Appendix I Plant Species of Greatest Conservation Need-Habitat Type Crosswalk Vermont’s Wildlife Action Plan 2015 Appendix I: Plant-Habitat Crosswalk Vermont’s Wildlife Action Plan 2015 I:1 Appendix I: Plant Species of Greatest Conservation Need -Habitat Type Crosswalk G- S- S- SGCN 1 Taxon Scientific Name Common Name Rank Rank Prot Priority Associated Habitats Old Field Shrub, Powerlines RR Tracks, Sandy Openings, Disturbed V Acalypha gracilens Slender Copperleaf G5 S1 M natural communities Aleutian Maidenhair- V Adiantum aleuticum fern G5? S1 H Serpentine outcrop* Green Mountain V Adiantum viridimontanum Maidenhair-fern G2 S2 T H Serpentine outcrop* Oak-Pine-Northern Hardwood V Agastache nepetoides Yellow Giant Hyssop G5 S1 T H Forest, Forest Edges Logging Rds River cobble shore, Rivershore grassland, Floodplain Forests, Acidic V Agastache scrophulariifolia Purple Giant Hyssop G4 SH T H Riverside Outcrop V Agrostis mertensii Boreal Bentgrass G5 S1 M Alpine meadow*, Boreal outcrop Alluvial shrub swamp, Floodplain Forests, Silver maple-ostrich fern riverine floodplain forest, Silver maple-sensitive fern riverine Allium canadense var. floodplain forest, Sugar maple- V canadense Wild Garlic G5 S1 T M ostrich fern riverine floodplain forest Riverside sand or gravel shore, Rivershore grassland, Acidic Riverside Outcrop, Calcareous V Allium schoenoprasum Siberian Chives G5T5 S1 M Riverside Outcrop Allium tricoccum var. V burdickii Burdick's Wild Leek GNR SH H Rich northern hardwood forest Lakeshore grassland, Lake sand beach, Lake shale or cobble beach, Wet Swales Ditches, Lake Mud V Amaranthus tuberculatus Water Hemp G4G5 S2 H Shores Small Round-leaved Red maple-northern white cedar V Amerorchis rotundifolia Orchis G5 SH H swamp, Northern white cedar swamp Ammophila breviligulata Champlain Beach V ssp. champlainensis Grass G1Q S1 E H Lake sand beach*, Sand dune* Long-headed Temperate calcareous outcrop, Old V Anemone cylindrica Thimbleweed G5 S1S2 M Field Shrub, Powerlines RR Tracks Anemone multifida var. V multifida Early Thimbleweed G5 S1 E H Calcareous Riverside Outcrop* Anthoxanthum monticola V ssp. monticola Alpine Sweet-grass G5 S1 T H Alpine meadow* Temperate calcareous cliff, V Anticlea glauca White Camas G5 S1 E H Limestone bluff cedar-pine forest Rich northern hardwood forest, V Aplectrum hyemale Putty-root G5 SH T H Mesic maple-ash-hickory-oak forest Lyre-leaved Rock- Temperate calcareous outcrop*, V Arabidopsis lyrata cress G5 S2 T M Temperate calcareous cliff* Black spruce woodland bog*, Black V Arceuthobium pusillum Dwarf Mistletoe G5 S2 M spruce swamp Poor fen*, Rich fen, Intermediate V Arethusa bulbosa Arethusa G4 S1 T H fen* Lakeside floodplain forest*, Silver maple-ostrich fern riverine floodplain forest, Silver maple-sensitive fern V Arisaema dracontium Green Dragon G5 S2 T M riverine floodplain forest* Aristida longespica var. Pine-oak-heath sandplain forest, Old V geniculata Spiked Grass G5 S1 M Field Shrub Artemisia campestris ssp. Boreal outcrop, Boreal calcareous V canadensis Boreal Wormwood G5T5 S2 H cliff* Artemisia campestris ssp. Lakeshore grassland, Lake sand V caudata Beach Wormwort G5T5 S1 H beach* Blunt-leaved Pine-oak-heath sandplain forest*, V Asclepias amplexicaulis Milkweed G5 S1 T M Sandy Opening V Asclepias tuberosa Butterfly-weed G5? SH T M Old Field Shrub V Asclepias verticillata Whorled Milkweed G5 S1 PE M Temperate calcareous outcrop* V Asplenium montanum Mountain Spleenwort G5 S1 T H Temperate acidic cliff* V Asplenium viride Green Spleenwort G4 S1 T H Boreal calcareous cliff* Appendix I: Plant-Habitat Crosswalk Vermont’s Wildlife Action Plan 2015 I:1 Appendix I: Plant Species of Greatest Conservation Need-Habitat Type Crosswalk G- S- S- SGCN Taxon Scientific Name Common Name Rank Rank Prot Priority1 Associated Habitats Astragalus canadensis var. V canadensis Canadian Milk-vetch G5 S2 T H Lake shale or cobble beach* Astragalus robbinsii var. V jesupii Jesup's Milk-vetch G5T1 S1 E H Calcareous Riverside Outcrop* Astragalus robbinsii var. Boreal outcrop, Boreal calcareous V minor Blake's Milk-vetch G5T5 S2 H cliff* Temperate calcareous outcrop, Dry oak forest, Dry Red Oak-White Pine Forest, Dry oak-hickory- Smooth False- hophornbeam forest, Powerlines RR V Aureolaria flava var. flava foxglove G5 S2 M Tracks Temperate acidic outcrop, Dry oak V Aureolaria pedicularia Feverweed G5 S1 M forest, Powerlines RR Tracks Downy False- Temperate calcareous outcrop, Dry V Aureolaria virginica foxglove G5 S1 M oak forest* Red or silver maple-green ash swamp, Red maple-Sphagnum Acidic Basin, Red maple-black gum swamp, Wet Sand-Over-Clay Forest, Red maple-white pine-huckleberry V Bartonia virginica Yellow Bartonia G5 S2 M swamp V Betula minor Dwarf Birch G4 S1 PE H Subalpine krummholz* Lakeside floodplain forest*, Red or V Bidens discoidea Small Bidens G5 S2 M silver maple-green ash swamp V Blephilia ciliata Downy Wood-mint G5 SH H Old Field Shrub Blephilia hirsuta var. Rich northern hardwood forest*, Old V glabrata Hairy Wood-mint G5? S1 T H Field Shrub Blephilia hirsuta var. V hirsuta Hairy Wood-mint G5?T5? S2 T H Rich northern hardwood forest Transition hardwood talus woodland, Cultivated Land/ Hayfield, Disturbed V Blitum capitatum Strawberry Blite G5 S1 M natural communities Temperate acidic outcrop, Temperate calcareous outcrop, Drummond's Rock- Temperate calcareous cliff, Northern V Boechera stricta cress G5 S1S2 E M hardwood talus woodland Temperate calcareous outcrop, V Borodinia missouriensis Green Rock-cress G4G5Q S1 H Temperate calcareous cliff V Botrychium ascendens Upswept Moonwort G3 S1 H Temperate calcareous outcrop* V Botrychium campestre Prairie Moonwort G3G4 S1 H Temperate calcareous outcrop* V Botrychium lunaria Common Moonwort G5 SH H Old Field Shrub V Botrychium minganense Mingan Moonwort G4G5 SH E H Rich northern hardwood forest Northern hardwood forest, Rich Blunt-lobed northern hardwood forest, Forest V Botrychium oneidense Grapefern G4 S1 H Edges Logging Rds Pine-oak-heath sandplain forest, Old V Botrychium rugulosum Rugulose Grape-fern G3 S1 H Field Shrub, Sandy Opening V Botrychium spathulatum Spatulate Moonwort GNF S1 M Temperate calcareous outcrop* V Botrychium tenebrosum Shade Moonwort G5T4 S1 H Northern white cedar swamp* V Braya humilis Northern Rock-cress G5 S1 T H Boreal calcareous cliff* Temperate calcareous outcrop*, Transition Hardwood Limestone V Bromus kalmii Wild Chess G5 S2 M Forest* Calamagrostis canadensis V var. langsdorfii Langsdorf's Bluejoint G5T5 S1 H Boreal calcareous cliff Calamagrostis canadensis V var. macouniana Short-flower Bluejoint G5T5? SH H Marshes & Sedge Meadows Pickering's Reed Alpine peatland, Shallow emergent V Calamagrostis pickeringii Bent-grass G4 S1 M marsh Calamagrostis stricta ssp. Boreal calcareous cliff*, Temperate V inexpansa Bentgrass G5T5 S1 E H calcareous cliff I:2 Vermont’s Wildlife Action Plan 2015 Appendix I: Plant-Habitat Crosswalk Appendix I: Plant Species of Greatest Conservation Need-Habitat Type Crosswalk G- S- S- SGCN Taxon Scientific Name Common Name Rank Rank Prot Priority1 Associated Habitats Northern Water- V Callitriche hermaphroditica starwort G5 SH H Lacustrine V Callitriche heterophylla Large Water-starwort G5 S2 M Oligotrophic, High Elevation Acidic Calypso bulbosa var. V americana Fairy Slipper G5 S1 T H Northern white cedar swamp* Calystegia silvatica ssp. Twin-flower Hedge V fraterniflora Bindweed G4G5 S2 H Old Field Shrub Temperate acidic outcrop, Temperate calcareous outcrop, Pine- oak-heath sandplain forest*, Calystegia spithamaea ssp. Powerlines RR Tracks, Sandy V spithamaea Low Bindweed G4G5 S2 T H Opening Red maple-northern white cedar swamp, Red maple-black ash seepage swamp, Cultivated Land/ V Cardamine bulbosa Spring Cress G5 S1 M Hayfield V Cardamine dentata Cuckoo Flower GNR S2 H Floodplain Forests Temperate acidic outcrop, Temperate calcareous outcrop, Open talus, Transition Hardwood Limestone Forest, Dry oak forest, Cardamine parviflora var. Small-flower Dry oak-hickory-hophornbeam forest, V arenicola Bittercress G5 S2 M Transition hardwood talus woodland Carex albicans var. V emmonsii Emmon's Sedge G5 S1 M Temperate calcareous outcrop Rivershore grassland, Lakeside V Carex alopecoidea Foxtail Sedge G5 S1 H floodplain forest* Alluvial shrub swamp, Red maple- V Carex arcta Contracted Sedge G5 S1 E M northern white cedar swamp V Carex atherodes Awned Sedge G5 S1 H Grassland/ Pasture Carex atlantica var. V atlantica Eastern Sedge G5 S1 M Poor fen, Rich fen, Alder swamp Carex atlantica var. Poor fen, Wet Sand-Over-Clay V capillacea Howe's Sedge G5T5? S1 M Forest, Powerlines RR Tracks Alpine meadow*, Boreal calcareous V Carex atratiformis Blackish Sedge G5 S1 T H cliff V Carex bicknellii Bicknell's Sedge G5 SH H Old Field Shrub Carex bigelowii ssp. Alpine peatland, Alpine meadow*, V bigelowii Bigelow's Sedge G5 S1 H Boreal outcrop V Carex bushii Bush's Sedge G4 S1 H Grassland/ Pasture, Old Field Shrub Boreal calcareous cliff, Mesic V Carex buxbaumii Buxbaum's Sedge G5 S1 E M Clayplain forest, Old Field Shrub Carex capillaris ssp. V capillaris Capillary Sedge G5 S1 T H Rich fen Poor fen, Rich fen, Intermediate fen, Red maple-northern white cedar V Carex chordorrhiza Creeping Sedge G5 S1 E H swamp Temperate acidic cliff, Pitch pine- oak-heath rocky summit, Sandy V Carex cumulata Clustered Sedge G4? S1 M Opening Mesic red oak-northern hardwood V Carex davisii Davis' Sedge G4 S1 H forest, Forest Edges Logging Rds Lakeshore grassland, Lakeside V Carex echinodes Urchin Sedge GNR S1 M floodplain forest
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