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Index A Lake Erie (1813): Sep. 99, 1 Leyte Gulf (1944), Oct. 99, 1 ABUKUMA: at Surigao Strait, Oct. 99, 4 Ainsworth, Rear Adm. W. L.: Jul. 99, 1 Lissa (1811): Mar. 99, 4 Makassar Strait (1942): Feb. 99, 1 AJAX (HMS): at Trafalgar, Oct. 99, 5 Manila Bay (1898): May 99, 1 AKAGI: sunk at Battle of Midway, Jun. 00, 1, 8-9 Matapan (1941): Mar. 99, 1 ALBERT W. GRANT (DD-649): damaged at Surigao Strait, Oct. 99, 4 Midway (1942): Jun. 99, 1; bibliography, Jun. 99, 4; Alexander, Field Marshal Sir Harold: at Anzio, Jan. Jun. 00, 1-16; Army Air Corps claims victory, Jun. 00, 6; loss of Yorktown Jun. 00, 4-5; no rewards for 00, 1 codebreakers, Jun. 00, 16 ALEXANDER (HMS): at Nile, Aug. 99, 4 Mobile Bay (1864): Aug. 99, 1 ALFRED: Continental ship captures British Mellish Navarino: Last naval engagement fought wholly (1775), Nov. 00, 1 under sail, British-French-Russian fleets defeats ALLIANCE: Continental frigate, vs. HMS Sibyl, Mar. 00, 1 that of Turks, Egyptians (1827), Oct. 00, 1 et. seq. American, British, Dutch, Australian forces (ABDA): Nile (1798): victory over French, Aug. 99, 1; recent archaeological discoveries, Jul. 99, 3; Feb. 99, 1 Okinawa (1945): vs. Kamikazes, Apr. 00, 1 AMERICAN TURTLE (submarine): attack on HMS Eagle (1776), Sep. 99, 1 Palawan Passage (1944), Oct. 99, 1 Arguello, Point (Calif.): Seven destroyers run on Pearl Harbor (1941): Dec. 99, 1 Quiberon Bay (1759): Nov. 99, 8 rocks, Sep. 00, 1, et seq. St. Vincent (1797): Feb. 00, 1 ARK ROYAL (HMS): in hunt for Bismarck, May 99, 4 Armstrong, Cdr. Henry J.: at Battle of Cape St. Sibuyan Sea (1944): Oct. 99, 1 Spanish Armada (1588): Jul. 00, 1-2, 4, 7-8 George, Nov. 00, 1 et seq. Sunda Strait (1942): Feb. 99, 1 ASAGUMO: damaged at Surigao Strait, Oct. 99, 4 Surigao Strait (1944): Oct. 99, 1 ASHIGARA: at Surigao Strait, Oct. 99, 4 Trafalgar (1805): Oct. 99, 5 ASTORIA (CA-34): at Battle of Midway, Jun. 00, 4 Tsushima Straits (1904): May 99, 2 ATHENIA (SS): British passenger liner sunk by U- boat, Sep. 99, 2 Bainbridge, Commodore William: Dec. 99, 1 AUDACIOUS (HMS): at Glorious First of June, Jun. 99, 2 BALCH (DD-363): at Battle of Midway, Jun. 00, 5 Barclay, Capt. RobertH.: at lake Erie, Sep. 99, 1 AUGUSTA (CA-31): Operation Torch, Nov. 99, 5 Austin, Cdr. B.L.: at Battle of Cape St. George, Nov. BARHAM (HMS): at Matapan, Mar. 99, 3; sunk by U- 00, 1 et seq. boat, Nov. 00, 4 Aviation, naval, U.S.: beginnings, Jan. 00, 1; first Barron, Commodore James: Slays Stephen Decatur in Atlantic crossing, May 00, 3 duel, Mar. 01, 4 Barry, Capt. John: commands Alliance in Revolution, Mar. 00, 2 B Beatty, Admiral Sir. David: Jan. 01, 2, et seq. Battles: BELLEROPHON (HMS): at Glorious First of June, Jun. Armada, Spanish (1588): Jul. 00, 1-2, 4, 7-8 99, 2; at Nile, Aug. 99, 4 Badung Strait (1942): Feb. 99, 1 Bellinger, Lt. Cdr. Patrick N. L.: first Atlantic Bismarck Sea (1943): Mar. 99, 1 crossing by air, May 00, 3 Cape St. George (1943): Nov. 00, 1 Benson, Rear Adm. William S.: Chief of Naval Copenhagen (1801): Apr. 01, 1 et seq. Operations (1917), May 00, 2 Coral Sea (1942): May 99, 1 et seq. Bethmann-Holveg, Theobald von: May 00, 1 Coronel and the Falklands Islands (1914): Dec. 99, Biddle, Capt. Nicholas: in loss to HMS Yarmouth 3 (1778), Mar. 00, 4 Dogger Bank (1915): Jan. 01, 1, et seq. BIRMINGHAM (armored cruiser): Jan. 00, 01 Glorious First of June (1794): Jun. 99, 2 BIRMINGHAM (CL-62): damaged at Leyte, Oct. 99, 13 Engaño, Cape (1944): Oct. 99, 15 BISMARCK: sinking of, May 99, 4 Falkland Inslands (1982): Apr. 01, 3 Blackwood, Capt. Henry: in remorse of Nelson, Oct. Hampton Roads (1862): Mar. 99, 3 99, 5 Java Sea (1941): Feb. 99, 1 Black Sheep (VMF-214): Jan. 00, 2 Komandorski Islands (1943): Mar. 99, 2 BLENHEIM (HMS): at Cape St. Vincent, Feb. 00, 2 Bowditch, Nathaniel: American Practical Navigator, 99, 2 on typhoons, Dec. 00, 2 COLHOUN (DD-801): lost at Okinawa, Apr. 00, 3 Boyington, Maj. Gregory: Jan. 00, 1 Coney, Capt. Charles: captain of MacArthur’s BRISTOL (HMS): at Falklands, Dec. 99, 6 headquarters ship Nashville at Leyte Gulf, Oct. 99, BROOKLYN: at Mobile Bay, Aug. 99, 2 12 BROOKLYN (CL-40): Operation Torch, Nov. 99, 5; at Conflans, Adm. Hubert de: Quiberon Bay, Nov. 99, 8 Anzio, Jan. 00, 5 CONGRESS: at Hampton Roads, Mar. 99, 3 Brueys, Adm. François: at Nile, Aug.99, 4 CONSTITUTION: Defeats HMS Java (1812), Dec. 99, Buchanan, Adm. Franklin (CSA): at Mobile Bay, 1; defeats HMS Guerrière (1812), Aug. 00, 4 Aug. 99, 2 CONVERSE (DD-509): at Battle of Cape St. George, BUCKLEY (DE-51): shares credit for sinking Nov. 00, 1 et seq. U- boat, Apr. 00, 4 Copeland, Lt. Cdr. R. W.: at Battle off Samar, Oct. Buckner, Lt. Gen. Simon Bolivar: killed at Okinawa, 99, 10 Jun. 99, 3 Cordova, Don Juan de: Spanish commander at Cape Burke, Capt. Arleigh: Commander, DesRon 23, at St. Vincent, Feb. 00, 2 Battle of Cape St. George, Nov. 00, 1 et seg.; letter Corl, WO Harry L.: pilot at Battle of Midway, Jun. as admiral and CNO to Eisenhower, Nov. 00, 6 00, 10-14 Burroughs, Rear Adm. Sir H. M.: Operation Torch, CORNWALL (HMS): at Falklands, Dec. 99, 6 Nov. 99, 5 Craddock, Rear Adm. Sir Christopher: at Coronel, BUSH (DD-529): lost at Okinawa, Apr. 00, 2 Dec. 99, 3 Bushnell, David: and first submarine, Sep. 99, 1 CULLODEN (HMS): at Cape St. Vincent, Feb. 00, 2 CUMBERLAND: at Hampton Roads, Mar. 99, 3 C Cunningham, Adm. Sir Andrew B.: Operation Torch, CAIRO (Union gunboat): Sunk in Yazoo River (1862), Nov. 99, 5 Dec. 00, 8 Cunningham, Capt. R. B.: at Mare Island (1859), CALIFORNIA (BB-44): at Leyte, Oct. 99, 2 Mar. 00, 1 CALLAGHAN (DD-792): lost at Okinawa, Apr. 00, 8 Curtiss, Glenn: designs Navy “NC” airplanes for first CAPTAIN (HMS): Nelson’s flagship at Cape St. Atlantic crossing, may 00, 3 Vincent, Feb. 00, 2 Carlson, Lt. Col. Evans F.: Makin Island, Nov. 99, 4 D CARNARVON (HMS): at Falklands, Dec. 99, 6 DACE (SS-247): sinks Takao at Palawan Passage, CARTER (DE-112): shares credit for sinking Oct. 99, 7 U- boat, Apr. 00, 4 DARTER (SS-227): sinks Kurita’s flagship Atago at CHAUNCEY (DD-296): Lost at Point Arguello, Calif. Palawan Passage, Oct. 99, 7 (1923), Sep. 00, 2, et. seq. Decatur, Commodore Stephen: loss of USS CHIKUMA: in Battle off Samar, Oct. 99, 9 President, Jan. 00, 8; slain in duel, Mar. 01, 4 Chambers, Capt. Washington Irving: and avitation, DELPHY (DD-261): Lost at Point Arguello, Calif. Jan. 00, 1 (1923), Sep. 00, 1, et. seq. CHARLES AUSBURNE (DD-570): at Battle of Cape St. DENNIS (DE-405): in Battle off Samar, Oct. George, Nov. 00, 1 et seq. 99, 10, 11 Chennault, Gen. Claire: Jan. 00, 2 DETROIT: at lake Erie, Sep. 99, 1 Childers, Lt. Col. Lloyd F.: as aviation radioman- Dewey, Commodore George: at Manila Bay, May gunner at Battle of Midway, Jun. 00, 10-14 99, 1; support for aviation, Jan. 00, 1; Churchill, Winston S.: Dardanelles, Feb. 99, 4; and Dogger Bank: History and description, Jan. 01, 1-3 Athenia sinking, Sep. 99, 3; wires congratulations Doolittle, Lt. Col. James H.: raid on Tokyo (1942), after Leyte Gulf, Oct. 99, 2; as First Lord of the Apr. 99, 4 Admiralty, Jan. 01, 2; and Battle of Atlantic, Mar. Doorman, Rear Adm. K.W.F.M, Royal Dutch Navy: 01, 1 et. seq. Feb. 99, 4 CHOKAI: in Battle off Samar, Oct. 99, 10 DORSETSHIRE (HMS): in hunt for Bismarck, May CLAXTON (DD-571): at Battle of Cape St. George, 99, 4 Nov. 00, 1 et seq. Drake, Sir Francis: raid on Cadiz (1587), Apr. 99, 3; CLEVELAND (CL-55): Operation Torch, Nov. 99, 5 and Spanish Armada, Jul. 00, 2, 4-5, 7-8 Codrington, Adm. Sir. Edward: Commander at Battle DRESDEN: at Falklands, Dec. 99, 3 of Navarino, Oct. 00, 4, et. seq. DREXLER (DD-741): lost at Okinawa, Apr. 00, 7 COGHLAN (DD-606): at Komandorski Islands, Mar. DuBose, Rear Adm. L. T.: at Leyte, Oct. 99, 15 DYSON (DD-572): at Battle of Cape St. George, Iwo Jima, Feb. 00, 4 Nov. 00, 1 et seq. Franklin, Benjamin: Sails to France on Continental brig Reprisal, Jan. 01, 3 Fredenall, Maj. Gen. Lloyd R.: Operation Torch, E Nov. 99, 5 EASTLAND: Chicago excursion steamer capsizes FREDERICK C. DAVIS (DE-136): shares credit for (1915), Jul. 00 3, 6 sinking U- boat, Apr. 00, 4 Effingham, Lord Howard of: English commander FROST (DE-144): lost in attack on U-boat, Apr. 00, 4 against Spanish Armada, Jul. 00, 4-5 FULLER (DD-297): Lost at Point Arguello, Calif. Eisenhower, Gen. Dwight D.: Operation Torch, Nov. (1923), Sep. 00, 2, et. seq. 99, 5 FUSO: at Surigao Strait, Oct. 99, 4 Elizabeth, Queen of England: Jul. 00, 2, 8 Elliott, Capt. Jesse: at Lake Erie, Sep. 99, 1; actions G associated with Decatur-Barron duel, Mar. 01, 4 GAMBIER BAY (CVE-70): in Battle off Samar, Oct. Ely, Eugene (pilot for Glenn Curtiss): Jan. 00, 1 99, 9, 11 EMDEN: at Falklands, Dec. 99, 3 Gano, Cdr. R.A.: at Battle of Cape St. George, Nov. Emmons, Lt. Gen. Delos C.: claims Midway victory 00, 1 et seq.

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