Vegetation Benchmarks Scrub, heathland and coastal complexes Vegetation Condition Benchmarks version 2 Scrub, Heathland and Coastal Complexes SAL Acacia longifolia coastal scrub Community Description: This community normally occurs in a narrow strip along the coast, usually on parallel dunes, with Acacia longifolia subsp. sophorae dominant. It can vary from pure Acacia longifolia to mixtures with other species including Leucopogon parviflorus and Banksia marginata. The understorey is generally sparse. Benchmarks: Component Cover % LF Code Dominant Life Form 95% T Organic Litter 5% Expected Life Forms LF code # Spp Cover % Tree or large shrub T 2 95 Herbs and orchids H 4 1 Medium tussock grass MTG 1 1 Non-tussock grass NTG 2 5 Large sedge/rush/sagg/lily LSR 1 5 Medium to small sedge/rush/sagg/lily MSR 1 1 Ground fern GF 1 1 Scrambler/Climber/Epiphyte SCE 1 1 Mosses and Lichens ML 1 1 Total 9 14 Last reviewed - 30 August 2016 Tasmanian Vegetation Monitoring and Mapping Program Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment http://www.dpipwe.tas.gov.au/tasveg SAL Acacia longifolia coastal scrub Species lists: Dominant Species Common Name LF Code Acacia longifolia subsp. sophorae coast wattle T Other Typical Species * Common Name LF Code Allocasuarina verticillata drooping sheoak T Banksia marginata silver wattle T Leptospermum laevigatum coast teatree T Leucopogon parviflorus coast beardheath T Myoporum insulare common boobialla T Actites megalocarpus dune thistle H Carpobrotus rossii native pigface H Dichondra repens kidneyweed H Gnaphalium indutum tiny cottonleaf H Helichrysum spp. everlasting H Parietaria debilis shade pellitory H Poranthera microphylla small poranthera H Wahlenbergia spp. bluebell H Austrodanthonia spp. wallabygrass MTG Distichlis distichophylla australian saltgrass NTG Ehrharta spp. ricegrass NTG Zoysia macrantha prickly couch NTG Lepidosperma gladiatum coast swordsedge LSR Lomandra longifolia sagg LSR Lepidosperma concavum sand swordsedge MSR Pteridium esculentum bracken GF Tetragonia implexicoma bower spinach SCE *This list is provided as a guide only. The species listed are typical of this plant community type but may not necessarily be present. Vegetation Condition Benchmarks version 1 Scrub, Heathland and Coastal Complexes SBM Banksia marginata wet scrub Community Description: Banksia marginata wet scrub is a dense wet scrub dominated by Banksia marginata usually occurring along creek lines and forest fringes within south-west buttongrass moorland. Common and abundant species include Melaleuca squarrosa, Leptospermum scoparium and sometimes L. nitidum and L. lanigerum. Gahnia grandis is usually present in the understorey and Empodisma minus or Calorophus species together with Bauera rubioides can form a dense tangle around the tree stems. There may be a few emergent trees of Eucalyptus nitida. This is the appropriate benchmark to use in assessing the condition of the listed Banksia marginata wet scrub community (Schedule 3A, Nature Conservation Act 2002). Benchmarks: Component Cover % LF Code Dominant Life Form 80% T Organic Litter 80% Expected Life Forms LF code # Spp Cover % Tree or large shrub T 5 80 Shrub S 7 15 Herbs and orchids H 1 2 Large sedge/rush/sagg/lily LSR 1 2 Medium to small sedge/rush/sagg/lily MSR 1 2 Scrambler/climber/epiphyte SCE 2 3 Mosses and lichens ML 1 1 Total 7 18 Last reviewed - 5 July 2016 Tasmanian Vegetation Monitoring and Mapping Program Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment http://www.dpipwe.tas.gov.au/tasveg SMB Banksia marginata wet scrub Species lists: Dominant Species Common Name LF Code Banksia marginata silver banksia T Other Typical Species * Common Name LF Code Acacia mucronata caterpillar wattle T Leptospermum glaucescens smoky teatree T Leptospermum lanigerum woolly teatree T Leptospermum nitidum shiny teatree T Leptospermum scoparium common teatree T Melaleuca squarrosa scented paperbark T Monotoca glauca goldey wood T Baeckea leptocaulis slender heathmyrtle S Boronia citriodora central lemon boronia S Epacris heteronema southwest heath S Epacris impressa common heath S Epacris lanuginosa swamp heath S Lomatia polymorpha mountain guitarplant S Melaleuca squamea swamp honeymyrtle S Monotoca submutica mountain broomheath S Sprengelia incarnata pink swampheath S Baloskion tetraphyllum tassel cordrush LSR Blandfordia punicea christmas bells LSR Diplarrena latifolia western flag-iris LSR Gahnia grandis cutting grass LSR Gymnoschoenus sphaerocephalus buttongrass LSR Empodisma minus spreading roperush MSR Bauera rubioides wiry bauera SCE Billardiera spp. appleberry SCE Calorophus spp. roperush SCE *This list is provided as a guide only. The species listed are typical of this plant community type but may not necessarily be present. Vegetation Condition Benchmarks version 1 Scrub, Heathland and Coastal Complexes SBR Broadleaf scrub: Olearia/Bedfordia facies Community Description: Broadleaf scrub is a closed-canopy scrub 4-8 m high which occurs where fire-frequencies are low, generally as patches within wet forest or openings in rainforest or along cliff tops in the south-east. Dominant small trees include any of Notelaea ligustrina, Pomaderris apetala, Beyeria viscosa, Bedfordia salicina, Prostanthera lasianthos and Olearia argophylla. In coastal sand sheet shrubberies Pomaderris apetala may share dominance with Cenarrhenes nitida and sometimes Monotoca glauca with a few Dicksonia antarctica and Anopterus glandulosus above a sparse fern ground layer. There may be sparse emergent eucalypts. This benchmark is one of 2 benchmarks available to assess the condition of SBR and is suitable for assessment of the core Olearia-Bedfordia-dominated expression of this vegetation. A separate benchmark is available for assessing the condition of the listed Notelaea-Pomaderris-Beyeria forest community (Schedule 3A, Nature Conservation Act 2002). Benchmarks: Component Cover % LF Code Dominant Life Form 90% T Organic Litter 70% Expected Life Forms LF code # Spp Cover % Tree or large shrub T 4 90 Shrub S 2 5 Herbs and orchids H 5 1 Large sedge/rush/sagg/lily LSR 1 5 Ground fern GF 2 10 Tree fern TF 1 5 Mosses and Lichens ML 1 20 Total 7 16 Species lists: Dominant Species Common Name LF Code Bedfordia salicina tasmanian blanketleaf T Beyeria viscosa pinkwood T Notelaea ligustrina native olive T Olearia argophylla musk daisybush T Pomaderris apetala common dogwood T Prostanthera lasianthos christmas mintbush T Last reviewed - 5 July 2016 Tasmanian Vegetation Monitoring and Mapping Program Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment http://www.dpipwe.tas.gov.au/tasveg SBR Broadleaf scrub: Olearia/Bedfordia facies Emergent Tree Species Common Name Notes Eucalyptus spp. eucalypt Scattered trees only, when present Other Typical Species * Common Name LF Code Acacia spp. wattle T Anopterus glandulosus tasmanian laurel T Asterotrichion discolor tasmanian currajong T Atherosperma moschatum sassafras T Cassinia aculeata dollybush T Cenarrhenes nitida native plum T Coprosma quadrifida native currant T Leptospermum scoparium common teatree T Monotoca glauca goldey wood T Nematolepis squamea satinwood T Notelaea ligustrina native olive T Ozothamnus ferrugineus tree everlastingbush T Pittosporum bicolor cheesewood T Tasmannia lanceolata mountain pepper T Zieria arborescens stinkwood T Cyathodes glauca purple cheeseberry S Leptecophylla juniperina common pinkberry S Lomatia tinctoria guitar plant S Olearia lirata forest daisybush S Pimelea drupacea cherry riceflower S Acaena novae-zelandiae common buzzy H Corysanthes spp. helmet orchid H Galium spp. bedstraw H Geranium spp. cranesbill H Hydrocotyle spp. pennywort H Senecio spp. groundsel H Stellaria spp. starwort H Urtica incisa scrub nettle H Viola hederacea ivyleaf violet H Agrostis spp. Bent grass G Austrodanthonia spp. wallabygrass G Echinopogon ovatus hedgehog grass G Poa labillardierei silver tussockgrass G Dianella tasmanica forest flaxlily LSR Gahnia grandis cutting grass LSR Lepidosperma spp. swordsedge LSR Lomandra longifolia sagg LSR Asplenium spp. spleenwort GF Ctenopteris heterophylla gypsy fern GF Grammitis billardierei common fingerfern GF Polystichum proliferum mother shieldfern GF Dicksonia antarctica soft treefern TF *This list is provided as a guide only. The species listed are typical of this plant community type but may not necessarily be present. Vegetation Condition Benchmarks version 3 Scrub, Heathland and Coastal Complexes SCA Coastal scrub on alkaline sands Community Description: Coastal scrub on alkaline sand are scrubs in which the canopy varies from closed to open and patchy and dominant species depends on fire frequency and local species complement. Facies dominated by Myoporum insulare are distinct from those dominated by Leptospermum laevigatum. Diagnostic species include Zygophyllum billardierei, and Beyeria lechenaultii var. latifolia. Younger examples of the formation may be dense scrubs. In some older examples the understorey may be open and grassy and small byes may occur. In undisturbed examples, the understorey cover is often 100%. Regardless of location, this community is distinguished from other scrubs by having coastal species over a predominantly grassy and herbaceous understorey on deep alkaline sands. Benchmarks: Component Cover % LF Code Dominant Life Form 80% T Organic Litter 60% Expected Life Forms LF code # Spp Cover % Tree or large shrub T 3 80 Shrub S 6 10 Prostrate shrub PS 2 5 Herbs and orchids H 17 10 Large tussock grass LTG 3 5 Medium
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