Gardner-Webb University Digital Commons @ Gardner-Webb University The tudeE Magazine: 1883-1957 John R. Dover Memorial Library 1900 Volume 18, Number 12 (December 1900) Winton J. Baltzell Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.gardner-webb.edu/etude Part of the Composition Commons, Ethnomusicology Commons, Music Education Commons, Musicology Commons, Music Pedagogy Commons, Music Performance Commons, Music Practice Commons, and the Music Theory Commons Recommended Citation Baltzell, Winton J.. "Volume 18, Number 12 (December 1900)." , (1900). https://digitalcommons.gardner-webb.edu/etude/19 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the John R. Dover Memorial Library at Digital Commons @ Gardner-Webb University. It has been accepted for inclusion in The tudeE Magazine: 1883-1957 by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Gardner-Webb University. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Jf DECEMBER *■ -1 900 publisher|gipaiteas^a.^coiia^a. ;3 WBTH FIFTEEN CENTS SUPPLEMENT THE ETUDE 425 T fl E E T U D kavszts lezfsoh GUSTAV EII.L1 INSTRUCTIVE CONTENTS WE A. POND & CO. IlsEEFSON.HIlsLE Novelties in Piano Music Music Publishers, THE ETUDE. DECEMBER, 1900. “Fleurs Fanebs" 60 cents Violin anfc flMano DOLMETSCH 60 cents Dealers and Importers ELGAR. E. “Serenade Lyriqub" Conservatory of Music ••Menubt” 60 cents rent FERRARI. G. 60 cents Editorial Notes,. FRUGATA, G. ••Etude Melodiqub’’ 124 Fifth Avenue, New York 420 “Perpetuum Mobile” 75 cents Is Wagner Wearisome? j. $. Van ('ten “Gracibusb” SO cents Collections A thorough education in Mnsic. Orchestra, 4»i G1LLET. E. 60 cents Musical Items.1 “Mes Chers Souvenirs’ Harmony, Ensemble, and Symphony Class 431 •• Dix Valssttes ” 1.00 net PUBLISHED BY Thoughts, Suggestions, Advice, ... 1MBODEN. W. 60 cents ANY OF THE FOLLOWING SENT POSTPAID ON RECEIPT OF ttiwtn 43* I - MATTEI “Dans les Nuaobs• PRICE. COMPLETE CATALOGUES SENT FREE ON APPLlCATUiV free to all students of the school. Send for Children’s Page. Thomas Tapper, •Nocturne Rhapsodioue’ 60 cents MOORE. G. P. 80 cents TO RESPONSIBLE TEACHERS WE WILL SEND ON EXaAINa Catalogue to the Secretary, Weightman Violin De|»rtment. George Uhmann, *33 School and College of Music. S?'SiXiS!. NAVIL.C. “ Mbnuet” J. FISCHER & BRO., 7 “Sf-?°£.SE TION ANY OF OUR PUBLICATIONS AT SPECIAL PRICES "Pastels Louis XV" 60 cents Review of New Publications,. 435 *» ■-**-. • SS Ho., th. *a* VALETTE. P. 60 cents MAIL ORDERS SOLICITED AND FILLED TO ALL Building, 1524 Chestnut Street, VIED. JANE “Minuetto” •PARTS OF THE COUNTRY. The Romantic Story of Wagner’s Life. HenryT. “Chanson du Matin' 60 cents Finch,. 4 J, *^siiLteZuu*, fhoslf- Mt «* “Marquis Bergers" 60 cents PHILADELPHIA, PA 60 cents WACHS. P. "BONSOIRr1 Suggestions for Wagner Study. H. F. Krrhbiel, ! 438 •AMUKl H. BLAaiSLl*. Of an, "Doux Babil" 60 cents Wagner and Operatic Reform. Louie C. Elton. co 60 cents 439 . “ Va-Bon-Train" VALUABLE TEXT BOOKS. HORACE P. DIBBLE, Present State of the Wagner Question. IF. 8 B. TEACHER OF THE ART OF SINGING. Mathews,. 440 Wagueriana,.j [ \ ’ ' | j Novelties in Violin and Pianoforte Mnsic THE Y0UN0 ARTISTS Transcriptions for Singers prepared for church, concert, and oratorio engagements 441 -========== Two Violins and For Terms, address—3631 Olive Street. The Literature of Wagner F. if. Marling, \ [ [ The Associate School of Music Each 60 cents 442 STANFORD, C. V.-Six Irish Fantasias The Modern School of Piano Technics ( Wagner’s Influence on Piano Composition. Emil No. 1. CAOlNl (A Lament) No. 4. War Song Piano (Second Violin ad libitum) in first position. ST. LOUIS, M0. No. 2. Boat Song No. o. Hush Song Bt ALOIS F*. I.KJEAIn Liebling,. 443 Reel is what its iuom implies—the co¬ No. S. JIG. No. 8. It is the most systematic, practical and exhaustive work of Its Outline Sketch of Richnrd Wagner’s Life, . , . 443 Each 60 cents HENLEY. W.-Ninb Short Pieces Vol. 1. Transcribed by Victor Hammerel kind ever published, comprising, as It does, all the means neces¬ The Wagner Craxe. Old Fogy, .. operation of eminent Specialists to Berceuse 444 No. 1. L ETS No. 8 sary to insure a perfect mastery of the instrument. The .ntire J *£ Wagner’s Harmonic Methods. .4. J. Goodrich, . 445 No. 2. I.E Printemps No. 7. Souvenir CONTENTS New England work comprises 150 engraved quarto plates, and Is issued indel¬ How to Meet the New in A rt. C. eon Sternberg, . the end of affording a perfect No. 8. L'AUTOMMB No. H. Mbnuetto ible cloth binding. Printed from stone. j 446 MARCH WITH UNCLE SAM. American Potpourri, No. I. Intro¬ No. 4. Reverie No. 0. It has been the aim of the author to make this work as com¬ Conservatory of Music Outline Sketch of Wagner’s Operas. F. 8. Law, . 447 system of training for students No 5. MtLouie ducing Hail Columbia, Red, plete as patient research and careful study could make it, omtainj 1 Popularization of Wagner’s Mnsic. IF. J. Hender¬ HENLEY. W.—Chansons Russes. Caprice Brillant White and Blue, and My Country nothing which could serve to promote mechanical proficiency. t son, . 446 With separate Violin Part <• Everv chapter treats of a distinct class of exercises and Is ar¬ GEORGE W. CHADWICK, Musical Director * and teachers. No. 1. Original No. 2. Simplified •i •• •* American Potpourri, No. 2. Intro¬ ranged In progressive order. Esthetic Value of Wagner’s Works. H. A. Clarke, 449 The True Spirit of Advanced Study. H. C. laker HENLEY. W —Star of Bethlehem (The) (Stephen Adams) ducing Star Spangled Banner PRICE, Part One, $2.00. Part Two, $1.50. Part Three, $1.50. 449 SPECIAL COURSES in Voice, Theory 60 cents and Yankee Doodle. Organ and Choir. E. E. Trurlle, ........ 45(1 60 cents LIBERAL DISCOUNT TO TRADE AND TKACH BIB LIDDLE. S.-Romance Woman’s Work in Mnsic. Fanny Morris Smith, , 452 NACHEZ. T.-EleGy CHRISTMAS EVE. Introducing favorite Christmas and Sight Singing j* Piano, Organ and 60 cents Vocal Department II. IF. Greene,. 454 Adapted from LidJIe’s Violoncello Solo Carols.L. Kros STERN. L.-Reve D UN Berger 60 cents Publisher’s Notes,. 457 Violin >j*.*j*> A copy of 1900 prospectus WILLIAMS. J.—The Lost Chord (Arthur Sullivan) GAVOTTE.Th. Herrmann Home Notes,. 60 cents THE SCALES, and How to Practise Them 456 Arranged tor two violins Teachers’ Round Table,. 459 mailed on request. THEME AND VARIATIONS.H. Sitt Br A. M. PT7PIN. AddMs FREYSCHUTZ.C. M. von Weber This work is the experience of many years in teaching, tnl POLONAISE.M. Hanisch has been written in the hope of lessening the drudeery of Imparl¬ ing and acquiring a knowledge of the Scales, by making; the Study MUSIC H. W. GREENE, President JUST PUBLISHED EDELWEISS (Tyrolienne).M. Hanisch of them mTERESTifta. , . , • raica is meet roan The correct and rapid execution of the Scales is the funda¬ THE LEADING CONSERVATORY IN AMERICA Wagner Fantasie, arr. by H. F.ngrlmann.|0.4<> FANTASIE ON TWO SCOTCH SONGS (Annie Laurie and mental necessity in Piano playing, and any work that assists In 459 Fifth Avenue New York Auld Lang Syne). establishing the correct principles is invaluable to both teacher Vienna Waltz. L. Schytte,. .60 Provides unequaled advantages for the study of Music, Pianc and pupil. 0 Thou Sublime Sweet Evening Star. Four Hands. CINQUANTAINE.Gabriel Tuning, and Elocution. Excellent Normal courses for TEACHERS. Wagner.SB Every Student, Teacher, and PRICE: Boards, 30 cents ; Cloth, 40 cents. Special Midsummer term from July to September. SIMPLE AVEU.PR. Thome Spinning Song. Wagner-Spindler,. J50 LI BIHAT. DJ8CODJ4T TO TH AD* A 2*0 «*AC«B« For illustrated prospectus, address Little Archers. J. Trill,.30 i FANTASIE ON AM. COLLEGE SONGS ... V. Hammerel A Faulty Tcchmc Professional Singer should read FRANK W. HALE, General Manager The Daisy. Elite Zemiclow,...30 SPRING MORNING.P. Lacombe Th# prim* C4 of lr.- Franklin Square, Boston, Mass. Only Forget. G. Villa,.50 arti»ttcH isiane) I (toytttf i% S. B. MILLS Recollections of Home The Heavenly Song. H. Gray,.. .35 th* natural rmuiaf fluky Valse Humoristiqne. I.. Ringuri,.40 •IrnunUfy tediakaJ tn- The celebrated Caprice “RECOLLECTIONS OF HOME" itnktiwi Vol. II. Transcribed by John Wlegand by S. B. Mills, introducing a charming Scotch meioiy, SIMS REEVES “CHARLIE IS MY DARLING." and winding up with Hunt CONTENTS PHILADELPHIA’S LEADING MUSICAL COLLEGE SWEET HOME," has just been transcribed f0,r,'h' TESTIMONIAL BLUE BELLS OF SCOTUND. G. Reynolds. It is a very brilliant, yet organ-like piece toe The ON OLD FOLKS AT HOME. cert purposes, and we feel confident that good organic BERLIN, iSth June. igoo. ROBIN ADAIR. FORSAKEN. glad to include it in their repertoire. Sternberg” Broad St. Conservatory «f Music I have pleasure in stating that I have a THE OLD OAKEN BUCKET. Price, $1.25. Liberal Discount. number of Virgil Practice Claviers in use MY OLD KENTUCKY HOME. THE CRUISKEEN LAWN. I329-J33J So. Broad Str«t in the Stern Conservatoire. I have known the Virgil Practice Clavier The Art of Singing THE HARP THAT ONCE THRO' SWEET AND LOW. Private and Clara Inatrsrttoa :■ all since the year 18,7. and have had frequent TARA'S HALL Raymond's Cabinet Organ Instructor School of Music HOME, SWEET HOME. branch** by a Faculty of Sfty-Two Art¬ opportunity of learning to appreciate the A practical and sensible method for the study of music, THE MINSTREL BOY. ist Teacher*. Including GlialvT Bav- estraurdlnary advantage-* of this instrument, MASSA’S IN THE COLD how to play the instrument. Philadelphia: IT20 Chestnut St. solds Cottas, Hugh A Ci ***«. Man. and the Method belonging to it. There is This work contains many valuable ST. PATRICK’S DAY. Bt LOUIS RAYMOND GROUND. Constantin von Sternberg, Doc., and HsstrV SchbaMSck.
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