Subject Index An “f” following a page number indicates a figure on that page 60 Minutes (CBS), 354 300 (Warner Bros. Pictures), 108–9, 108f 666 Fifth Avenue complex (Kushner as owner of), 136 1619 Project, 270 1917 (DreamWorks Pictures), 38 1967 War, 215, 217f, 222 2020 Donald Trump Peace Plan, 217f, 220, 221f A Abbasid Empire/Caliph about, 4 destruction of, 76 education and, 18 health-care system and, 9 influence of, 12–13, 12f, 160 military of, 191 Spanish, 340 Abdelkader Education Project, 264–65 Abscam, 103–6 Academi, 346 Achaemenid Empire, 309 adab, 169–72, 290, 340 Al-Adhan, 288 Africa and the Blues (Kubik), 297 African descendants killing of by extremists, 249–50 racism and (See racism) religion and, 281–85 slavery of (See slavery/slaves, US in place index) Trump on, 252 Zionism and, 47–48 agriculture, 340 Air Force Academy, 132 Ajyad Fortress, 77f Aladdin (Disney), 354 alcohol, 19 algebra, 5, 339 algorithms, 5–6, 339 Alhambra Decree, 23–24, 196, 267, 293, 343 alimony, 299 almirante, 268f Almohad mosque, 268f Amazighs, 288 American Hustle (Columbia Pictures), 104–5 American Indians (Native Americans). See indigenous people American Revolution, 170, 269–70, 356 Anglo-Persian Oil Company (APOC), 308 Anglo-Saudi Protectorate Treaty (1915), 72 annulments, 158 Antichrist, 122, 136 anti-Semitism. See Jews/Judaism; Zionism apartheid, 218 APOC (Anglo-Persian Oil Company), 308 appearance, physical, 99f, 100, 100f Al-Aqsa Mosque, 81, 114, 119, 119f, 127, 152, 168, 187, 219. See also Dome of the Rock Arab Nation. See also Zionism Abdulaziz on, 65–68, 265 British promise of, 33–35, 40, 40f, 45–48, 69 Egypt and, 81 vassalage program and, 91 Arab Revolt, 35–38, 35f–37f, 99 Arab Spring uprising, 265–66, 358 Arabian Horse (Abdelkader), 264 Arabian horses, 160, 170–71, 171f. See also horses Arabic (language), 267, 280–81 Arabic numerals, 5, 6f, 339 Arabs/Arab. See also Muslims and Africa, influence of, 294–98 hatred of (See vilification against Arabs and Muslims) in Hollywood (See Hollywood) honor of, 169–72 and Israeli hostilities, 215 musical scale and, 297–98 Palestinians and, 351 poetry and, 290 and Spain, influence of, 297–98 vs Turks, 30 Zionist invasion in Palestine and, 210 archangel, 112–13 archipelagos of land, 217f, 218–20, 221f architecture, 340 aristocracy, 145 Armageddon, 124, 129–31, 133, 136, 138, 198, 343, 345, 351 art, destruction of, 180. See also destruction ash-Shurah, 59–60 Ashura, 311 assassinations Ali (caliph), 311 Archduke Ferdinand, 61, 61f caliphs, 59 Faisal, 88–89 Gandhi, 321–22, 321f Guinness, 204 Qasem Soleimani, 348 Richard of England, 179 astrology, 117 availability (discrimination creation), 101 Ayatollah Islam, 18 Al-Azaan, 288 B Babylonians/Neo-Babylonians, 107, 137 Back to the Future (Universal Pictures), 3, 97–98, 171 Bad-Ass Librarians of Timbuktu, The (Hammer), 296 Baghdad observatory, 9 Balfour Declaration Abdulaziz on, 66, 68 about, 43–46, 43f–44f, 46, 49 Bell on, 70f British House of Lords on, 79–80 Faisal on, 84 Sharif of Mecca on, 69 Balkanization, 241–42, 344 Bambi (Disney), 353 Banu Jadhima tribe, 116 Al-Baqi Cemetery, 77 Bastille, 302 Battle of Ar-rur, 327 Battle of Guadalete, 291, 292f Battle of Horns of Hattin, 166 Battle of Issus, 109f Battle of Monterrey, 272 Battle of the Mohacs, 27 Battle of Thermopylae, 108 Battle of Yarmouk, 115–16 Bayt al-Hikma (House of Wisdom), 4–6, 17 Bedouin tribes, 53, 55–56, 63–64, 68 behavioral economics, 97 beheadings, 167, 207, 241, 297, 311, 318–19 benevolence, value of, 9, 31, 85f, 89–90, 170–71 Berbers, 288 betrayals, Western Balfour Declaration, 43–45, 43f–44f, 46 of Kurds by US, 50–51 mapping in Palestine, 32, 39, 127 of promise to Sharif, WWI, 33–35, 40, 40f, 45–48 of Sharif of Mecca by Abdulaziz, 69–70 Sykes-Picot Agreement, 45–48 Zionism and (See Zionism) Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), 324, 326 biases. See discrimination Bible alterations of, 124 American Revolution and, 270 borders inspired by, 41 Columbus and, 267–68 desert in, 75f Deuteronomy 20:16-18, 195, 209 and Israel creation, impact on, 209 Israel in vs state of, 350–52 Jews and Palestinian conquers, 195 John, 2:19, 138 literal interpretation of, 129 Muhammad (Prophet) prophesied in, 114 Philistines and, 350–52 Revelation, 20:1-6, 125 Romans, 11:25, 124 Second Coming of Jesus prophecy and, 125, 134 translation of into English, 124, 343 Zionist interpretations of, 45, 49, 344 (See also Zionism) biblical law, 133 biblical Zionism. See Zionism Biden, Joe, 49 Bin Laden group, 76. See also bin Laden, Osama in name index Birth of a Nation (David W. Griffith Corp.), 188–89, 353 BJP (Bharatiya Janata Party), 324, 326 Black Lives Matter protests, 227 Black Stallion (American Zoetrope), 172 Black Sunday (Paramount Pictures), 98 black troops, WWI, 47 Blackwater, 346 blood and soil, 322, 324, 326 Blood and Soil: A World History of Genocide and Extermination from Sparta to Darfur (Kiernan), 257 blue-eye/brown-eye exercise, 95–97, 96f blues (music genre), 296–97 Blues for Allah (Grateful Dead), 90, 90f blut und boden, 322, 324, 326 Bollywood, 328, 334–35, 335f Book of Calculation (Gerbert of Aurillac), 11 Book of Optics (Ibn al-Haytham), 6 Boston Tea Party, 19 boyars, 238 Bram Stoker's Dracula (Columbia Pictures), 247, 247f Bran Castle, 251 Branch Davidians, 58–59 Brethren, 63 Brexit, 355 bribery attempt, of Muhammad, 112 attempt, of Sharif by Britain, 48, 71 creation of Israel and, 206 of politicians by Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), 103 British Mandate of Palestine, 201 British Zionist Federation, 43 bulldozing of homes in Palestine, 223–26 C cafés, 19 caliphs/caliphates. See also individual caliphs in name index Abbasid (See Abbasid Empire/Caliphs) about, 31 assassination of, 59, 60f British control of (See vassalage program) democracy and, 341 elections and, 310 camps concentration, 28, 28f, 246, 260, 304 rape, 243–44 reeducation of Bedouins by Wahhabists, 63–64 refugee, Palestinian, 213, 223–26 Carolingian dynasty, 12–13, 14f cartoons, of Prophet Muhammad, 348 casino licenses, 103 Catholic Church. See also Christianity American colonies and, 129, 269 Elizabeth I and, 25–26, 26f French, 346–48 and Islamic progressiveness, Middle Ages, 14, 14f Jewish expulsion from Europe and, 23 Luther's rebellion against, 122–23, 129 Protestant relationship and, 25–27, 130, 193 racism in, 285–86 Thirty Years' War and, 193 causes trumping statistics (discrimination creation), 98 cemetery, Al-Baqi, 77 censorship, 226f, 227, 313. See also media/press; speech, freedom of Central Intelligence Agency, US (CIA), 89, 308, 313 Central Powers, of World War I, 29 Charlie Hebdo, 348–49 chess, 15 Children's Crusades, 181–82 Chinese Muslim concentration camps, 28, 28f, 246 chivalry, 169–72, 290, 340 Christian Crusaders. See Crusades Christian Dominionism, 133 Christian Serb extremists, 61 Christian Zionism: Road-map to Armageddon? (Sizer), 129 Christianity. See also Catholic Church in Africa, 285–86 American Revolution and, 270 Catholic French, 346–48 conversions to (See conversions, religious) Coptic, 115 Crusaders (See Crusades) Eastern, 49 on end times (See end-times) European, eleventh century, 148 evangelical (See evangelical Christianity; Zionism) extremism and (See extremism, Christian; Orthodox Christianity; Zionism) and Hinduism, 322 Hollywood and, 248–49 in India, 327 and Islam (See Christianity and Islam) and Jerusalem, control of, 229–30 Judaism and (See Christianity and Judaism) Orthodox, 179–80, 243–46 Ottoman Empire and, 23, 25–27 pilgrimages and, 111 politics and, 129–34 (See also evangelical Christianity; Zionism) racism in, 285–86 Roman Empire and, 110–11 slavery and (See slavery/slaves, US in place index) supremacy, 347 terrorism and (See terrorism) Zionism and (See Zionism) Christianity and Islam Abdelkader and, 264 Catholic hate for Islam, 130 Dracula's Ottoman invasion and, 240 leadership and, fifteenth century, 192 political relationship and, 341–42 positivity and, 340 and power, peaceful transfer between, 117–20 progressiveness and, 14, 14f Shiism and, 312 similarities between, 145 Christianity and Judaism. See also Holocaust/Nazi ideology conversion and, 124–26 duplicitous syndrome and, 42–43, 65, 110, 126, 132, 136, 344 historical relationship of, 195–96 Jesus and, 110 and Jewish expulsion from Europe, 23–24, 196 Jewish massacres of, by Christians, seventh century, 114–15 Luther on Jews, 122–23 the pope on, 227 Church of England, 129, 269 Church of St. Anthony, 251, 251f Church of the Holy Apostles, 180 Church of the Holy Sepulchre building of, 111 Frederick II and, 184 Muslim respect for, 118, 120, 167–68, 178, 341 Third Temple and, 138 tomb of Jesus and, 118f churches looting of, during Crusades, 180 memorial, 111 mosques converted to, 245–46, 268f segregated, in US, 286 and state, separation of, 320, 349 CIA (Central Intelligence Agency, US), 89, 308, 313 Civil War (American), 272–75 Clermont Council, 147–50 Clifford Tower, 174 CNN, 226, 250, 355 coffee, 18–19 cognitive ease (discrimination creation), 98, 105 colonization, 29–31, 33, 45, 295, 314, 357 communalism, 326 communism, 131 Compendious Book on Calculation by Completion and Balancing, The (Al-Khwarizmi), 5 computational thinking, 6, 339 con artists, Arabs as, 103–6 concentration camps, 28, 28f, 246, 260, 304 Confederate army (United States), 255, 272 Constantine’s Sword: The Church and the Jews - A History (Carroll), 132, 150 contiguous Palestinian state, 220, 221f conversions, religious of Bedouins, 63–64, 68 crusades and, 174, 188 to evangelicalism by US government, 132 of Hejaz to Islam, 114 of Hindus to Islam, 330 of indigenous
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