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Terms & Conditions of access and use can be found at http:// Downloaded by [University of Auckland Library] at 14:45 03 May 2015 Mr. A. G. Butler on the Agaristidm. 135 upper surface is beset with minute rough tubercles. No distinct eyes are present ; at the base of the peduncle of the inner an- tennm, on each sid% one perceives simply a small roundish black speck as the indication of an organ of vision. The peduncles of the antennm are tolerably hairy~ the internal spree of the peduncle of the inner antennm longer than the peduncle itself. The anterior legs are very long, and when laid backwards reach beyond the caudal swimmeret: their several joints much compressed, the brachium 7"5, the ante- brachium 3"57 the carpus 47 the dactyti 5 lines long ; the brachium and antebrachium beset with one or two small spines on their outer margins ; the hand is likewise provided on its upper and lower margins with some very fine teeth. The succeeding pairs of legs appear considerably shorter ; the hand, particularly of the third and fourth pairs of legs~ almost pris- mati% quadrangular~ the finger slender, slightly hairy; the terminal joint of the fifth pair much shorter than the conical tarsus ; the coxa provided on its inner side with two roundish projecting scales, behind which lie the orifices of the male genital organs. The first abdominal segment is flat on its upper surface, the four succeeding furnished with a well- marked salient sharp median ridge, which is prolonged at the end of each segment into an acute anteriorly hamate and incurved spine; this spine is most highly developed on the fourth segment. The median ridge is but little indicated on the sixth segment, and bifurcates anteriorly. The pointed triangular median plate of the caudal swimmeret roughly granulated at the base, provided with two ridges towards the tip on the hinder hale The plates of the swim- meret are all strongly ciliated on their margins. Length of the body 2 inches. A single male specimen of this interesting species, found in the Mediterranean near Sicily, exists in the Zoological Museum at Vienna. Downloaded by [University of Auckland Library] at 14:45 03 May 2015 XVIII.--Notes on certain Genera of Agaristidm, with Descrip- tions of new 8_pecies. By ARTHUR GARDINER BUTLER, F.L.S, F.Z.S., &c. [Plate XIII.] THE following notes I have made during my rearrangement of the Agaristidm in the collection of the British Museum. The genera Hespagarista and Damias (part.), placed by Mr. Walker among the Castnii~ are referable to the present family~ 136 Mr. A. G. Butler on the Agaristidm. as also are the genera P/~asls, Massaga, and Psyc/wmor2]ta~ originally placed by him among the Melamerid~e and Litho- siid~e. The genus Cocyt[a appears to me to be somewhat inter- mediate in character between the Agaristid~e and Zyg~enidm ; the antennae are intermediate in character between Agarista and Coronis, in which respect it resembles Burgena (B. trans- ducta) : it will come best at the end of the Agaristidze. Bois- duval erects a tribe, Cocytides~ for its reception. The genera t)hasis and Massaya were referred to their true osition in the first volume of Walker's ' Supplement ' (Lep. et. Suppl. p. 45) ; but at page 136 of the same volume he describes a species of Phasis under the family Melameridm; the type is now in the Museum collection, and is nearly allied to P. noctilux. Josia? separata and Josia ? continua (Lep. Her. vii. pp. 1645, 1646) are referable to the same genus. The genus -Pxtflc]tomorI)]~ais nearly allied to Aly2ia , but has pectinated antenna. Dr. tIerrich-Sehiiffer has unaccountably abandoned the type of Phceyorista (P. agar(stoides)~ an insect with pectinated an- tennve, up.plying the name to species of Walker's genus Jfeta- tlarfsta; m this he has been followed by Walker (Lep. Her. vii. p. 1589, & Suppl. i. p. 59 & v. p. 1859) and Moore {P. Z.S. 1865, &c.). Walker's genus must therefore be restored, and will contain the following species quoted in his Catalogue :--M. transiens (Eusemia transiens, Walk.), J/. bala (P]~ceg. 5ala, Moore), J//. catocallna (Phceg. catocallna~ Walk.), M. leucomela (Pltceg. leucomela, H.-Sch.), J£ trip~ce- noides (P£ce 9. triphccnoldes,Walk. ) , M. longiTennis ( Catoca~ 9. longlpennis, Walk.). The genus Cal~ictala (Damias~ part., Bolsd.) is certainly not Agaristid i it appears to me to be better placed with the Melameridm; Cleoslris would also come better with that group: the antennae in both of these genera are short and hair-like; whereas the antennae of the typical Agaristidm are generally long, and always thickened towards the extremity, as m many butterflies. Downloaded by [University of Auckland Library] at 14:45 03 May 2015 The genus Arycanda~ described by Mr. Walker under the Chaleosii&e (Lep. Het. Suppl. i. p. 123), was placed by him, in the Collection, next to Eusemia --a proceeding which may, I fear, have led others into error. What is, however, more unfortunate, is that it is structurally identical with the Lithosiid genus TigridoTtera , H.-Sch., which is again identical with the genus Pan~t~ia, Guenge, referred to the Geometridous family * Probably owing to its resemblance to his E~tsemia mollis, which will have to be generically separated from Eusemia. Mr. A. G. Buffer on new S2ecles of Agaristida~. 137 Zerenidse. In fact Arycan([a mac~data, Walk., is closely allied to Pancethla 9eorglata, Guende; whilst Pancethia 2ervasata, Walk.~ is perhaps no more than a variety of Tigrldo2tera exul of HerricI1-Schiiffer. The following species are new :-- Genus VITHORA, Moore (allied to HesTagarlsta ). Vithora agrionides, n. sp. Resembles Cystldla stratonice, Cramer, excepting in the body*. (~ ?. Wings above black; primaries with an interno- median patch cut by the median nervure, and terminating just before first median branch~ a large blotch immediately beyond it, within the cell, and an angulated discaI band, cut by six black nervures~ subhyaline white; secondaries with the basal third and a subangulated discal band, cut by six black nervures~ subhyaline white. Body : thorax dark brown, laterally streaked with ochre-yellow in front, collar yellow: abdomen ochre- ~rellow, with a dorsal series of large dark brown spots and lateral series of narrow small spots; below ochre-yellow; renter with two parallel series of large dark brown spots. Expanse of wings 2 inches 5 to 6 lines. Hakodadi (Whitely). Coll. B.M. Genus AGARISTA, Leach. Before proceeding to describe new species in this genus, I wish to call attention to one or two points in Dr. Boisduval's recent paper. Speaking of the genera Eusemla and Alylffa (p. 43), Dr. Boisduval says " Nous les avons adoptds plut6t comme di- visions que comme genres proprement dits." It appears to me that he has not been careful in separating the species evidently referable to these" divisions." For instanc%Ayarista Rosenberyii, of Felder's unpublished plates, is clearly almost as nearly allied to Agarista agricola as to A. milete~ Cr. ; yet Downloaded by [University of Auckland Library] at 14:45 03 May 2015 Dr. Boisduval commences his genus Agarista with A. agri- co/% but places A. Rosenbergii as the 24th species of Eusemia and between E. Tallida, Walker, an undoubted E~tsemia, and ~ E. milete/' which is an .Agarista. The species which follow (E. luctlfera, fenestrat% semyron=cttryso.~ila, Walk., and radians, n. 47) are all Agaristce; the following I have not seen~ but suspect that they also belong to the same gToup :-- * I have to thank Mr. Stretch for calling my attention to Cramer's figure. Cystidiais probably a mimic of ~'it]wra.
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