1961 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- HOUSE 9207 for printing and reference to the proper turn of a surviving spouse shall be treated dresses of the Presidents as a House document calendar, as follows: as a joint return without regard to the time and providing for additional copies; to the of the death of the other spouse; to the Committee on House Administration. Mr. THOMPSON of New Jersey. Joint Committee on Ways and Means. By Mr. PETERSON: Committee on the Disposition of Executive By Mr. MATHIAS: H. Con. Res. 321. Concurrent resolution re­ Papers. ' House Report No. 441. Report on H.R. 7376. A bill to make available to chil­ questing the President to proclaim June 4, the disposition of certain papers of sundry dren who are handicapped by deafness the 1961, as a National Day of Prayer; to the executive departments. Ordered to be specially trained teachers of the deaf needed Committee on the Judiciary. printed. to develop their abilities and to make avail­ By Mr. COLLIER: Mr. ROONEY: Committee on Appropria­ able to individuals suffering speech and hear­ tions. H.R. 7371. A bill making appropria­ H. Res. 3~1. Resolution amending clause ing impairments the specially trained speech 2(a) of rule XI and clause 4 of rule XXI of tions for the Departments of State and Jus­ pathologists and audiologists needed to help tice, the Judiciary, and related agencies for the Rules of the House of Representatives; to them overcome their handicaps; to the Com­ the Committee on Rules. the fiscal year ending June 30, 1962, .and mittee on Education and Labor. for other purposes; without amendment By Mr. MURRAY: (Rept. No. 442). Referred to the Committee H.R . 7377. A bill to increase the limita­ of the Whole House on the State of the tion on the number of positions which may MEMORIALS Union. be placed in the top grades of the Classifica­ Mr. COOLEY: Committee on Agriculture. tion Act of 1949, as amended, and on the Under clause 4 of rule XXII, memo­ H.R. 2249. A bill to authorize the Secretary number of research and development posi­ rials were presented and referred as of Agriculture to convey certain property tions of scientists and engineers for which follows: in the State of California to the county of special rates of pay are authorized; to fix By the SPEAKER: Memorial of the Legis­ Trinity; without amendment (Rept. No. the compensation of hearing examiners; and 443). Referred to the Committee of the lature of the State of California, memorializ­ for other purposes; to the Committee on ing the President and the Congress of the Whole House on the State of the Union. Post Office and Civil Service. Mr. COOLEY: Committee on Agriculture. United States relative to the Auburn Dam By Mr. PUCINSKI: H.R. 2250. A bill to authorize and direct the and Folsom South Canal; to the Committee H.R. 7378. A bill to extend and improve on Interior and Insular Affairs. Secretary of Agriculture to convey certain the National Defense Education Act, and for lands in Lassen County, Calif., to the city Also, memorial of the Legislature of the other purposes; to the Committee on Educa­ State of Louisiana, memorializing the Presi­ of Susanville, Calif.; with amendment (Rept. tion and Labor. No. 444). Referred to the Committee of dent and the Congress of the United States the Whole House on the State of the Union. By Mr. SCHWENGEL: to take action to provide for and require the H.R. 7379. A bill to amend the Internal investment of tidelands mineral revenues Revenue Code of 1954 to provide a credit derived from operations off Louisiana shores; PUBLIC BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS against the individual income tax for certain to the Commi1;tee on the Judiciary. amounts paid as educational expenses to in­ Also, memorial of the Legislature of the Under clause 4 of rule XXII, public stitutions of higher education; to the Com­ State of Louisiana, memorializing the Presi­ bills and resolutions were introduced and mittee on Ways and Means. dent and the Congress of the United States severally referred as follows: H.R. 7380. A bill to amend the Internal relative to authorizing and requesting the By Mr. ROONEY: Revenue Code of 1954 to provide a credit Governor to use his good offices to secure H.R. 7371. A bill making appropriations for against the individual income tax for certain through the department of hospitals a trans­ the Departments of State and Justice, the amounts paid as educational expenses to fer of 500 acres of land in Belle Chasse, La., Judiciary, and related agencies for the fiscal institutions of higher education; to the Com­ from the U.S. Government to the State of year ending June 30, 1962, and for other mittee on Ways and Means. Louisiana; to the Committee on Armed purposes. By Mr. SHELLEY: Services. By Mr. MORGAN: H.R. 7381. A bill to amend section 216 of Also, memorial of the Legislature of the H.R. 7372. A bill to promote the foreign the Merchant Marine Act, 1936, to provide S'tate of Nebraska, memorializing the Presi­ policy, security, and general welfare of the for the establishment of a maritime training dent and the Congress of the United States United States by assisting peoples of the program, and for other purposes; to the Com­ relative to urging that the original multiple world in their efforts toward economic and mittee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries. benefit concept' for the construction and social development and internal and exter­ By Mr. SMITH of Iowa: operation of the great reservoir system on nal security, and for other purposes; to the H.R. 7382. A bill to authorize the Secretary the Missouri River be adhered to; to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. of the Army to pay fair value for improve­ Committ ee on Interior and Insular Affairs. By Mr. HOLLAND: ments located on railroad rights-of-way H.R. 7373. A bill relating to the occupa­ owned by bona fide lessees or permittees; to tional training, development, and use of the the Committee on Public Works. manpower resources of the Nation, and for By Mr. WEAVER: PRIVATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS other purposes; to the Committee on Educa­ H.R. 7383. A bill to provide for a memorial Under clause 1 of rule XXII, private tion and Labor. to the memory of the late Senator George W. bills and resolutions were introduced and By Mr. COLLIER: Norris, at McCook, Nebr.; to the Committee H.R. 7374. A bill to amend title II of the on Interior and Insular Affairs. severally referred as follows: Career Compensation Act of 1949 so as to By Mr. ZELENKO: By Mr. DOWNING: provide that certain members of the uni­ H.R. 7384. A bill to amend title 18 of the H.R. 7385. A bill for the relief of Charles formed services shall not be entitled to re­ United States Code to make it a crime to use Waverly Watson, Jr.; to the Committee on ceive any pay or allowances from the United any instrumentality of commerce or the the Judiciary. States after engaging in any activity or con­ mails, or to travel in commerce, in order to By Mr. FARBSTEIN: duct, while a prisoner of war, which results rig or fix any amateur or professional athletic H.R. 7386. A b111 for the relief of Nguey Don in the giving of aid or comfort to an enemy contest or even~; to the Committee on the Seung; to the Committee on the Judiciary. of the United States; to the Committee on Judiciary. By Mr. LANE: Armed Services. By Mr. HAYS: H.R. 7387. A bill for the relief of Pana­ H.R. 7375. A bill to amend the Internal H. Con. Res. 320. Concurrent resolution au­ giotis Gardikas; to the Committee on the Revenue Code of 1954 to provide that are- thorizing the printing of the inaugural ad- Judiciary. EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS Dynamic June Dairy-Month Program strong enough to meet the needs of the horizon. However, real progress will people and the requirements of national still require a concentrated effort by the EXTENSION OF REMARKS defense-must attempt to assure that Government and the people. all segments share proportionately in our OF national wealth. In a weekend broadcast over Wiscon­ HON. ALEXANDER WILEY This is true in agriculture, industry, sin radio stations, I was privileged to business, the professions, and all other discuss problems--and ways to improve OF WISCONSIN the outlook in one important segment of IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES fields. Over the years we have had particu­ farming-that is, dairying. Monday, May 29, 1961 larly difficult problems in agriculture. I ask unanimous consent to have ex­ Mr. WILEY. Mr. President, the Na­ Fortunately, there have been some prom­ cerpts from the address printed in the tion-if it is to sustain an economy ising signs of a moderate upturn on the RECORD. 9208 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- HOUSE May 29 There being no objection, the excerpts 5. Lower costs of production on dairy The concern of our Nation's citizens is were ordered to be printed in the REc­ farms. fully shared by us, as the representatives 6. Adapt more dairy products to better of the people of the United States; but ORD, as follows: meet human nutritional needs. Today, our State ranks as the No. 1 7. Improve markets at home and abroad. we also have the responsibility for doing milk producer in the country-with an out­ 8. Protect the dairy industry from some something ~bout it. This is the solemn put of nearly 18 billion pounds annually.
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