PROGRESSIVE REPORT STRATIGRAPHIC CORRELATION AND FOSSIL ASSEMBLAGES OF THE PA SAMED FORMATION By THE THAI WORKING GROUP THE 32nd MALAYSIA-THAILAND BORDER JOINT GEOLOGICAL SURVEY WORKING GROUP MEETING: VIDEO CONFERENCE TUESDAY 27TH APRIL 2021 LEXICON OF STRATIGRAPHIC NAMES OF THAILAND (DMR, 2013) TYPE SECTION OF THE PA SAMED FORMATION A roadcut through the Pa Samed Formation on the Thung Wa-Langu Road, KM9 Wongwanich , 1990, 2002 Type section LOWER DEVONIAN BRACHIOPOD • Boucot et al., 1999 • Pa Samed Formation, Satun province • 12 brachiopod • 4 new species • 3 localities: Locality B-11, 55 km to the north, near Ban Tham Phra, Latitude 7°59´N, Longitude 99°47´E Locality R2, a roadcut through the Pa Samed Formation on the Thung Wa-Langu Road, Latitude 6°56´N, Longitude 99°47´E Locality B1, a roadcut through the Pa Samed Formation on the Thung Wa-Langu Road, Latitude 6°56´N, Longitude 99°47´E Quasiprosserella samedensis, Caplinoplia thailandensis, 4 new species Boucot et al., 1999 Plectodonta forteyi, Clorinda wongwanichi BRACHIOPOD AND AMMONOID IN PA SAMED FORMATION Wongwanich et al., 2004 BRACHIOPOD AND AMMONOID IN PA SAMED FORMATION Namurian (Carboniferous) Brachiopod : 8 species • 2 new genera; Eileenella Racheboeuf and Plicambocoelia Boucot and Brunton • 5 new species • Aseptella satunensis • Eileenella elegans • Tornquistia orthogona • Coledium satuni • Plicambocoelia tansathieni Lower Carboniferous Brachiopod Plicambocoelia tansathieni AMMONOID IN PA SAMED FORMATION Wongwanich et al., 2004 Wongwanich et al., 1990, Tentaculite; Nowakia, Styliolina, Metastyliolina Lower Devonian from the Pa Samed Formation at KM 9 to Langu, Satun Province Styliolina sp. : Mollusca 13 Tentaculite: Nowakia acuaria from KM 9 to Langu (Agematsu et al., 2006) Lower Devonian Nowakia acuaria LOWER DEVONIAN TRILOBITE Cronier et al., 2006 • Reduced sight Trilobite Plagiolaria poothaii Kobayashi and Hamada, 1984 NAUTILOID : LOWER CARBONIFEROUS • Satun area (Tongtherm et al., 2017) Chidleyenoceras sp. indet. Tainocerataceae gen. et sp. indet. EARLY DEVONIAN Tentaculite, Trilobite, Brachiopod: 14 species No. fossil species age locality reference 1 Tentaculite Nowakia acuaria (Richer, 1854) Early Devonian KM 9 to Langu Agematsu et al., (Emsian) 2006 2 Trilobite Plagiolaria poothaii KobayashiEarly Devonian Cronier et al., and Hamada, 1968 2006 3 Brachiopod Orbiculoidea? sp. Early Devonian Locality B-11, 55 km to the north,Boucot et al., (probable early near Ban Tham Phra, Latitude1999 Emsian) 7°59´N, Longitude 99°47´E 4 Brachiopod Plectodonta (Plectodonta)Early Devonian Locality R2, a roadcut through theBoucot et al., Forteyi Boucot and Cocks, in(probable early Pa Samed Formation on the1999 Boucot et al., 1999 Emsian) Thung Wa-Langu Road, Latitude 6°56´N, Longitude 99°47´E 5 Brachiopod Strophochonetidae Muir-Wood,Early Devonian Locality B-11, 55 km to the north,Boucot et al., 1962 (probable early near Ban Tham Phra, Latitude1999 Emsian) 7°59´N, Longitude 99°47´E 6 Brachiopod Philippotia ? sp. Early Devonian Locality B-11, 55 km to the north,Boucot et al., (probable early near Ban Tham Phra, Latitude1999 Emsian) 7°59´N, Longitude 99°47´E No. fossil species age locality reference 7 Brachiopod Caplinoplia thailandensisEarly Devonian Locality B-11, 55 km to the north,Boucot et al., (Racheboeuf, 1999) (probable early near Ban Tham Phra, Latitude1999 Emsian) 7°59´N, Longitude 99°47´E 8 Brachiopod Clorinda wongwanichi Early Devonian Locality B1, a roadcut through theBoucot et al., Boucot and Cocks, in (probable early Pa Samed Formation on the Thung1999 Boucot et al., 1999 Emsian) Wa-Langu Road, Latitude 6°56´N, Longitude 99°47´E 9 Brachiopod Rhynchonellid Early Devonian Locality B-11, 55 km to the north,Boucot et al., indeterminate genus and (probable early near Ban Tham Phra, Latitude1999 species Emsian) 7°59´N, Longitude 99°47´E 10 Brachiopod Lissatrypa sp. Early Devonian Locality B-11, 55 km to the north,Boucot et al., (probable early near Ban Tham Phra, Latitude1999 Emsian) 7°59´N, Longitude 99°47´E 11 Brachiopod Quasiprosserella Early Devonian Locality B-11, 55 km to the north,Boucot et al., samedensis Boucot and (probable early near Ban Tham Phra, Latitude1999 Cocks, in Boucot et al., Emsian) 7°59´N, Longitude 99°47´E 1999 12 Brachiopod Athyridoid indeterminate Early Devonian Locality B-11, 55 km to the north,Boucot et al., genus and species (probable early near Ban Tham Phra, Latitude1999 Emsian) 7°59´N, Longitude 99°47´E 13 Brachiopod Spiriferid indeterminate Early Devonian Locality R2, a roadcut through theBoucot et al., genus and species (probable early Pa Samed Formation on the Thung1999 Emsian) Wa-Langu Road, Latitude 6°56´N, Longitude 99°47´E 14 Brachiopod Plicanoplites? sp. Early Devonian Locality B-11, 55 km to the north,Boucot et al., (probable early near Ban Tham Phra, Latitude1999 Emsian) 7°59´N, Longitude 99°47´E EARLY CARBONIFEROUS Nautiloid, Amonoid, Brachiopod : 15 species No. fossil species age locality reference 15 Nautiloid Nautiloid gen et sp. Lower Khao Khanthang, La-ngu District, Satun, Tongtherm et indet. I Carboniferous N 06° 96´ E 99° 76´ al., 2017 16 Nautiloid Chidleyenoceras sp. Lower Khao Banhan, La-ngu District, Satun, N Tongtherm et indet. Carboniferous 06° 93´ E 99° 79´ al., 2017 17 Nautiloid Tainocerataceae gen. Lower Khao Banhan, La-ngu District, Satun, N Tongtherm et et sp. indet. Carboniferous 06° 93´ E 99° 79´ al., 2017 18 Nautiloid Nautilaceae gen. et Upper Khao Banhan, La-ngu District, Satun, N Tongtherm et sp. indet Carboniferous 06° 56´ E 99° 47´ al., 2017 19 Amonoid Stenopronorites cf. Carboniferous close to road section at Ban Pa Samed, Wongwanich uralensis (Karpinsky, (Namurian) between kilometers 9 and 10 et al., 2004 1889) No. fossil species age locality reference 20 Amonoid Stenopronorites aff. Carboniferous close to road section at Wongwanich et uralensis (Namurian) Ban Pa Samed, between al., 2004 (Karpinsky, 1889) kilometers 9 and 10 21 Brachiopod Aseptella satunensisCarboniferous B-10 close to road section Wongwanich et Brunton, in (Namurian) at Ban Pa Samed, between al., 2004 Wongwanich et al., kilometers 9 and 10 2004 22 Brachiopod Eileenella elegans Carboniferous B-10 close to road section Wongwanich et Racheboeuf, in (Namurian) at Ban Pa Samed, between al., 2004 Wongwanich et al., kilometers 9 and 10 2004 23 Brachiopod Tornquistia Carboniferous B-10 close to road section Wongwanich et orthogona (Namurian) at Ban Pa Samed, between al., 2004 Racheboeuf, in kilometers 9 and 10 Wongwanich et al., 2004 No. fossil species age locality reference 24 Brachiopod Coledium satuni Boucot and Brunton,Carboniferous B-10 close to road section atWongwanich et al., in Wongwanich et al., 2004 (Namurian) Ban Pa Samed, between2004 kilometers 9 and 10 25 Brachiopod Plicambocoelia tansathieni Boucot andCarboniferous B-10 close to road section atWongwanich et al., Brunton, in Wongwanich et al., 2004 (Namurian) Ban Pa Samed, between2004 kilometers 9 and 10 26 Brachiopod Crurithyris species indeterminate Carboniferous B-10 close to road section atWongwanich et al., (Namurian) Ban Pa Samed, between2004 kilometers 9 and 10 27 Brachiopod cf. Martinia sp. Carboniferous B-10 close to road section atWongwanich et al., (Namurian) Ban Pa Samed, between2004 kilometers 9 and 10 28 Brachiopod cf. Reticularia M'Coy, 1842 Carboniferous B-10 close to road section atWongwanich et al., (Namurian) Ban Pa Samed, between2004 kilometers 9 and 10 29 Brachiopod Girtyella sp. Carboniferous B-10 close to road section atWongwanich et al., (Namurian) Ban Pa Samed, between2004 kilometers 9 and 10 REFERENCE SECTION NO.1 The study area is located at a quarry on the 9th Km of La Ngu-Thung Wa main road no 4078, Ban Pa Samet, Kum Phaeng Subdistrict, La Ngu District, Satun Province, at UTM 0585129E 0770137N (WGS84). The outcrop is approximately 80,000 square meters (Department of Mineral Resources, 2014) Department of Mineral Resources, 2014, Lithostratigraphy, Faunal Assemblages, Biodiversity, Paleocology and Environment of Deposition of the Cambrian-Permian Rocks in Satun Province, Peninsular Thailand: Bureau of Geological Survey, Department of Mineral Resources, Bangkok, Thailand, 221 p. Kuan Tang Formation SD Thung Song Group O The Rung Nok Formation Pa Samed Formation SD Pa Samed Formation SD Khuan Klang Formation (C) Kaeng Krachan Group (CP) : The Khao Phra Formation LITHOSTRATIGRAPHY OF THE PALEOZOIC SEQUENCE IN A MEASURED SECTION OF THE STUDY AREA AT BAN PA SAMET, LA NGU DISTRICT, SATUN PROVINCE. Photograph showing the Paleozoic sequence in a measured section of the study area at Ban Pa Samet, La Ngu District, Satun Province, peninsular Thailand. LITHOSTRATIGRAPHY The Paleozoic sequence in a measured section of the study area at Ban Pa Samet is well exposed at the quarry (47P UTM 0585129E 0770137N). The sequence is located in the lower part to upper part of Paleozoic rocks in this area. The rocks here are composed of agillaceous limestone, laminated mudstone, mudstone, well bedded siltstone and sandstone, sandstones interbedded with greyish blue mudstone and mudstone interbedded with very thin bedded sandstone/siltstone in the upper sequence. General attitude of beds is approximately in the NW-SE direction with medium angle (30.-50.) to the SW. The sequence, approximately 200 m thick, can be divided into 18 units based on their lithologies, primary sedimentary structures and fossil assemblages. Lithologic column section A and B of the Paleozoic sequence at Ban Pa Samet (study area), La Ngu District, Satun Province, peninsular Thailand. Line of section A and B can see also figure 2.1 (modified from Department of Mineral Resources, 2014). C SD O DESCRIPTION OF UNIT PS3 PASAMED FORMATION (a) Definition: Unit PS3 is conformably underlain by soil cover and overlain by Carboniferous sandstone. (b) Lithology: The unit is characterized by limestone interbedded with shale (lower) and carbonaceous shale (upper). The lower part, limestone is interbedded with shale. Limestone is characterized by pale grey to grey color on fresh surface, yellowish gery color on weathered surface, medium-bedded (10-15 cm) and well-bedded.
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