Questions from members of the public will be received under Item 4; if submitted in advance in line with the protocol on the CCG’s website: http://www.blackburnwithdarwenc cg.nhs.uk/about-us/governing- body-meetings/ CLINICAL COMMISSIONING GROUP (CCG) GOVERNING BODY MEETING Wednesday 17th January 2018 at 1 pm Meeting Rooms 1 and 2, Blackburn Central Library Town Hall Street, Blackburn BB2 1AG A G E N D A Item No: Agenda Item Member Responsible Report PUBLIC PARTICIPATION 1. Chair’s Welcome Mr Graham Burgess Verbal 2. Apologies for Absence and Confirmation of Quoracy Mr Graham Burgess Verbal 3. Declarations of Interest relating to items on the agenda Mr Graham Burgess Verbal Members and attendees are requested to identify any interests relating specifically to the agenda items being considered (see guide below) and inform the Chair and Governing Body Secretary in advance of the meeting. 4. Questions from Members of the Public Mr Graham Burgess Verbal 5. Pennine Lancashire Safeguarding Annual Report Mrs Janet Thomas Presentation 2016/17 PART 1 BUSINESS (APPROXIMATELY 1.30 PM) 6. Minutes of the Meeting held on 8th November 2017 Mr Graham Burgess Attached 6.1 Extract from Part 2 of the Minutes of the Meeting held on Attached 8th November 2017 7. Matters Arising Mr Graham Burgess 7.1 Action Matrix Attached 8. Clinical Chief Officer’s Report Dr Penny Morris Attached 9. Chief Finance Officer’s Report Mr Roger Parr Attached 10. Contract, Quality and Performance Report Mr Roger Parr/ Attached Dr Malcolm Ridgway 11. Eat Well Move More Shape Up Strategy: Year 1 Update Professor Dominic Attached and Harrison Presentation FOR INFORMATION 12. Review of Register of Interests Mr Iain Fletcher Attached 13. Sub-Committees and Groups’ Minutes Mr Iain Fletcher Attached 14. Joint Committee of Clinical Commissioning Groups Mr Graham Burgess Attached 15. Any Other Business All Verbal 16. Date and Time of Next Meeting: Mr Graham Burgess Verbal Wednesday 7th March 2018 in Meeting Rooms 1 and 2, Blackburn Central Library, Town Hall Street, Blackburn BB2 1AG EXCLUSION OF THE PRESS AND PUBLIC – ‘That representatives of the press and other members of the public be excluded from the remainder of the meeting having regard to the confidential nature of the business to be transacted, publicity on which would be prejudicial to the public interest’ (Section1(2)Public Bodies(Admission to Meetings)Act 1960) PART 2 (APPROXIMATELY 3 PM) A/18 Minutes of Part 2 of the Meeting held on 8th November Mr Graham Burgess Attached 2017 B/18 Matters Arising Mr Graham Burgess Attached B/18.1 Action Matrix C/18 Pennine Lancashire Clinical Commissioning Groups’ Dr Malcolm Ridgway Attached Confidential Provider Update D/18 System Update Mr Graham Burgess/ Verbal Dr Penny Morris E/18 Any Other Business All Verbal Types of Conflict of Interest Type of Interest Description Financial This is where an individual may get direct financial benefits from the consequences of a Interests commissioning decision. This could, for example, include being: • A director, including a non-executive director, or senior employee in a private company or public limited company or other organisation which is doing, or which is likely, or possibly seeking to do, business with health or social care organisations; • A shareholder (or similar owner interests), a partner or owner of a private or not-for- profit company, business, partnership or consultancy which is doing, or which is likely, or possibly seeking to do, business with health or social care organisations. • A management consultant for a provider; • In secondary employment (see paragraph 56 to 57); • In receipt of secondary income from a provider; • In receipt of a grant from a provider; • In receipt of any payments (for example honoraria, one off payments, day allowances or travel or subsistence) from a provider • In receipt of research funding, including grants that may be received by the individual or any organisation in which they have an interest or role; and • Having a pension that is funded by a provider (where the value of this might be affected by the success or failure of the provider). Non-Financial This is where an individual may obtain a non-financial professional benefit from the Professional consequences of a commissioning decision, such as increasing their professional Interests reputation or status or promoting their professional career. This may, for example, include situations where the individual is: • An advocate for a particular group of patients; • A GP with special interests e.g., in dermatology, acupuncture etc. • A member of a particular specialist professional body (although routine GP membership of the RCGP, BMA or a medical defence organisation would not usually by itself amount to an interest which needed to be declared); • An advisor for Care Quality Commission (CQC) or National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE); • A medical researcher. Page 2 of 3 Type of Interest Description Non-Financial This is where an individual may benefit personally in ways which are not directly linked to Personal their professional career and do not give rise to a direct financial benefit. This could Interests include, for example, where the individual is: • A voluntary sector champion for a provider; • A volunteer for a provider; • A member of a voluntary sector board or has any other position of authority in or connection with a voluntary sector organisation; • Suffering from a particular condition requiring individually funded treatment; • A member of a lobby or pressure groups with an interest in health. Indirect This is where an individual has a close association with an individual who has a financial Interests interest, a non-financial professional interest or a non-financial personal interest in a commissioning decision (as those categories are described above). For example, this should include: • Spouse / partner; • Close relative e.g., parent, grandparent, child, grandchild or sibling; • Close friend; • Business partner. Page 3 of 3 Subject to approval at the next meeting CLINICAL COMMISSIONING GROUP (CCG) Item 6 Minutes of the Governing Body (GB) Meeting held on Wednesday 8th November 2017 at 1 p.m. in Rooms 1 and 2, Blackburn Central Library, Town Hall Street, Blackburn, BB2 1AG PRESENT: Mr Graham Burgess Chair (Chair) Dr Penny Morris Chief Clinical Officer Mr Roger Parr Deputy Chief Executive/Chief Finance Officer Dr Malcolm Ridgway Clinical Director for Quality and Primary Care Dr Adam Black General Practitioner (GP) Executive Member Dr Preeti Shukla GP Executive Member Dr John Randall GP Executive Member Mr Paul Hinnigan Lay Member – Governance Dr Nigel Horsfield Lay Member Mrs Janet Thomas Executive Nurse/Associate Director of Quality and Commissioning Professor Dominic Harrison Director of Public Health, Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council (BwD BC) (Part) IN ATTENDANCE: Mr Iain Fletcher Head of Corporate Business Mrs Elizabeth Fleming Head of Urgent Care, NHS East Lancashire and BwD Clinical Commissioning Groups (Item 17.114 only) Mrs Pauline Milligan Governing Body Secretary Min No: 17.102 Chair’s Welcome The Chair opened the meeting by welcoming all attendees and members of the public. 17.103 Apologies for Absence and Confirmation of Quoracy Apologies for absence had been received in respect of Miss Claire Jackson, Director of Commissioning Operations, Dr Geraint Jones, Lay Member – Secondary Care Doctor (Retired) and Dr Zaki Patel, GP Executive Member. The Chair confirmed that the meeting was quorate. 17.104 Declarations of Interest Relating to Items on the Agenda The Chair reminded Members of their obligation to declare any interest they may have on any issues arising at Committee Meetings which might conflict with the business of BwD CCG. Declarations declared by members of the GB are listed in the CCG’s Register of Interests. The Register is available, either via the Secretary to the GB or the CCG website via the following link: http://www.blackburnwithdarwenccg.nhs.uk/about-us/registers-interests/. The Chair reminded members that they should, if appropriate, make a declaration should a conflict emerge during the meeting and these would be recorded against the relevant agenda item. 17.105 Questions from Members of the Public No questions had been received from members of the public. 17.106 Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on 6th September 2017 The minutes of the meeting were reviewed and accepted as an accurate record. RESOLVED: That the minutes of the Annual General Meeting held 6th September 2017 were approved as an accurate record. 17.106.1 Minutes of the Meeting held on 6th September 2017 The minutes of the meeting were reviewed and accepted as an accurate record. RESOLVED: That the minutes of the meeting held 6th September 2017 were approved as an accurate record. 17.106.2 Extract of Part 2 of the Minutes of the Meeting held on 6th September 2017 The Extract of Part 2 of the Minutes of the Meeting held on 6th September 2017 was accepted as an accurate record. RESOLVED: That the Extract of Part 2 of the Minutes of the Meeting held on 6th September 2017 was approved as an accurate record. 17.107 Matters Arising/Action Matrix Matters Arising There were no Matters Arising which were not listed on the Action Matrix. 17.107.1 Action Matrix The Action Matrix was reviewed and the following were noted: Minute 16.096/17.023.1/17.040.1/17.059.1/17.081.1 – Stroke Update Dr Malcolm Ridgway agreed to coordinate a presentation to members in relation to Stroke Services. Minute 16.101.1/17.023.1/ 17.040.1/ 17.081.1– Cancer Performance Update The Chair reported that he would write again to the Chief Officer of Greater Preston CCG. Mr Roger Parr agreed to check if the new Chief Officer of the CCG was also the Cancer Lead for the CCGs across the patch.
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