjA. Kermit Mitchell of Sal- . mi ® isbury, vocalist. : The bride is the daughter YOU CAN ALWAYS BE SURE OF SAVINGS AT , Sjff Mr. and Mrs. Robert Nor- FROSTY MORN *aan Walker of Ruffin Street, \u25a0he was graduated in 1985 hwn Davie County High fchool and from Central State "«« Beauty College, Salisbury in IM6. She is employed at the FOOD TOWN 1-lb. Charm Center Beauty Shop. CQ. FOOD TOWN'S ECONOMY CUT 09V The bridegroom is the son ?f Mr. and Mrs. James Ellis Scott of Erwin Street. He was PORK CHOPS graduated from Davie County lb. 55c ?==j High School in 1965 and from ®Won-Salem Barber School J F G FRESH CREAMY SMOOTH In I*6 He is employed at MAYONNAISE T 39c APPLES MRS. JAMES MICHAEL SCOTT \u25a0 1(U MWIE Holsum Sweet or Battenallk Can of 19 Bfl( BWw DRIVE-IN . .was Sum Frances Walker.. ihe State Barber Shop, Sal- ?rn North Carolina the bride ° THEATRE isbury. traveled in a three-piece suit biscuits 7 The bride was given in mar- with brown accessories and an iTimimtTOl MOCKSVILLE, N. C. riage by her father and wore orchid. Nescafe Pore Instant 6-n. Jar or RED BLISS a formal gown of peau de soie After October 13th the and alencon lace with the couple will be JU home at 42 Sun. Mon. Tues. bodice fashioned with a COFFEE 69c scooped neckline re - em- Davie Street. POTATOES OCT. IC, 17, IS broidered with lace and long, ?BBBBBSB SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSm tapered sleeves. The semi-bell Libby's Pure Tomato 29-o*. Bottle skirt featured chapel length ?KETNER CENTER \u2666EAST INNES AT LONG 5-lb. AA. a ?SOUTHGATE SHOPPING CENTER i tlw Bottom train detailed at the waist- a\u25a0 w \u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0» Dao #Mi line with a bow. The bride's fingertip veil of silk illu- Locals lfc Boat" sion fell from a cluster of em- SALISBURY belished petals of de A Fumy Farce peau Mr. Mrs. Heathmon By- soie? She cafrried and fa white erly accompanied Mr. and Excellent Rating prayer book with a white or- to Miami. chid ;and /wore the bride- Mrs. Floyd Daniels Florida to visit relatives. They Dwto Day Sod Taylor groom's diamond pend- gift, a left on Monday and will be Arthur Godfrey ant. gone for several weeks or Mrs. Allen Snipes and Miss more. Made on Santa Catalina Island Pat Gales were bridesmaids of is known Miss ' Audrey Wagner which as the home Mrs. Michael Spry ma- Some was of the College. things Western Carolina nuclear energy of the glass bottom boat. tron of honor. They wore Cullowhee spent the weekend floor - length gowns of Ame- here with her parents, Mr. rican beauty chiffon made and Mrs. Wilson Wagner. W«d. with basque waists, scoop- willbe doing Thurs. Webb of Win- Tor Miss Frances you in 1971. Frl. Sat. ed necklines, elbow length gate College spent the week- sleeves and sheath skirts end here with her parents, OCT. 10, 20, XI, n with floating panels in Mr. and Mrs. Bill Webb. back. They wore tow head- Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Barber ujn piece i with circular veils spent the week-end visiting m and carried nosegays of roses their son and family, Mr. and and pink carnations. Betsy Mrs. James Barber at Colum- Snipes, wearing pink, was fop Cora -Drinks -Cigarettes bia, S. C. flower girl. Mr. and Mrs. Brady Alexan- Adults The bridegroom had his fa- der are spending two weeks 75c ther for best man. Michael visiting western states. CHILDREN Spry, Thomas Smith, How- Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Ja- UNDO 12 TBS. FREE ard Hutchins of Route 4. cobs attended the dedication Mocksville, and Chuck Walter of the new 41,000 seat Carter of Mocksville, ushered. Stadium on Saturday of the For the wedding trip to west- N. C. State University and the football game vs. South Carolina. Their son, H. M. Jr. is a member of the State Band. Rmm SHOES^= Pvt. and Mrs. John Ladieu of Mocksville left Monday to visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Francis Ladieu in La- conia, N. H. for several weeks. He completed basic training on Friday at Fort Bragg, North Carolina and his wife and Mrs. Bryan Sell attended the ceremonies. Mrs. Sally Presnell of Greensboro is spending some time with her sister, Mrs. Molly House on Route 4, Mocksville. Baxter Creason is sick at his home on Watt Street. Lon Oneal entered Davie Hospital on Tuesday for ob- servation and treatment. Mrs. Ida Creason, who makes her home at the Fran- Ray Rest Home in Mocks- ville, was 83 years of age on October 11th. On Sunday Keeping you warm in winter, cool in summer. her children placed flowers ._ i_uii_l_uJ_ i__iii__i_lJ_i_l__ « in the North Cooleemee Bap- tist Church in her honor, and they were later placed in the k..w.- Imi. : I mIM s S MS&B I MSB' \u25a0MBBSBSML Rest Home. Her children who girls' loafers live ihere are Mrs. Stella fm*m* **'*? ' tR House, Mrs. Beaulah Greg- HVSwjK Heating your water. are better on feet because ory, Mrs. Margaret Myers and 1 Wilburn Creason. mm 'I they're sewn by Mr. and Mrs. Grady Spry hand. spent one day last week vi- siting their son and wife, Mr. Powering your refrigerator. and Mrs. Aaron Spry in Tay- lorsville. They visited the Cooking your food. HaHibr irifrlilngjnfcm*t natch the utaral school where Aaron is princi- iOurlooks of our pal. good fashionable Jnmping-Jacks Mrs. Dolly Swaim of Carr- 5P OM' Tfcey hrt ttd last?«id fed wonder* boro, and daughter, Mary Eli- Nuclear energy will be doing Nuclear energy, the newest way of the way. zabeth, who attends Kings these things, and more,for you in to generate electricity, is now Business College at Charlotte 1971. spent the weekend here with That's when Duke Power will more economical in this area .That's $095 Mr. and Mrs. Grady Spry. begin operating its new nuclear the way we've been doing things I Jack Carter of the U. ' S. power | t»4 (J Navy called his parents, Mr. station. for sixty-two years at Duke Power: and Mrs. Edd Carter on Mon- doing our best to provide you with day night to let them know I OPEN FRIDAY NIGHT at his arrival in Holly, Pa. wife three flai Jnatpiaf-Jacks to visit his and *wH at children, after being in the Anarctic for two years. He expects to visit here for a few days in November en- route to Key West, Florida where he will be stationed. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Scott aon of Goldsboro vent e MONDAY - to. - 4ZJ, SHOES Sid week end here visiting FRIDAY 8:45 A. s*o P. ML OFFICE HOURS SATURDAYS Ml A. M. - l»M NOUN K. MAIN relatives and came to attend MB SALISBURY the wedding of Sara Walker 122 S.
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