Оксана Карп’юк АНГЛІЙСЬКА МОВА Рівень стандарту (9-й рік навчання) Підручник для 10-го класу загальноосвітніх навчальних закладів НБ ПНУС 791255 Рекомендовано Міністерством освіти і науки України Тернопіль „Видавництво „Лібра Терра“ CONTENTS ББК 81.43.21-922 К 26 У Л І4 ГІ |*| П. М &4‘ 2,| '"t М*; й / **3" ’ 1 * * • w ’ " pp. 4-19 People and Relationship Рекомендовано Міністерством освіти і науки України Умот 1\ ш (Наказ про надання грифу навчальній літературі № 177 від 3.03.2010 р.) Умотг \ pp. 20-35 Choose the Career ! Умотг j pp. 36-53 Why Go to S chool? л1 Mmot 4 pp. 54-71 National Cuisine айв • pp. 72-91 Communication Technologies mI УК101Г 1 pp. 92-109 I s th e E a rth in D anger? 4 Ушт 1[ pp. 110-133 The W orld of Painting »ііш зр т Ш ' ньі'ч/г! імені Василя Стефаиика w pp. 134-152 j D o Y o u like Sports? код 02125266 У MOT I 1 НАУКОВА БІБЛІОТЕКА 7 9 12 55 pp. 153-155 1 . S elf-Assessment Grid pp. 156-160 2. H elpful Tips for D eveloping S kills УМОВНІ ПОЗНАЧЕННЯ: pp. 161-167 з. writing Samples 1 1 — текст до завдання озвучений в аудіододатку pp. 168-169 ■4. Common Transitionals а1 і — завдання рекомендоване для домашнього виконання Words and Phrases pp. 170-187 5. Grammar Reference pp. 188-195 6. Tapescripts Карп’ю к О. Д. К-26 Англійська мова: Підручник для 10-го класу загальноосвітніх навчальних pp. 196-202 7. Phrasal Verbs закладів. Рівень стандарту. - Тернопіль: Видавництво “Лібра Терра”, 2013,-224 с.:іл. ISBN 978-966-8790-93-5 pp. 203-220 B. Vocabulary pp. 221-223 ISBN 978-966-308-359-9 (2010) © О. Карп’юк, 2010 9. Irregular Verbs ISBN 978-966-8790-93-5 (2011) ©ТзОВ “Видавництво “Астон”, 2010 © “Видавництво'ТІібра Терра”, 2013 PfB'O Pfiue I A®§© ШШ. ATi o n s h i p I Щ 1 Work In small groups. z Discuss the questions. 0 1 Do you think it’s better to be h WHAT AFFECTS OUR PERSONALITY? < the older or the younger J 111 sister or brother in a family (1) In his book about the family’s a with two children? Why? influence on a personality the British a 2 Does a child’s position in the psychologist Tom Hughes tells that our z < family have an influence on position in the family is the strongest Ш his/her personality? -I factor that influences our personality. а □ Read the article quickly. (2) On his opinion, the oldest children LU Which paragraph (1-5) get maximum attention from their a. m entions: parents, and the result is that they’re a about the youngest usually quite self-confident people. They children?............ make good leaders. For example, the b about the children who famous Prime Minister Winston have to look after their Churchill was a firstborn child. The younger brothers and oldest children are often ambitious. sisters?................. J~J often jealous o f their brothers and sisters They’re more likely to go to university C about Tom Hughes?..... □ and they can be moody. d about the only children? than their brothers or sisters. They often (4) I f a child is the youngest in the e about the most □ get the top jobs, too. They are also family, he or she w ill probably be very competitive children?..... responsible people, because they often □ charming, affectionate and quite relaxed. 3 Read the article again. have to look after their younger brothers On the other hand, the youngest children Which children are usually: or sisters. The downside o f this is that are often quite lazy. This is because they 1 independent and sociable? sometimes this means that when they’re always have their older brothers and 2 charming and affectionate? older they worry a lot about things. They 3 quite self-confident and can also be quite bossy and even sisters to help them. And they can be ambitious? aggressive, especially when they don’t quite manipulative — they use their 4 very organised and responsible? get what they want. charm to get what they want. (3) The middle children are usually (5) The only children in the family (4 independent and competitive. It’s don’t have to share with anyone — so 4 nave the WOrdS,heopposite meaning. a n ic ' e «>« they’re often spoilt by their parents and 1 well-bred because they have to fight with their 2 unselfish brothers and sisters for their parents’ their grandparents. As a result, they can 3 simple attention. And they’re usually sociable, be quite selfish. They think o f themselves 4 hard-working they like being with people, probably more than o f other people. On the 5 rude because they have always had other positive side, the only children are calm 6 children to play with. However, on the usually very organised and responsible, negative side, the middle children are and they can be very imaginative, too. READING VOCABULARY 1 a) Complete the sentences with W O R Do------------- (1 } Match the personality adJectives with their definitions. Use a dictionary. 1 ® PEOPLE AND RELATIONSHIP the adJectives from the Word File. FILE Consult a dictionary if necessary. 1 generous ^ a never lying to affect [a'fekt] 2 reliable b wanting something that someone else has 1 ... people always want to win. affectionate [a'fekjanat] 3 talkative c willing to give money, spend time etc., in order to give 2 ... people want to be successful in life. aggressive [a'gresiv] 4 sensitive others pleasure 3 ... children behave badly because they ambitious [eem'bijas] 5 patient d unkind or unwilling to share are given everything they want. bossy ['bDsi] 6 mean e able to wait calmly for a long time or to accept 4 ... people think about themselves and charming ['tja:mig] 7 honest difficulties without becoming angry not about other people. competitive [kam'petativ] 8 envious f capable of being trusted or depended on 5 ... people think that someone loves energetic [,ena'd3etik] easily hurt or offended by things that people say or another person more than them, or envious [’envias] g able to feel physical sensations more than usual wants what other people have. imaginative [l'maedsinativ] h liking to talk a lot 6 ... people are friendly and enjoy being jealous [’d3el9s] manipulative [ma'mpjalativ] PEOPLE AND RELATIONSHIP with other people. 2 Make opposites using the prefixes iVDCABULARY moody ['mu:di] r 7 ... people get angry quickly and like with the adJectives in the box. PCD I N T °--------------- responsible [n'spDnsabl] fighting. Put them in the correct column selfish [ selfij] o f the table below. The common ways of making 8 ... people have an attractive sociable ['saojabl] the opposites of adjectives personality that makes people like ambitious, friendly, honest, imaginative, spoilt [spoilt] are to add prefixes: them. sensitive ['sensativ] kind, organised, patient, reliable, tidy, ‘un-’, ‘in-’, ‘dis-’, ‘im-’ or ‘ir-’. 9 ... people are people you can trust. responsible, selfish, sensitive, sociable 10 ...people show that they like people very much. 11 ...people like giving orders. un- dis- ІП-/ІПЛ-/ІГ- 12 ... people are good at influencing others to do what they want. 13 ... people are, happy one minute and sad the next one and are often bad-tempered. 3 ) Organise the words into pairs of opposites 14 ... people like doing things on their own without help. and put them in the columns below. b) Work in pairs. Group up the adJectives above into positive, negative mean, clever, lazy, relaxed, hard-working, cheerful, honest, stupid, and neutral characteristics. unpleasant, generous, reliable, mean, untidy, self-confident, moody, organised, bossy, ambitious, imaginative, spoilt, energetic, envious 6 у a) Complete the chart below with five personality adJectives in each column. positive negative oldest children middle children youngest children only children Choose five or six words which best describe your or your friend’s character. Explain your choice. b) Read the article and check your chart. Example: Sociable — I’m sociable because I love being with other people. c) Work in pairs. Look at the completed chart. Discuss the questions. ( 5 ) List as many words which can describe people’s character beginning • Do you think the statements in the article are true for you? If not, why not? with ‘self’, as you can. Group up them into positive, negative or neutral • Do you think they are true for your brothers and sisters or your friends? characteristics. 6 7 GRAMMAR GRAMMAR 1 G R A M M A R 3 ) Complete the sentences using the correct forms of the ‘used to’structure. 1PEOPLE AND RELATIONSHIP P O I N T °-------- 1 Did you ... go to the same 4 Didn’t you ... have long hair? USED TO school as me? 5 What did you ... do when you We use the phrase used to + infinitive when we talk about things 2 I didn’t ... have so many things were a child? which were true in the past but aren’t true now. when I was a student. 6 He never... be like that. Example: I used to learn French but now I learn English. 3 What did you ... study? Italy used to have a king. relationship We can also make comparisons with the phrase used to. Apart from Complete the text by using the ‘used to’ structure used to, all the verbs are in the Present Tense. with the verbs in the box. taLU.T.«TtD UWOOH Example: Now I live in Kyiv: I used to live in Lviv. and carry, be, dance, dress, have, wear She used to do aerobics, but now she does not exercise at all.
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