1952 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- SENATE 5293 S. 1833. An act for the relief of Barbara EXECUTIVE COMMUNICATIONS, SENATE Jean Takada; s. 2294. An act for the relief of Carl ETC. FRIDAy' MAy 16, 1952 Himura; and The PRESIDENT pro tempore laid be­ S. 2639. An act to amend the Railroad Un­ fore the Senate the following letters, <Legislative day of Monday, May employment Insurance Act. which were referred as indicated: 12, 1952) On May 16, 1952: S. 1085. An act for the relief of Kane AMENDMENT OF UNITED STATES INFORMATION AND EDUCATIONAL EXCHANGE ACT OF 1948 The Senate met at 12 o'clock meridian, Shinohara; on the expiration of the recess. S. 1154. An act for the relief of Edi Ber­ A letter from the Secretary of State, 'trans­ toli, Gino Guglielmi, and Serafinio Ballerini; mitting a draft of proposed legislation to Rt. Rev. John P. Boland, pastor, .st. S. 1796. An act for the relief of Bruno Leo amend the United States Information and Thomas Aquinas Church, Buffalo, N. Y., Freund; Educatio~al Exchange Act of 1948 (with an offered the following prayer: S. 1812. An act for the relief of Janice accompanying paper); to the Committee on Foreign Relations. In the name of the Father and of the Justina King; and S. 1853. An act for the relief of Hidemi CONFIDENTIAL REPORTS OF NATIONAL MUNI­ Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen. Nakano. TIONS CONTROL BOARD Lord God of nations, of all men, we A letter from the Executive Secretary, Na­ thank You for crowning our being with MESSAGE FROM THF HOUSE tional Munitions Control Board, Department of State, Washington, D. C., transmitting, dignity, for lining our way with the A message from the House of Repre­ guide rails of laws, for giving us a peace­ pursuant to law, copies of confidential re­ sentatives, by Mr. Chaffee, one of its ports prepared by the Board; to the Commit· ful destiny. We are bound to You by reading clerks, announced that the tee on Foreign Relations. hoops of sonship and the love it pre­ House had passed the bill <S. 1537) to REPORT OF UNITED STATES TARIFF COMMISSION figures and fulfills. Often we say "mea amend the act entitled "An act to pro­ ON TRADE AGREEMENTS PROGRAM culpa" as we misjudge its meaning or vide for the extension of the term of A letter' from the Chairman, United States try to warp it away from You and our­ certain patents of persons who served Tariff Commission, transmitting, pursuant to selves. in the military or naval forces of the law, a report of the Commission on the oper­ We bow before You humbly and hope­ United States during World War II," ation of the trade agreements program, for fully; humbly because we are of the with an amendment, in which it re­ the period July 1, 1950, to June 30, 1951 (with earth until you exalt us, hopefully be­ quested the concurrence of the Senate. an accompanying report); to the Committee cause You offer us the better things, and The message also announced that the on Finance. tomorrow we may accept and hold them. House had passed the following bills, in REPORT ON BORROWING AUTHORITY BY OFFICE OF DEFENSE MOBILIZATION Give us this day the humility and the which it requested the con~urrence of hope of our forefathers, who carved out, A letter from the Director, Executive Office the Senate: of the President, Office of Defense Mobiliza­ within a few decades of history's years, H. R. 4323. An act to amend the Federal tion, Washington, D. C., transmitting, pur­ not the mere brick and mortar building Property and Administrative Services Act of suant to law, a report on borrowing authority, in which these counselors debate free­ 1949, as amended, to authorize the Adminis­ for the quarter ended March 31, 1952 (with dom and its fabric, peace and its power, trator of General Services to enter into lease­ an accompanying report) ; to the Committee but the eternal liberties upon which this purchase agreements to provide for the on Banking and Currency. lease to the United States of real property building and these discussions stand. CONSTRUCTION OF EKLUTNA PROJECT, ALASKA and structures for terms of not less than Hold these chosen representatives of 8 or more than 25 years and for acquisi­ A letter from the Under Secretary of the a favored new world inspired. May they tion of title to such properties and struc­ Interior, transmitting a draft of proposed make all of Your world, even that which tures by the United States at or before the legislation to amend section 6 of the act o'f is not yet awake, even that which is tot­ expiration of the lease terms, and for other July 31, 1950, relating to appropriations for tering on the brink of decay, new. Keep purposes; and construction by the Secretary of the Interior it new and wholesome. H. R. 7313. An act making appropriations of the Eklutna project, Alaska (with an ac­ for the legislative branch for the fiscal year companying paper); to the Committee on In­ We ask Your blessing upon their ending June 30, 1953, and for other pur­ terior and Insular Affairs. thinking and their doing; turn the do­ poses. ALLEVIATION OF PROBLEM CAUSED BY CREATION mestic and foreign crises which beset OF SMALL FRACTIONAL INTERESTS IN TRUST them and us into opportunities. Ham­ AND RESTRICTED LANDS OF INDIVIDUAL ENROLLED BILL AND JOINT mer out the golden sun of their language INDIANS and the dark-silvered steel of their deeds RESOLUTION SIGNED A letter from the Secretary of the In­ on the anvils of measured plans for a The message . further announced that terior, transmitting a draft of proposed leg­ world more pleasing to Your providence. the Speaker had affixed his signature to islation to alleviate the problem caused by These things we ask as we twine our the following enrolled bill and joint reso­ the creation of small fractional interests in fingers in prayer to Christ Jesus, our lution, and they were signed by the Presi­ trust and restricted lands of individual In­ dians, and for other purposes (with an ac­ Lord. Amen. dent pro tempore: companying paper); to the Committee on H. R. 5715. An act to increase certain pay Interior and Insular Affairs. and allowances for members of the uni­ THE JOURNAL REPORT OF AMERICAN SOCIETY OF INTER­ formed services, and for other purposes; and NATIONAL LAW H.J. Res. 445. Joint resolution authorizing On request of Mr. McFARLAND, and the President of the United States to pro­ A letter from the Secretary, American So­ by unanimous consent, the reading of claim the 7-day period beginning May 18, ciety of International Law, Washington, the Journal of the proceedings of Thurs­ 1952, as Olympic Week. D. C., transmitting, pursuant to law, a report of the society for the year ended December day, May 15, 1952, was dispensed with. 31, 1951 (with an accompanying report); to LEAVE OF ABSENCE the Committee on the Judiciary. MESSAGES FROM THE PRESIDENT­ On his own request, and by unanimous REPORT ON CERTAIN FEDERAL-AID AIRPORT APPROVAL OF BILLS PROGRAM consent, Mr. MAYBANK was excused from A letter from the Secretary of Commerce, Messages in writing from the President attendance on the sessions of the Senate transmitting, pursuant to law, a report on of the United States were communicated on Monday and Tuesday next, because of the Federal-aid airport program, class 4, and to the Senate by Mr. Miller, one of his official business. larger airport projects that should be under­ taken during fiscal year 1953 (with an accom­ secretaries, and he announced that the panying report); to the Committee on Inter­ President had approved and signed the TRANSACTION OF ROUTINE state and Foreign Commerce. following acts : BUSINESS DANmL E. WHELAN, JR. · On May 15, 1952: Mr. McFARLAND. Mr. President, I A letter from the Acting Secretary of Com­ s. 1333. An act for the relief of Maria merce, transmitting a draft of proposed leg­ Seraphenia Egawa; ask unanimous consent that Senators be permitted to make insertions in the REC­ islation to authorize the restoration of Daniel S. 1365. An act to assist Federal prisoners E. Whelan, Jr., lieutenant commander, re­ 1n their rehabilitation; ORD and transact other routine business, tired, to the active list of the United States S. 1692. An act for the relief of Hilde without debate. Coast and Geodetic Survey (with accom­ Schindler and her minor daughter, Edeline The PRESIDENT pro tempore. With­ panying papers); to the Committee on Inter­ Schindler; out objection, it is so ordered. state and Foreign Commerce. 5294 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- SENATE May 16 SUSPENSION OF DEPORTATION OF ALIENS­ remonstrating against the adoption of the Cb) Instead of the open-ended author­ WITHDRAWAL OF NAMES Puerto Rican Constitution; to the Commit­ ization to make contributions in con­ A letter from the Acting Attorney Gen­ tee on Interior and Insular Affairs. nection with loans for housing and eral, withdrawing the names of An-Hwa Liu and Ann Ling Liu from a report relating to buildings on potentially adequate farms aliens whose deportation had been suspend­ REPORTS OF A COMMI'ITEE pursuant to section 503 of Public Law ed, transmitted to the Senate on July 2. 171, the power was extended for 1 year, 1951; to the Committee on the Judiciary. The following reports of a committee with the power to make not exceeding were submitted: an additional $2,000,000 contributions By Mr. GEORGE, from the Committee on per annum. PETITIONS AND MEMORIALS Finance: (c) Instead of the open-ended exten­ H.
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