a 'fuerql-I sale/Aqtnos ,{\eN 'Ieupf,S ,{llsra^Iun loqstC z 9002 'qued Jo 'urnlrEqleH I919 erlerlsnv urolsglA qlnos lealts eilooD u€ll€rlsllY ulelso/A r '"ll"Jlsnv Jo uollJefold eery ltnbg seuuog uo pesoduluedns se:enbs eor8ep euo uI eauoJ.rnaJoJI3ql 8ul{r€tu ,,(q podderu uooq e^€I{ suollcalloc " sorcedsqc"e rog polrc ueaq o^?q pouru"xe sueulcads llE "x"1 pJquJsep ,{l'{\eu Jelq} eqt rol slsrJrlcns ^q sercads,{u" uorl"u"A a8uer oql e}"Jlput 01 oP"ur uesq Jo 1o 11n; 'pelnqr.rlslp,ustq seq tdurelle oN pelrJ sr uortcelloc luocot olSuIS E esl^\leqlo e^?_q selircqdnp qc1q,r roj elbgg qcee urtiig suorlcelloi,ue; ",4luo pro.o.Ltoleq ue.tr3 sueurtcads 'I}{g "l:tl 'BNVJ ',^&SN'OV pelcelesJo slsll uorls eqJ HJUAd pue JN t :?rr"qraq 3ut,ro11o;aqt uro:; DlJnutJNJo l?rJol?u elq"p"Au l[" pal?louu" pu€ peulu?xe e^€q ei& 'eluels er" csrpaqlJo esoql ls1q,r elrlJeJe.rt,{"r eqlJo osoql seueqa"clqdrourlp eql (9) pue:s.llrttl sndded go ,roJ olSursoql (g) :csrp aql Jo esoqt uo{ suotsueurtpro .'(SoloqdJoruuI lusloJlp f{pe{r"ur ar" sterou -,{"r eql Jo esoql rdded crqdrourrp aql (i) :sos€qreq}u? osntqo aql (€) :sleJou,'("JJo s,r\ol elolu Jo o,rl eql (Z) :elceldeceJpe{eu oq1 (I) :sia]J"l"qJ Jo, uoLll, -urqruocSur,rolloJ eql Jo srs"q eql uo e?urJolsvoq1 ur ".rouogleqlo uo.rJ pJqsln8ullslp tysee sr ottnutl,u aoDSt.tg pvl- DuoalO'olsnulal 'oulDopod 'olulpDilll 'sJlolrJ epnlJul 'oEuuelsv qclq^\ Io sJeqtueul u"rT"rlsrlv eqrJl-qns e?orelsy eql.Itreql ul sr D!tnu!],[ 'Dunal I,! SnUeB eql uI selJads euru Jo I"tol ? ezlu8oceJ e,1{snql oJeq Suoleq ,{roll.uoJ ulaquoN aql pu" BrT"rlsnv qlnos '?rl"Jlsnv u.rolsoi& u.ro{ selrsoduroJ paqlJcsePun oleqllq eaJql 'uorlrppe uI (0861 ',{rr€g repu€'I) sn ,{q 'llent{ 'g o11s1ddtysnuo8 cld,(}ouou er{l T 'J) 'saltads 01 peurnler sI'rltueg xe llenlr'{ C (flenw Dltollpaonsounutp;1 euo rlJtr.l'^Jo elep o1 pezruSocerueeq s"q 1 sE punwN snue8 eql dn eleru selcedspequcseP ue^es '(OZO1) '(, >lcetS [9 ounwry ur pepnlcur sE^\ D a nallJ snue8 s,el"I 006I) '(g1g1) '1t931) suu"H to orroJ "lpq puz (669y)uuurgog re1oo11I u"qtueg ureqruegfQ Dunurw Jepun petrun eJe,\\€roue8 eseql JnoJ lsrg eqJ suoDcelloJ elSuls uo p3s€q '(6691) Jo 'zJeuea pequcsap ere,t etuJ- o alrnurl4[ pu" (6E81) llenN C o4srddlx t "v o^\.1 sr"e-{ rel"l u1 turq8uruur3 u"llv ,{q lo^ru u?lqc€l eqtruo pelcalloc ?x"1 el"pouluocJ" ot uo)aSoraLlJpu12 ounutl{ 'souwDqloLlJDIEe:eue8 eql pelcere (gEgy) ellopu?J eO uo!lrnporlul 'DaDrAoJd 'sotou erp sderrj uounqr-rlsrppue suoqduJsop l€rnlelrueLuou'tr)nal,4lJo sercedseuiu'Iie oy ,(e{ V erleitsnv urolsol Jo arur^ord lecluelog ueeE{lerg eqt uro4 DlDqdnurDul l,,I :erlerlsnv qlnos Jo uo6eu lE ue]og uletso/lArllloN oqt pue ellerlsnv ure]se^\ Jo secur -^ora lerruelog lsolA qtnos pue uEaeulorAeqt tuo.rJLraupDE lN :,trolurel urequoN eql Jo lrrJlsro Jln9 puB ur^\rEc eql pue €rlErlsnv uralsod\ Jo acur^ord lerruelog urequoN oql urorJ DlDpuadde /.{ :paqrrrsapere o!)nu!JI snue8uerlertsnv eqt ul serreds.{1ou oeJqJ (086t) :Z'! trst,tnN (oeo.rolsv 'eecJsretsv)')( f€Z'.{rle{ tZZ 'S errnurl^l snuo8oqt Jo .rer^ei V epuoqU pue sBloqclN'rapue.l IJEINqY 7,{rrtg upuoqa puu rrepue'I S s?lorlclN 'auaoeralsy)'JC (aueralsy E.rrnuIII snuo8aql Jo A{o.rar y Eunurlr'{'llleg Ud, ropu€-I S N Nuytsia Vol. 3 (2) 1980 MINURIA DC. MinuiaDc.,Ptod. 5: 298(1836); Steudel, Nom. Bot. ed. 2: 150( 1840-1);Bentham, Fl. Austral. 3 : 497500 (1867);Bentham in Beniham& Hooker,Cen. PI. 2: 267 (.18'73):F. Mueller,Syst. Census Austral. Pl. 77-8(1882); Baillon, Hist. Pl. 8: 136(1886); Duland, lndex Cen. Phan. ]95 (1888); Hoffman in Engl.& Prantl,Nat. Pflanzenfan.4 (5): 159-60(1889); F. Mueller,Sec. Syst. Census Austral. Pl. 131(1889); Baillon,Dict. Bot. 362 (1891); Dalla Torre & Harms,Gen. Siph.: 532 (1900-7); Lem6e, Dict. cen. Phan. 4: 490-1 1932). Lectotype(hete designated)iM. leptophtla DC. TherogercDC., Prod. 5: 283(1836); Steudel, Nom. Bot. ed. 2,679 (1840-1); Kuntze, Rev. cen.368 9 r1891). Lector'pe (here designated):T, denticulatumDC, Parar,pe: T. integeftimumDC. ElachothamnosDC, Prod.5 : 398(1836); Steudel, Nom. Bot. ed.2, 544(1810 1). Type: E. cunninghamiDC. MinuriellaTate, Trans. Roy. Soc.S. Aushal.23: 288 9 (1899);Dalla Torre & Harms,Geo. Siph. 636 (790!'7).-Minutia sect.Minrlriella (Tate) Lem6e, Dict. Gen.Phan. 4t 491(1932). Type:Minuriella annuaTate ". After describing the monotypic genus Minuriella, Tate (1.c., 1899) noted . the speciestypifles a new section or sub-genus,for which I propose the name Minuriella . .". Thus there seems to have been considerable doubt in Tate's mind whether to treat the new entity as a genus, or as a section or sub-genus of Minuria. In the event he settled for the first of these alternatives and it would seem most expedient to treat the quotation above as a mere slip of the pen. Lem6e (1932, l.c.) later validated the name Minuria sect. Minuriell.t. In our opinion little purpose would be served by recognizing sections it Minuria- The name Minuria rs derived from the Greek minyros nteaning small, thin and weak, probably alluding to the leayes of the type species,M. leptophylla. Annual or perennial herbs or dwarf shrubs, erect or prostrate. Steizs herbaceous, suffrutescent or woody, glabrous or variously pubescent. Leayes allernate, sometimes clustered, sessile, linear, lanceolate, ovate, oboyate or spathulate, sometimes falcate, glabrous or variously pubescent, sometimes with small floral leaves or with leaves over- topping the capitula; margin entire, undulating, finely serrulate or conspicuously dentate; apex obtuse, acute or acuminate, Capitulo pedunculate, solitary or rarely clustered, terminal, heterochromous. Peduncles + differentiated from main stems or branchlets, glabrous or variously pubescent. Inyolutal bracts in 3 4 rows, linear to lanceolate, uniform, grading in size or dimorphic, glabrous or variously pubescent,with 0 2 prominent ribs; margin + membranous,entire or denticulate;apex acute to acuminate,entire or fimbriate, + tinged pink. Receptaclenaked, flat to noticeably convex. Rq)florets mariy in 2 or more rows, estaminate; ligules white, violet, mauve, bh.re,lilac, lavender to pink, often quite variable in one species, t conspicuous; floral tube glabrous; stigma lobes subulate to lanceolate, with conspicuous papillose stigmatic lines, achene fertile, brown, reddish-brown, red, orange or yellow, + prominently dbbed, glabrous or variously pubes- cent, + flattened, lanceolate, elliptical to obovate in outline; pappus of several to many free, barbellate bristles or of capillary bristles :l united in clu.mps. Disc florets staminate, yellow, pentamerous, rarely tetramerousj floral tube glabrous or variously pubescent with multicellular, biseriate hairs; anther basesobtuse; stigma lobes subulate or narrowly lanceolate, pubescent on dorsal surfaces to below point of bifurcation; achene sterile, glabrous or pubescent with notched twin-hairs, translucent or opaque, white, straw- coloured or reddish-brown, flattened, linearJanceolate or elliptical in outline; pappus very variable, of diniorphic hairs, with both short and long f free, barbellate bristles (shorter ones sometimes reduced to scales)capillary or branching towards apices, or else pappus a cup of connate scalessurmounted by I 8 bristles. A genus of nine speciescon- fined to Australia. .(.EI:9Z9L6 OV) ,,668t,,s€ 006ti eunf-qsibIN'L}l lpof :adlptDd (,^ASN'.IEm'SNVJ .Idt{ ,90012086 .3nV,LOt OV'9rS0E9t6(Iv : otceJosr:Z|E9Z9L6 CV:oliet) 668I qroY ',,suos?osSuJJe,roU o,' 1 JoJuolla^Jesqo Jopun solceds eql p€q ssq oq,r qao) x"J tI '"uu€C I fq peJo^ocsp ' erl"Jlsnv qlnos JBeuunll lsrngpu,(1lunohtr ',, :adtrp\taT '(669I) .ros .suErJ 'eteJl 882 :tZ ErtE4snVqlnos ,{oU DnuuDu aunutry '(196I) 'Z'pA 6S8 ellsrlsnv qrnos 'lc ')tr"lg 'ht '{c€lg 'I I :(6261) 68s ell?rlsnv qrnos IJ x0 313J (013J) anuuB alrnu!tr i 'N 't{ ,irreg U ? Jepu€'I S .rolspuaddlqc Z sJl€q el?rJeslun JBlnllecrllnu qlr^\ luacsaqno slc€Jq lsouleuur :sl€q l€Jcnlo^ur '*8 -ul,rl poqclou qtl.t\ tuecseqnd .{lat"repou .{luo souoqre ded 'IAL Bll,{qdolilal snorq?I8 slc?rq tsolu J( l€rcnlo,\ur 'g -reuur :sJr?q-ulrl peqclou qllr luocseqnd ^losuep soueqcB,{eU stI?r{ el"IJeslun l"lnlleJlllnu qll,r ]uocseqnd -flesuep o1 ,{lesl?ds sa^€a-l x9 ,{rreg'U T, Jopue'l S N uaupJBA'II g slrDq oleuesrq J€lnJloJ-rtln!u Lllri!\ sJuJrlJEJSrp :sJrEr{-ulul poqclou pesserdp" Jo,\oc esJ"ds " gll,{\ seuoqJ" -,{€J :8uol Jo 'snonctdsuocut ruru I u"r{l ssel se1n311 puE llerus fJaA slalog,(EU ,kL 'qluog '141g ''CJO) ;gueqBuguno snoJqBl8 seueqc" csrp :sJr"q-ur,rl qlr,r luecseqnd 'snoncrdsuoc1erpqco13 'L seueqc?fer :3uol ul(u 1-g se1n311 pue slo.rou f,"U 'snoJqel8 ,{leJuuese^?o.I '9 ettlue sur8r"ru pu" secrdE JBel :s.Ileq el€uesrun lelnlleaqFu qll.^\ luocsoqnd Jo s[orq"l8 so^Bel :sJlsq et?]Jesrun JelnJlecrun qlra tuocseqnd suals ,!g 'gtueg 'tr\l ( CC) €tBlnc.rluap t aleluep -{lsnoncrdsuoc uouo sur8J"ur pue sacrd€ Jeel :sJlBq l"lnllecrun qlr^\ lueJseqnd l"q,r -euos se^Eel :sJrerl el€llals r"lnller-rllnu qlr,/d -{loo,r ssel Jo eJolu suels 'g ':k luof,soqnd,{losuep ol fl{"e,r solJunpedpue s{uels I 'I lcelg'n BplSu't{ 6 sl?q-ur,rl l?rprqrolSqtr.r sou3qc"-,{"r :3uol ruru 0.t 9.2 seltsuq re8uol g r pue'8uol ruur g.0 c sellsuq at?lleqrBquoqs qtr,r crqdrou '*y -rp sJrcq sndd"d csrp :eueqce o1 lenbo .ro relroqs sndded ,4ea 'qlueg '141 ( JO) eugra8alul 9 sJr"q-ur,r1 peqctou qll\\ eueqc" ,{DJ:8uol rurx 0 .
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