ACTA ETHNOGRAPHICA HUNGARICA AN INTERNATIONALJOURNAL OF SOCIOCULTURAL ANTHROPOLOGY A PERIODICAL OF THE HUNGARIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES The journal publishes papers on recent scientific advances in the field of ethnography, ethnology, folklore, and sociocultural anthropology. Emphasis is laid, although not exclusively, on subjects related to Hungary and East Central Europe. Hungarian-related topics in the larger context of Eurasia and other continents are also of special interest. Papers are in English. It is published biannually. Abstracted/indexed in Bibliographie Linguistigue/Linguistic Bibliography, Elsevier GEO Abstracts, International Bibliographies IBZ and IBR, MLA International Bibliography, SCOPUS, Sociological Abstracts, Worldwide Political Science Abstracts. Manuscripts and editorial correspondence should be addressed to ACTA Agnes Fulemile ACTA ETHNOGRAPHICA HUNGARICA Institute of Ethnology, Research Centre for the Humanities, Hungarian Academy of Sciences P.O. Box 33, H-1453 Budapest, Hungary ETHNOGRAPHICA Phone: ( +361) 224 6700/ext. 4282 E-mail: actaethnographicahungarica(cilgmail .com fulemile.agnes(plbtk.mta.hu HUNGARICA Reviews should be sent to Csaba Meszaros or Katalin Vargha E-mail: meszaros.csaba(cilbtk.mta.hu vargha.katalin(cilbtk.mta.hu Subscription price for Volume 63 (2018) in 2 issues EUR 530 +VAT (for North America: USD 690) including online access and normal postage; airmail delivery EUR 20 CUSD 28) Volume 63 Number 1 2018 Publisher and distributor AKADEMIAI KIAD6 P.O. Box 245, H-1519 Budapest, Hungary Phone: ( +361) 464 8222; Fax: ( +361) 464 8221 E-mail: journals(cilakkrt.hu www.akademiai.com www.akademiaikiado.hu © Akademiai Kiad6, Budapest 2018 ISSN 1216-9803 AEthn63(2018)1 Printed in EU The electronic version of the Acta Ethnographica Hungarica can be accessed at the webpage of the journal. http://www.akademiai.com/loi/022 Instructions to Authors can be downloaded from the same web-address. Editor-in-Chief: AGNES FULEMILE Associate Editors: FRUZSI NA CSEH, ZSUZSAN NA CSELENYI Review-Editors: CSABA MESZAROS, KATALIN VARGHA Translators: ZSUZSAN NA CSELENYI, MICHAEL KAN DO Layout Editor:JUDIT MAHMOUDl-KOMOR Guest editor: EVA POCS Editorial Board BALAzS BALOGH, ELEK BARTHA, BALAZS BORSOS, MIKLOS CSERI, LAJOS KEMECSI, LASZLO KOSA, ILDIKO LANDGRAF, TAMAS MO HAY, LASZLO MOD, ATTILA PALADl-KOVACS, GABOR VARGYAS, VILMOS VOIGT International Advisory Board MARTA BOT)KOVA (Bratislava, Slovakia), DANIEL DRASCEK CR~gensburg, Germany), DAGNOSLAW DEMSKI (Warsaw, Poland), INGRID SLAVEC GRADISNIK CLjub~ana, Slovenia), DMITRIY A. FUNK (Moscow, Russia), CHRIS HANN (Halle, Germany), KRISTA HARPER (Amherst, MA USA), ANYA PETERSON ROYCE (Bloomington, IN USA), FERENC POZSONY (Cluj, Romania), HELENA_RUOTSAL.:" CTurku, Finland), MARY N. TAYLOR (New York, NY USA), ANDRAS ZEMPLE NI (Paris, France) Cover photo: Protective icons inside a car. A Moldavian village with Orthodox majority, County Bacau, Romania, 2014 (Photo by Lehel Peti) Cover design: DENES KASZTA Financial support for the translation and proofreading of the studies in the 2017 volume was provided by grant number NKA 106113/00269. :.:T.:: •'•'••• --------- MTA ·------···----m" BOlcst:szcttudomfoyi KutaLOkiizpont Nepraj::r:tudomhyi I nth.et AKADEMIAI KIADO Contents VERNACULAR RELIGION ON THE BOUNDARY OF EASTERN AND WESTERN CHRISTIANITY: CONTINUITY, CHANGES AND INTERACTIONS Guest Editor: Eva P6cs EVA P6cs: Foreword 7 ESZTER GYORFY: "They Spoke Hungarian but Were of a Romanian Faith." A Greek 11 Catholic Community in Szekely Land in the First Half of the 20th Century JUDIT BALATONYt: From Deviancy to Norm: An Alternative Betrothal Rite in Gyimes 33 LAURA JtGA ILIESCU: New Contexts for the Transmission of Sacred Knowledge: 49 A Case Study from the Carpathian Mountains BEA VtoACS: A Hungarian and a Lebanese Seer 63 LEHEL PET!: Migration and Pentecostalism in a Mendicant Roma Community in 83 Eastern Moldavia DANIEL BARTH: Exorcism and Sexuality: The "Thick Description" of an 18th_century 107 Transylvanian Catholic Priest's Transgression VALER StMtON COSMA: loan Halmaghi and the "Wondrous Craft" of the Pascalie. 129 Bibliomancy and the Calculation Systems of Eastern Chronology at the End of the Eighteenth Century EVA P6cs: The Hungarian Taltos and the Shamanism of Pagan Hungarians. 149 Questions and Hypotheses ANNA JuotT T6TH: Delphi - Shamanism under Control? 197 EMESE ILYEFALVt: The Theoretical, Methodological and Technical Issues of Digital 209 Folklore Databases and Computational Folkloristics Reviews KLANICZAY, Gabor - P6cs, Eva (eds.): Witchcraft and Demonology in Hungary 259 and Transylvania. (Palgrave Historical Studies in Witchcraft and Magic). 2017, London: Palgrave. 412. (Benedek Lang) Acta Ethnographica Hungarica 63(1), 7-10 (2018) DOI: 10.1556/022.2018.63.1.1 P6cs, Eva - HESZ, Agnes (eds.): Orvosistenekt61 a hortikultur6/is ut6pi6ig. 261 Tanulm6nyok a K6rp6t-medence vonz6skorzeteb6/ [From Gods of Medicine to Horticultural Utopias]. 2016, Budapest: Balassi. 416. (Vallasantropol6giai tanulmanyok Kozep-Kelet-Eur6pab61 2.) [Religious Anthropological Studies from Central and Eastern Europe 2.] {lldik6 Tamas) Foreword MISKOLCZY, Ambrus (ed.): Felvi/6gosod6s es babonas6g. Erdelyi nephiede/em- 264 gyujtes 1789-90-ben. [Enlightenment and Superstitions. Collecting Folk Beliefs in Transylvania in 1789-1790]. 2016, Budapest: L'Harmattan - PTE Neprajz Kulturalis Antropol6gia Tanszek. 297. (Fontes Ethnologiae Hungaricae XII.) (Vilmos Voigt) TOTH G., Peter - PAKO, Laszlo (eds.): Kolozsv6ri boszork6nyperek 1564-1743 266 Eva P6cs [Kolozsvar Witch Trials 1564-1743]. 2014, Budapest: Balassi Kiad6. 427. "East-West" ERC Research Group, Institute of Ethnology, RCH, (A magyarorszagi boszorkanysag forrasai. Varostorteneti forrasok 4.) [Sources of Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest Witchcraft in Hungary. Sources of Urban History 4.] TOTH G., Peter - BRANDL, Gergely (eds.): Szegedi boszork6nyperek 1726-1744 [Szeged Witch Trials 1726-1744]. 2016, Budapest - Szeged: Balassi Kiad6,-: Magyar Nemzeti Leveltar Csongrad Megyei Leveltara. 478. (A magyarorsza~1 In this issue, our research team has been given the opportunity to report on some of the boszorkanysag forrasai. Varostorteneti forrasok 5.) [Sources of Witchcraft in results of our five-year religious anthropological research supported by the European 1 Hungary. Sources of Urban History 5.] (Judit Kis-Halas) Research Council. Almost two-thirds of our 15-member research team is represented in the volume, but that does not mean that the total volume of our research, in all its aspects, BARTH, Daniel: A zombori ordoguz6. Egy 18. sz6zadi ferences mentalit6sa [The 269 can be presented: space limitations only allow for some excerpts from the main branches Exorcist of Zombor: The Mentality of an Eighteenth-century Franciscan Friar]. of the research. 2016, Budapest: Balassi. 316. (Vallasantropol6giai tanulmanyok K6zep-Kelet­ The subject of our project, Vernacular Religion on the Boundary ofEastern and Western Eur6pab61 3.) [Religious Anthropological Studies from Central and Eastern Christianity: Continuity, Change and Interaction, is the anthropological, historical and Europe 3.] (Peter Toth G.) folkloristic research of a number of key phenomena of folk religion in a religious frontier zone of Central Eastern Europe. The core of our investigations has been the constantly BALATONYI, Judit: A gyimesi /akoda/mak. Kozos ku/tura es kU/6nboz6 identit6sok? 272 changing constellations of cultural and religious relationships that have existed since [Weddings in Gyimes. Common Culture, Dissimilar Identities?]. 2017, Budapest: the European beginnings of Latin and Byzantine Christianity, and their past and present Balassi Kiad6. 250. (Vallasantropol6giai tanulmanyok Kozep-Kelet-Eur6pab61 manifestations in local religions and folkloristic representations thereof. Our research 5.) [Religious Anthropological Studies from Central and Eastern Europe 3.] strategies were guided by the examination of a number of key issues, such as inter­ (Gabor Vargyas) denominational interactions, co-operation, contrasts and conflicts; religion as an identity­ forming factor; the relationship between formal religion and lay religiosity; the religious world view and religious norms, as well as the role of the priesthood in past and present communities; the modernization and globalization of the traditional religious world view; and the emergence of the esoteric, spiritual New Age religiosity. These issues have been studied through some of the major topics of folk religion (cult of saints, cult of the dead, supernatural communication, seers and shrines, healing, demonology and witchcraft), in broad temporal frames, from the late antiquity to the present. Particular emphasis was placed on the synergic/mutually reinforcing relationship of anthropological research that is based on historical and archival sources and one that is based on fieldwork. Exploiting the opportunities of exploring cultural boundaries, influences and exchanges, our research 1 The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Research Council under the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme (FP?/2007-2013) I ERC grant agreement NQ 324214. 1216-9803/$ 20 © 2018 Akademiai Kiad6, Budapest 8 Eva P6cs Foreword 9 was carried out in the outermost frontiers of the Hungarian-inhabited areas, in multi-ethnic, multi-denominational villages, and in shrines visited by several nations and denominations. her study, ~udit Anna Toth uses the results of her own large-scale source
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