DECEMBER 23, 1957 MORNInf Sil,rc. COt.iEda THIRTY -FIVE CENTS LIBRARY oaQ zio,r9 T' B RÖADp £z N G or THE BUSINESSWEEKLY Lb£/.V vkal DIO 9. .i Y- aQat/op ap D Biggest yet: CBS buys WCAU- AM -FM -TV for $20 million Page 9 ASCAP tv pact: Negotiators near deal for 4 -year renewal Page 31 (Instant ratings: ARB sets 7 -city operation for January Page 32 Fund for the Republic slates major study of television Page 63 The Best is getting BETTER WFIL -TV- Philadelphia's Number One sta- hon -takes another giant stride forward with installation of a 70% higher tower ... doub- ling signal strength to 71/2 million viewers! Now -a 100% stronger signal for your mes- sage when aired on the Philadelphia station that delivers most audience, sign -on to sign - off, seven days a week -WFIL -TV .. ONE OF AMERICA'S GREAT STATIONS Source: ARB, Nov. 1957 /Near & Kennedy, Consulting Engineers, Wash., O.C. A TRIANGLE STATION WFIL-TV PHILADELPHIA, PENNSYLVANIA CHANNEL perated by: Radio and Television Div. 7 Triangle Publications. Inc. f 46th & Market Ste., Philadelphia 39. Pa. 6 /PILAM FM TV. Philodeiphia, Po. / WNBF -AM FM TV, Binghamton, N.Y, 7 WHOB -AM, Harrisburg, Pa. ABC -TV BLAIR -TV 1P1103-AM TV. AltoonoJohnslown, Po. 7 WNHC -AM FM TV, NOINpIdNew Haven, Conn. 7 WLBR -TV. Lebanon- loncouer, Po. rlngl National Sal Of /ice, 485 Lexington Avenue, New York 17, New York More Tidewater; Va., Viewers Watch WAVY-TV II CHANNEL from 3 to 10 p.m. MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY than any other TV station in the tidewater area. (ARB -Nov. 13 -19, Metropolitan Area Report) REPRESENTED BY H -R WAVY -TV, SERVING NORFOLK, PORTSMOUTH, NEWPORT NEWS, and 42 COUNTIES IN VIRGINIA and NO. CAROLINA FIRST. .. FIRST... FIRST... FIRST... FIRST... FIRST. Still F RST in Weit Vitqitticts MT Mw&t WCHS -TV garnered ELEVEN out of the "TOP -TEN" programs in West Vir- ginia's biggest market! The July ARB' rating shows this phenomenal attention "Hometown Folks" give their "Hometown Station." For biggest audience in the Charleston- Huntington -Ashland market sched- ule WCHS -TV. Call Branham or Jack Gelder, Vice President and General Manager, WCHS -TV. Copyrighted by American Research Bureau, Inc. Figures released 8- 27 -57. WCSTV ... SERVING CHARLESTON -HUNTINGTON-ASHLAND FROM THE BIGGEST MARKET . Charleston's only TV Station! BASIC CBS MONEY TO BUY YOUR PRODUCT! AMERICA'S 10th TV MARKET The thriving economy of SELLvania is well- known, as exemplified by its sound, liberal spending. Proof of the unique sales opportunity is 3' /I million people 1,015,655 families 917,320 TV sets $61/4 billion annual income CHANNEL 8 MULTI -CITY MARKET POMMY .......... , II \. u1MON HARRISBURG 011* ..... '. `LANCASTER) ., n.., YÓ RK 4 ,,...... WGAL-TV fN.M..i aei'nYNu tAxc 1,. 6FTTTSSO0 G ..... LANCASTER, PA. WAYMIS.P. alma NBC and CBS N.u.rowN STEINMAN STATION Clair McCollough, Pres. Representative: The MEEKER Company, Inc. New York Chicago Los Angeles San Francisco Published every Monday, 53rd Issue (Yearbook Number) published in September by BROADCASTING PUBLICATIONS INC.. 1735 DeSales St., N. W., Washington 8, D. C. Entered as second class matter March 14. 1933 at Post Office, Washington, D. C., under act of March 3. 1879. closed circuit. NEW ROLE Frank Sinatra reportedly is Magnuson of Senate Commerce Committee Fortune magazine is in process of re- going into broadcast station ownership by Jan. 3 (90 days after release of Barrow searching independent radio station oper- with acquisition of KJR Seattle (950 kc, Report, as requested) and is expected to ations preparatory to publication of depth 5 kw), KXL Portland, Ore. (750 kc, 10 say that FCC will seek comments from article in early 1958. Individually owned kw), and KNEW Spokane, Wash. (790 licensees, networks and others or institute independent stations, as well as certain kc, 5 kw), for between $1.5 million and proposed rule -making before final action multiple owned outlets, are being covered $2 million. Stations are owned by Mt. looking toward possible changes in rules or in upcoming piece. Rainier Radio & Television Broadcasting regulatory standards. Corp. of which Lester M. Smith and Lin- OLD AND NEW Interesting phenom- coln Dellar own 50% each. Mr. Smith is enon has turned up in Bartlesville Tele- said to be continuing in active management Thus far, it's understood, full Commis- movies operation. Subscribers to the wired properties. If deal goes through, Mr. sion has covered only few of eight general of cable theatre seemingly make no distinc- will be following pattern of an- classifications set up for Barrow briefing, Sinatra tion between first run movies and re -runs. friend, Bing Crosby, which could not possibly cover all 1,485 other star singer and Nonplussed theatremen, to whom playing identified with multi- station owner- pages of report. Reviewed so far were staff now dates are prime business headache, can ships. proposals that option time be eliminated, that affiliation agreements be drastically only surmise that until people see movie modified, including so- called network con- it's still "first run" as far as they're con- Another Hollywood celebrity, Jimmy trol of affiliate rates, and general business cerned. Telemovies offers first runs on ch. Stewart, is involved in proposed station ac- and contractual arrangements between 3, re -runs on ch. 5. quisition in Fort Worth, Tex. He, along networks and affiliates. In broad outline, with Paul Taft, general manager and part subjects on which FCC wants briefing, in There's no intention of sweetening Tele- owner of ch. 11 KGUL -TV Galveston - addition to those mentioned, include must- movies pot with music, news or any other Houston, and four other Texans, reported- buys, multiple ownership and antitrust service, Henry Grifhng, Video Independ- ly have closed for KJIM (formerly KCNC) aspects. ent Theatres president, says, until princi- for $139,000. William D. Schueler, com- ple of Bartlesville project is proven or mercial manager of WBRZ Freeport, Tex., disproves. And that is, will people buy 1957 RINGS OUT FCC concluded its is one of principals and would become sta- "admissions" for movies in home? Video tion manager upon approval of transfer regular agenda for 1957 at its meeting also has number of community antenna last Wednesday and will not convene again by FCC. systems in its southwestern territory. for regular meeting until Jan. 3. Most members of Commission, however, will STORZ UPGRADING Mid -Continent be in Washington, and emergency matters DAY OF ARREST Next to become Broadcasting Co., headed by enterprising will be handled subject to later ratifica- embroiled in Blue Law enforcement drive, Todd Storz, is in final stage of negotiating tion. Such matters as radio clear channel which has Pennsylvania businessmen won- to buy existing full -time regional in New case, revision of license renewal applica- dering if they will have to write off Sun- Orleans to replace its 250 w WTIX, tions, final briefings on Barrow Report day as economic blank, will be populous operating on 1450 kc. Upon consumma- on networks and other controversial pro- Allegheny County and Pittsburgh (See tion of transaction, on which there has ceedings will not be handled as 1957 page 56). County law enforcement author- agreement, is been preliminary Mr. Storz business but automatically go over to ities are poised to start clamping down on expected to dispose of his present station. next year. stores that sell non -necessary goods or Storz stations are: WHB Kansas Other services on Sunday. They await final word City, Mo.; WDGY Minneapolis -St. Paul, Thomas J. Dougherty, attorney in law from state attorney general's office, which and WQAM Miami. firm of Dow, Lohnes & Albertson, effec- has promised it will put power of courts tive Dec. 28, joins FCC Comr. Robert E. behind drive to keep store doors shut un- Revenue of ABC-TV network (exclud- Lee as his legal assistant. He succeeds der terms of ancient 1794 criminal law. ing owned and operated stations) for six David C. Williams, who has been trans- Backing county drive will be Mayor David months from October 1957 through March ferred to FCC's Conelrad section. Mr. Lawrence, of Pittsburgh, along with de- 1958 will be more than double that of Dougherty has been with Dow firm for partment stores, powerful Golden Triangle corresponding period of 1956 -57. And this five years and received his law degree from Assn., labor unions and church interests. condition should improve with business George Washington U. in 1953. Arrests have already been made elsewhere already under contract for succeeding six in state. months, it's learned. While ABN, sister BIG MARKET PUSH Brown & William- radio network, has suffered revenue losses Tone of congressional reaction about during new format, AB- son Tobacco Corp., Louisville, reported its transition to drive to take away some of fm band to PT top brass expects this trend to be re- to be implementing new tv market strategy tv alleviate non -broadcast services' need for versed in 1958 with anticipated acceptance beginning in 1958, concentrating spot where larger smok- spectrum space has begun to boomerang. of re- programmed operation. efforts in larger cities, ing populations offer more sales potential. This comes, it is understood, following Company reportedly is set to cut drastically FCC's explanation that there is no pro- BARROW BRIEFING After two days number of tv markets in which spots posal now, and none under consideration, of intensive briefing on Network Study have been carried for Viceroy and Kool to cause fm'ers such alarm (see page 10). Staff (Barrow) Report last Monday and cigarettes-which have totaled about 200 Congressmen have been flooded with Tuesday, FCC still has some distance to -and reallocate budget from secondary alarmist letters that Commisson plans to go before completing indoctrination on to larger markets.
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