THE KITCHEN CENTER FOR VIDEO, MUSIC AND DANCE December 29, 1979 Woody,Steina Vasulka 257 Franklin Street Buffalo, New York 14202 Dear Woody and Steina, Enclosed is a rough draft of the videotape catalogue we're trying to put together . A few tapes are listed under your name . Could you please look over this information and make corrections, exclamations and changes where necessary . I would like to have your changes or OK by the end of February if possible . Thanks for the trouble . Board of Directors Robert Ashley Paula Cooper Suzanne Delehanty Philip Glass Barbara London Mary MacArthur Barbara Pine Carlota Schoolman Robert Stearns John Stewart Caroline Thorne Paul Walter HALEAKALA, INC. 59 WOOSTER NEW YORK, NEW YORK 10012 (212) 925-3615 ARTIST ADDRESS PHONE NAME OF TAPE CORRECTIONS/ADDITIONS SUGGESTIONS ARTIST (S) TITLEUS) TIME Ga n m r 0 0 0 cc w r a m wm AARON , Jane and When I Was A Worker Like LaVerne r 0 r n rt N~ x n a0 n BLUMBERG , Skip 29 minutes 0 w 0 K A straightforward account of both management and labor at a w rr Sears and Roebuck Company mail order house in Chicago . The m m plant foreman explains some of the operations of the business n with a tour through the nine floor structure, spotted along m with interviews with workers at a variety of duties, who appear to genuinely enjoy their labors . x R X X x Note : Copy #1 ACCONCI , Vito Red Tapes 140 minutes I, Common Knowledge Picture plane space - novelistic - scheme of detective story . Presents photographs . the recipient of myth . II, Local Color Space more sculptural, notions of America are seen in context, blended into overall notions of culture, civilization . Now he is the instrument of myth . The voice in tape 2 is essayist, III, Time Lag Space becomes theatrical space, the feeling of summing up, a kind of mediation - they are acting out a kind of prototype American novel, X C X X X 1977 Note : Tapes on 60 minute cassettes ARTIST(S) TITLE(S) TIME r w 7d td n w m r 0 0 O m N fD w I.- r G m a w r A 0 n O rt AGNETTI , Vincenzo Video Cassette 1973 30 minutes M a ro 0 w 0 (Documentary #2) n n w rr If one uses a,language, any discipline, to arrive m quickly at a work of art one finds oneself forced to m rr polarize, that is, forced to go back to the starting rt point, to the discipline itself . This is the moment to m instrumentalize the discipline to cancel the structure ; the concepts are thus reduced to pure and simple signals which together form a composition that is, in a certain sense, the equivalent of the signs and colors i n an oil painting . For example in this documentary the polarization occurs by isolating images described from the filmed ambient . In its turn the documentary will develop with a description which is purely phonological . The words deprived of their meaning, are substituted by some numbers . In so far as the word disappears the number which substitutes for it becomes a simple tone-supporter . The visual part recovers spectator-- impact but at the same time declasses the illusion . The word is no longer objective as happens in certain processes which refer the word as a medium back to itself ; instead there is also less of the didacticism of academic inspiration . So it is that the ambient description stripped of ambiguity of language offers a work translated into every language . X C X 1973 ARTIST(S) TITLE(S) TIME 1, . w w cn 3 fD r 0 0 n 0 cD ro w a M w ANT FARM The Cadil lac Ranch Show 30 minutes^_' r 0 I-0 r W ry O H n a fD 0 w 0 n consumption . Four men stand A tape about conspicuous n studio and discuss their involvement with w rr around a television m Ranch project . More conspicuous than the y the Cadillac fD are the men themselves and the vulgarity rr auto as symbol rr of indulgence as visualized by the installation of several m Cadillacs, half-buried in the Texas desert . The tape has little to do with art, but makes a brazen statement about contemporary economics . Best part : two old Cadillac television commercials from 1958 . X C X X X X 1974 ASHLEY, Robert Title Withdrawn 50 minutes X C X X X X Private Parts I. K " The Park B . The Supermarket People in places described in song with settings for piano and orchestra by the incomparable Blue"Gene" Tyranny . II . The Backyard with Peter Gordon (PolyMoog), Marc Grafe (Electronics), X C X X 1978 Jill Koreson (Video) Note : This tape was recorded live at The Kitchen January 6 and 7, 1978 . Tape defective rewinds after a few minutes w fn w w O 0 m A rr fD 0 w O O K O rt M a fD 0 ARTIST (S) T ITLES) TIME w z td n W (D Ir O N 4-1 (D r BALET , Marc Architectural Tales 14 minutes r r) O x K o w n mn rt m rt rr m C X BARK, Jared A . Slotin's Light 8 minutes B . Irene Joliot Curie 15 minutes X C X 1975 BATTOCK, Gregory Outreach : The Changing Role of the Art Museum 28 minutes X C Briefly, "Outreach" is a video spoof on art museums . Battockl asks each participant how their respective institutions are reaching their communities : "What is your museum doing to improve communications? ; How do you plan to accomodate the newest art forms? ; Do you use the 'meat market' approach regarding personnel?", etc . The participants are Gregory Battock, educator, critic, lecturer, author ; Marcia Tucker, art critic, lecturer and Director of the New Museum ; Dr . Judith Van Baron, author, educator, specialist in museum administration, former Director of the Bronx Museum, and currently Director of the Monmouth County Museum of Art ; Charles Hovland, sales supervisor at the Guggenheim Museum . r w n w 0 N n r O I 'ART ISTCS) - TITLE(S) TIME BENGLIS , Lynda Female Sensibility 20 minutes An interchange between two women ; stylized gestures and sexual holding of the other's face, kissing, caressing . Voice over from parts of radio talk shows, country music, commercials, and a religious lecture about Adam . Document 8 minutes Bengl-is uses live video image and photographic image focusing on the differences between the two . Benglis writes on the monitor and draws moustaches on both images . BENGLIS , Lynda & KAYE . Stanton The Amazing Bow-Wow 32 minutes BIRNBAUM , Dara Drift of Politics (two women are active in a space) Laverne & Shirley (subtitled/slowed-motion/extras) . Language usages within mass media are juxtaposed to the psychology/sociology of developed relationships (within the system/ towards the 'projected' viewer) . Note : This tape was recorded live at The Kitchen January, 1978 . ARTIST(S) TITLES) TIME 1-4 0 rt 0 ra G m a w 0 n 0 a m 0 BLACKMAN , Meryl & Window BODE,, Peter (see also : Experimental Television Center) BL, UMBERG, Skip & When I was a Worker Like Laverne AARON, Jane (see also : Aaron) BODE , Peter Blue I-87 BODE,Peter & Window ,BLA~N, Meryl (see also;Experimental Television Center) 3 0 rt 0 m G 0 0 m a 0 a 0 ARTIST(S) TITLES) TIME r w m r 0 0 0 m N ro w r m w minutes r A 0 0 n 0 n BOLLING , George Space Trilogy A 30 x n a. m 0 w 0 (channel 2) n w rr m m rt rr m C x X Space Trilogy_B (Viking Marsat Conjunction Track II - Mars) C N 1976 Space Trilogy C 30 minutes x C x x 1976 (channel 1) Space Trilogy x C x x 1976 (Mars Viking at Conjunction Track III - DSN channel 3) Mars #1 10 minutes 10Mars72- minutes R Jupiter 7 minutes B ARTISTS) TITLE (S) TIME w w 3 ~c w w m r 0 0 0 m N 0 w r ra m w r r) O n rt O H x n a r Romance I 32 minutes O w O BOWES , Ed n N. A feature length romance . "Romance" is a story w n Beth Cannon, Ed Bowes, co starring Karen Achenbach, m Hannah Weiner, Mary Varnum, Britta LeVa, Kathy Dillon, rr Chiam Sprei, Frank Werver, Donald Monroe, Ed Friedman, M Richard O'Halloran, and Barry LeVa . Romance II 32 minutes X Romance III 32 minutes X R X X X X 1976 Romance III,-III~ X C X minutes Note : This copy consists of two cassettes, 52 and 47 minutes . Romance III X C X X X X Note : Reel III missing Better, Stronger 55 min BETTER,STRONGER is a one hour TV show produced for young WNET New York by the Walsung Co . In it, Lana, a habits ; actress, tries to break the audience of some bad bad sexual habits, bad television habits . Lana is accident prone, suffers from jet lag and has a busy day . STARS : Karen Achenbach, John McNulty, Charles CAMERA : Tom Bowes SCRIPT : Ed Bowes, Karen Ruas . X C X X X 1979 Achenbach DIRECTED BY: Ed Bowes hourthetelevision,affectedTheFrenchof(perhapsshotslongStuartSusanCarlosexistence,aboveformalizedofFrenchstudioNew&canabalistic)6twoWaveshortswomenasaccentasInterferencenarrativeAndWhyLoveThe'resort'I'mInareinterpretedinthetoaFormulaIOK,combinedWomanafootnotesHurtsHateevokeMoodsemanticallyYou'reshareaboutCommunism#lreferencesbyanOKaforsomeoneromanticoverduba theminuteandcinemaweanedTIMEminsmin, ARTISTCS) TITLE(S) - - r-lw m 0 a 0 rr 0 m NI-~- m w P- r 0 m 0 W BRISLEY, 10 :30 r A 0 0 K 0 n Untitled M a m GUARDEA, o w 0 n w w ro rr m X C X X BRITTON, A .
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