READING PEOPLE: AN EXPERt’s GUIDE SPRING 10 | APR–JUN ENVIRONMENT MINISTER JIM PRENTICE 'Old-fashioned conservationist' ALASTAIR SWEENY ON ‘peak OIL’ SATYA DAS ON SUPERPOWER CANADA George Fetherling on Canada’s man in Moscow Fen Osler Hampson on the rise and fall of piracy Jennifer Campbell’s Q&A with Cuba’s ambassador ESTABLISHED 1989 CDN $5.95 PM 40957514 e Westin Ottawa Unveils Its $35-million ‘refreshing’ transformationBy John Charles The guest rooms have been renovated at an average expense of $33,000, well repaid by the clean contemporary look, the large at-panel televisions and the glass-enclosed showers that many of the rooms now boast. “Our new look reects our commitment to help our guests retreat from the rigours of the road and help them to perform at their best,” says General Manager John Jarvis. Even before entering the lobby, prospective guests sense in the transformed 496-room hotel a new sense of welcoming and openness. “Out front, just as throughout the hotel, we’re giving our guests a William Verhey, Director of Protocol Events and Diplo- For very large events, the hotel retains its Confederation new sense of arrival, a sense of ‘hominess,’” says General Manager John Jarvis. “With the more exten- matic Hospitality, says the Westin is anxious to re-establish Ballroom, host over many years to diplomatic functions. its longtime connections with the diplomatic community. The Westin continues to offer top-level services as well as sive windows and heightened ceiling, you can see into the lobby with the replace and the beautiful And with highly attractive new facilities, he is sure that the offsite catering to embassies and to DFAIT. chandeliers … and you quickly nd yourself relaxing from your travels. That is the Westin Experience.” Westin will be more useful than ever to embassies planning National Day celebrations or holding other social events. ´,ZDQWWRJHWUHDFTXDLQWHGZLWKDOOWKHDPEDVVDGRUVHYHU\KLJK FRPPLVVLRQHUDQGDOOWKHLUDWWHQGDQWVWDIIPHPEHUVµsays Mr. The new Westin brings an upscale sense of openness and light When guests arrive at the front desk, for example, they no He is particularly proud of the Governor General ballroom 9HUKH\ZKRLVÁXHQWQRWRQO\LQ(QJOLVKDQG)UHQFKEXWLQ for a whole new lifestyle experience -- whether guests stay longer speak across a long counter to a hotel agent. Instead, RIIHULQJVTXDUHIHHWRQWKHWKÁRRU German and Dutch, and is working on Spanish. overnight in a lavishly-renovated guestroom, or come to the the agents step out from behind the counter and approach hotel for professional meetings, diplomatic functions or social our guests to welcome them, shake their hands, and speak to “When diplomats come over and see this beautiful room with its ´,QWKHSDVWZHKDYHZRUNHGZLWKHPEDVVLHVZLWKWKH302DQG events. them at an intimate distance. ÁRRUWRFHLOLQJZLQGRZVDQGLWVYLHZRIWKH5LGHDX&DQDODQG ZLWK')$,7DQG,NQRZZHFDQEHFRPHD¶RQHVWRSVKRS·ZKHUH WKH3DUOLDPHQWEXLOGLQJVWKH\LPPHGLDWHO\IDOOLQORYHZLWKLW,W ZHFDQVXSSO\QRWRQO\WRSGUDZHUVHUYLFHEXWDUHDOUHODWLRQ The Westin Ottawa announces a $35-million transformation. ´$OORXUHPSOR\HHVDOOWKURXJKWKHKRWHODUHQRZIRFXVHGRQ ZRXOGEHKDUGWRWRSIRUDQ\GLSORPDWLFFHOHEUDWLRQµ VKLSµ that offers guests a whole new lifestyle experience … whether SURYLGLQJDSHUVRQDOLQVWLQFWLYHDQGUHQHZLQJH[SHULHQFHµ they are staying overnight, or have come to the hotel for pro- fessional meetings, diplomatic functions or social events. General Manager John Jarvis says the changes amount to “a FRPSOHWH UHSRVLWLRQLQJ RI WKH :HVWLQ IURP D KRWHO H[SHULHQFH OLNH RWKHUVRIIHUWRRQHWKDWDIWHUWKUHH\HDUVRIKDUGZRUNSURPLVHVSHR SOHDFRPSOHWHVHQVHRIUHQHZDODVWKH\HQWHUWKHSUHPLVHVµ There’s a new and elegant SRUWFRFKHUH, a beautiful lobby that now stands two stories high with elegant accoutrements and lighting, many meeting rooms, and a huge premium ballroom overlooking the Rideau Canal and the Parliament buildings. The guest rooms have been extensively renovated to give a contemporary and upscale sense of openness and light. And the ‘people experience’ of staying at the Westin has been brought to new heights. > The light-drenched Governor General ballroom promises to be a ´,WPD\VXUSULVHEXWRXUSDUDGLJPLVQRORQJHUWRSURYLGHVHUYLFHµ prime choice for diplomatic events and celebrations. The oor-to- Past host to Bill Clinton and George W. Bush, to Mikhail Gorbachev and Vladimir Putin, to Chinese President Hu Jintao, to the Sultan says Mr. Jarvis.´1RQRZRXUDLPLVWRSURYLGHPHPRUDEOHH[SHUL ceiling windows give a view of Parliament, the Rideau Canal and the of Brunei Hassanal Bolkiah and other statesmen, the Westin has served the diplomatic community since its opening in 1983. With HQFHVWRRXUJXHVWV:HZDQWSHRSOHWRIHHOEHWWHUDQGPRUHVSHFLDO very core of the city. With a new convention centre attached to the its recent refurbishment, it stands ready to provide even ner service and experiences to its guests … to oer, in the words of General ZKHQWKH\VWD\DWWKH:HVWLQµThat explains why his second Westin soon to be completed, with renovations to the Rideau Centre Manager John Jarvis, “a relaxing and refreshing sense of arrival and of home to the people we are honoured to host.” WLWOHLV¶&(2·²WKDWLV&KLHI([SHULHQFH2IÀFHU planned, and with the ByWard Market only steps away, the Westin has “the best location of any hotel in any G-8 city – and an ideal place from which to serve the entire diplomatic community,” says John Jarvis. thewestinottawa.com e Westin Ottawa Unveils Its $35-million ‘refreshing’ transformationBy John Charles The guest rooms have been renovated at an average expense of $33,000, well repaid by the clean contemporary look, the large at-panel televisions and the glass-enclosed showers that many of the rooms now boast. “Our new look reects our commitment to help our guests retreat from the rigours of the road and help them to perform at their best,” says General Manager John Jarvis. Even before entering the lobby, prospective guests sense in the transformed 496-room hotel a new sense of welcoming and openness. “Out front, just as throughout the hotel, we’re giving our guests a William Verhey, Director of Protocol Events and Diplo- For very large events, the hotel retains its Confederation new sense of arrival, a sense of ‘hominess,’” says General Manager John Jarvis. “With the more exten- matic Hospitality, says the Westin is anxious to re-establish Ballroom, host over many years to diplomatic functions. its longtime connections with the diplomatic community. The Westin continues to offer top-level services as well as sive windows and heightened ceiling, you can see into the lobby with the replace and the beautiful And with highly attractive new facilities, he is sure that the offsite catering to embassies and to DFAIT. chandeliers … and you quickly nd yourself relaxing from your travels. That is the Westin Experience.” Westin will be more useful than ever to embassies planning National Day celebrations or holding other social events. ´,ZDQWWRJHWUHDFTXDLQWHGZLWKDOOWKHDPEDVVDGRUVHYHU\KLJK FRPPLVVLRQHUDQGDOOWKHLUDWWHQGDQWVWDIIPHPEHUVµsays Mr. The new Westin brings an upscale sense of openness and light When guests arrive at the front desk, for example, they no He is particularly proud of the Governor General ballroom 9HUKH\ZKRLVÁXHQWQRWRQO\LQ(QJOLVKDQG)UHQFKEXWLQ for a whole new lifestyle experience -- whether guests stay longer speak across a long counter to a hotel agent. Instead, RIIHULQJVTXDUHIHHWRQWKHWKÁRRU German and Dutch, and is working on Spanish. overnight in a lavishly-renovated guestroom, or come to the the agents step out from behind the counter and approach hotel for professional meetings, diplomatic functions or social our guests to welcome them, shake their hands, and speak to “When diplomats come over and see this beautiful room with its ´,QWKHSDVWZHKDYHZRUNHGZLWKHPEDVVLHVZLWKWKH302DQG events. them at an intimate distance. ÁRRUWRFHLOLQJZLQGRZVDQGLWVYLHZRIWKH5LGHDX&DQDODQG ZLWK')$,7DQG,NQRZZHFDQEHFRPHD¶RQHVWRSVKRS·ZKHUH WKH3DUOLDPHQWEXLOGLQJVWKH\LPPHGLDWHO\IDOOLQORYHZLWKLW,W ZHFDQVXSSO\QRWRQO\WRSGUDZHUVHUYLFHEXWDUHDOUHODWLRQ The Westin Ottawa announces a $35-million transformation. ´$OORXUHPSOR\HHVDOOWKURXJKWKHKRWHODUHQRZIRFXVHGRQ ZRXOGEHKDUGWRWRSIRUDQ\GLSORPDWLFFHOHEUDWLRQµ VKLSµ that offers guests a whole new lifestyle experience … whether SURYLGLQJDSHUVRQDOLQVWLQFWLYHDQGUHQHZLQJH[SHULHQFHµ they are staying overnight, or have come to the hotel for pro- fessional meetings, diplomatic functions or social events. General Manager John Jarvis says the changes amount to “a FRPSOHWH UHSRVLWLRQLQJ RI WKH :HVWLQ IURP D KRWHO H[SHULHQFH OLNH RWKHUVRIIHUWRRQHWKDWDIWHUWKUHH\HDUVRIKDUGZRUNSURPLVHVSHR SOHDFRPSOHWHVHQVHRIUHQHZDODVWKH\HQWHUWKHSUHPLVHVµ There’s a new and elegant SRUWFRFKHUH, a beautiful lobby that now stands two stories high with elegant accoutrements and lighting, many meeting rooms, and a huge premium ballroom overlooking the Rideau Canal and the Parliament buildings. The guest rooms have been extensively renovated to give a contemporary and upscale sense of openness and light. And the ‘people experience’ of staying at the Westin has been brought to new heights. > The light-drenched Governor General ballroom promises to be a ´,WPD\VXUSULVHEXWRXUSDUDGLJPLVQRORQJHUWRSURYLGHVHUYLFHµ prime choice for diplomatic events and celebrations. The oor-to- Past host to Bill Clinton and George W. Bush, to Mikhail Gorbachev and Vladimir Putin, to Chinese President Hu Jintao, to the Sultan says Mr. Jarvis.´1RQRZRXUDLPLVWRSURYLGHPHPRUDEOHH[SHUL ceiling windows give a view of Parliament, the Rideau Canal and the of Brunei Hassanal Bolkiah
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