John Carroll University Carroll Collected The aC rroll News Student 3-2-1989 The aC rroll News- Vol. 76, No. 5 John Carroll University Follow this and additional works at: http://collected.jcu.edu/carrollnews Recommended Citation John Carroll University, "The aC rroll News- Vol. 76, No. 5" (1989). The Carroll News. 928. http://collected.jcu.edu/carrollnews/928 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Student at Carroll Collected. It has been accepted for inclusion in The aC rroll News by an authorized administrator of Carroll Collected. For more information, please contact [email protected]. The Carroll News Vol. 76, No. 5 John Carroll University, University Heights, Ohio 44118 Thursday, March 2, 1989 Ritter gains top office i b Ch . 0 . pends on finances. unue things hke Club Coca-Cola, Y ns ro1em Ritter said that two concerts the Chnstmas formal, comedians Copy Editor next year arc not out of the scope in the Wolf and POL and Jello Gary Ritter, a finance major ofthe Union'sability ,even though wrestling," Lynch said. "It will be from Brooklyn, Ohio and the jun- this year's officers found a con- a constant challenge to get stu­ ior class president, was elected cert financially impossible. One dents interested in alternative, non­ Student Un1on prcsiclem in school- reason lhat there was no concert alcoholic events." wide general elections held Feb. this year was because it was a year Riuer said that one change in 20 and 21. ofLransiuonandconsequenlly few the planning stages concerns the Ritter defeated Bob Kasunic, risks were taken, he sa1d. usc of the d1scount cards in future junior, by a vote of 491 to 351. "Next year the students won't years. Currenlly, the Union is Also in last wcck'selcction, Dave allow us to play it safe," Ritter funded almost enurely by the Averi II, sophomore, defcatedjun- said. "If we financially die with a revenue from dicount card sales ior Chns Cosgrove for the posi- concert during the fall semester, it and the game room. There is a tion of ch1ef JUStice by a vote of just won't be possible to do it proposal to phase out the lhe dls- 453 to 374. again (in the spring). However, if count cards and substitute an ac- Mary Mahoney, junior, was we plan well, which we will, and uvities fee. elected as secretary over Sally if we find someone that the stu- "The discount cards are dying Ingberg,junior, by the SU senate dents like, then there's no reason out duetolheinfrcqucntabitityto at the Feb. 21 meeting. Sopho- not to do it again." use them. Unfortunately,themain moreclassPresidentJamieLynch Riuer would like to see the use of them, regardless of local and Mike Schilling, junior, both activities committee expand and businesses, was the Rat,"said Rit­ ran unopposed for the offices of take on more responsibilities. The tcr. "A very viable alternative is vice president and treasurer, re- commiucewouldsharethcrespon· bcmg considered by the Board of spcctively. sibility of planning eventS along Trustees, and is nearly finalized." Among Ritter's plans for next wilh the individual classes and the The new officers will be inau- yearareaconcertduringwelcome variousGreekandcampusorgani- gurat.cd on March 28 at the State back week, a big name concert zations. of the Union dinner. Student Un­ during both the fall and spring "l want to make ncxL year a ion officials serve a LCnn of one semesteo, and &he expansion of very active year so that people year, generally from the begin­ theyearoldactivitiescommittee. don'twanttoturnaroundandroad ning of April until the end of rofessor to ecture "I will work my hardest, and Lrip away from Carroll every March. A period of at least one have people around me working weekend," Riner said. month is allowed at the end of the lhetr hardest, to get a big name Lynch echoed Riner's desire spring semester so that the out­ on Northern Ireland concert that will be as well-liked for making Carroll an active going officers can assist in-com­ Dr. Thomas E. Hachey, Pro­ gaging." by the John Carroll community as campus next year. ing officers with theirspccificdu- fessor of British and Irish history Professor Hachey is a past possiblc," said Ritter. "ft all de- 'Tm definitely going to con- tics. and Chairman of lhe Department president of the American Con­ of History at Marquette Univer­ ference on lnsh Studies and is the sity, will address the JCU com­ current president of the Midwest munity on March 10 at 3:00p.m. Conference on Irish Studies. He The lecture, titled "Northern has published seven books and Ireland: The Myths and Realities over40articles in American, Brit­ of Ulster's Troubled Past, Present ish. and Irish scholarly journals. Problems, and Future ProspectS," Hachey has lectured during will be held in lhc Jardine Room summers and sabbaticals at a with a reception to follow. The number of schools, including lecture is being sponsored by the King's College, University of International Studies Center. London, University College, "He is a national scholar who is Dublin, and Queen's University, very knowledgeable on both con­ Belfast. He has also been visiting temporary Ireland and Irish his­ professor of history at the School tory," said Rev. John P. Schlegel, of Irish Studies in Dublin and will S.J., academic vice president. "I be teaching in Ireland again this think students and faculty alike summer. will find him very wiuy and en- ( f.EATUR£5) . Should spending ceilings CN survey finds out Dr. Larry Clma, chairman of Special Division Ill be placed on what John Carroll the department of economics Wrestling National political campaigns? students know, and finance,- relates his Champronshlp layout, See p. 3 ..-.!, p.10 experience's i!l China, pp.6-7 #w.itl'},:m:;~<'< .. :xi%'\:;@:':if:lm.., M-~~..u.·~~.; ... p. 9 "·~~- ~' Page2 EDITORIAL Welcome to Campus Life Over the past year, The Carroll News has been known to undergo some changes. The winds of change are blowing again. Starting next week, the CN launches a section devoi.Cd to you, the student body. We want to be the medium responsible for promoting campusacnvity. We want to be the outlet for what goes on throughout the John Carroll environs. We aptly title Lhts new section, "Campus Life." With this new section, we caJI upon fraternities and sororities. de­ parunents and adminisLTation, clubs and groups to clue us in on what you have planned so we can mform the rest of campus. Campus Life will remain afloat only if tt is supported by those men­ tioned above. If, for example, Theta Kappa holds a car wash, LET US KNOW! If, per chance, the debate team were LO stage an informal debatefonhebenefitoftheCarrollcommunity,LETUS KNOW! We need your tnputto make thts section work. Without your help, it will sink. Everyone mentioned above will receive notice about deadlines, where to send information, and what kind of information to send. Tbe more tnvolved the campus beomes in the CN, the beuer the CN serves the campus. It's a two way street, folks. Il's that simple. warranted" in our actions, we eating and teaching Christian eth­ Beauty is sullied by a foul believe our decision was justifi­ ics, seemingly has overlooked the mouth The Carroll News able on the grounds that Mize was souls of some of its studcm popu­ There is an old fairy tale, anal­ not fulfilling her duties as lation. I will not. legory, about a princess who was pledgemistress. Pledges arc an Democracy involves a whole Staff so beautiful that even the gods integral part ofany Greek organi­ lot more than simply the bank ac­ were envious. zation, especially a oew one. We counts ofcongressmen. It involves Chris WenzJer Russ Mackiewicz One of them, because she re­ feel that Mize's failure to contact socialandpoliticaJcquality. Ithas Editor In Chief Business Manager jected his advances, set out to potential pledges resulted in our to do with the abandoning of arbi­ Cheryl Brady destroy her beauty. Hedidn'ttouch losing pledges to other sororities trary class distinctions and privi­ Managing Editor Business staff: her features, or her figure, or even which had much more respon­ leges, sharing with those less for­ AnnHelntel Jamie P. Chandler her hair and eyes. But he ruined sible pledgemistresses. tunate, and breaking down the Treasurer Layout Editor her speech. In withdrawing from the so­ walls of the self to look around at ~ Por speech, the reflection of rority, she showed an unwillirig­ adler people. Dione Furey heart and mind, is beauty'scrown. ness to work things out in Lhe My point is that congressmen ~ Procedures Manager Section Editors: When the princess spoke, not a spirit of sisterhood. should find serving their country nm Forrestal word but a toad leaped from her Toni Ascherl and Tracy Vonah, far more important than servmg News Brtgld McHale Advertising Manager lips. President and Vice President themselves (that includes bank Alex Ferris Why do so many-not all, by of Delta Delta Xi accounts). Forum Cathy Ortiz any means - beautiful women at Sorry ifmy Christian ethics of­ Dominic Conti Natalie Bell John Carroll disfigure their beauty Congressional pay hike is fend anybody; something called Entertainment Mary Beth Natale undemocratic Colleen DeJong bytheirspeech? Surelytheremust faith knocks on my door and it Features Accounts Receivable beanotheradjective in the English John F. Altieri, in his Feb. 9 screams True Democracy. MaryKnurek language besides the derivative Forum article in Tlze Carroll News, Joe Martines Bridget Corrigan Profiles from a four leuer word! Or an­ stated that U.S. Congressmen were Class of 1990 Subscriptions Michael Newman other noun beside the seven let­ deserving of salary increases.
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