University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Alamogordo News, 1900-1913 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 7-7-1910 Alamogordo News, 07-07-1910 Alamogordo Print. Co. Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/alamogordo_news Recommended Citation Alamogordo Print. Co.. "Alamogordo News, 07-07-1910." (1910). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/alamogordo_news/340 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Alamogordo News, 1900-1913 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Published Every Thursday o the Most Beautiful Towq ir New Mexico. VOL. XIV. No. 24. ALAMOGORDO, NEW MEXICO, Till liSDAY, JILY 7, 1910. PRICE ." CENTS COUNTY 10 JEFFRIES KNOCKED OUT CHAIRMAN flURSUM I GOV. MILLS I EEC- - MAKE NEW STOCK ROUND SHLEi HOT IN . IN FIFTEENTH Qeneral Effect Will be Reduction Will be Conducted Week of Jan- Former World's Champion Was in no To Convene at Albuquerque July One Hundred Delegates Will of Valuations uary 16-2- 1 Eleventh Frame Constitution Condition to Fight EQUALITY ADD FAIRNESS $25,000.00 IN PURSES IMPORTANT BUSINESS ELECTION TO BE HELD A GOOD BASIS TO BE AWARDED Outpointed and Beaten by the Negro at Every TO BE TRANSACTED' SEPTEMBER 6 The sctefoa of the board of The classification and premium Stage of the Fight A call for a meeting of the To the People of the Territory of Boantf commissioners which he-.'a- n list for the Sixth Annual Nation- members of the the Territorial New Mexico: Tuesday was one of the long- - al Western Stock Show has just Republican Central Committee I, the undersigned. Governor t't and most trying which the leen issued. The next show will Tht fourth of July, the date because manifestly Jeffries had for New Mexico is hereby made 'of New Mexico, in accordance Imard has ever held. The bulk 'beheld in Denver during the set for a big pugilistic battle for not "come back," but instead to be held at the Commercial w ith the provisions of an act of championship had "gone" back. of the work was in the nature of week of January 10-2- and to the heavyweight Club in the City of Albuquerque. Congress entitled: readjustment of equalization, judge from the premium list it of the world, appeared to the Jeffries never has had the at (10) ten o'clock on Monday, "An Act to enable the people fight fans to very slow about heart, the spirit or consti-meetin- Xhe seeeioo commenced Tuesday will be the greatest show ever be the instinct July 11th (eleventh), 1910; said of New Mexico to form a g morning, was continued until held in the West. There are rolling around : but finally it ar- of the natural tighter and scrap- to be held for the pur- - 'tution and state government and en- re-- das-ttime- rived, and DOW it is history. per. He never has lacked - two o'clock Tuesday night, 1 several new features to the d pose of discussing and formulat- be admitted into the Union on Wednesday morning and lification. Among the new The result of the fight brought durance, grit and courage, and ing plans relative to the election an equal footing with the origin until about three tures is a separate classification disappointment and chagrin to when ho was tit his assimilation and selection of delegates te be al states; and to enable the peo k in the afternoon. The for agricultural colleges so that many eiunusiasis, ano 10 a iewim iiuuitiini as marxeious. chosen for the purpose of formu- - pie of Arizona to form a consti .1 i . I It Krnllirllt fll'OII fl t ItlíTí. í.f CAíl- - In tflitt lilvifr ficrlifr U'llipll MT&fl..- illut ' ceiling w so lenginy that inese institutions...... win..i not'" - - -j lating a constitution for the State tution and state government ami it will not be possible for Mr. compete against the individual ness. Jim Jetlries lias iieen tlie one mo many, averse conditions of New Mexico: also for the pur- - be admitted into the Unioti on follow had more to do with his ' Bowman to complete the report exhibitors in the fat stock das-- j idol of the ring ers for defeat pose of transacting such other an equal looting w ith the origin i i a j.1 r t r i many years, in man negro ja-- in time for The Nkws to publish 'ses. This is the first of the big: ami ins ueieat uiuI'l.lrne jonn business as may be deemed prop- - al States," son, in this iaaae. I shows to adopt this plan and it! meant the smashing ot an mol. ins ring adversary. Jim er and pertinent for the welfare w hich Act was approved June The town lots in Alamogordo was done to encourage the west Jack Johnson, the negro, proved j Jeffries w as beaten, and realized of the Republican party. 20, A. D., 1910, do hereby order to be Jeffries' superior at every that he was beaten, he wi re pla ed upon an entirely m w em exhibitors. Another new before Proxies held by residents of an election to be held on Tues-th- e schedule. The general effect of feature is a separate classification stage of the game. ever entered the ring. The years counties w herein members day, the 6th day of September, could only lof idleness, not w this new will be to re- - for the purebred steers according Jeffries hit Johnson unmixed ith may reside will be recognized. A. D., 1910, to choose one hun- - and very dissipation, duce valuations. Individual lot to breed. The premium list has at rare internals then had deprived him of All Republicans who have the! lred (100) delegates to form a Alamo-gord- lightly, while Johnson was able j the qualities which had made of owners will pay taxes on o been made most attractive to welfare of the republican party constitutional convention for said hit Jeffries freely whenever him the greatest human righting lots on precisely the same western stociunen w ho are eiven to at heart are cordially invited and Territory, for the purpose oí . he From the beginning machine that ever U.i,t.,-.,orn.,rations- In the a chame to w in a mod nart of Phased. breathed. requested to be present and framing a constitution for the of negro had When he stepped into readjustment of valuations, orno the $25.000 of pama. the the the the ring make suggestions for the benefit proposed State of New Mexico, s wl,,te completely at his on Monday afternoon only the .,.h.t,.ri..l r.-ti,,- were The show asso. iation announces " of the Committee. Every mem- - I further specify and announce, and the result never was old gameness responded to the uiad while in Other caaes in-- 1 the construction of two new fire- - ber is earnestly requested to be: in accordance with the require -- .. ' in doubt. roll call the neetness of foot, Gov-prox- i,i.s wmra mndp. nroof nermanent show hnildinm present either in person or by ments of said Act that the y. - of eye, three-stor- v TMa light had been widely her- j the clearness the quick The iucW anDointed to serve One will be a large, This meeting constitutes ernor, Chief Justice, and Secre-th- e ness of mind, and the perfectly in the election of August 2, tobarn, connected with the ampin aided as the greatest pugilistic initial step preliminary to tary of said Territory, did on the net-wor- two-orpor- seasoned k of 1 at event in history of the muscles, decide Bpea the matter of disin-- theatre, and the other is a the the consideration of ways and j 28th day of June, A. D., 1910, all had deserted, leaving only ion of the village of Ala story building to be used for "squared circle." The amount means to be considered which apportion the said delegates to the hulk, the of mogordo, were Byron Sherry, i and offices. The new of publicity given to this fight shell the former may be conducive to bringing! be selected, equitably among w as perhaps ten times as great world's champion. But w ith his Alf Hunter and James J. Hill. buildings will coat about I7ÓJMH about a safe and sound policy in the several counties of said Ter-th- e gameness still intact, hedeliber- - ' The board also appointed reg- - and will make the total cost of as that given to any previous adoption of a constitution ritory in accordance with the istratioc boards and judges of the show buildings erected to tight. But in no way did it which will necessarily form the voting population as shown by up Flection to servo in the election 'date about 1860,000. Copies of measure to the expectations. (continued on page five) ground work for all future legis- - the vote cast at the election for 11, to be held on September whettlthe premium list can be had by lation affecting the new state of Delegate in Congress in Baid Ter-Ne- w delegates to the constitutional writing to the Secretary of the Park Lighted Wright is Judge Mexico. Therefore no ritory in the year A. D., 1908. convention will be chosen. The Western 8tock Show, Stockyards county can afford not to be rep- -' and that the number of dele- The installation of four aloe--1 Thk News has just received registratiofl for precinct Station Denver, June JT.
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