"'NAVY CONTENTS Vol. 12 NOVEMBER, 1949 Australia's Maritime "KEMBLA" EDITORIAL Journal L.H.n to Hi* Editors 5 Published Monthly COPPER, BRASS AND Editor).I 10 OTHER NON-FERROUS ARTICLES Editor: WIRE CABLES & TUBES Wotcli.r! Old Timer f By "l.»." 12 G. H. GILL, V/indjamming in War-time By John N. Burg.is IS Associate Editor: METAL MANUFACTURES LTD. H.M.S. "Phoenii" 19 PORT KEMBLA. N.S.W. Captain Anniversaries of the Month By John Clark 20 W. 6. LAWltENCE. M.I.E. S.S. "Time" By Norman Allan 25 SELLING AGENTS fw,ih DiKrtt>utar> in ill Stein) Moaogiag Editor: Britain'i Battleships By Teffrail 2B BARRY E. KEEN. Tha Royal Navy is Strong and Praparad—By Captain Tapprall Dorllng, WHS & CABLES Tl'Bti i H8ASS «IR1 D.S.O.. R.N » KNOX SCHLAPP PTY. LTD. BRITISH INSULATED Naw Transmitting Compan By A. Hina, B.Sc. 30 CALLENDER'S CABLES lecoraorating the "Navy (.••gut Jour­ Collins HoiLse, Melbourne LTD- nal," Official Organ of th* Navy League PERSONALITIES 84-William St., Melbourne of AustrelV and "The Merchant Navy," Kembla Building, Sydney 44 Margaret St.. Sydney. Commander (S) Ralph Frank Marrton Lowe, R.A.N 17 Journal of tho Merchant Sorvico Guild of Auitralosia. OVERSEAS NEWS. Circulating through tho Royal Austra­ M.rilim. Nawi of tha World 22 lia* and Naw Zealand Navies, tho Mer­ chant Sorvico and to tho general public. News of tha World's Naviai 24 PaMbhed by The Navy League. Royal SPECIAL FEATURES Exchange Building, 54a Pitt Street, Syd­ ZINC ney. N.S.W. Telephone: BU MR. Nautical Question Boi 26 Saas. Ships and Sailors By Norton 31 Without this essential metal there would be Sabicription Rata: NAVAL OCCASIONS NO GALVANIZED PRODUCTS and 12 iuuei post free in tho British Empire,' 12/4; foreign, 16/-. What tha Navy is Doing at Saa and Ashore 12 NO BRASS. nCTION ZINC s also used extensively in lead-free PAINTS and ^ DIE C ASTING and is a basic require- Wholtiole Diitribotors: "Tha Skipper's Wife" By Harold V. Warner 40 ment for many industries. GORDON ft GOTCH (A/sia| LTD., Australia and New Zealand. High-grade ZINC is produced in Australia using z'nc concentrate from Broken Hill, N.S.W.. and BOOK REVIEWS from Rcssbery. Tasmania and eiectrc power generated by the Hydro-Electric Commifiion of "Valiant Voyaging" 17 Tasmania. Literary communications, photographi and letters for insertion (which should eiNIKAL Sole Aust'alian producers bo short) should be addressed to G. H. The Navy for Neirt Month S Gal. 258 Beacomfield Parade, Middle Pari Melbourne, Vic. The Editor does Nautical Quii IS) ELECTROLYTIC ZINC COY. of AU STRALASIA Ltd. not hold himself responsible for manu­ scripts, though every effort will be made Naval Appointments 43 to return those found unsuitable with Head Office —360 COLLINS STREET. MELBOURNE which e stamped and addressed enve­ ASSOCIATIONS. CLUBS lop* is enclosed. The opinions eipretsod Works — RISDON, TASMAN IA in signed article! are those of the The Navy League • writers and not necessarily those of the Navy League. Ex-Naval Men's Allocation of Au.tr.l.. 4* .i- • i teeo • * — ' • W, U • I , I I . i e , • THENAV Y FOR NEXT MONTH "'T'HE NAVY'' lor next month will be a special recruiting M.V. "DUNTROON"—10.500 torn •*- issue, and, will tell the story of present-day recruiting MELBOURNE S. G. WHITE PTY. LTD. into the Royal Australian Navy: what the Navy has to offer; what types of men it requires; what opportunities there arc STEAMSHIP MARINE & GENERAL ENGINEERS, BOILERMAKERS for you, if you are a young fellow with a hankering for the sea and a future of which you can make something; and CO. LTD. DIESEL WORK A SPECIALTY. how to go about it if you arc of a mind to join up, or, at HEAD OFFICE: ALL WATERFRONT TRADES EMPLOYED. any rate, to investigate prospects more fully. 31 King St., Melbourne. There will, of course, be general interest material also, for BRANCHES OR AGENCIES WORKS: LOOKES AV„ BALMAIN instance: AT ALL PORTS. 'Phone: WB2170. MANAGING AGENTS "LANDING AT WASHINGTON ISLAND" for HOBSONS BAY DOCK in which Captain Brett Hilder, a contributor whose work Associates: AND ENGINEERING you will have read in previous issues of "The Navy," tells W. F. JAMES &. CO. PTY. LTD., in an illustrated article of the small, little-known Pacific island COY. PTY. LTD. 15 Nicholson Street, Wooiloomooloo, with its wealth of coconut trees and its fresh-water lake; SHIP REPAIRERS, ETC. BOILERMAKERS, ENGINEERS, BLACKSMITHS. where landing is difficult because of heavy, unbroken surf, Work.: and a special technique has been evolved for getting boats on Williamstown, Victoria. BALLINA SLIPWAY 8c ENGINEERING CO., Ballina, N.S.W. and off the beach. WOODEN VESSELS BUILT, SLIPPED AND REPAIRED. SCHOOLS OF THE R.A.N. Here again, in a well-illustrated article, will be told something of the training of the youth of the Navy, of both officers and ratings. The R.A.N. College, and the training establishments at Flinders Naval Depot. Capstan RECRUITING IN THE PAST Nor will be confine ourselves to the present, but will is a grand deal also with the past, in telling of the manning of ships of the Royal Navy, as well as of our own Australian Navy. cigarette for all occasions GENERAL And there will be the usual features. What the Navy is Doing; Anniversaries of the Month; Maritime News; \A/Uwall^ Aiif4ral!a'c TNDUSTRIAL expuuion at Whyalla, S.A., u dearly ilkletrated in thi< — l News of the World's Navies; and the latest notes from the i W nyaild /AUSTraiia S .una] photograph Juwim the Broken Hill Proprietary-!, •hipyard' and Tbtft why ifs tlu/ayt blast furnace plant (on left). The photograph wai taken prior to the ex-Naval Men's Association and the Navy League. launching of the u. "Iron Yampi" (teen in the centre foreground) on Progressive Shipyard September 1, 1947. Four ships of this 12,500-ton orr-carryin« type will Make sure of your December issue of "The Navy" TIME FOR A be buih. The yard hat completed sixteen veeeeui to date. For ambitious NOW. and enterprising young Australians, splendid opportunities for remmier- CAPSTAN atfve employment exist at Whyalla. THE EMPIRE'S FAVOURED CIGARETTE The Henry , 19 THE EDITORS Lf77-f/?S 70 J.C.LUDOWICI THE UNITED SHIP SERVICES 9 THE "ANNAPOLIS" Yours, etc., & SON LTD. PTY. LTD. ARTICLE D. R. Webb, Sir, 24 Gladstone Street, • • I was very pleased to see an Paddington, article by Mr. Evans in the Sep­ Brisbane. tember issue of "The Navy." 1 Thank you for your letter. PIONEER LEATHER We are making enquiries for you think the last thing of his I read BELTING was published in Western Aus­ regarding the photographs you tralia some four years or so ago. are seeking, and hope to be able During the war much of this to forward them to you shortly. POWER TRANSMISSION author's work appeared in West­ Ed., "The Navy." ENGINEERS ern Australian papers, and he contributed to our literature some THE "CHERRY" MEDAL of the finest poems written of the Sir, • war years. I hope that we are I have read with interest the to hear more of him in the issues excellent article "The Passing of ALL CLASSES OF SHIP REPAIRS AND FITTINGS to come, for he can always be de­ a Convoy" in the July issue of 117 YORK ST. pended upon to present interest­ your magazine, and rather won­ UNDERTAKEN ing facts in the subjects on which dered that the author, "I.B." in SYDNEY he writes. He has the faculty the wealth of informative detail of observation, and seems to pick he gives us, did not make men­ Phone M 4341 88-102 NORMANBY RD., STH. MELBOURNE, VIC. upon points of view which the tion more than by name of (4 Lines) Telephones: MX 5231 (6 lines). less observant writer misses. Captain G. H. Cherry, R.N., Please excuse the typing, as this who was Captain of "Juno" on letter is being written on a very the Australia Station in 1900. old machine which is hard to Captain Cherry was the cause of handle. Long may "The Navy" the striking of the "Cherry continue to supply the wants of Medal" in the ship he command­ our seafaring people. ed after the "Juno." Incident­ NETTLEFOLDS Yours, etc., ally, he is also associated with a J. G. Cragthorne, "Letter to the Editors" in the SCREWS St. Kilda, August issue of "The Navy," Vic. that from Mr. S. A. Pidgeon to Thank you for your letter, and H.M.S. "Active," for he was Com­ ARE ! for your good wishes in the final manding Officer of another ship of USED sentence. We are glad that you the old Training Squadron, H.M.S. IN i are finding the Magazine filling "Volage." some of your reading wants in EVERY P$3< th'e material we publish. We With reference to the "Cherry shall be using more articles from Medal," Vice-Admiral Dewar, in . i. Mr. Wilson Evans in the future. his book "The Navy From With­ BRITISH A- [ ^ Ed., "The Navy." in," says of his own days in the » 9 ' Training Squadron: "H.M.S. SHIP PHONOGRAPHS WANTED .'Volage' was one of the four- Sir, masted corvettes of the Training Just a few lines to inquire if Squadron. Her Captain was ^^™^^ • Vi T^-SB Mr,. you could get me photographs of George Cherry and her First • of the following ships: "Ormis- Lieutenant, Clement Home. The NETTLEFOLDS fe|p£ ,• ton," "Manunda," M.V.
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