276'54 EXT.ENSIGNS OF REMARKS September 4, 19 7 5 and Nationality Act to permit adoption of to which farm losses can be used to offset BONKER, Mr. HARRINGTON, Mr. NIX~ more than two children; to the Committee nonfarm income; to the Committee on Ways Mr. RIEGLE, Mr. CHARLES WILSON o! on the Judiciary. and Means. Texas, Mr. w OLFF, and Ms. COLLINS By Mr. DOWNEY of New York: By Mr. O'HARA: of Illinois) : H.R. 9361. A bill to establish a fuel stamp H.R. 9370. A bill to provide that the special H. Con. Res. 382. Concurrent resolution program which will provide fuel stamps to $50 payment which was authorized by the disapproving the proposed sales to Jordan of certain low-income elderly households to Tax Reduction Act of 1975 for recipients of the Hawk missile system; to the Committee­ help meet fuel cost incurred by such house­ social security, railroad retirement, or SSI on International Relations. holds; to the Committee on Interstate and benefits shall be made to any individual By Mr. KOCH: Foreign Commerce. whose entitlement to the requisite benefit H. Con. Res. 383. Concurrent resolution By Mr. DUNCAN of Tennessee: (for March 1975) is established before the designating 1975 as Workmen's Circle Anni· H.R. 9362. A bill to amend section 218 of end of August 1975, without regard to when versary Year; to the Committee on Post Of­ the Social Security Act to require that States the benefit check involved is actually is­ fice and Civil Service. having agreements entered into thereunder sued; to the Committee on Ways and Means. By Mr. HARRIS: will continue to make social security pay­ By Mr. PRICE (for himself and Mr. H. Res. 688. Resolution disapproving th& ments and reports on a calendar-quarter BOB WILSON) (by request) : Federal pay comparabllity alternat ive plan basis; to the Committee on Ways and Means. H.R. 9371. A bill to amend section 6(d) (1) proposed by the President; to the Committee By Mr. DU PONT (for himself and Mr. of the Military Selective Service Act ( 50 on Post Office and Civil Service. EDGAR): U.S.C. App. 456(d) (1)) to provide greater By Mr. KASTENMEIER: H.R. 9363. A .bill •to terminate the authori­ training flexibility for Reserve officers ordered H. Res. 689. Resolution expressing the sense zation of the Tocks Isl·a.nds Reservoir Proj­ to active duty for training for not more than of the House of Representatives that t he U.S. ect, Pennsylvania, New Jersey and New York; 6 months by deleting the requirement that Government should formally record its en­ to the Committee on Public Works and they be ordered to active duty for not less dorsement of the United Nations Standard Transportation. than 3 months; to the Committee on Armed Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prison­ By Mr. GRASSLEY (for himself, Mr. Services. ers; to the Committee on the Judiciary. BAUMAN, Mr. BLOUIN, Mr. DoN H. H.R. 9372. A bill to approve the sale of By Mr. ROUSSELOT: CLAUSEN, Mr. COLLINS of Texas, Mr. certain naval vessels and for other purposes; H. Res. 690. Resolution commending the EDGAR, Mr. FISH, Mr. FORD of Ten­ to the Committee on Armed Services. city of Arcadia, Calif., for its participation in ·nessee, Mr. GRADISON, Mr. HAGEDORN, By Mr. RUSSO: the Sister City Program and its twinning .Mrs. HOLT, Mr. KELLY, Mr. KEMP, H.R. 9373. A bill to establish a conserva­ with Newcastle, New South Wales, Australia. Mr. JEFFORDS, Mr. LAGOMARSINO, Mr. tion corps in the Departments of Agriculture on September 30, 1975; to the Committ ee on MOTTL, Mr. PRESSLER, Mr. ROBINSON, and the Interior, and for other purposes; to Post Office and Civil Service. and Mr. TREE;N) : the Committee on Education and Labor. H. Res. 691. Resolution establishing a se­ H.R. 9364. A bill to repeal the recently en­ By Mr. SIMON: lect committee to study the problem of U.S. acted provisions authorizing increases in the H.R. 9374. A bill to amend the Defense servicemen missing in action in Southeast salaries of Senators and Representatives; to Production Act of 1950 to include products Asia; to the Committee on Rules. the Committee on Post Office and Civil Serv­ produced from coal gasification and coal ice. liquefaction which may be used as fuels un­ By Mr. LENT: der title III in order to encourage the devel­ PRIVATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS H.R. 9365. A bill to deny special unemploy­ opment of coal gasification and coal lique­ Under clause 1 of rule XXII, ment assistance in the case of certain em­ faction; to the Committee on Banking, Cur­ ployees of educational institutions; to the rency and Housing. Mr. O'HARA introduced a bill (H.R. 9378) Committee on Way and Means. By Mrs. SULLIVAN (for himself, Mr. for the relief of Helen P. Elarmo, which was By Mr. LITTON (for himself and Mr. BIAGGI, and Mr. DU PONT): referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. ANNUNZIO): H.R. 9375. A bill to amend the Federal H.R. 9366. A bill to amend the Internal Boat Safety Act of 1971 to extend the au­ Revenue Code of 1954 to require the estab­ thorization of appropriations for financial lishment of formal procedures and criteria assistance for State boating safety programs AMENDMENTS for the selection of individual income tax beyond fiscal year 1976, and for other pur­ Under clause 6 of rule xxm, pro­ returns for audit, to inform individuals of poses; to the Committee on Merchant Marine the reasons why their returns were selected and Fisheries. posed amendments were submitted as for audit, and for other purposes; to the By Mr. WINN (for himself, Ms. ABZUG, follows: Committee on Ways and Means. and Mr. COUGHLIN) : H.R. 8800 By Mr. LONG of Maryland (for him­ H.R. 9376. A bill to authorize the estab­ By Mr. DINGELL: self, Mr. DOWNEY of New York, Mr. lishment of the Tallgrass Prairie National On page 10, after line 25, insert the follow­ PATTISON of New York, and Mr. Park in the State of Kansas, and for other ing new subsection: HANNAFORD): purposes; to the Committee on Interior and "(d) Every contract entered into pursuant H.R. 9367. A bill to prevent the prolifera­ Insular Affairs. to this section shall be subject to the pro­ tion of nuclear weapons by limiting the By Mr. WYDLER (for himself, Mr. visions of the Buy American Act (41 U.S.C. transfer C?f certain nuclear technology and HORTON, Mr. ANDERSON of Illinois, lOa through lOd) and contain the provision materials; to the Joint Committee on Atomic Mr. AUCOIN, Mr. GILMAN, Mr. LATTA, required by the Act for public works." Energy. · Mr. MACDONALD of Massachusetts, Mr. On page 17, between lines 4 and 5, insert By Mr. MITCHELL of New York: MCCLOSKEY, Mr. NOLAN, and Mr. PAT­ the following: H.R. 9368. A bill to amend title 38 of the TERSON of California) : " (i) An applicant for a loan guarantee United States Code in order to entitle vet­ H.R. 9377. A bill to extend and revise the must be a citizen or national of the United erans to 45 months of educational assis'bance State and Local Fiscal Assistance Act of 1972; States. A corporation, partnership, or asso­ for undergraduate or any other authorized to the Committee on Government Opera­ ciati(,,n shall not be deemed a citizen of the programs of education; to the Committee tions. United States unless the Administrator deter­ on Veterans' Affairs. By Mr. BIAGGI: mines that it satisfactorily meets all the re­ By Mr. NOLAN (for himself, Mr. H.J. Res. 632. Joint resolution proposing quirements of 46 U.S.C. 802 for determining MAGumE, and Mr. PATTERSON of an amendment to the Constitution of the the United States citizenship of such en­ California) : United States with respect to the right to tities operating a vessel in the coastwise life; to the Committee on the Judiciary. H.R. 9369. A blll to amend the Internal triade." Mr. BINGHAM (for himself, Mr. Ros­ On page 12, Une 19, after "Administrator" Revenue Code of 1954 to limit the extent ENTHAL, Mr. SOLARZ, Mr. GILMAN, Mr. insert "and to the Congress". E-XTE.NSIONS OF REMARKS LET US NOT ASSASSINATE PUBLIC periodicals, newspaper series, radio and the city of Dallas, Tex., I can assure you CONFIDENCE TV "special programs" demanding that that I have an intense interest in this Congress reinvestigate the John Kennedy matter. Dallas bore the brunt of inter­ HON. DALE MILFORD assassination. national criticism-much of it vicious OF TEXAS Also noted has been an increasing and vindictive-in the aftermath of this IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES number of politicians seeking higher of­ tragic event. The city was literally torn fice-and would-be politicians seeking apart. Thursday, September 4, 1975 any office-that have joined the. chorus If there is one single shred of physical Mr. MILFORD. Mr. Speaker, I have demanding a new investigation. evidence or one creditable eyewitness or noticed an increasing number. of books, As one of the Representatives from one piece of definite, scientific evidence September 4, 1975 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 27655 to point to an altenrnte conclusion, from fore, they could only be interested in have the gumption to defy unions and that produced by the Warren Commis­ investigating the threat to an FBI agent. other pressure groups long enough to set their houses in order. sion, I would be the first to sponsor a res­ There is a valid reason to find out why In England, however, doctrinaire Social­ olution to reopen the investigation.
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