ly~j) .X ..«^^ y\ # THE EXPEDITION OF PEDRO DE URSUA & LOPE DE AGUIRRE IN SEARCH OF EL DORADO AND OMAGUA IN 1560-1. Tr.A.SSlJ^TED rnOM FRAY PEDRO SIMON'S " SIXTD HISTOIUCAI. NOTICE OK THE CONQUEST OF TIERRA FIKilE." WILLIAM BOLLAERT, Esq., F.RG.S. WITH AN INTRODUCTION CLEMENTS K. MARKHAM, ESQ. LONDON: PRINTED FOR THE HAKLUYT SuCIETY / Crlii.HI. ^^'-^i ^"'^ LOSDOS: T. niciiAnDs. 37, ontAT qceek stuhet. Hz y. 2-5 In compliance with current copyright law, U. C. Library Bindery produced this replacement volume on paper that meets the ANSI Standard Z39. 48-1 984 to replace the irreparably deteriorated original. 1995 THE HAKLUYT SOCIETY. President. C.StS. F R.S., D.C L. SIR RODERICK IMPEY MURCHISOK. G InsL Ir., <ta. &c. Mem. Imp. Acad. Sc. SL Petei-sburg, Corr. Mem. Vice-Presidents. The marquis OF LANSUOWNE. C.B. Rbab-Admihai. C. R. DRINKWATF.R BETHUNE. CoancU. ALf'S^SPENCER H.s Exck,xesc-v t„. Count pe '^^•/To.Vo'' LAVHADIO. chubchh.l. DILKF Esq. R. H. MAJOR, Esq., F.S.A. CHAS. WKNTWORXn HUjorGksekai. Sir HENRY C. R.\W- DUNIMS.^.v^.., .,..-. Kt.rtT Hon!Hon. Sinoiii DAVIDi^.-v>»i' K.C.n. EIXIS, K.H., F.R.S. MNSON, SIB HENRY TUE Rtv. W. WHEWELL, D.D. JOHN FORSTER, ESQ. Esq., M-P. B. w. GREY, Esq. Honorary Secretary.-c R. markham, l, Pall M.m.l East. Bankers-MESSBs. ransom, BOUVERIE. and Co., the purpose rrnv HAKLUYT SOCIETY, which is established for Voyages and Travels aims at opening of Drintinprare or unpublished of a branch of know- mea^s an easier access to the sources byC and is superior to most in liJe which yields to none in importance, and navigators make us atfekble variety. The narratives of travellers productions; they exhibit SuSnted w th the earth, its inhabitants and .ith its ejects on cmhzatio^i Sfgrowth of intercourse among mankind, same time awaken attention, by and while instructing, they at the those who first explored unknown recounting the toils and adventures of regions. • and distant _ , •, consists not merely in its The advantage of an Association of this kind, in its economy. The acquire- system of hterLy co-operation, but also individuals who feel an Sent?4ste, and discrimination of a number of brought to act in voluntary com- iJ the same pursuit, are thus Sek also avoided, so hat the ordinary charges of publication are Son^nd Members (who can alone fheCSnes produced are distributed among the cost ot printing and paper. 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Noveinbc7l'^(.l. WORKS ALREADY ISSUED. 1—The Observations of Sir Eicliard Hawkins, Knt. In his Voyage into the South Sea iu 1093. Reprinted from tlio eJilion of 1C22, and edited by Capt. C. 11. URiNiavATER liETHUNE, H.N'., C.13. llssiudfur lisi". 2— Select Letters of Columbus. With Original Docnments relating to the Discovery of the New World. Translated and Edited by H. H. Major, Esq., of the British Musuum. [_lisued/ur lt<47. 3—The Discoverie of the Empire of Guiana, By Sio Waltee Haleoh, Knt. Edited, with Copious Kxplauatory Notes, ond a r.ingrnphical Memoir, hy Sin Hoiiert II. SciiOMnunoK, I'hd. D., etc. {_Issucdj'or 1B48. 4r— Sir Francis Drake his Voyage, 1595, By Thomas MiYNArde, together with the Spanish Account of Drake's Attack on Puerto Rico, edited from the Oricnnal MSS., by W. D. Cooi.ey, Esq. llssucdj'or IlsJd. 6—Narratives of Early Voyages UndertAken for the Discovery of a Passage to Catihia and Imua, by tho Northwest, with Selections from the Records of the worshipful Fellowship of the MerchanU of I.,ondun, trading into the East Indies; and from MSS. in tlie Eibraiy of the British Museum, now tirst published, by Thomas Kundall, Esq. lltaucd/nr 1810. 6—The Historie of Travaile into Virginia Britannia, Expressing the Cosmographie and Commodities of the Country-, together with the Jlanners and Customs of the people, gathered and observed as well by those who went tirst thither as collected by William Straciiey, Gent., the first Secretary of the Colony : now first Edited from the original manuscript in the British Museum, by R. H. .Major, ICsq.,of the British Museum. llssucd/or Lsl'J. 7—Divers Voyages touching the Discovery of America, And the Islands adjacent, collected and published by Richard Haki.uyt, Prebendary of Bristol, in the year 1682. Edited, with Notes and an Introduction, by JoiiK Winter Jones, Esq., of the British Museum. [/»«iwd/or l«oO. 8—A Collection of Documents on Japan, With a Commentary, by Thomas Rundall, Esq. [Issued /or 1850. 9—The Discovery and Conquest of Florida, By Don Ferdinando de Soto. Translated out of I'ortuguese, by liichard Ilakluyt; and Edited with Notes and au Introduction, by W. B. RvE, Esq., of the British Museum. llssucd/ur 18.51. 10—Notes upon Russia, Being a Translation from the Earliest Account of that ('ounlry, entitled Rr.nuM Mosco^TTI- c.xRDM CoMMENTARii, by the Baron Sigismund von Herbcrstein, Ambassador from the Court of Germany to the Grand Prince Vasiley Ivanovieh, in tlie years 1517 and l^'O. Two Volumes. Translated, and Edited with Notes and an Introduction, by R. H. Major, Esq., of tlio British Museum. Vol.1. [/ssiicd/i/r l»ol. 11—The Geography of Hudson's Bay. Being the Remarks of Captain W. Coats, in many Voyages to that locality, between the years X727 and 1751. With an Appendix, containing Extracts from tlie Log ot Capt. .Middleton on his Voyage for the discovery of tho North-west Passage, in H.M.S. "Furnace", in 1741-2. Edited by John Barrow, Esq., F.R.S., F.S.A. ^Issued/or lb52. 12—Notes upon Russia. Vol. 2. [7ssu<;(Z /or 1852. 13—Three Voyages by the North-east, Towards Cathay and China, undortnlun by the Dutch in the years lii'M. 150'), and l.'ifir,, with their Discovery of Spitzbcrgcn, their residence of ten nionilis in Novava Xeinlva, and their safe return in two open boats. By Geurit lie Veeu. Edited by C. T. B'eke, Esq., IMi.D., F.S..\. [7.«i,frf/or I.-.5.3. 14-15—The History of the Great and Mighty Kingdom of China and the Situation Thereof. Compiled by the Padre Juan Gonzai.kz he Mkndoz*. Aii.i now Reiirinted from the Early Translation of It. Parke, lidited by Sju George l'. Staunton, Baut. With an Iniroituc- tion by R. 11. Major, Esq. 2 vols. [Issued/or ISlil. 16—The World Encompassed by Sir Francis Drake, BeinghianextVoyage to that to Numbro dc Dios. Collated wiih an unpublished Manuscript of Francis Ii.etcher, Cha[ibini ui ili- E\p,-,iicioii. With Appendiecsillusirauve of ihe same V„yage,and Intnulucti,.!). by S. W. W. Vai:x, Esq , M.A. llssurd/or ISOJ. 17—The History of the Tartar Conquerors who Subdued China. the French of the P.'ro Orleans, l(i,st<. From D li.uiBhuod an. I i:. tiled by the Eaiii. of ELLES.MEUE. With an Introduction by K. II. Majou, j;s.|. (Jssiicdjor 1855. ' and Greenland, 18-A CoUection of Early Docxunents on Spitzbergen German of F.l'. Marten'sMarten a imporUutimponauiworKouSpitzbergeu,work on SpiUb< 7^^ ^t- aft tranBlfttion from the ConsiBting".in<T 01of- » " de Groeuland, and a rare l^^.^jj ^^^ ^^^^ ^j^ ,^ peyrere'a RelaUon now '^'^."vfl'God's Power and Providence showed in the miraculous preservation and left by mischance in Greenland anno 1C30 nine monelhs r'f^rnce ofot e.g.eight EnRlishraen, deliverance ^ Edited, with Notes by aajs, b^,,f^„ ^ed by Edward Pelham." and twelve 185r,. ^^^^\^;^^^^^ psq., of the British Museum. 'Jtiued/or and the Maluco Islands. iq-The Voyage of Sir Henry Middleton to Bantam ^^ Bolton Couney, Esq. [7j«i«:d/or le36. From the rare Edition of 160G. Edited by 20-Knflsia at the close of the Sixteenth Century " by Dr. Giles Eletcher, and Sir Jerome Horset-b ^ ^.ino. TheTt;^« Kusse Commonwealth" CompnBing «".^„^ manuscript in the BnUsh Museum. Ed.Ud b, now nrsi pn entire from his Travels, ^ ^ ^^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^ firillBh Museum. iUtuedfor 1857. 1542-56. 91—The Travels of Girolamo Benzoni, in America, in Ahmirxl W. H. Smtth. F.R.S.. F.S.A. U^dfor 1857. Translatd" and edited by 22-India in the Fifteenth Century. Pf'rtngucse Voyages to India in the century preceding the „ • aCollecUouo.. rollectiou of KarraUves of Being ^"^ Good Hope; from Latin, Persian, Kussian. and Italian Edited, with an ^"troduction. by^R.^H. frce^now first tr'anslaUd uito English. ' F.S.A. •- Major, Esq , Mexico. 23-Narrative of a Voyage to the West Indies and ong.nai ana from the ^^^ wilmere.
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