10/10/2014 Tropical Forest (Tropical Moist Forest) (Whitmore, 1990) The rain forest is prevalent over most part of Indonesia. There are considerable floristic variation which are related to differences in soils and topography. Broader variations are also reflected by the horizontal zonation (related to geologic history) Tropical rain forests and vertical zonation (related to elevation) BY: which develop in the hot Tropical seasonal and humid region (every forest which develop in CECEP KUSMANA month is wet, 100 mm seasonally dry climate FACULTY OF FORESTRY, BOGOR AGRICULTURAL rainfall or more) which (4 – 6 dry months with lack of a pronounced dry 60 mm rainfall or less) UNIVERSITY seasons 2011 Main Types of The Tropical Forest in Indonesia Mangrove Forest Mangroves as Interface Ecosystem Climate Soil Water Soils Elevation Forest formation Seasonally dry Strong annual shortage Podsol, Renzina, 0 – (750) 1000 m , Lowland Monsoon forest Ecological Function Latosol (seasonal forest) Forest formation growing in the intertidal zone of tropical and sub- Red yellow 1000 – 3000 m Montane monsoon forest podsolic, latosol, tropical areas, mainly extensively grows in the sheltered coastline, delta, andosol Ever-wet Dryland Zonal (mainly Lowland Lowland evergreen rain lagoon, estuary and river bank (perhumid) oxisols, ultisols) forest (750) 1200- Lower montane rain This forests can grow on muddy alluvial soils, sands, peat, and coraly soils 1500 m forest (1500) 2500 – Upper montane rain forest 3300 m (3350) m Mountains 3000 (3350) m Subalpine forest Terestrial ecosystem to tree-line INTERFACE Podozolized sands 0 – (750) 1000 m Heath forest Marine ecosystem Renzina, Latosol 0 – (750) 1000 m Forest over limestone Soils with high Mg, 0 – (750) 1000 m Forest over ultrabasic Fe, and Si content Water table high Coastal Regosol, Red 0 – (750) 1000 m Beach forest (at least salt- yellow podsolic periodically) water Alluvial < 0 m Mangrove forest Inland Oligotrophic peats 0 – (750) 1000 m Peat swamp forest Economical Function fresh Eutrophic (muck Biological Function 0 – (750) 1000 m Freshwater swamp forest water and minerals) soil 1 10/10/2014 General characteristic of mangroves Example of Zonation in Mangrove MANGROVE DISTRIBUTION IN INDONESIA Halophytes, Salt-tolerant plants 1. Forest nearest the sea dominated by Avicennia and Show a spesific adaptation to anaerobic waterlegged labile soils, tide Sonneratia, growing on deep mud rich in organic matter. flooding, and saline water, with: Develop spesific root type 2. Forest on slightly higher ground is often dominated by Develop viviparious fruit Bruguiera cylindrica and can form virtually pure stands behind Avicennia forest. Develop anatomical tissue to excerting salt (Avicennia, Sonneratia, Aegiceras, Acanthus, & Laguncularia), excluding salt (Rhizophora, 3. Forest further inland is dominated by Rhizophora mucronata Ceriops, Bruguiera, Acrostichum) and accumulation salt (Xylocarpus and and R. apiculata, the former preferring slightly wetter Lumnitzera) conditions and deeper mud. These trees can be 35-40 m tall. Commonly show zonation 4. Forest dominated by Bruguiera parviflora can occur in pure stands and whereas it often invades Rhizophora 5. The final mangrove forest is that dominated by Bruguiera gymnorrhiza. The seedlings and saplings of this tree are tolerant of shade MANGROVE FLORA IN INDONESIA GROUP OF MANGROVE FLORA MANGROVE AREA IN INDONESIA TREES : 47 SPECIES SHRUB : 5 SPECIES 45 FAMILIES HERBS & GRASS : 9 SPECIES MAJOR MANGROVE 75 GENERA LIANA : 9 SPECIES . RHIZOPHORA . BRUGUIERA . CERIOPS . KANDELIA 7.7 MILLION Ha, consist of: 101 SPECIES EPIPHYTES : 29 SPECIES . AVICENNIA . SONNERATIA . NYPA PARASYTES : 3 SPECIES 3.7 M ha in the forest concession area and MINOR MANGROVE 120 . EXCOECARIA . XYLOCARPUS . HERITERIA 4.0 M ha in the private own land) WORLD MANGROVE FLORA 100 101 . AEGICERAS . AEGIALITIS . ACROSTICHUM in which about 32% of them are still good forest. 80 78 MANGROVE ASSOCIATE 60 48 49 40 43 . CERBERA . HIBISCUS . ACANTHUS . DERRIS . 40 34 33 24 CALAMUS . IPOMOEA PES-CAPRAE . DLL 20 6 7 0 1 Thai Bur Viet Phil Mal PNGBrunQue Chin Yae NZ Ina 2 10/10/2014 BRUGUIERA CYLINDRICA Sonneratia alba RHIZOPHORA MUCRONATA CHIP PULP CHIP PULP CHIP PULP KONTRUKSI KAYU BAKAR SIFAT EKOLOGI KONTRUKSI S. alba ARANG BUAH DAPAT DIMAKAN KAYU BAKAR • Tanah: campuran lumpur & pasir, KAYU BAKAR CAIRAN BUAH UNTUK kadang-kadang pada batuan dan TIANG PERANCAH MENGHALUSKAN KULIT karang SIFAT EKOLOGI TIANG PERANCAH TANIN • Tanah: spt R. apiculata tapi lebih TANIN DAUN UNTUK MAKANAN S. caseolaris toleran thd substrat yg lebih keras & OBAT-OBATAN KAMBING • Tanah lumpur dalam, kurang asin pasir OBAT-OBATAN • Sepanjang sungai yg mengalir pelan • Umumnya di pinggir sungai dan CARBON TRADE PENGHASIL PECTINE muara sungai CARBON TRADE Avicennia marina (Jampe hitam) Xylocarpus granatum NYPA FRUTICANS DAUN UNTUK TIKAR, KERANJANG, PAPAN TAS, JAS HUJAN, TOPI BAHAN DASAR Bunga & Daun Buah BIJI SEBAGAI BAHAN MAKANAN DAN KERAJINAN TANGAN SUMBER GARAM, MANISAN MINYAK RAMBUT PENGHASIL ALKOHOL DAN CUKA TRADISIONAL OBAT-OBATAN SIFAT EKOLOGI • Daerah yg jarang tergenang di Pohon Daun sepanjang pinggiran sungai & pinggir daratan dari mangrove 3 10/10/2014 Mangrove Fauna MANGROVE ASSOCIATE MANGROVE FAUNA OBAT-OBATAN BAHAN MAKANAN TERESTRIAL FAUNA MARINE FAUNA DLL Varanus salvator AMPHIBIA EPIFAUNA BIRD & INFAUNA (MOLLUSC) REPTILE (CRUSTACEA) Egretta sp. MAMMALS INSECTS BENTOS (FISH) Macaca fascicularis Halcyon sp. Nycticorax nycticorax Esential Physical Environmental for Cause of Mangrove Destruction Beach Forest (Hutan Pantai) Growing Mangroves Forest formation growing in the supralittoral zone, sometimes subjected to extrem high tide (spring tide and Availability of Nutrient Over exploitation storm) Convertion of mangroves into other land use Water pollution Natural disaster Good Growing Mangrove Balanced Supply of Fresh water Stable Substrate and Sea water 4 10/10/2014 To survive in the habitat of beach Pes-Caprae community occupied the outer fringe Pes-caprae community shows low species diversity, forest, plant must be: mounds of sand, where the beach tends to build about 15 species: Spinifex littoreus Deep rooted Ipomoea pes-caprae Tolerant to salt (saline water), wind, Cyperus spp. drought, high temperature, poor-nutrient Canavalia spp. soil Fimbristylis Capable of producing floating seeds Ischaemum muticum Able to survive being buried periodically Etc. under wind-blown sand The plant in this community are low, sand-binding herbs/grass and sedges Barringtonia community occupied the area behind pes- Barringtonia formation consist of more diverse species diversity Strand species are widely utilized by caprae community on the stable soils or rocky soils, than pes-caprae community (about 30 species) commonly covers the narrow space of 25 – 50 meters Cocos nucifera coastal villagers Casuarina equisetifolia Hibiscus : making rope and cordage Barrinngtonia asiatica Calophyllum inophyllum Pandanus : making mats, baskets, sails Terminalia catappa Casuarina : firewoods Hibiscus tiliaceus Cocos nucifera : coconut oil, woods Pandanus, etc. Plants in this community must be tolerant to showering of sea water, poor nutrient soils, and to drought. 5 10/10/2014 FAUNA Trees of fresh water swamp forest often have to endure FRESH WATER SWAMP FOREST prolonged period of flooding. So, they develop Wader and seabird which nesting, resting and feeding in Fresh water swamp forest are wide spread over alluvial soils pneumatophores in adapting to the anaerobic soils beach forest that are periodically flooded for long periods with rich condition: Sea turtle (green sea turtle, howksbill, leatherback, mineral fresh water (pH more than 6) associated with loggerhead) are nesting in beach forest (Tambelan island, coastal swamp, inland lake and huge low-lying river basin Berau island, Paloh and Lemukuta island at West Kalimantan, Meru Betiri and Baluran NP) Fresh water swamp forest habitat is extremely Coconut Crab (Ocypode) heterogenous in soils and vegetation, where a few centimeters of peat may occur. So that, floristic composition varies from: Floating grass, sedges and herbs In Indonesia, the freshwater swamp vegetation occurs Pandan and palm swamp in all islands in area where climate ranges from Scrub seasonally dry to very wet, in the lowlands and Similar to lowland rain forest highlands. The great extern of freshwater swamp forest in Indonesia occur in the lowland of Sumatra, Kalimantan and Papua Flora Fauna Causes of Freshwater Swamp Forest The most important trees in freshwater swamp forest Fauna diversity and abundance in freshwater swamp Destruction are the genera of: forest vary with the structure and floral diversity of the forest Convertion to Melaleuca cajuputi and agricultural Alstonia Mangifera cultivation (sugar cane, coconut, pineapple, Barringtonia Neesia Macaca fascicularis rubber, palm oil, paddy field, etc.) Campnospermae Pholidocarpus Crocodillus porosus Dillenia Melanorrhoea Eugenia Metroxylon sagu Tomistoma schlegelii Shorea Calophyllum Canarium Koompassia 6 10/10/2014 Peat swamp forests are extent in Sumatra and PEAT SWAMP FOREST Kalimantan. Characteristics of peat swamp forest are: Mineral nutrient amount of the soil decreases toward the center of the swamp, markedly for Low nutrient content of blackwater Peat : a soil type with a very high (> 65%) organic contents, at Potassium and Phosphorus, reflected in the High concentration of humic acid
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