Effective J -factors for Milky Way dwarf spheroidal galaxies with velocity-dependent annihilation Kimberly K. Boddy,1 Jason Kumar,2 Andrew B. Pace,3, 4 Jack Runburg,2 and Louis E. Strigari5 1Department of Physics & Astronomy, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland 21218, USA 2Department of Physics & Astronomy, University of Hawaii, Honolulu, Hawaii 96822, USA 3Department of Physics and Astronomy, Mitchell Institute for Fundamental Physics and Astronomy, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas 77843, USA 4McWilliams Center for Cosmology, Carnegie Mellon University, 5000 Forbes Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15213, USA 5Department of Physics and Astronomy, Mitchell Institute for Fundamental Physics and Astronomy, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX 77843, USA We calculate the effective J-factors, which determine the strength of indirect detection signals from dark matter annihilation, for 25 dwarf spheroidal galaxies (dSphs). We consider several well-motivated assumptions for the relative velocity dependence of the dark matter annihilation 2 4 cross section: σAv: s-wave (velocity independent), p-wave (σAv v ), d-wave (σAv v ), and / / Sommerfeld-enhancement in the Coulomb limit (σAv 1=v). As a result we provide the largest and most updated sample of J-factors for velocity-dependent/ annihilation models. For each scenario, we use Fermi-LAT gamma-ray data to constrain the annihilation cross section. Due to the assumptions made in our gamma-ray data analysis, our bounds are comparable to previous bounds on both the p-wave and Sommerfeld-enhanced cross sections using dSphs. Our bounds on the d-wave cross section are the first such bounds using indirect detection data. I. INTRODUCTION as for p-wave annihilation without assuming a Maxwell- Boltzmann distribution. One of the most promising strategies for the indirect detection of dark matter (DM) is the search for gamma We use a Navarro-Frenk-White (NFW) density pro- rays arising from DM annihilation in dwarf spheroidal file for the dSph halos and assume that the DM velocity galaxies (dSphs). These targets are especially useful be- distribution is related to the density profile by the Ed- cause they have large dark-to-luminous mass ratios, large dington inversion formula [11]. Under the approximation expected DM annihilation rates, and no standard astro- that a dSph spans a small angular size (which is well jus- physical sources of gamma rays. tified for all dSphs we consider), we employ previous work The flux of gamma rays arising from DM annihilation that has determined the effective J-factor in terms of the depends on the properties of the astrophysical source scale density, scale radius, and distance to the halo for through the J-factor. Under the standard assumption all annihilation models we consider [6]. We then estimate of velocity-independent DM annihilation, the J-factor is these parameters by fitting the associated velocity disper- determined by the DM density profile of the dSph. If, sion to stellar data and present results for the effective however, the annihilation cross section is velocity de- J-factors, integrated over various angular cones. pendent, the calculation of the J-factor must account for this velocity dependence by incorporating the full DM velocity distribution [1{8]. Previous works have Finally, we use the MADHAT code [12] to perform a estimated these effective J-factors for some dSphs, us- stacked analysis of Fermi-LAT gamma-ray data [13] for ing a variety of techniques, under the assumptions of these targets. We obtain bounds on the DM annihila- Sommerfeld-enhanced DM annihilation in the Coulomb tion cross section for each of the annihilation models we arXiv:1909.13197v4 [astro-ph.CO] 31 Jul 2020 limit (σAv 1=v)[3,5,7,9, 10] and p-wave annihilation consider. Limits on Sommerfeld-enhanced annihilation 2 / (σAv v )[4,9]. / and p-wave annihilation have been previously obtained In this work, we calculate the effective J-factors using a smaller set of dSphs, with effective J-factors de- for 25 dSphs of the Milky Way (MW), under well- termined using different methodologies [9, 14]. motivated annihilation models: s-wave, p-wave, d-wave, and Sommerfeld-enhancement in the Coulomb limit. We present the first effective J-factor analysis conducted for This paper is organized as follows. In Sec. II, we de- many of these dSphs under certain annihilation scenar- termine the effective J-factors for our set of 25 dSphs, ios. In particular, for Sagittarius II, we perform the first describing our methodology in detail and comparing to J-factor analysis for any annihilation model. Moreover, previous results. In Sec. III, we use these effective J- we are the first to our knowledge to calculate effective factors, along with Fermi-LAT data, to set bounds on the J-factors of any dSph for d-wave annihilation, as well DM annihilation cross section. We conclude in Sec.IV. 2 II. EFFECTIVE J-FACTORS through an interaction that respects Minimal Fla- vor Violation. In this case, annihilation from an s-wave state is chirality-suppressed, and the p-wave We express the DM annihilation cross section as σAv = initial state is forbidden by symmetry of the wave (σAv)0S(v=c), where (σAv)0 is a quantity independent of the relative velocity v of the annihilating particles. The function [17, 18]. differential photon flux arising from DM annihilation in Following Ref. [8], we assume that the DM velocity any astrophysical target is distribution is a function of only two dimensionful pa- rameters: the scale radius r and the scale density ρ . d2Φ (σ v) dN s s A 0 Furthermore, we take the limit θ 1, where θ r =D = 2 JS(Ω) ; (1) 0 0 s dΩ dEγ 8πmX dEγ is the characteristic angular scale of the target.≡ Under these assumptions, the effective J-factor for a given an- where dN=dE is the photon spectrum produced per an- γ nihilation model parameter n may thus be written as nihilation and mX is the DM particle mass. We have as- sumed that the DM particle is its own antiparticle. The 2 n=2 ~ 2 4πGN ρsrs ~ ~ effective J-factor, J (Ω), encodes the information about JS(n)(θ) = 2ρ rs JS(n)(θ) ; (3) S s c2 the DM distribution in the target. For a target with a ~ ~ central potential and DM particles on isotropic orbits, where θ θ/θ0 and J~S(θ) is the scale-free angular dis- the DM velocity distribution f(r; vp) is simply a function tribution≡ that depends only on n and on the functional of the distance from the center of the target and the ve- form of the velocity distribution, but not on the param- locity of the DM particle [11]. With this simplification, eters ρs, rs, or D. Deviations from this result scale as the effective J-factor is (θ2), which is negligible for the dSphs we consider. O 0 Z 1 Z Z Therefore, to determine the effective J-factor for any 3 3 JS(θ) = d` d v1 d v2 S( v1 v2 =c) dSph, it is only necessary to know the halo parame- 0 j − j ters (ρs, rs, and D) and scale-free angular distribution f [r(`; θ); v1] f [r(`; θ); v2] ; (2) ~ ~ × JS(n)(θ). The latter has been previously calculated for −1 −2 where ` is the distance along the line of sight and θ is an NFW density profile ρ(r) = ρs(r=rs) (1 + r=rs) the angle between the light of sight and the line to the and for all values of n discussed above [8]. We make the center of the target. The radial distance from the halo same assumptions as Ref. [8] about the DM velocity dis- center can be recast via r2(`; θ) = `2 + D2 2`D cos θ, tribution, which is related to the density profile through where D is the distance to the center of the− target. the Eddington inversion formula. Using these results, we We consider DM annihilation models of the form are able to determine the various effective J-factors for S(v=c) = (v=c)n, for integer n. In particular, we focus individual dSphs if we know ρs, rs, and D. on the following possible scenarios: In the following subsections, we describe our procedure of determining these parameters and present the resulting (i) n = 1: Sommerfeld-enhanced annihilation in effective J-factors for specific dSphs. the Coulomb− limit [15, 16]. If the annihila- tion proceeds through a heavy mediator, then −1 (σv)0(2παX )(v=c) , where αX is the DM self cou- A. Halo parameters pling. We fix αX = 1=2π. We use the halo parameter analysis, originally pre- (ii) n = 0: s-wave velocity-independent annihilation. sented in Ref. [19], which calculated J-factors for 41 This scenario is the one that is usually considered. dSphs. We consider the subset of 22 dSphs that have (iii) n = 2: p-wave annihilation. This scenario is rel- confidently measured velocity dispersions and are MW evant if DM is a Majorana fermion, which annihi- satellites. The general methodology for determining halo lates to Standard Model fermion/antifermion pairs parameters in dSphs is through a spherical Jeans anal- through an interaction that respects Minimal Flavor ysis [20{22]. The analysis involves solving the spheri- Violation. In this case, annihilation from an s-wave cal Jeans equation (which relates the velocity dispersion, initial state is chirality-suppressed. As another ex- stellar anisotropy, and gravitational potential) for a set ample, this scenario is relevant if DM is a fermion of halo parameters, projecting it into the line-of-sight di- (Dirac or Majorana) that annihilates through a rection, and comparing the line-of-sight dispersion to ob- scalar current coupling, regardless of the final state served stellar kinematics.
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